View Full Version : Detail stripped the CM40 slide

08-18-2013, 05:23 PM
Since I detail strip the slides of my Glocks after every range session, I decided time to do it on the Kahr, after maybe 500 rounds.

Watched the Youtube video. Takes down almost identical to the Glock. The springs are under a lot of tension, so the parts can fly and it takes some force to get it apart.

I did it inside a gallon size plastic baggie. I used a small screwdriver to push the extractor plunger, and I just pushed it right through the baggie.

Got the backplate started, then it would not budge with my thumb. Used a small screwdriver to get some leverage, it came off, nothing went flying!!!

The insides were full of oil and carbon. I sprayed in some bore cleaner, followed by Gun Scrubber. I used a Q Tip to clean the striker channel, and I had some swabs from the 99cent store that fit the extractor channel.

Got it all cleaned out, cleaned off the parts. I could see where the parts make contact, there were shiny worn spots, so I put a little oil on those spots and wiped it off.

Figured I did not need the bag to put it back together. WRONG! Plunger and spring went flying, spring hit me in the head and landed on the bench, plunger hit me on the side and was GONE. Good news, I have a 50# magnetic pick up. Swept it over the floor a few times and found the plunger.

This time I put it back into the baggie, and managed to get it back together with no issues.

Now, I swear the trigger pull is better with a cleaner break. That is actually possible - the striker safety was dirty and damp, and there was junk in the hole it sits in. Since the trigger press has to depress that part to fire, I think it can make the break feel gritty!

Anyway, it was not all that hard. Very similar to a Glock, but it just takes a lot more force to move the springs and back plate. I'll be doing it more often.
I am just OCD when it comes to a clean carry gun.

08-18-2013, 06:54 PM
nice job indeed. Iwould thinkthetrigger willfeel smoother nowthatthe crudeis out of there. I would suggest now just using that little clean out hole o thebotom of ur slide up by thge breech face. It feeds right into the strikerchannel. any good spray cleanber will kee that area cvleanasw a whistle. I like the 3M high pressure non cholorinated brake cleaner at NAPA. It is cheap, it is powerful and it drys faster thana fartin the wind. In the propper prepping thread it discusses how to use that little hole to ur advantage to. I don't recommend any lubricant in that striker channel. All internals are stainless and some are nickel coated, so it not gonna rust. Oils gather sh!t that u don't want, but that is our choice. I make that cleanout hole spray cleaning in with my normal gun cleaning. Takes about 10 seconds to spray clean that area perfectly..

I have had my striker channel apart one time in over 32K rounds and I use that clean out hole every time I clean the gun. I just have no doubt that area is spiffy clean top. I lost that damn back plunger once and foundit 6 months later..

anyway, what ever floats ur boat, as long as u are comfortable with your process stick with it..

08-18-2013, 07:18 PM
Now that I have done it, will do so every few hundred rounds.
I did not oil the innards, as I stated there are a few rub spots you can see clearly where there is metal on metal contact. I put a slight amount of oil on those spots, then wiped it off. That is enough lube.

08-18-2013, 07:46 PM
I damn near lost a eye the first time I did it. Taking it off I had a towel over it, putting it on was another story. Thumb slipped and out came the spring with a vengeance.

08-18-2013, 09:14 PM
I damn near lost a eye the first time I did it. Taking it off I had a towel over it, putting it on was another story. Thumb slipped and out came the spring with a vengeance.

Yup, REALLY needs to be in a plastic bag or covered!
The only parts that will fly are the plunger and spring.
The plunger that holds the extractor is locked in by the FPS, and the FP plunger is so big that there is no real excuse to lose it.

So I may just go on the Kahr website and order a couple of spare plungers and springs. For the next time.


08-19-2013, 11:06 AM
Question from one that has never broken mine completely down. Will I not accomplish the same thing with spray cleaners, or do I need to fully take it apart? I don't fear the full strip but hunting for parts in my workshop is no fun even with a magnet. Somehow even baggies can be an issue for me.

08-19-2013, 11:13 AM
Most likely the spray flush will be enough especially if you have no issues.

For awhile we had reports of large pieces of debris apparently left behind in the machining process and some most likely would not have sprayed out.

I took mine apart before I shot just to confirm or deny if there was debris and mine were all squeaky clean. I just wiped off all the shipping oil and put it back together.

If you make one of them coat hanger clips mentioned in a thread here someplace, the jumping springs will not be a problem. It works very well.

08-19-2013, 11:32 AM
Question from one that has never broken mine completely down. Will I not accomplish the same thing with spray cleaners, or do I need to fully take it apart? I don't fear the full strip but hunting for parts in my workshop is no fun even with a magnet. Somehow even baggies can be an issue for me.

PM sent:

08-19-2013, 07:36 PM
Most likely the spray flush will be enough especially if you have no issues.

For awhile we had reports of large pieces of debris apparently left behind in the machining process and some most likely would not have sprayed out.

I took mine apart before I shot just to confirm or deny if there was debris and mine were all squeaky clean. I just wiped off all the shipping oil and put it back together.

If you make one of them coat hanger clips mentioned in a thread here someplace, the jumping springs will not be a problem. It works very well.

Aw Bawanna, that coat hanger trick takes all of the fun out of a detailed strip. How will the kids learn new words if you use one? Ain't it more fun to chase parts that are flying around the room. Didn't you ever play hide and seek as a kid? That coat hanger trick sure ruins a lot of good stories.