View Full Version : Pearce grip extensions on the Covert and PM short grips

04-29-2010, 10:18 AM
I have studied this carefully in thinking about a newly acquired P40 Covert and think the Pearce grips (www.pearcegrip.com (http://www.pearcegrip.com)) would defeat the whole purpose of the shorter grip model. It just seems to me that it would result in a grip length that, from belt carry, would poke out just as much as a P series longer grip. What I would like, I think, is any reload mags to have that grip extension. However, the Kahr extended mags have one more round than the flush mount, 5 round mag (6 on a PM9) and should fill the need just fine.

Does anyone feel that owning Pearce grips would really be any advantage other than perhaps the preferred feel when shooting at the range?

04-29-2010, 10:27 AM
I have studied this carefully in thinking about a newly acquired P40 Covert and think the Pearce grips (www.pearcegrip.com (http://www.pearcegrip.com)) would defeat the whole purpose of the shorter grip model. It just seems to me that it would result in a grip length that, from belt carry, would poke out just as much as a P series longer grip. What I would like, I think, is any reload mags to have that grip extension. However, the Kahr extended mags have one more round than the flush mount, 5 round mag (6 on a PM9) and should fill the need just fine.

Does anyone feel that owning Pearce grips would really be any advantage other than perhaps the preferred feel when shooting at the range?

Other than preferred feel at the range I see no benefit to the Pierce Grip. They do feel nice in most applications. I try to shoot at the range the same way I carry so unless I was working on an issue or doing the initial break in I would probably be using the flush mag anyhow. I see that often, people buy a truely compact pistol which by it's nature isn't the most comfortable gun in the hand so they add stuff to make it comfy and they might as well have bought a full or mid size gun in the first place.

04-29-2010, 10:46 AM
Ditto on all of that, and besides, I'm reminded of those shoes the court jesters used to wear... the the curling upwards pointy toes. Throw those and a CT laser on a PM and it's gosh-awful looking. I just can't see those grip thingies on something you're trying to conceal. Yes, it's my own personal opinion, and I exercise my right to keep my beautiful Kahr pistols looking like they came from the factory. I know those add-ons serve a purpose and to each his own....:boink:
I wouldn't mind seeing DLC, blackened-metal, flush-fitting magazine baseplates for all of the PMs or Tupperware versions... or DLC magazines that DID fit flush.

04-29-2010, 10:51 AM
I put pearce grips on the PM9 and hated it.

1) I actually shot worse with it, but that could have been chance--a bad day.

I got it because I have the laser on it and thought it would add to the grip. I can grip the PM9 just fine without the extension with the 6 rd mag and with the laser.

2) It gave me a horrible pinkie blister. I am not sure how.

3) Plus it makes it difficult to pocket carry as I do. It made the gun print in the pocket.

It just had to come off. :)

In fact, they come in packs of 2. If you PM me your mailing address, I'll give you one free. It will help with your research. You will either like it or hate it.

04-29-2010, 11:37 AM
I had Pearce exts on my MK9 and liked the extra length on the grip. Figures I'd be the oddball...

04-29-2010, 11:43 AM
I had Pearce exts on my MK9 and liked the extra length on the grip. Figures I'd be the oddball...

Doesn't make you the oddball unless of course you want to be. It's just that your doing what we've talked about. You take a compact MK9 and make it a K9 slightly larger. The beauty of your situation is you can easily shove a flush mag in when needed and now you have a more compact gun again. Depending on how you carry the thing the grip length might not be an issue. Like I said the Pearce exts feel good. Alot of guys here used to have G26 or G27s and they all insisted on the Pearce extensions. Told them they might as well buy a G19 or 22? the grip is now the same length. Course then again you lose the ability to use the flush mag and get small again.
Why don't we all get small, used to be quite the saying, I think Steve Martin thunk it up.

04-29-2010, 12:27 PM
I had Pearce exts on my MK9 and liked the extra length on the grip. Figures I'd be the oddball...

Well, that is the only way to get a more confident grip on a model with that short a barrel (3"). If barrel length is somehow critical, then a grip extension can make sense in terms of concealment.

I believe I might use something of that sort in the winter time, when I use a shoulder holster. I would appreciate a short barrel and lighter weight than a belt carry gun, but might barely notice some extra grip length.

Since I can still just move to the Kahr extended mags, the question remains whether the feel of the Pearce is so special, in some way compelling.

04-29-2010, 12:32 PM
Well, that is the only way to get a more confident grip on a model with that short a barrel (3"). If barrel length is somehow critical, then a grip extension can make sense in terms of concealment.

I believe I might use something of that sort in the winter time, when I use a shoulder holster. I would appreciate a short barrel and lighter weight than a belt carry gun, but might barely notice some extra grip length.

Since I can still just move to the Kahr extended mags, the question remains whether the feel of the Pearce is so special, in some way compelling.

Better take up deadheads offer and give one a try. Only you can decide if it's right for you.

04-29-2010, 01:01 PM
I'd like to offer an alternate solution. I got the pierce grip on my PM9 and hated it for 3 reasons:
1. It looks horrible and has a big gap.
2. Does not help any with concealment.
3. It sometimes pinched my finger when I was shooting.
Then I decided to get the "polymer magazine base kit" $15+shipping thru Kahr shop and it made a world of difference, not only looks great and solves all the other problems but also gave me that little extra footprint that I needed on my grip.

04-29-2010, 01:11 PM
I am going to order me one of those


04-29-2010, 01:52 PM
I'd like to offer an alternate solution. I got the pierce grip on my PM9 and hated it for 3 reasons:
1. It looks horrible and has a big gap.
2. Does not help any with concealment.
3. It sometimes pinched my finger when I was shooting.
Then I decided to get the "polymer magazine base kit" $15+shipping thru Kahr shop and it made a world of difference, not only looks great and solves all the other problems but also gave me that little extra footprint that I needed on my grip.

I recall sometime back one of the guys here took those same base plates and ground off the little lip on the front where your fingers hit, said it improved the feel immensely. I've been gonna try it myself but have not got to it yet. Would leave a smoother and larger area for the finger to ride on. Quick and easy to do.

04-29-2010, 03:06 PM
I recall sometime back one of the guys here took those same base plates and ground off the little lip on the front where your fingers hit, said it improved the feel immensely. I've been gonna try it myself but have not got to it yet. Would leave a smoother and larger area for the finger to ride on. Quick and easy to do.
Well the lip does not bother me that much but I might just try that to see if it really improves the feel.
Thanks for the tip.

04-29-2010, 03:59 PM
Ditto on all of that, and besides, I'm reminded of those shoes the court jesters used to wear... the the curling upwards pointy toes. Throw those and a CT laser on a PM and it's gosh-awful looking. I just can't see those grip thingies on something you're trying to conceal. Yes, it's my own personal opinion, and I exercise my right to keep my beautiful Kahr pistols looking like they came from the factory. I know those add-ons serve a purpose and to each his own....:boink:
I wouldn't mind seeing DLC, blackened-metal, flush-fitting magazine baseplates for all of the PMs or Tupperware versions... or DLC magazines that DID fit flush.

I couldn't agree more. If you buy a Kahr, most buy it for it's small size. Start adding grip extensions and LASERS and there goes the smallness of it and they get bulky. You might as well carry a big 1911 then.:eek::80:

Oh and to add to this....I like a fool had some really nice walnut grips made for my Taurus Night Court Public Defender only to find they made this small gun BIG. Well I had another set made in the correct size.....my point is if it's made small, keep it small. Here are my before and after pictures.

04-29-2010, 05:39 PM
:) Almost everyone who has responded to you has related stories of the Pearce Grip on a PM9 model.
As I read your original post .You are asking about a " P40 COVERT "
THIS NOT A PM9. The pearce grip extention will fit FLUSH against the bottom of the gun on a P40 COVERT. I KNOW, because I had one . The P40 covert's grip will allow you to wrap 2 fingers around the grip as is. With the Pearce added you will be able to wrap 3 fingers around it. Giving you better control of the gun.
I HAD ABSOLUTELY NO PROBLEM concealing my Covert when I had the Pearce on it. There is NO pinching , NO blisters, none of this stuff happened when I had mine. What it did do was make the gun a hell of a lot more comfortable to shoot and more stable in my hand. I ONLY used the 5 round mags in my gun, when I had it.
MY suggestion would be, BUY the Pearce grip extentions. Put it on your 5 round mag. Try it. If you decide that you hate them, then take it off and throw it away. You will be out what ??? Nine Dollars??? Big whoop de do.
I'm thinking if you try them you are going to like them. I DID. :D

Mikey likes it, Mikey likes it!. Good eye dude. The original post got lost in translation from the get go, probably cause there aren't that many coverts floating around. Assuming his and yours were both factory (little doubt) then the finger pinching gap issue would be a non issue per your trial and going from 2 fingers grip to 3 just has to be a good thing. I have small hands (not quite girly man), I might even get all 4, well 3 1/2, there was that table saw incident, hardly worth mentioning.

04-29-2010, 08:50 PM
I am not sure how different the Covert is from my MK but I like the Pierce extensions. I think that they only really impact length at the front of the grip and the rest still disappears as they taper.

That being said, I might measure how much extra grip I "need" and see if those base plates will fit the bill. My two (2) Pierce grip extensions were only about $7 each or so.

I like the feel with them and shooting control is much better with them IMHO.

To each his own I guess...:rolleyes:

04-30-2010, 06:13 AM
I am not sure how different the Covert is from my MK but I like the Pierce extensions. I think that they only really impact length at the front of the grip and the rest still disappears as they taper.

That being said, I might measure how much extra grip I "need" and see if those base plates will fit the bill. My two (2) Pierce grip extensions were only about $7 each or so.

I like the feel with them and shooting control is much better with them IMHO.

To each his own I guess...:rolleyes:

In a forward cant belt holster it is the frontstrap that extends the farthest to the rear, poking out under ones shirt. Therefore, the Pearce would present about the same concealment concern as a grip length that would hold at least one more round, solving the grip issue but perhaps not feeling as good as the Pearce.

11-13-2010, 04:26 PM
I'd like to offer an alternate solution. I got the pierce grip on my PM9 and hated it for 3 reasons:
1. It looks horrible and has a big gap.
2. Does not help any with concealment.
3. It sometimes pinched my finger when I was shooting.
Then I decided to get the "polymer magazine base kit" $15+shipping thru Kahr shop and it made a world of difference, not only looks great and solves all the other problems but also gave me that little extra footprint that I needed on my grip.

Hey cgo99 - I know it's been awhile since you posted this but I'm wondering if you could fill me in on how hte base kit works? It looks like it only adds a fraction of an inch. Is it enough for you to get your pinky on the grip? I don't think a 1/4" would be enough for me...guess I have mid/large size hands. I'd be interested in knowing how it improved things...and no pinching at all?

How easy was it to install for someone with no aptitude for handiwork? Just pull the old one off and stick the new one on?


11-14-2010, 04:03 PM
...Does anyone feel that owning Pearce grips would really be any advantage other than perhaps the preferred feel when shooting at the range?

Lots of folks giving you a thumbs down on the Pierce Grip extensions. FWIW I agree with many of the comments but I have found one subjective advantage that makes them worthwhile for my use. They make it easier for me to extract my gun from a snug fitting IWB holster quicker because I actually get a better initial grip. My gold standard so to speak for drawing a small form-factor handgun from an IWB holster is my Ruger SP101 with a 3" barrel. By using the Pierce Grip Extender on my PM9 I can reliably get my gun out of the holster as easily as I can my Ruger.

11-14-2010, 08:36 PM
First ill say i don't own a Kahr....yet. But i figured once i read this thread i may be able to add some info.
First the Peirce grip add's very little actual length to the gun on the rear butt end as thats where a concealed gun looses more conceal-ability if its longer.
secondly the Pierce grip can make for a sharp edge at the front of the grip that pokes out of your clothing drawing attention to it at times.

My middle sized ccw gun is an XD SC 40. and the small compact mag leaves my pinking hanging and on a .40 with a slightly heavy slide its a battle to fight muzzle flip especially when your pinky is hanging loose.

I couldn't use my Peirce grip until i took my dremel too it.
Now i cant imagine living without it unless i have my hi-cap mag in as i use that when i can carry OWB and have good cover garment like a jacket.

I didn't snap a pic of the Peirce grip before i went to work on it, But it looks just like any other and alot larger than what i started with.
This is a pic of before i started and it has a Hogue Hand-all which did help in smooshing my fingers up and almost getting my pinky some traction, But it felt wrong and did add a bit of width i didn't like. I recently switched to rubber traction tape that i just love.






11-23-2010, 05:40 PM
I purchased the base plate from Kahr and removed the front lip. I then used a soldering gun to give it some texture. I get about half of my pinky on the base but because of the texture my pinky doesn't move and I'm able to get good grip on the gun.


11-24-2010, 12:50 PM
More pictures, I try the Pearce grip extensions but didn't like the gap. I remember a few years ago (2006) I had a Kahr PM40 with the Pearce grip with no gap. I even had to sand down the grip because it wouldn't seat right causing the magazine to fall out sometimes during shooting.



11-27-2010, 05:41 PM
I'd like to offer an alternate solution. I got the pierce grip on my PM9 and hated it for 3 reasons:
1. It looks horrible and has a big gap.
2. Does not help any with concealment.
3. It sometimes pinched my finger when I was shooting.
Then I decided to get the "polymer magazine base kit" $15+shipping thru Kahr shop and it made a world of difference, not only looks great and solves all the other problems but also gave me that little extra footprint that I needed on my grip.

Hey CGO! I realize this is necroposting but this is a great idea you've got. My pinky just barely hangs off the bottom of the grip and an extra 1/2 inch would do wonders (why do I feel like I've said that before..in other context). I have no technical ability. How easy is it to remove and replace? Will I need tools and is there any chance I'll f-up the magazine in the process?