View Full Version : How many?

08-27-2013, 12:40 PM
In the warm months, I pocket carry my MK9, but in the cold months, I carry a Sig P220 .45. SAS . Anybody else make the change with the weather?

08-27-2013, 12:45 PM
I haven't been carrying that long, but I don't think I'll be changing what I carry. I have a carry gun and a bedside gun.

08-27-2013, 12:55 PM
My MK9 is also my bedside firearm, the Sig is my living room firearm, then there's the kitchen firearm, and the basement firearm, then there's the......................

08-27-2013, 12:59 PM
I pretty much try to stay the same year round. 1911 on hip, PM45 on ankle. If it gets unbearably hot I sometimes lose the 1911 but it's still close by somehow. It's comforting to have even though it may be uncomfortable.
I left it home yesterday as I went to our local fair last night and didn't want to leave it in the van. Still left the PM45 on the ankle. Just didn't feel right all day. Kind of an empty sensation. Probably going again saturday but I'm taking it. One of them deals where they don't allow guns but only during the annual fair. I got caught once years ago, didn't even know or see the sign. This time I got a badge so maybe I'll be ok. Last time they just made me leave it in the Sheriff headquarters and pick it up when I left. No biggy.

I sometimes add magazines in the cooler months, never can have too many bullets.

Some call me paranoid and a tin foil hatter and I guess I'm proud to be both.

08-27-2013, 01:08 PM
That's what I always tell them...............sign? What sign?

08-27-2013, 03:20 PM
PM9 in the warm weather and mostly Cw45 when I can cover it. I alternate somewhat with one of my Compact HK 45's or a compact 1911. I have a P220 but it's too large for me to carry as is the FS USP or 1911.

08-27-2013, 03:23 PM
K40 year round.

08-27-2013, 05:31 PM
K9 for warm climate or PM9 when I can't carry on the hip. Glock 30S or Glock 22 for cooler weather.

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08-27-2013, 05:39 PM
Used to carry P239 or Glock 23. Now I carry my PM9 year around. I have complete confidence in it. (and in myself)

08-27-2013, 06:37 PM
I carry my CM9 and P380 when I can and just my P380 when I can't carry the CM9.

11-10-2013, 11:10 AM
I live in Texas where it gets hot! It can be troublesome at times but I have managed to conceal carry a Colt Combat Elite most of the time. I just purchased a CM9 for the rest of the time. Where I really anticipate it earning it's keep is motorcycle riding.

11-10-2013, 11:16 AM
Nope, always carry the same thing. Used to be my P9, now the TP9. I have a CZ P-01 that is my 100% of the time HD gun, readily accessible, and the TP9 on my side out of the house.

11-10-2013, 12:41 PM
I live in Texas where it gets hot! It can be troublesome at times but I have managed to conceal carry a Colt Combat Elite most of the time. I just purchased a CM9 for the rest of the time. Where I really anticipate it earning it's keep is motorcycle riding.

ride with Harley riders, no gun is needed, as all the utters willbe carrying. :amflag:

11-10-2013, 07:47 PM
ride with Harley riders, no gun is needed, as all the utters willbe carrying. :amflag:

Yes, but stay out of casino's when they are around!

I see a Harley as your avatar Jocko. You know what I am talking about. A jacket is usually worn when riding. When you stop in hot weather, you want to take it off but can't because you are carrying. The pocket carry will fix that for me.

11-10-2013, 08:01 PM
Pocket carry a Sig P238 in hot weather. CW-45 in the small of my back the rest of the time.

11-10-2013, 08:15 PM
Glock 26 IWB year round. Since the weather cooled I carry with a Glock 12 round mag instated of the flush 10 rounder. Other than that no changes. I keep the G19 for home use and the Colt 6920 if SHTF.

11-11-2013, 01:56 PM
PM40 except when I'm in FL, then it's a BG380. Hot summer months I alternate based on what I wear, between the PM and BG. Cooler weather it's the PM. I try to carry the PM most of the time because I trust the 40 more than anything. But sometimes it gets uncomfortable and I fall back to the 380.if pocket carry is necessary, the 380 feels much more comfortable to me than the PM.

11-12-2013, 06:10 PM
When at work I tend to wear bib overallsand a cm9 9 in the pocket. Then for a few years a cw9 iwb then bought a tp40 this year and find its in a iwb holster more often with a loose cover or squar tail shirt covering it.
Tp40 in a rear cant holster at a 2:00 position. Work there and can sit with it.
Other holster and pistol is my wifes.
http://i331.photobucket.com/albums/l444/hardluk1/th_100_0368_zps1b2d179b.jpg (http://s331.photobucket.com/user/hardluk1/media/100_0368_zps1b2d179b.jpg.html)

VN Vet
11-13-2013, 11:11 AM
I carry a 9mm in the Summer and a .45acp in the Winter. The .380acp is with me as a BUG year-round.

11-13-2013, 11:36 AM
Yes, but stay out of casino's when they are around!

I see a Harley as your avatar Jocko. You know what I am talking about. A jacket is usually worn when riding. When you stop in hot weather, you want to take it off but can't because you are carrying. The pocket carry will fix that for me.

my PMJ9 is in my front pocket when riding all the time. I don't dress to carry, when I do wear my leather vest, I will shove it in there for it is easier to ghet to but I don't worryt to much about that eiter.:Amflag2:

11-13-2013, 11:37 AM
Yes, but stay out of casino's when they are around!

I see a Harley as your avatar Jocko. You know what I am talking about. A jacket is usually worn when riding. When you stop in hot weather, you want to take it off but can't because you are carrying. The pocket carry will fix that for me.

my PMJ9 is in my front pocket when riding all the time. I don't dress to carry, when I do wear my leather vest, I will shove it in there for it is easier to ghet to but I don't worryt to much about that eiter.:Amflag2:

Some ******* on this forum actually put that Harley avitar on my site. My bike of choice is a vespa step through 125:7:

11-13-2013, 11:38 AM
Yes, but stay out of casino's when they are around!

I see a Harley as your avatar Jocko. You know what I am talking about. A jacket is usually worn when riding. When you stop in hot weather, you want to take it off but can't because you are carrying. The pocket carry will fix that for me.

my PMJ9 is in my front pocket when riding all the time. I don't dress to carry, when I do wear my leather vest, I will shove it in there for it is easier to ghet to but I don't worryt to much about that eiter.:Amflag2:

Some a$swipe on this forum actually put that Harley avitar on my site. My bike of choice is a vespa step through 125:7:

11-13-2013, 12:25 PM
Some folks have horseheads, some folks have buttons to push.


A$swipe Esquire III

11-13-2013, 01:22 PM

11-13-2013, 01:33 PM
hMMM! That's an avatar material right there.

11-13-2013, 02:07 PM
hMMM! That's an avatar material right there.

I guess revenge is like kinda hellain't it??? Just sayin:7:

11-13-2013, 02:25 PM
Yes indeed but because I'm such a swell fella, I'll give ya an option.

We can go with Tinmans avatar, or a Gold Whiner. Your choice.

11-13-2013, 02:40 PM
u have never given me a choice before. Thatis not a choice IMO. anything from Tinman is an insult.

Ihave a photo of me being blessedby Pope Francis, .Howabout that for an avitar. by the way WTFis that new avitar u just stuck on my thead.

OK, I did as u said andI worte 50 times. ol jocko is an as$wipe and not the colonel. areu happy now. u muzzy lover.

11-16-2013, 04:58 PM
Florida is pretty much perpetual summer.
It's hardly cold enough to wear a jacket more than a few days a year.
I still carry my HK FS USP Tactical 45 and a back up J-frame
even on the steamiest summer days.

11-16-2013, 06:35 PM
Florida is pretty much perpetual summer.
It's hardly cold enough to wear a jacket more than a few days a year.
I still carry my HK FS USP Tactical 45 and a back up J-frame
even on the steamiest summer days.

How do you conceal them on a motorcycle?

11-17-2013, 09:18 PM
How do you conceal them on a motorcycle?

I don't ride motorcycles anymore.
But that wouldn't change anything.
My Tactical is in a pancake holster, cross draw, on a gunbelt.
My Snubbie bug is a pocket pistol.

The Faux King
11-30-2013, 09:42 PM
I just purchased my "summer" gun a few days ago -- a Kahr P380. Until then I always carried my Glock 26 in my Crossbreed SuperTuck. Looking forward to carrying the little Kahr on those hot summer days -- might also carry it at work instead of the Glock after it earns my trust; regardless of the weather conditions.