08-29-2013, 03:16 PM
I just recieved some 124g HST ammo but have not been able to go out to shoot yet.
Does anyone have experience using this ammo in a CM9? I am a tiny bit concerned because even though Kahr does not reccomend that you rack the slide to load a round, I have always been able to do so without issue using FMJ. The first time I tried to do so with the HST, it hung on the feed ramp. The second time it hung for a second and then slammed shut unexpectidly. The third time it chambered just fine.
I am really hoping these feed well in the CM9.
Does anyone have experience using this ammo in a CM9? I am a tiny bit concerned because even though Kahr does not reccomend that you rack the slide to load a round, I have always been able to do so without issue using FMJ. The first time I tried to do so with the HST, it hung on the feed ramp. The second time it hung for a second and then slammed shut unexpectidly. The third time it chambered just fine.
I am really hoping these feed well in the CM9.