View Full Version : Work Related Carry Situation
08-29-2013, 11:48 PM
Here is the situation; I work in a small restaraunt run by a husband and wife…I am one of three cooks that rotate shifts throughout the week…This is not a job that is a necessity to our family income…Unless needed for some other purpose, most of it goes to me buying new toys…I do enjoy working there…The work is hard and ultra fast paced…Not many jobs where you have to make sure you hydrate but, this is one of them…I have been there since October of 2012.
Yesterday (8-28), I was at the stove when the owner's wife squeezed by me to get to the fryer…In doing so, she bumped up against my Kahr CW45…When she asked me what that was, I replied that it was my gun…She was visibly shaken and asked again what I had said…I replied that it was my gun and I maintained a CCW permit to carry one…Nothing more was really mentioned for the rest of the shift.
Bear in mind that I have been carrying my weapon since my first day on the job…A CW45 in a Remora holster, inside the waist band of my chefs pants…Granted I did not make them aware of this fact but, being a small company, there is no policy (formal or informal) regarding my carrying.
When I went to work today, I was asked by the husband to join them both in the meeting room…I want to be clear, there was not or is any animosity between us…I was asked if it was legal for me to carry my weapon whereupon, I produced my license…I was then asked if there was some nefarious reason for me being armed (i.e. fearing for my life in dealings with drug dealers)…I assured them that it is not the case…The husband then went on to explain that he probably did not interpret the "first" amendment the same way that I did and he thought the current state of "the right to bear arms" was not what the founding fathers intended…At no time did I raise my voice or discount his point of view…He went on to explain that they were going to be posting "gun free zone" signs in the morning and that we needed to come to a resolution to the situation…I stated that I did not think there was a situation since the only change was that they were now aware that I carried…Other than this knowledge, the situation remains the same…He said they would be happy to let me keep my weapon in my truck while I worked…I told him that I found that unacceptable…What we ended with was I tendered my two weeks notice and He would still like to find a resolution that would work for both of us…I told him that I did honestly see how that would be possible and that I respect his right to run his business any way he sees fit…That is where it stands as I write this.
I am open to all constructive input…I know there are a lot of you out there with much more experience than me (carrying for a little over a year)…As I said this is not a job that will break the bank but, I do enjoy my time there and it would be a shame to end it with IMHO ignorance…Let me know
08-30-2013, 01:13 AM
Your in a tough spot. Before ignorance was bliss, they didn't know and it didn't matter. Now they know. So if they say leave it in your truck and you carry it anyway and get caught you did what they asked you not to do.
Since you said it won't break the bank maybe it's not a concern.
I'm a civilian employee at a police department. City policy dictates no firearms in the building except for commissioned officers. For 18 years they allowed me to wear my gun into the office and secure it in a personal safe at my desk. We got a new deputy chief and all of a sudden it was a major big deal. What they didn't realize is that in addition to my belt carried 1911 I wear a PM45 on my ankle. Always have.
I decided that even though the job is very important and I don't want to lose it I won't go in there unarmed. So I leave the 1911 in the van and stay with the ankle and hope for the best.
It's really rather stupid since I'm the department armorer and keeper of the key to all the ammo and supplies. Have access to 40 AR15's, a couple MP5 full auto's, a dozen glocks. Not having my personal gun isn't gonna do a thing if I go postal. But like your people there it's sometimes hard to educate which is what you really need to do with your boss.
It's a tough call. Maybe they will relent if they know your serious about leaving and feel it's that important which I totally agree it is.
08-30-2013, 03:10 AM
Find a new job and keep your mouth shut.
08-30-2013, 06:10 AM
Find a new job and keep your mouth shut.
...and get an ankle holster too.
08-30-2013, 06:15 AM
Congratulations for standing your ground. Hopefully in the end, you educated them just a little bit and could possibly change their opinions.
Keep to your word, and maybe they will agree.
08-30-2013, 06:19 AM
These days, for CYA, I believe most businesses will not allow employees to work armed.
There was a time when you could get in trouble for just locking your gun up in your car at work (in Florida).
If you want to continue working there I would comply.
Otherwise go elsewhere and stay quiet.
Although most large businesses will have a formal policy that employees are not to be armed at work.
We had an active shooter presentation recently at work.
It was funny and sad at the same time.
You might try to impress on them the advantages of having a legally armed employee.
If a robbery/hostage situation/murder-suicide scenario unfolded at work.
You have been FBI background checked, finger printed and certified to carry a weapon.
You're the good guy. Not the criminal.
Statistically folks with carry permits are more law abiding than those without.
Good Luck!
Although I'm not personally recommending it.
Ankle carry, or very small gun pocket carry, is nearly undetectable.
08-30-2013, 07:04 AM
Lots and lots of companies out there that have policies which restrict firearms from being carried by employees. For example, hospitals and private health care offices. There are also lots of policies out there that employees may not like. You live by the rules of your employer or speak to him/her about the rules if you don't agree. I've modified the rules many, many times based on input from my employees. That being said, if the rule was no firearms on site, that would be the rule for everyone. If caught, termination would be likely.
I have a concealed carry permit and carry 24/7. If you are going to carry, it is best to keep it concealed and keep your mouth shut about it. If it gets seen or you get questioned, you are caught and you will and should be terminated. There are ways to break the rules without making a fuss about it. There are ways to get around the rules without breaking the rules...I have helped good employees get around the rules without it becoming an issue for everyone. Get my drift.
It is hind sight now, but when the woman bumped into you and asked you what that was, Your first and best reaction should have been to avoid giving away the farm, by simply asking a "What do you mean?" "Oh, my cell phone?"...
If you don't want the job, quit. If you want the job, comply. Most companies will have a "No firearm" policy. Basing your decision solely on the principle "Right to carry" is kind of silly in my opinion. It is cutting off your nose to spite your face. However, if you feel you are at risk and must carry, then you should not be there in the first place. If you feel naked without your piece, you'll need to conceal better and/or find a job that allows you to conceal. Most certainly, you will need to learn how to respond with questions that do not reveal your hidden secret. I believe in the right to carry, but also understand that it is to keep it concealed and not allow an issue to come of it. However, $h!t happens and we learn and move on. I sincerely hope your moving on serves you well.
By the way, tell your prior employer that his "Gun Free Zone" signs are a waste of time....criminals don't comply and that is why you felt the need to carry in the first place.
08-30-2013, 07:19 AM
By the way, tell your prior employer that his "Gun Free Zone" signs are a waste of time....criminals don't comply and that is why you felt the need to carry in the first place.
I really don't understand how someone can honestly believe any criminal isn't going to just laugh at such signs.
08-30-2013, 07:29 AM
Simple choice for you stand your ground and quit or abide by their new rules.
BTW welcome to the forum... You make a helluva entrance!:rolleyes:
08-30-2013, 07:56 AM
If they say again that they would like to find a resolution, I would mention to them that if a bad guy came in, like they have in more than one occurrence in other restaurants, and started shooting workers, or tried to lock all of you in freezer, that you would like to have the opportunity to defend yourself and anyone else in the restaurant. You don't carry out of fear but out of the desire to protect those you know and care about. These are not nice days we live in and sometimes the police don't make it on time. Tell him to put up his gun free zone sign and that if an incident happened that should cover him in the event you had to do something.
I'm not sure what state you work in but in my state, Companies cannot be held liable if a civilian employee carrying a CW goes wacko.
If they can't accept that then you kinda have a decision to make.
08-30-2013, 08:14 AM
Welcome to the forum. That is quite a first post. You are not going to win them over so IMHO there are no options other than leaving or giving in to their ideology. Too bad because the likelihood of a restaurant being held up by gunmen is in the scope of reality and having a ccw holder present could be an asset. However, all they see is liability.
If it were me, I would lock it up in the car AND look for another job while you have this one. It seems that you like your employers and they like you. That is a rare thing to find in a work relationship, and I would not be quick to throw that away.
Let us know how it turns out.
08-30-2013, 09:09 AM
If you feel very strong about your principles and rights, I would tell them that you always want to be in a position to protect yourself...........them putting up a sign will just let everyone know that it's a gun free zone. If they want to go through life unprotected, that's their business. I would thank them for the opportunity, and move on.
08-30-2013, 09:33 AM
If you feel very strong about your principles and rights, I would tell them that you always want to be in a position to protect yourself...........them putting up a sign will just let everyone know that it's a gun free zone. If they want to go through life unprotected, that's their business. I would thank them for the opportunity, and move on.
08-30-2013, 10:09 AM
08-30-2013, 10:22 AM
Or these!
08-30-2013, 10:50 AM
Simple choice for you stand your ground and quit or abide by their new rules.
BTW welcome to the forum... You make a helluva entrance!:rolleyes:
Whoa ... I hadn't even noticed ... quite an entrance indeed ... and welcome indeed.
08-30-2013, 11:15 AM
Pnichols, I am curious what state you live in. Honestly, I am glad I am in law enforcement and don't have to deal with these situations, but I sympathize with my CCW brothers and sisters who have to deal with this on a daily basis. So far I think you have handled the situation as best you can. I am proud of how you've stood up for your rights and the rights of others. In the end, only you can make the ultimate decision, but I would definitely stand up for my rights, and leave this job if I couldn't be armed. BTW, welcome to a great forum, and keep us posted how this turns out.
I am a pretty jaded person when it comes to ignorance. For example, I really don't have any desire to interact with liberals and anti-gun people, because I can't get along with stupid people.
Bawanna, your deputy chief seems like a real moron too. I would assume he knows police stations and the people there have been targeted in the past. I always have my guard up, especially coming and going from the station. I could envision a day when a disgruntled criminal tries to snipe us all as we leave roll call and prepare for our shifts. Especially considering you are the armorer, this makes no sense at all. I would bet the vast majority of officers at your department would rather you be armed too.
08-30-2013, 11:57 AM
Quote below, Totally agree with SGT5711 and couldn't disagree more with your boss. He of all people, needs to rethink his actions. It's a police facility for heaven's sake. I wonder about people like him. Are the afraid or guilty of their actions.
Just thinkin....
"Bawanna, your deputy chief seems like a real moron too. I would assume he knows police stations and the people there have been targeted in the past. I always have my guard up, especially coming and going from the station. I could envision a day when a disgruntled criminal tries to snipe us all as we leave roll call and prepare for our shifts. Especially considering you are the armorer, this makes no sense at all. I would bet the vast majority of officers at your department would rather you be armed too."
08-30-2013, 12:05 PM
pnichols, you are doing the right thing. I doubt you'll be able to straighten out their muddled thinking. You abide by the employer's rules if you want to work there.
downtown, thanks for the business card posting. +1
08-30-2013, 12:06 PM
Welcome aboard pnichols, glad you found us....That is a bummer situation alright but one as you see many of us face...I work in a high crime area and ride the subway train everyday filled with pants down to the thighs, hat sideways under the hoodie types and I can't carry due to being 56 and on the job for 30 years and my family depends on my income and insurance so I can't chance carrying and just have to be extra aware of my surroundings and keep my hand on my Benchmade until I get to my office or back to my truck....It sucks but thats just how it is....
It's funny though how just one bad guy encounter can change even the most stubborn diehard anti gun persons mind....I have a friend who I took shooting with me several times and loved it and wanted to buy a pistol but his wife went ballistic about it and said no way in he!! will there be a gun in my house "until" their next door neighbors house was burglarized while they were both in bed asleep and so was their dog who didn't make a sound either, bad guy is still on the loose....My friends wife directly changed her mind on the subject of a gun in the house and now goes with my friend to the range regularly to practice shooting their Glock 19 which now goes with them everywhere they go....
Around here we have Waffle House restaurants which sounds pretty much like the restaurant where you work...They are open 24x7 and frequently packed at 2am and are also very frequently held up....Just a few weeks ago a patron shot a hold up guy before he could get away and held him until the Police got there...No charges were filed and the customer gets free food for life so in a business like that having a CCW employee or customer in the place can be a lifesaver...
This is a rough world and you have to decide the CCW deal for yourself, some do it even though getting caught would mean an arrest or loss of job but thats a personal decision you have to make.....Since you are good at the job, have the necessary skills and like the work why don't you open your own restaurant and then you can hang up a sign like "We are armed and support the Second Amendment, Robbers Welcome"....Good luck to you and again welcome to Kahrtalk!!!
08-30-2013, 12:13 PM
The funny thing is he admitted I was as qualified as anyone in the building. I've put in a request annually to carry it on my hip like a man and they take that as a joke.
He's perfectly happy if I just leave it in my van but as you mentioned my biggest worry is between the back door and the van. And I've told them that many times. Lots of bad things can happen at the back door of a PD.
The guys are bringing in bad guys and sometimes get sloppy. I remind them all the time, control your damn prisoner.
All the officers fully support me and all have sent statements stating they are perfectly comfortable with me wearing a gun.
The DC is a retired high up with the State Patrol as is our Chief. he's a liability worry wort. His mission is to keep the heat off our pretty much useless chief.
Often times the officers have interactions with the model citizens on the street, maybe take them to jail but have to book property into our system as the jail won't take stuff like back packs etc. Frequently the model citizen is not a happy camper. When they come in guess who they get to see first and deal with, not officers but unarmed police office pukes like me.
They don't know or care that I seldom leave the office, don't arrest people, or anything like that, I just clean up officer mess's in paperwork, procedure and keep track of stuff.
Soooo, they hate us as much as they hate the officers.
The officers frequently joke about calling Bawanna on this call, he'll do stuff we aren't allowed to do. They know I'll go to the mat for em anytime.
They also know the PM45 is on my ankle always.
I don't forsee changing the DC or Chiefs minds on this, too set in their ways, to comfy double dipping on their retirement.
DC's a nice guy, just a little mixed up in his head and far too far removed from the street and reality's of life. What we need is a good bad guy gone whacko in the office, except he'd probably just increase door security even more and not even think of an armed civilian puke.
Many times there are no armed personnel in the office too. Brass out for 2 hour lunches, the guys all on the street where they belong and us little defenseless office pukes fair game for whatever.
Only a few years to go and I'll be done.
08-30-2013, 12:25 PM
No job is worth losing your life over. Maybe when they post their sign they will lose enough business to have a change of heart and mind. They might also be robbed. If you were a good employee they may have a hard time finding a suitable replacement for you. In the end they are going to find that it is they who lost and not you. Find another job.
08-30-2013, 12:48 PM
Bawanna, you stated very well the exact reasons why you should be armed, and why they should allow you to be. Glad you wear your ankle rig and have access to the heavier artillery too. Another good reason is because often times you would be the only security around for the armory.
xsailor, we're close. I am right up I-35 in Johnson County.
pnichols, If you do have to leave your job over this, I would ask the owners not to post that sign and explain to them the dangers such a sign entails on my way out the door.
08-30-2013, 02:23 PM
We ARE close and if based on the conversations here on the forum in a better location than some. I mean that in a good way guys & gals.
08-30-2013, 02:32 PM
It is hind sight now, but when the woman bumped into you and asked you what that was, Your first and best reaction should have been to avoid giving away the farm, by simply asking a "What do you mean?" "Oh, my cell phone?"...
Sorry garyb, I disagree. Mom taught me not to lie.
pnichols. You don't need our advice. You did what you thought was best and so did they. Rights go both ways. They have theirs and you have yours. Many may have handled it differently but, personally, I'm proud of you.
08-30-2013, 02:36 PM
pnichols, If you do have to leave your job over this, I would ask the owners not to post that sign and explain to them the dangers such a sign entails on my way out the door.
This is excellent advice. You sound like someone who probably wants what's best for them ... with or without you ... so even if you can't carry and work there, maybe you can at least help them understand something a little more clearly.
08-30-2013, 02:48 PM
The OP already resolved it by giving two weeks notice. Why would there be any further resolution? What's to gain? Surely not compromise? You cannot compromise with liberals.
08-30-2013, 04:17 PM
My wife had a recent stay at the hospital. I noticed the "no weapons" sign on the front door. I asked several nurses about the sign. Their reply: "The EMT's used to be stationed here. They were armed. They have since moved and we have no protection. We are scared about it but no one will listen. We are trying to get them to take the sign down." They all joined in on this. At least some people have some common sense. I hope they prevail. You might as well look for a different job. I doubt if they will wake up.
08-30-2013, 04:28 PM
Sorry garyb, I disagree. Mom taught me not to lie.
pnichols. You don't need our advice. You did what you thought was best and so did they. Rights go both ways. They have theirs and you have yours. Many may have handled it differently but, personally, I'm proud of you.
No need to apologize...I understand and respect your point about your Mom's good advice. I wish I had always listened to mine. It is obvious that you may have misunderstood my point. If you re-read my point, you will note that I never actually said to "lie". My point was to tactfully not answer the counter part's original question and make the person clarify by posing more clarifying questions to the counterpart, including questions which would not give up the farm, nor show your cards...and thereby keep your concealment concealed. Good negotiators use this strategy of answering questions with clarifying or reframing questions. Look at it this way....I don't take your point as meaning that concealment is a lie. Concealment is more than a physical thing.... including thinking ahead when your concealment might get broken. Remember, the counter part had no knowledge of what she felt when she bumped into you, or she would not have asked the question. By posing more questions to clarify and reframe the situation, it allows the counterpart to create their own answer in their own mind and if there is any doubt, then go to plan B to buy time to lock up your piece in your car. No need to lie.
08-30-2013, 04:31 PM
When it comes to me or my families safety I say lie if the truth don't work.
I'm generally an honest person but stupid unwarranted questions deserve what they get.
08-30-2013, 04:38 PM
When it comes to me or my families safety I say lie if the truth don't work.
I'm generally an honest person but stupid unwarranted questions deserve what they get.
It's my nature to be completely honest.
I have been even when that honesty had grave consequences.
But just look at our president and it's clear we live in a twisted and dangerous world.
Just being right and true doesn't mean things will work out for you.
In this modern new world -
even I have to bite my tongue and/or be less than truthful at times.
It's sad, but sometimes we are left without viable options...
08-30-2013, 04:53 PM
No need to apologize...I understand and respect your point...
Thanks garyb. I respect your point as well but I still disagree. Thanks for the explanation/clarification. We're good. Like your other post. :)
08-30-2013, 05:00 PM
I went to the doctor a few weeks ago for my yearly chat......he had me lie down on the table, and was about ready to start pressing on my stomach. I said, " Wait a minute, before you start pressing on things, I have to tell you that I have a firearm in my pocket, and I realize that you have a no firearms sign posted at the front door(large clinic). " I know that they have signs, I just forgot it was there(white lie)." He didn't even bat an eye. He said no big deal, he didn't care, and was looking for a firearm for carry, since he rides his Harley and goes camping a lot. He got to thinking about what he would do ITSHTF in the campsite. He would be completely defenseless. To my amazement, we had a discussion about what I thought were good choices. I was shocked. Don't let people fool you. There are more people than you think, thinking about arming themselves. I guess he didn't have to ask me the question about owning firearms, but I don't think he would have anyway.
I would try talking to your employers one more time and present the facts. Firearms are frightening to people who have not been exposed to them. In our State (N.C.) the course is expensive and deals mostly with when to use deadly force. It is all about protecting yourself and family from death and great bodily harm. It is a personal decision and one I am sure you do not take lightly. In order to have a CCL you are one of the good guys and had an extensive background check. fingerprinted, sworn under oath at the Sheriff's Dept. A gunfight at the "OK Corral" is not going to happen. You are the most vetted employee they have ever had. Also ask why would he want to place a No Weapons Allowed sign to prevent only those who legally obey the law from legally carrying. Personally I will not go to a No Weapons Allowed restaurant, as I do not expect the waiter to protect myself or my family. Have your employer reconsider the facts and see if he can get past the emotion. Remember, when seconds count, the police are only minutes away.
08-31-2013, 07:47 AM
Your job shouldn't be your life. Your job is what you do to have a life. You were looking for a job when you found this one. You can find another.
08-31-2013, 07:52 AM
Thanks garyb. I respect your point as well but I still disagree. Thanks for the explanation/clarification. We're good. Like your other post. :)
08-31-2013, 09:06 AM
I think the OP handled the situation quite well. He put the ball in there court.
He has his rights and opinions and they have there's. He doesn't need the job so they have to make up there minds if anything has really changed.
I personally do not see where anything has changed in the type of person he is or his ability to do his job the same way he has done in the past. The only thing that has changed and come to the front is there ignorance on guns for self protection and 2A . If they wish to put stickers on there doors saying it's a gun free zone, good for them I wish them well. I certainly would not eat there. JM.02
My Job as a Carpenter was never my life it was just something I did well to provide for my family till I was old enough, and had enough money and time in to retire. My life is my family, always has been, and ought them everything I promised my wife the day I got married. If that means CC a pistol then that's what it means regardless of who thinks what.
There were times I carried on the job and times I didn't depending on the area, and whether I was inside or outside. I'm sure the bosses knew some of us carried at certain times, but never brought it up for fear that we'd all take a hike if he said something we didn't want to hear. It was pretty much a don't ask don't tell sort of thing.
Either way. Whether I carried or not, it did not change who I was, or the type of person I am, or my ability to do my job in a timely and professional manner. They made money and were able to stay in business and feed there families. Who carried guns never played a part in anything.
MW surveyor
08-31-2013, 09:32 AM
Hey guys. You do know that the OP has not been back nor posted anywhere else on this forum since this, his first post?
Carry on...........................!
08-31-2013, 10:04 AM
08-31-2013, 10:22 AM
If its just a BS job then walk away.
I work for the state on the highway and interact with some really sketchy people sometime. They have a strict no weapons policy. Although I am in IL and can't CC yet, I don't think I will at work.
I do carry a retractable asp on my belt and they have never questioned me about it. The Ef'd up thing is they issued us bullet proof vests a few years ago.
08-31-2013, 12:48 PM
They issued Highway workers bullet proof vest?
That must be right comfortable in the summer time.
But no guns allowed? That's simply brilliant.
When I first started as a carpenter I had a separate nail bag on my bag with a velcro closure that I stuck my gun in, to keep the sawdust and crap off it.
The owner apparently heard about it and was concerned and asked my partner who got me the job if I carried a gun. He told him I always do. He then asked if he thought I'd shoot anyone, his reply almost made me cry. He said he reckoned that what it was for, but he knew I wouldn't shoot nobody that didn't sorely need to be shot. Went on to say that even on my worst bad mood miserable nothing goes right kind of day it wouldn't make any difference.
Boss then called me in for a morning meeting and asked if I carried a gun, I told him I do, do you want to see it? He quickly replied that he did not and that he was ok with it. I asked if there were any issues or concerns and he said none. So I asked what the heck I was doing in the office when I got concrete to pour.
Nothing more was said.
Ok it's saturday morning and I'm goofing off so here's a true story, not a Navy story or nothing so it don't start out so there I was........
Same company we had a laborer who was a pretty good guy, missing a few cards in his deck and would never make it as a lighthouse. Wore his hair in a pony tail and I got to where I called him pony tail, he bitched to the boss and the boss said you got a pony tail so whats the issue. Cut if off and they probably won't call you that. Never did ask me not to which I wouldn't have done anyhow.
Anyhow we're on a new construction apartment job in a very seedy neighborhood and out of town so we're working long long days, sometimes right up till dark.
Ponytail was always talking tough, how he was special forces or something, had this big Rambo knife with about the first 1 or 1 1/2" broken off so it wasn't pointy.
Late one day just after dark, we'd just quit and we're standing outside the job shack. I had taken my belt off and stuff my 1911 in my IWB holster, I carried cross draw back then and had a shirt hanging over it.
We're standing around in a circle BSing and all of a sudden a hand grabs my forehead from behind and pulls my head back hard and there's a knife at my throat. I instinctively drew the gun, thumbed off the safety and jabbed it hard under my left armpit which hit Ponytail right in the sternum.
He's only alive because I could still hear a little bit then and I heard him say, this is the China Wind Gate, the last thing you feel before your die and I recognized the voice. He was only part way through the line when the gun barrel struck his chest.
He then asked the other guys what was up against his chest, they had gone from a very serious look to laughing by now and said it's a very large gun with the hammer back.
Now he's in damage control, he says we're cool, you cool, I told him I'd be cooler if he took the knife away from my throat, he said he'd be cooler if I took the gun from his chest. I told him to go first.
It was a stupid stupid thing for him to do especially at that time and in that place. He's lucky to be alive and I'm very thankful I didn't shoot him.
No issues came up after that incident either. He car pooled with me for the couple months we had to go up there and it was like no harm no foul but a darn close thing.
08-31-2013, 01:02 PM
Geeze Bawanna! What a stupid thing to do and very brave of you to NOT pull the trigger. Hesitation is indeed a life or death deal. And it'a STUPID thing for ANYONE to do anytime!
BTW The "stupid" I was referring to sure as hell wasn't you.
08-31-2013, 01:40 PM
Agreed. Probably stupid really on my part more than brave. The guys facing me had alarm all over their faces and like you said hesitation will get you killed.
I still remember vividly the thought that went though my head as the knife hit my throat was I can't prevent my death but we're going together and he won't cut anyone else.
08-31-2013, 01:46 PM
u used ur head colonel. More than likely the 1911 probalby would not have went bang either. they are known for that. He would have played hell car poolingwith me after that though. Just sayin.
08-31-2013, 03:07 PM
Hey guys. You do know that the OP has not been back nor posted anywhere else on this forum since this, his first post?
Carry on...........................!
Maybe he's busy reading and mulling. A lot to digest there.
08-31-2013, 03:13 PM
They issued Highway workers bullet proof vest?
That must be right comfortable in the summer time.
But no guns allowed? That's simply brilliant.
When I first started as a carpenter I had a separate nail bag on my bag with a velcro closure that I stuck my gun in, to keep the sawdust and crap off it.
The owner apparently heard about it and was concerned and asked my partner who got me the job if I carried a gun. He told him I always do. He then asked if he thought I'd shoot anyone, his reply almost made me cry. He said he reckoned that what it was for, but he knew I wouldn't shoot nobody that didn't sorely need to be shot. Went on to say that even on my worst bad mood miserable nothing goes right kind of day it wouldn't make any difference.
Boss then called me in for a morning meeting and asked if I carried a gun, I told him I do, do you want to see it? He quickly replied that he did not and that he was ok with it. I asked if there were any issues or concerns and he said none. So I asked what the heck I was doing in the office when I got concrete to pour.
Nothing more was said.
Ok it's saturday morning and I'm goofing off so here's a true story, not a Navy story or nothing so it don't start out so there I was........
Same company we had a laborer who was a pretty good guy, missing a few cards in his deck and would never make it as a lighthouse. Wore his hair in a pony tail and I got to where I called him pony tail, he bitched to the boss and the boss said you got a pony tail so whats the issue. Cut if off and they probably won't call you that. Never did ask me not to which I wouldn't have done anyhow.
Anyhow we're on a new construction apartment job in a very seedy neighborhood and out of town so we're working long long days, sometimes right up till dark.
Ponytail was always talking tough, how he was special forces or something, had this big Rambo knife with about the first 1 or 1 1/2" broken off so it wasn't pointy.
Late one day just after dark, we'd just quit and we're standing outside the job shack. I had taken my belt off and stuff my 1911 in my IWB holster, I carried cross draw back then and had a shirt hanging over it.
We're standing around in a circle BSing and all of a sudden a hand grabs my forehead from behind and pulls my head back hard and there's a knife at my throat. I instinctively drew the gun, thumbed off the safety and jabbed it hard under my left armpit which hit Ponytail right in the sternum.
He's only alive because I could still hear a little bit then and I heard him say, this is the China Wind Gate, the last thing you feel before your die and I recognized the voice. He was only part way through the line when the gun barrel struck his chest.
He then asked the other guys what was up against his chest, they had gone from a very serious look to laughing by now and said it's a very large gun with the hammer back.
Now he's in damage control, he says we're cool, you cool, I told him I'd be cooler if he took the knife away from my throat, he said he'd be cooler if I took the gun from his chest. I told him to go first.
It was a stupid stupid thing for him to do especially at that time and in that place. He's lucky to be alive and I'm very thankful I didn't shoot him.
No issues came up after that incident either. He car pooled with me for the couple months we had to go up there and it was like no harm no foul but a darn close thing.
I've got to correct you on one small point, Bawanna. Fairy tales start out, "Once upon a time." Sea stories start out, "Now this ain't no sh!t." Otherwise your story is totally believable. :)
08-31-2013, 04:03 PM
I know xsailor, I didn't read it that way at all, not in the least.
One plus to mod status I can see what you delete and thank you.
08-31-2013, 04:08 PM
and ol jocko would start out as "once upon a fokking time" yadda yadda. thats also sailor talk and I hate water and things that float in it. Got that fear the first time I went to the neighbor hood swimming pool and found torpedoes floating all over the pool. I know now where the Navy dumped their torpedos and some how they made it back to U. S/. soil in thos days.
MW surveyor
08-31-2013, 04:09 PM
Maybe he's busy reading and mulling. A lot to digest there.
Probably so, probably so.......................................especiall y with the some what drift. :p
09-01-2013, 12:03 PM
I would try talking to your employers one more time and present the facts. Firearms are frightening to people who have not been exposed to them. In our State (N.C.) the course is expensive and deals mostly with when to use deadly force. It is all about protecting yourself and family from death and great bodily harm. It is a personal decision and one I am sure you do not take lightly. In order to have a CCL you are one of the good guys and had an extensive background check. fingerprinted, sworn under oath at the Sheriff's Dept. A gunfight at the "OK Corral" is not going to happen. You are the most vetted employee they have ever had. Also ask why would he want to place a No Weapons Allowed sign to prevent only those who legally obey the law from legally carrying. Personally I will not go to a No Weapons Allowed restaurant, as I do not expect the waiter to protect myself or my family. Have your employer reconsider the facts and see if he can get past the emotion. Remember, when seconds count, the police are only minutes away.
NC CHL class is a joke compared to where we live now in TX, although they just lowered the # of class hours for TX. In TX if you want to carry semi auto you have to qualify with a .32 caliber auto or higher if I remember correctly in TX, if you want to carry a revolver, you can qualify with semi auto OR revolver. In NC you can qualify with anything and get your CHL. jlottmc (hubby) said you can hit the paper and be qualified for the firearms section. You then don't have to go the county sheriff and get permits and all the BS. Send your paperwork into DPS along with money to DPS and you get sent your CHL.
As far as going to no weapons restaurant, if the sign isn't correct then we go in anyway. Usually here in TX, it's a questions of who DOESN'T have a gun on them.
I work in a company that has a policy that doesn't allow weapons. I keep mine in my SUV, which is legal in TX and you can't be fired for it. With hubby in LE now it doesn't really matter. He carries everywhere anyway. I do not carry in the school or the non-permitted places but if a sign isn't not correct for a licensed CHL holder, I say oh well and I go in anyway. Now if it is a public place like a convention center, or other places that don't allow permits, we just don't attend events there. I have occasionally carried it inside and just not said anything about it. I have a manager that is a former LEOW and a manager that is a LEO mom who's son also happens to be former Marine. One of the managers is thinking of getting her gun permit and I'd be surprised if the other one doesn't already have hers.
09-01-2013, 12:49 PM
I'm an outlaw. I carry in schools, I've carried many times in the convention center for events, I didn't know I couldn't, now I do so either I won't go, my first choice, or if we go with wife's choice I'll carry discreetly.
I'd just as soon stay home anyhow. It's pretty safe here and I have home court advantage.
Went to our local fair again yesterday and then the rodeo. Cess pool of humanity. I went loaded for bear and managed to get out alive and uncaught. No guns there but only during the fair. Any other time, no problem.
09-01-2013, 01:48 PM
I'm a first responder on the highway. Not a EMT but for car accidents and pretty much anything that happens on the highway. We are called emergency traffic patrol. We work hand in hand with the state troopers. We drive big yellow tow trucks with red n blue lights n siren classified as emergency vehicles.
When its dark out, we could pull up on a citation with our red n blues flashin and the people may think we are cops. Sometimes it's not a good thing.
We mostly wear our vests only when there a high threat. Like back during the NATO summit held in Chicago.
09-01-2013, 01:52 PM
Glock Holiday
09-01-2013, 02:08 PM
Find a new job and keep your mouth shut.
Wow great advice for pnichols's first post..:frown:
He didn't go around bragging he had his gun on him...It was discovered by accident. The owners gave him a choice to continue to carry a gun at their place of business, he decided not to work there if he couldn't. I respect that.
Restaurants are frequently robbed and sometimes everybody gets herded into the cooler with terrible consequences, I'd probably want my pistol on me too especially if it's a rough part of town or closes late at night.
09-01-2013, 03:33 PM
I'm a first responder on the highway. Not a EMT but for car accidents and pretty much anything that happens on the highway. We are called emergency traffic patrol. We work hand in hand with the state troopers. We drive big yellow tow trucks with red n blue lights n siren classified as emergency vehicles.
When its dark out, we could pull up on a citation with our red n blues flashin and the people may think we are cops. Sometimes it's not a good thing.
We mostly wear our vests only when there a high threat. Like back during the NATO summit held in Chicago.
You should be armed, no question about it. Most private tow truck guys I know carry weapons. You should even more so, your going weather you want to or not, private guys can call for an officer if things look hinky.
Be safe.
I really dig the big yellow trucks. I'd like flashing lights and siren on my van too. Cut down on the 15 minute commute time for sure.
Hello jdlott. Sorry, either my quote message doesn't work, or more likely I don't know how to use it. Been to Texas a few years ago Austin & San Antonio. Great vacation, two entirely different cities. Point I was trying to make, CCP holders in N.C. are so thoroughly checked out legally employers should see that as a plus for a hire. This year we went from a Democratic State House of Representatives to Republican and our carry laws have improved. CCP classes emphasize when lethal force is permitted by law. On the practical shooting at 3,5,7 yards our instructor emphasized point & shoot & speed over pin-point accuracy. Any firearm can be used including .22. Agreed, a lot of crazy hoops to jump through but now our situation is changing for the better in N.C. My original point is: If you have a CCL from are a proven good -guy or gal. and go explain that to the employer! But I don't know how true that is in other States.
09-01-2013, 04:41 PM
Hello jdlott. Sorry, either my quote message doesn't work, or more likely I don't know how to use it. Been to Texas a few years ago Austin & San Antonio. Great vacation, two entirely different cities. Point I was trying to make, CCP holders in N.C. are so thoroughly checked out legally employers should see that as a plus for a hire. This year we went from a Democratic State House of Representatives to Republican and our carry laws have improved. CCP classes emphasize when lethal force is permitted by law. On the practical shooting at 3,5,7 yards our instructor emphasized point & shoot & speed over pin-point accuracy. Any firearm can be used including .22. Agreed, a lot of crazy hoops to jump through but now our situation is changing for the better in N.C. My original point is: If you have a CCL from are a proven good -guy or gal. and go explain that to the employer! But I don't know how true that is in other States.
Agreed, same here in TX as far as employers, but unfortunately employers don't see it that way. To me, if CHL could carry at work, it would be perfectly fine with me. Nobody usually ever knows when one is being carried anyway. I have a CHL purse that I carry in and my purse says in my drawer in my desk all the time anyway. Nobody ever messes with it. A lot better to have a CHL holder working there if you ask me if the S**T hits the fan
09-01-2013, 04:47 PM
My feeling is I'd rather have the gun secured in a drawer or in my case a safe at my desk than in the car outside in a non patrolled parking lot.
Not just my safety but everyone in the offices safety.
A state official I conversed with years ago who job is to interpret laws the legislature creates told me the safest place for my gun while I was on school grounds was on my belt well concealed.
I know where it is, nobody is gonna control it but me. No chance of theft or misuse.
Makes sense to me.
09-01-2013, 05:38 PM
I'm a government official and not being allowed to carry at work drives me nuts. Disgruntled taxpayers, ex-employees, etc. causing life threatening situations are a real possibility. But so is the possibility of losing both my job and concealed carry permit if caught. So it sits locked in my car, useless.
09-01-2013, 06:21 PM
I guess I don't have to worry to bad about leaving it in my truck when I'm at work. I already bought a small lock box I plan on bolting to the floor and I park in a private state employee lot attached to the garage. There is always a supervisor and a gas man at the garage.
I was talking to a trooper and he said the best way to store a gun in ur car is to take the slide off and put that either in the glove box or center console, then put the rest in the trunk.
Glock Holiday
09-01-2013, 06:26 PM
I'm a government official and not being allowed to carry at work drives me nuts. Disgruntled taxpayers, ex-employees, etc. causing life threatening situations are a real possibility. But so is the possibility of losing both my job and concealed carry permit if caught. So it sits locked in my car, useless.
At least you can have it in your car...I work on an Air Force base and it's strictly verboten to take it on to the installation..
09-01-2013, 06:49 PM
It's a pain in the ass but do they have a armory u could check it into?
When I was In the military and lived on base, we could have our personal rifles/pistols kept at the armory.
Only problem was you had to worry about the armorer screwing with ur stuff.
09-01-2013, 07:42 PM
I have been reading all the replies and appreciate the time you folks have taken to give your two cents...As I mentioned ( maybe I didn't), this is a part time job (10-20 hour/week)...And although the income is nice, it is not necessary...I stopped by yesterday to drop of a present for the wife of the couple...I checked and they have not put up any signs as of yet...t was her birthday on last Friday and I had ordered her present long before the carry thing became an issue...As for most of the replies I appreciate the backing...When I decided to go through the process to get my CCW, I spent alot of time reading boards just like this and deciding where I was going to stand on the issue...A couple of years ago i was leaving the house, when my wife walked up to the truck...She started to talk to me when she noticed my G19 in a holster between the seats...She asked me why I was taking my gun and that I probably wouldn't need it...After a second I replied that if she could let me know when I would be needing it, I would be happy to only carry it then...She thought for a second, smiled and told me to have a great day...She has since made the turn and goes to the range with me and our sons...Oddly enough that little exchange determined my carry protocol...I carry all the time because, I DON'T know when i'll need it...I apoligize for not posting earlier but, I hadn't really seen any questions...I will keep you folks apprised of the situation though...Once again, Thanks...I came to the right place for advice.:Amflag2:
09-02-2013, 12:11 AM
My wife has her permit, although she generally doesn't carry. She may put it in her car when she goes to town though. She makes me go with her when I'm off work because she knows I do.
One thing though, youngest son bought a truck last week and that got me looking too. Then she said "look how many guns and how much ammo you could buy for what a truck would cost." I guess a new gun may be in my future. :)
09-02-2013, 12:14 AM
Happy new gun to you. New trucks are cool but new guns are cooler.
09-02-2013, 01:04 AM
I have been reading all the replies and appreciate the time you folks have taken to give your two cents...As I mentioned ( maybe I didn't), this is a part time job (10-20 hour/week)...And although the income is nice, it is not necessary...I stopped by yesterday to drop of a present for the wife of the couple...I checked and they have not put up any signs as of yet...t was her birthday on last Friday and I had ordered her present long before the carry thing became an issue...As for most of the replies I appreciate the backing...When I decided to go through the process to get my CCW, I spent alot of time reading boards just like this and deciding where I was going to stand on the issue...A couple of years ago i was leaving the house, when my wife walked up to the truck...She started to talk to me when she noticed my G19 in a holster between the seats...She asked me why I was taking my gun and that I probably wouldn't need it...After a second I replied that if she could let me know when I would be needing it, I would be happy to only carry it then...She thought for a second, smiled and told me to have a great day...She has since made the turn and goes to the range with me and our sons...Oddly enough that little exchange determined my carry protocol...I carry all the time because, I DON'T know when i'll need it...I apoligize for not posting earlier but, I hadn't really seen any questions...I will keep you folks apprised of the situation though...Once again, Thanks...I came to the right place for advice.:Amflag2:
Only 2 posts and I already aspire to be like pnichols. Keep 'em coming dude. I appreciate your perspective.
09-02-2013, 07:44 AM
Only 2 posts and I already aspire to be like pnichols. Keep 'em coming dude. I appreciate your perspective.
Yea, but can be cook? ... oh wait, that's what he does for work ... nevermind.
09-02-2013, 09:30 PM
At least you can have it in your car...I work on an Air Force base and it's strictly verboten to take it on to the installation..
I can assure you that weapons can and have gotten on a military base for people that only work there and don't live on base. As jlottmc would say, Don't ask how I know, just know that I know..And this was before and after 9/11. As long as they don't check every vehicle and you don't do something stupid that you will get stopped for, then it can be done.
09-02-2013, 09:34 PM
My wife has her permit, although she generally doesn't carry. She may put it in her car when she goes to town though. She makes me go with her when I'm off work because she knows I do.
One thing though, youngest son bought a truck last week and that got me looking too. Then she said "look how many guns and how much ammo you could buy for what a truck would cost." I guess a new gun may be in my future. :)
What is the the purpose of having your carry permit and not carrying. I realize I don't carry like jlottmc wants me to, but I do carry, 90-98% of the time.
That's just like LEOWs (Law Enforcement Wives) for those that are not in the brother/sisterhood not wanting a gun in the house at all, even though their spouses are LEO's. Just stupid. Some even keep them unloaded. REALLY!!!! you could be dead by the time it takes you to load the dang thing. We keep all of ours stuff loaded, and most of the time one in the chamber.
09-02-2013, 10:01 PM
At least you can have it in your car...I work on an Air Force base and it's strictly verboten to take it on to the installation..
I work at Air Force plant #4 (Fort Worth) and yup, NO guns allowed even though Texas state law allows for them in the parking lot of such places. Seems we are on a "government reservation" and some state laws end at the gate...
They fired one young man for having one box of 9mm ammo locked in the trunk of his car, in the plastic bag with the receipt. No firearm in the car. He lives in the country and the sporting goods store is 1/2 mile from the plant. working nights he picked them up on his way in as the store is closed long before his end of shift.
So the nutty thing here is this. He is a CHL holder and holds a Top Secret clearance through the DOD. A more vetted man you will never find. His real crime was being honest with the guard during the "random search" when the guy had clearly missed what was in the bag... A real threat indeed.
The union was finally able to get his job back after a year off.
I don't carry so much as an empty brass case to my job site. For my employer their rules don't have to make any sense in the real, real world.
Glock Holiday
09-03-2013, 06:08 PM
As long as they don't check every vehicle and you don't do something stupid that you will get stopped for, then it can be done.
The AF cops besides pulling you over for going 2 miles over or not signaling quick enough or not remaining stopped long enough at a stop sign have a quota that they have to meet for "random vehicle inspections" all the time.That's entering and leaving the base.
They fired one young man for having one box of 9mm ammo locked in the trunk of his car, in the plastic bag with the receipt.
Doesn't surprise me one bit. I'm not loosing my sweet DOD contractor gig for something like that so absolutely no guns,ammo,weapons when I roll up to the gate. One time when they searched my pickup glove box the cop asked me why I had a pair of S&W handcuffs and a cuff key on my key ring. I told him I just liked having them with me. He seemed a little surprised but didn't say anything more about them and let me enter the base.
09-05-2013, 06:44 AM
One time when they searched my pickup glove box the cop asked me why I had a pair of S&W handcuffs and a cuff key on my key ring. I told him I just liked having them with me. He seemed a little surprised but didn't say anything more about them and let me enter the base.
Alternate answer - my girlfriend is Miley Cyrus.
09-05-2013, 08:00 AM
I swear she made a real fool of herself. I think she fried her brain when she smoked that Salvia on youtube and started babbling like a brainless human being.
09-05-2013, 10:21 AM
Fine argument for post partum abortion if you ask me.
I'm sure her daddy is so proud.
09-05-2013, 10:57 AM
Colonel, I believe you've mentioned you were in charge of repairs to the departments, and officers bug guns before, or that they bring problem guns to you or something along those lines, is there anyway you could always have one of those guns in a drawer that you are "working on" or "tinkering" with? And keep a fully loaded mag or two handy? If nothing else, don't those guns from the vault need oiled and cleaned regularly? You could have 2 or 3 out in the process of cleaning and oiling. With one always ready to go.
I sure understand your concern, no way would I want to work in a Police station and not be armed, (even though you are).
09-05-2013, 11:08 AM
Colonel, I believe you've mentioned you were in charge of repairs to the departments, and officers bug guns before, or that they bring problem guns to you or something along those lines, is there anyway you could always have one of those guns in a drawer that you are "working on" or "tinkering" with? And keep a fully loaded mag or two handy? If nothing else, don't those guns need oiled and cleaned regularly? You could have 2 or 3 out in the process of cleaning and oiling. With one always ready to go.
Your one sneaky little devil ain't you.
Answer is of course. I have a Glock 21 that is designated to me as an armorer gun. I tear it apart now and then just to keep up even as simple as they are. It's in a small safe on my desk with some other parts etc along with at least a dozen mags, 3 of which are full.
One logical way of looking at it is if I have an officers gun apart and suddenly he gets an urgent call and has to go NOW!. I can just give him that one and off he goes. It doesn't happen often but it does happen and the brass likes it. They don't know about the loaded mags.
Their thinking is I can touch and work on guns, or I can handle ammo inventory, distribution etc but I can't handle both at the same time.
I've thought long and hard and can't find a bit of logic in that but that's pretty normal too.
Officers are all on my side. Heck they leave their loaded guns on my desk for me to check stuff.
Sadly this doesn't do me any good between the back door of the PD (where the bad guys are brought in) and my van. Hence the full time PM45 hanging on my ankle, (shhhhsh) which comforts me until I get in the van and put the Cbob in it's right and just place on my hip.
It's sad our brass are the way they are. The should be Amway executives, not in law enforcement.
09-05-2013, 11:24 AM
75 replies and I want to know one thing from the OP...
Did you quit or rollover,or did the owner see the light?
09-05-2013, 11:35 AM
For this of you that are interested…I bring you the conclusion….For background I will refer you to the original post…Went to work yesterday as normal…Worked the lunch rush and it was exceptionally busy…I worked this with the wife/owner and not a word was mentioned about the "gun situation"…About the time things slowed down and I was starting to gather my gear to leave, the husband/owner stuck his head in to say hi…I thought this was odd since he works a full time job…When I went in to write on my time card, he again ask if I :had a few minutes"…Once we were all in the office, he began to explain that they decided not to decide…I was confused a first but what he meant was that they were not going to take a position on either side of the issue…Thru one of the waitresses, I heard he had approached one of the regulars about the situation…A guy not much older than me, maybe close to 60…The husband/owner told him that he had an employee that carried and was probably going to let him go…He also told him that they would soon be posting "gun free" signs…The customer replied that it was a pity that this was taking place and that he would have to find another place for breakfast…When the husband/owner asked why, the customer informed him that he carried concealed and was armed as they spoke…I would like to think that this made the husband/owner realize that the issue was important to many folks and that he should take it into consideration…More likely he realized that, it would affect the bottom line…However it came to be though, I still have my job and carry when I work…His one caveat was that I refrain from telling other employees about my weapon…He don't understand, that is my goal…All in all, a win…I want to thank all of you folks for your encouragement that I was taking the right tack…Options like this board allow us to exchange ideas and realize that we are not alone…Til next time (I hope that it is a simpler question)…Later.
09-05-2013, 12:06 PM
For this of you that are interested…I bring you the conclusion….For background I will refer you to the original post…Went to work yesterday as normal…Worked the lunch rush and it was exceptionally busy…I worked this with the wife/owner and not a word was mentioned about the "gun situation"…About the time things slowed down and I was starting to gather my gear to leave, the husband/owner stuck his head in to say hi…I thought this was odd since he works a full time job…When I went in to write on my time card, he again ask if I :had a few minutes"…Once we were all in the office, he began to explain that they decided not to decide…I was confused a first but what he meant was that they were not going to take a position on either side of the issue…Thru one of the waitresses, I heard he had approached one of the regulars about the situation…A guy not much older than me, maybe close to 60…The husband/owner told him that he had an employee that carried and was probably going to let him go…He also told him that they would soon be posting "gun free" signs…The customer replied that it was a pity that this was taking place and that he would have to find another place for breakfast…When the husband/owner asked why, the customer informed him that he carried concealed and was armed as they spoke…I would like to think that this made the husband/owner realize that the issue was important to many folks and that he should take it into consideration…More likely he realized that, it would affect the bottom line…However it came to be though, I still have my job and carry when I work…His one caveat was that I refrain from telling other employees about my weapon…He don't understand, that is my goal…All in all, a win…I want to thank all of you folks for your encouragement that I was taking the right tack…Options like this board allow us to exchange ideas and realize that we are not alone…Til next time (I hope that it is a simpler question)…Later.
I'm ecstatic the WAY it worked out for you, the owner and That very good customer!
THAT's What I was waiting for.... Your Outcome!:D
Be safe, nothing stupid.
09-05-2013, 01:46 PM
Print this out and show it to your restaurant owners:'s_massacre
then highlight the included quote:
The first victim was local veterinarian Michael Griffith, 48, who ran to the driver's side of the pickup truck to offer assistance to the driver after the truck crashed through the window. Hennard also approached 32-year-old Suzanna Hupp ( and her parents. Hupp reached for her .38 revolver in her purse, only to realize she had left it in her vehicle. Her father Al, 71, rushed at Hennard in an attempt to subdue him but was fatally shot in the chest.
09-05-2013, 01:50 PM
Uh, sorry guys, I posted above from about page 6.
Glad you worked it out.
09-05-2013, 02:33 PM
Sounds like it worked out then pnichols, I'm glad to hear it. I didn't pitch in before as I had nothing to add that hadn't been said. Guns work on 2 levels, the Logical, and the Emotional. People that are emotional about them, don't see any logic to them, they just represents evil or something to them, on a gut level, and very seldom can you reason with feelings, you know this if you've been married. I'd venture to say it was probably the wife, that was the emotional one, and didn't want nasty ole guns around, and that probably got her to talk her husband into the no-guns signs. Of course it could have been the hubbies idea for the no gun signs, thinking it might increase business if people felt safer, knowing it was a gun free establishment.
I can see how after talking to his customer, the owner probably saw his bottom line going down, and maybe the customer was able to reason with him a little bit as to why you were more of an asset than a liability, say in case of a robbery or some situation that got out of hand. And I bet the customer informed the owner that those stupid gun free signs are more or less inviting a place to be robbed.
And the owner would probably give more credibility to the customer, as he wasn't trying to save his job or anything, although it sounded like you pretty much were ok with just leaving if you weren't wanted. If I knew who the customer was, I'd sure give him an extra helping of bacon, or mashed taters or a piece of pie of something.
I'm like you, I wouldn't have made any fuss, I don't stay where I'm not wanted, (shut up Kahr talk folks, LOL). I might have tried to talk him out of the no guns signs, since I'd hate to see him robbed, if he was a friend or had been a good boss.
Poetic justice might even happen some night, when someone decides to rob the place and points a gun at the wife, and somehow you are able to save the day. Hope for everyone's sake that doesn't happen, but it would be kind of fitting.
09-05-2013, 03:24 PM
pnichols, great!
09-05-2013, 04:03 PM
Colonel, any chance you could slip that Glock into a pouch on your chair, and sneak it home with you in the evenings and back in the mornings? I bet there is some tool at your house that you need to work on it, that you can't bring to the job, in case you were ever asked about it.
Or else maybe have a backup gun that you are working on for Officer X that needs to go home to the shop with you. Something along those lines? You probably have few small revolvers or pistols you could rotate so you wouldn't be working on the same gun all the time. :D
09-05-2013, 04:03 PM
Well, well, well ... chalk one up for the good guys. Congratulations.
09-05-2013, 04:13 PM
Colonel, any chance you could slip that Glock into a pouch on your chair, and sneak it home with you in the evenings and back in the mornings? I bet there is some tool at your house that you need to work on it, that you can't bring to the job, in case you were ever asked about it.
Or else maybe have a backup gun that you are working on for Officer X that needs to go home to the shop with you. Something along those lines? You probably have few small revolvers or pistols you could rotate so you wouldn't be working on the same gun all the time. :D
I'm not completely nekkid. I do have the PM45 on my ankle morning till night all day long every day. They don't need to know about that.
Ankle isn't a great primary location but it's better than having to get somewhere else to get it when you really need it.
I figure it's actually a plus for me since I can go into my derelict fetal cowering please don't hurt me position if there's time and be in a good position to grab it and apply it to the bad guys face.
What I really should do and we have to remember that I don't live in Chicago but in a small relatively calm town is slip it off my ankle for the trip out back. It's just silly that I can't do like I did for 18 years and wear it in and out and lock it in the safe during the day.
Course even with that the PM45 is still on the ankle so guess it don't matter a whole lot.
Downfall is if I'm ever caught it's probably instant termination but I think I'm on a short list anyhow. I was looking for a job when I found this one. The jobs are out there. Too many violets here anyhow.
Even my wife is fixing to resign. She's worked her part time for a year or so and even she says it's the most unfriendly place she's ever worked and I agree they have treated her badly.
I mostly get along with the guys so I'll stay as long as I can if for no other reason than to torment the violets.
09-05-2013, 06:43 PM
Well Colonel, let's just hope you never get caught packin. If there ever was a place that all employees should be armed, you'd think it'd be a police station. I can just imagine some big lug going berserk while having his cuffs removed and grabbing an officers gun and making a break for it. I bet they have procedures in place to prevent that, but still, crap happens.
I guess you're another victim of paranoia and political correctness.
.............One time when they searched my pickup glove box the cop asked me why I had a pair of S&W handcuffs and a cuff key on my key ring. I told him I just liked having them with me. He seemed a little surprised but didn't say anything more about them and let me enter the base.
Well now, that there is just amusing. All my key rings have handcuff keys on them. Decades long, no brainer practice. My Chevy Avalanche has old duty cuffs, leg irons, and prisoner chains with cuff key padlocks that I use for cargo tie down hanging off the rear tie down tabs. So carry keys still needed.
I've always long had a cuff key on my office badge lanyard along with office keys. Every once in awhile some new person will venture to ask why. Answer always be....easiest way to get cuffs open, duh.
I'm not completely nekkid. I do have the PM45 on my ankle morning till night all day long every day. They don't need to know about that.
Ankle isn't a great primary location but it's better than having to get somewhere else to get it when you really need it.
I figure it's actually a plus for me since I can go into my derelict fetal cowering please don't hurt me position if there's time and be in a good position to grab it and apply it to the bad guys face.
What I really should do and we have to remember that I don't live in Chicago but in a small relatively calm town is slip it off my ankle for the trip out back. It's just silly that I can't do like I did for 18 years and wear it in and out and lock it in the safe during the day.
Course even with that the PM45 is still on the ankle so guess it don't matter a whole lot.
Downfall is if I'm ever caught it's probably instant termination but I think I'm on a short list anyhow. I was looking for a job when I found this one. The jobs are out there. Too many violets here anyhow.
Even my wife is fixing to resign. She's worked her part time for a year or so and even she says it's the most unfriendly place she's ever worked and I agree they have treated her badly.
I mostly get along with the guys so I'll stay as long as I can if for no other reason than to torment the violets.
I be down with that.
09-30-2013, 02:19 AM
Glad it worked out for you OP. That was about the best solution you could have asked for much less expected. Usually, as others have said so adroitly, it is impossible to reason with "feelings". I personally can't fathom feelings trumping logic and cold hard facts but I have had to deal with it more times than I can remember. Sadly, the illogical, moronical, "feelings" crowd runs the world, and nothing delights them more than complicating things to the 50th power.....Just just because they can.
May there be a special place in hell for them is all I can say.
Deo Vindice!
We warned you in 1862!
09-30-2013, 03:22 PM
Mans gotta do what a mans gotta do.
IF I have to not carry for some reason it makes me think twice or three times about what it is I am about to do.
IF it is a job I didn't "have" to have or a place I do not "have" to go I believe I can and have done without. I even told my mom we would stay somewhere else when we visited when she asked me not to bring a gun. She dont understand why I carry but she understands that I mean what I say and a compromise was reached.
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