View Full Version : Kendalville, IN and public land.

08-21-2013, 07:45 PM
Does anyone know if there is a gravel pit or some other public land to shoot on near Kendalville Indiana?
We'll be there about a week and a half and we'd love to get some trigger time in.

10-16-2013, 09:43 AM
You should join http://ingunowners.com That would be your best bet to find out. I'm on the other end of the state so I can't help you, Northern Indiana is like a foreign country to me.

10-16-2013, 03:37 PM
You should join http://ingunowners.com That would be your best bet to find out. I'm on the other end of the state so I can't help you, Northern Indiana is like a foreign country to me.

Thanks, for the help. We ended up finding a place to shoot from a local GS.
We were just visiting for a couple of weeks.
However, I will save the info. just in case because we end up in different parts of Indiana the next time we are there.
Thanks again!

10-16-2013, 03:48 PM
they say on the south side of Indy, there is so much shooting goin on that u surely should beable to go there and shoot and not even be interrupted. They say they have alot of moving targets to that are so well made that many of them even bleed when u hit them. Not sure how accurate that statement is. Its easy to pick out the bad guys to as they are shooting back at you. hey say te besttime to go shooting is from 11pm. to 4 a.m in the mornin,s o nitesights would be suggested. There is no charge to shoot either...Its not hard to find that area either, just roll down ur window and folloow the bang sounds..

10-16-2013, 07:03 PM
@addictedhealer +1 to INGO. I've been a member in there for a few years now. Great group for the most part.

The south side of Indy isn't the bad part. It's the east and west sides just inside the loop. I'm on the southwest side just outside the loop and we don't have many problems. Then again our neighborhood is VERY pro 2A. I have appx a dozen IMPD within my small neighborhood.

12-15-2013, 10:26 AM
I'm Audie Murphy on INGO. Been a member there for years. Great people with the occasional bozo.