View Full Version : MK9 Brass Ejection

08-20-2013, 10:45 PM
I have prowled this site many times, but never had the need to post...
I'm not new to Kahr pistols. I owned a CM9 when they came out (traded it off-the magazine would eject under recoil, and I was offered a good price), a MK9 with the black slide (perfect function, but scratched up), a K40 and now this MK9. I traded the K40 because it was a hair too big for my intentions with it, though it was a perfect pistol. I really regret selling it off:(

I picked up a new MK9 from Bud's about six months ago. It functioned flawlessly like the others, except for the CM9, during the break in and a hundred or so rounds afterwards. It started to have an occasional stovepipe and various ejection failures. The magazine also began to pop out under recoil. It has ejected the brass erratically throughout. The issues continued and I tried many different ammunitions before getting peeved and getting in contact with Kahr CS.
I ended up sending it in to Kahr twice. They replaced the magazine catch and "reworked" the feed ramp to fix the problems. I shot it-still sprayed brass everywhere, including my face, which I feel is not okay, and failed to eject a few times. The second time I sent it in it went to Kahr's head gunsmith who replaced the magazine catch (for the second time, due to confusion in Mass.) and reworked the ejector. The gentleman who test fired the pistol after the work was completed called me and explained that it was working perfectly and brass was far to the right as I had come to expect from other pistols. When I received the MK9 back, the slide stop spring broke when taking the slide off to remove the huge amount of oil they put on before sending it back to me. I sent an email to Jay and asked for a MK9 spring. A spring for the PM9 was sent to me...then the correct one. I was getting a little pissy at that point, but got over it quickly:D
Since I received the pistol back, I have been to the range several times, and put about a thousand rounds through it. It has returned to battery every time and the magazine stays put. The brass is still being ejected erratically, mostly behind me, some at my face, one down the back of my shirt and occasionally off to the right.
Has anyone else experienced this problem? Is there a way to tune the ejector to get the brass going away from me more often? Is this normal? Where do babies come from?;) Any help would be appreciated! Sorry for the long post...

08-21-2013, 08:56 AM
I do with Glocks, but not with my MK9. It isn't falling into a nice little pile like my friends CZ75, but never once has the brass physically touched me.

08-21-2013, 09:17 AM
Are you using a good solid grip. When I get a little bit sloppy mine will eject to the face, usually the forehead.

With a solid grip it pretty consistently tosses the emptied to the right.

My next guess would be the tension on the extractor. There's a thread here as I recall that talks about that. I'll see if I can find it.

Might be in the Tech section under fixes for the CW?

08-21-2013, 09:39 AM
Didn't see it there. The search continues.

08-21-2013, 01:48 PM
My MK9 Elite does just what Bawanna said re: shooting with too relaxed a grip (limo wrist...sort of). The brass to the forehead is a wake up call to hold on tighter and with the correct grip. Remember that this diminutive pistol requires good form.

FWIW, it was easier to maintain my grip when I had the Pierce extensions on the mags but they popped off one day at the store. Picking up ammo from the floor quickly, quietly and remaining unnoticed is NOT easy...:o

That reminds me, I need to send them back to Pierce for a replacement as I really like how the MK9 feels WITH them on.

Tuning the ejector will help a little but I can't find the link either...:confused:

10-01-2013, 11:17 AM
I appreciate all the feedback! I went to the range one last time with the MK9, I white knuckled the grip and still had brass flying in every direction. Also, upon field stripping for cleaning the slide stop lever spring broke. It has been in the loving hands of Kahr in Massachusetts for the last few weeks. This is the third trip to the repair facility. I sold off a new K40 I had for a few weeks that was just perfect in every regard. This MK9 has been somewhat of a disappointment. Think they'd trade me back a K series? ;)

10-01-2013, 05:04 PM
I have had my mk9 apart umptine times without any troublr with that spring. Is the T6 screw that holds it in tight.

10-01-2013, 05:35 PM
I have prowled this site many times, but never had the need to post...
I'm not new to Kahr pistols. I owned a CM9 when they came out (traded it off-the magazine would eject under recoil, and I was offered a good price), a MK9 with the black slide (perfect function, but scratched up), a K40 and now this MK9. I traded the K40 because it was a hair too big for my intentions with it, though it was a perfect pistol. I really regret selling it off:(

I picked up a new MK9 from Bud's about six months ago. It functioned flawlessly like the others, except for the CM9, during the break in and a hundred or so rounds afterwards. It started to have an occasional stovepipe and various ejection failures. The magazine also began to pop out under recoil. It has ejected the brass erratically throughout. The issues continued and I tried many different ammunitions before getting peeved and getting in contact with Kahr CS.
I ended up sending it in to Kahr twice. They replaced the magazine catch and "reworked" the feed ramp to fix the problems. I shot it-still sprayed brass everywhere, including my face, which I feel is not okay, and failed to eject a few times. The second time I sent it in it went to Kahr's head gunsmith who replaced the magazine catch (for the second time, due to confusion in Mass.) and reworked the ejector. The gentleman who test fired the pistol after the work was completed called me and explained that it was working perfectly and brass was far to the right as I had come to expect from other pistols. When I received the MK9 back, the slide stop spring broke when taking the slide off to remove the huge amount of oil they put on before sending it back to me. I sent an email to Jay and asked for a MK9 spring. A spring for the PM9 was sent to me...then the correct one. I was getting a little pissy at that point, but got over it quickly:D
Since I received the pistol back, I have been to the range several times, and put about a thousand rounds through it. It has returned to battery every time and the magazine stays put. The brass is still being ejected erratically, mostly behind me, some at my face, one down the back of my shirt and occasionally off to the right.
Has anyone else experienced this problem? Is there a way to tune the ejector to get the brass going away from me more often? Is this normal? Where do babies come from?;) Any help would be appreciated! Sorry for the long post...

what some have done is to take about .020 off of the back of the long pin that goes into the extractor channel. this takes a tad of pressure of the extractor and allow a different pitch for ejection. At the worse u will only ruin that long extractor pin, but with taking about .20 off that pin ur not gonnaupset anything either. No doubt propper grip is very important, , how doe sit work with defense ammo??? by tatI mean the brass should realy be flying out of the gun furthe rthan normal fmj range fodder. Check the right side ejection port of the breech, see if there is a burr on that pointed area where the brassif slying ou tof the gun. This can deflect back towards u also. If there is a burr there, smooth it down and move on, it will soon stop to.

Let anutter shooter shoot thegun, if he can duplicate, then u have eliminated shooter error. U gotta start somewhere..:Amflag2: Try a new recoil spring..

10-01-2013, 06:07 PM
Give the ejector a real close look and check it for a burr. Also eyeball the extractor. (You may have to detail strip the slide.) Clean the extractor thoroughly and check it for burrs. You might also check for a rough chamber. I think that covers all of the bases.