View Full Version : Tommy Photos
08-23-2013, 05:47 PM
Had to take some pics to send to some other fellas, though I might as well post them here too. ( ( ( (
Sorely tempting to take a hacksaw to that barrel and make it correct. But you know how I am about obeying the law.
08-23-2013, 05:49 PM
NICE! And I'm liking the John Wayne pic too. Thank you for being an upstanding uncle.
08-23-2013, 06:06 PM
Nice! but JW doesn't beat the gorgeous blonde in the background of previous pics!:D
What do those guns weigh?
I heard they were rather heavy.....
08-23-2013, 06:38 PM
They weigh a ton. Can't say exact I forget but 13 to 15 pounds would be a conservative guess.
I was shocked first time I picked one up.
You see those old WWII movies wear they are packing around like featherweights, those guys were animals.
I can't imagine what it would be like with a 100 round drum, it's a load with the 50 round drum.
I still love it though. When I get to where I can't pick it up, I reckon it'll be time for the river crossing.
08-23-2013, 08:31 PM
That's some nice wood on that tommy gun too.
08-23-2013, 08:39 PM
That's a Boyds replacement stock, the original stock from Kahr is I think even nicer.
I got this because it was too long for me and I didn't want to take the chance of ruining the original. I cut a full 2" off the butt stock and I could easily take off more. Just the reach to the trigger and forearm especially reaching around the drum.
I kind of lean towards short stocks anyhow but this took a lot. I even pounded out my own buttplate to match the original curve blued it and all. It turned out pretty ok.
08-23-2013, 09:04 PM
Beautiful. Love the display stand too.
08-24-2013, 05:34 AM
That was the WWI Caliber shot .45? or 9mm or something totally different...
What's the thing to look for, both positive and Negative, before buying one used.
08-24-2013, 08:57 AM
45 is the only way to go, I've seen them in 40, never seen a 9.
I'm no Tommy expert but it's like other guns, look for signs of abuse, wear.
Parts are readily available and they aren't terribly tough to get inside. I need to do it more often to remember all the little tricks.
Some models don't take the drums, only sticks. I'd stay clear of the lightweight models, they still weigh a ton and have a rep for not lasting as well.
Mine takes both stick or drum which is what I sought. I got mine a few years ago on Gunbroker after many many years of wanting.
A shiny brand new one is actually a good option. Get the Kahr backing and support. If you get one I'll start searching for mags again, sometimes you can find them pretty inexpensive but you have to shop a bit.
Ghostsoldier is and has been my go to Tommy gun guy here on the forum.
08-24-2013, 09:02 AM
I had one of those for a time in Vietnam. I was the CO and a 30 cal Thompson Submachine gun was ceremonially assigned to whoever the CO of the unit was at any given time. I carried it around sometimes just cause it was kind of cool. I don't remember ever having to use it though, and my recollection is that it had been sawed off some. At least I don't remember it being that long.
08-24-2013, 09:19 AM
The real ones have 10" barrels. The new ones have to have legal 16" barrels.
Many get the stamp and get approval for a Short Barrel Rifle and then put on a 10" barrel. I would love to do that.
It's 200 bucks, a mountain of paperwork and grovelling and then the cost of a barrel and installation.
I don't know where your 30cal is coming from though, never heard of a 30?
Had to be a 45. Less it was a M1 Carbine which is a totally different animal. Just the opposite. I have an original one of those and it's light and nimble.
08-24-2013, 09:35 AM
It was 40+ years ago ... so I could be wrong. I may have been an Army CPT, but I was no gun expert. I'm pretty sure I was told it was a Thompson ... it had the round magazine and looked a lot like yours except for being shorter.
08-24-2013, 09:54 AM
If it had the drum it was definitely 45. I didn't know the military ever used the drums, thought they were all stick mags but you mentioned ceremonial so maybe it was for that.
Again I'd love to have the 10" barrel, that's they way they were meant to be. A hack saw and 10 minutes and I could have it but with the drones and spies and leaks and tattle tale neighbors I better hold for legal.
08-24-2013, 10:14 AM
It wasn't Army issue ... it was simply an off-the-books weapon that the CO got to call his own. It was probably something that had been gotten off some VC once upon a time. I may have been told the story back then, but I've forgotten it by now. It's probably true that most if us have forgotten more than we remember ... which may be just as well.
08-24-2013, 11:28 AM
I still remember everything, RevRay, but I seem to run into a lot of new stuff that I used to know. :)
08-25-2013, 04:00 PM
Beautiful weapons, B....but, you've just GOT to do the SBR conversion, though! :D
08-28-2013, 04:32 PM
mmm tommyporn... Love that display case.
btw want to talk heavy? tommy is a lightweight compared to my... ( :D
09-03-2013, 06:53 PM
Mine's a 16" too: (
Colonel what did you do with the vertical grip? And can I talk you out of it?
09-03-2013, 07:11 PM
PM sent.
Dirty Dave
09-04-2013, 04:59 PM
Beautiful display! While waiting for my friend "Tommy" to be released from Kahr General Hospital, I have been watching lots of movies. I bought a 11 1/2 hour 2 dvd set called "Victory at Sea". All WWII stuff with lots of land action also. Imagine my surprise....I'm seeing a British soldier (I assume British because of his helmet) in a landing craft getting ready to hit the beach (believe it was D-Day). You probably guessed it...he's cradling a Thompson. GET THIS! Thompson had finned barrel, Cutts comp and vertical foregrip with stick mag. NOT what I expected to see for military issue. Wanted to share that. Any thoughts? Anybody?
09-04-2013, 05:45 PM
You know I never thought about owning one of these! But you A-wholes got me WANTING one Now! Thanks a lot!
What should I look for or more importantly want do I not want?
Love you/Hate you!
09-04-2013, 05:49 PM
I'd steer clear of the light weight versions.
I prefer the option of stick mags or drums. Some models will not accept both.
Mine I can make GI look or Gangster look, kind of a nice plus.
I don't like the black or tupperware stock versions much, to each his own but I'm sure Dillinger is rolling in his grave at the thought of those.
You'll have to spend a little quality time browsing Kahrs site to see all the different variations.
It's a heavy beast, looks are very deceiving.
I totally grasp that love/hate thing, I get it all the time.
09-04-2013, 07:43 PM
Yup, stay clear of the aluminum ones, I have never met anyone ho kept one. If you get one that doesn't require modified stick mags, congrats. If not, modify the mag catch to use unmodified mags and trade the others off to someone stuck with that.
09-05-2013, 03:43 AM
Ok T150D stick and Drum BUT there are none w/ the wooden fore-grip just the vertical.... suggestions?
09-05-2013, 09:27 AM
T150D is the 1927A-1. You can swap to the horizontal forend. Just takes the forend and a new short screw.
That's what I did on mine.
09-05-2013, 09:38 AM
T150D is the 1927A-1. You can swap to the horizontal forend. Just takes the forend and a new short screw.
That's what I did on mine.
pm sent
look at those links...
09-23-2013, 05:02 PM
What kind of license do you need to own one of those?????????????????????????????
09-23-2013, 05:42 PM
They are completely legal as is. Semi auto and 16" barrel.
I want to put a 10" barrel on mine so need a tax stamp 200 bucks and jump through a few hoops and then buy a barrel.
The commercial versions can't be converted to full auto.
They sell pistol version basically no butt stock and legal too.
09-23-2013, 09:47 PM
Thanks......I had to ask, because I don't think I'd want one, personally, unless it was fully auto.........................looks nice though.
09-24-2013, 04:04 PM
Thanks......I had to ask, because I don't think I'd want one, personally, unless it was fully auto.........................looks nice though.
Be prepared to drop between 10,000 and 30,000 USD for a full-auto (depending on make and model, of course....) ;)
09-24-2013, 04:08 PM
Plus 50 more rings of fire to jump through to get a license to even hold one.
They are every real mans dream, thanks to our government a dream is usually all it will ever end up being.
09-25-2013, 06:42 AM
They weigh a ton. Can't say exact I forget but 13 to 15 pounds would be a conservative guess.
I was shocked first time I picked one up.
You see those old WWII movies wear they are packing around like featherweights, those guys were animals.
I can't imagine what it would be like with a 100 round drum, it's a load with the 50 round drum.
I still love it though. When I get to where I can't pick it up, I reckon it'll be time for the river crossing.
If you were talking about troops in the news reels; they were fueled by adrenalin. That's nature's way of turning the average joe into the hulk.:amflag:
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