View Full Version : motorcycle riders, how do you carry while riding?

08-30-2013, 02:27 PM
When riding my motorcycle, I sometimes carry my PM9 in a pocket holster in my Levi 505 front pocket. Impossible to get to when sitting on bike. Sometimes I carry in a pocket holster in my zippered leather jacket. But what to do when I remove my jacket. Sometimes I carry in an iwb holster at the 3:30 position on hip. But then I am could lose holster and gun on a bump. I carry at about 3:30 position. It depends on where I am going or what my plans are on my carry position. So, I was just wondering where you carry when riding your motorcycle? Just curious.

08-30-2013, 02:35 PM
desantis front pocket 24/7. never would be ableto get it outon a motorcycle but again not a bigt deal either...

08-30-2013, 03:10 PM
When I rode I carried mine in an inside left breast pocket of my jacket. When I got off the bike the gun went into right front pants pocket. I tried to avoid crowds when I made the switch. I haven't been on a bike since the mid '80s

08-30-2013, 03:16 PM
Pm45 no holster, front pocket. Inside vest pocket for pm9

08-30-2013, 03:33 PM
Well for 20 years I cc a snubby in a iwb just in front of the hip bone. Now a cw9 in a comp-tac mintaur neutral in the same location just set higher. No sport bikes in my group of bikes thru the years. H-D a wing and a yfr1300. Just never changed how I carried on or off bike .

08-30-2013, 04:50 PM
I carry in the tank bag while on the bike. When I stop it goes in my front pocket in the pocket holster Du Jour. http://i769.photobucket.com/albums/xx338/Tslepebull/ParkEntrance2BigBend2009.jpg (http://s769.photobucket.com/user/Tslepebull/media/ParkEntrance2BigBend2009.jpg.html)

08-30-2013, 05:03 PM
I just put in in my saddlebag, and put it on me when we stop for lunch or when we get a motel or if someone breaks down or whatever. It only takes a couple seconds to grab it out of the saddle bag. And I don't know if I could hit anything while riding. That is not something I've ever practiced.

08-30-2013, 10:36 PM
I use a recluse holster in my front pocket. If I was to go down the holster would take the punishment. It is the best pocket holster to draw from I've found. Can't do it while on the bike, but I couldn't shoot from the saddle anyway. No telling what I'd hit.

08-31-2013, 07:51 AM
desantis front pocket 24/7. never would be able to get it out on a motorcycle but again not a big deal either...

Same here

08-31-2013, 08:43 AM
For me it's more like transporting as I cannot use a gun while riding, and on the body would be like carrying a rock to fall on.
Transporting, to carry when I get to were I'm going.

08-31-2013, 10:11 AM
recluse in front pocket. when you put feet on ground you can draw.

08-31-2013, 10:33 AM
I know some bikers prefer not to wear the typical leather vest.
I'm in a club so I'm always wearing my vest on the outside. So I will carry in inside vest pocket if I'm riding.

08-31-2013, 11:20 AM
when i wearmy black leather vest,my PMJ9 restsin one of the pockets also..

08-31-2013, 05:13 PM
recluse in front pocket. when you put feet on ground you can draw.
Looking at the Recluse web site I see several versions, which would be the best for a PM9 in right front jeans pocket?


08-31-2013, 05:49 PM
I'm about to order up two single shoulder rigs - one for the Judge, one for the FNX45.

There are times when I need to go light, and the PM9 in the inside vest pocket is fine.

There are times.... sorry to say, that I'd feel much better with the Judge hanging under my vest. If I know I'm going to be out late, after the witching hour, you bet, the Judge or FN will be there.

In Florida we also get to carry knives openly... and brother, after the witching hour, I want that Cold Steel Tanto XII (12 inch, San Mai Tanto).

08-31-2013, 07:26 PM
Cross draw holster while on the bike, IWB all other times.

08-31-2013, 07:30 PM
FWIW, I just ordered....


The picture shows right shoulder/left draw, so looks weird, but its built a lot like my old Safariland rig that I'm very fond of.

From Lone Star Holsters. I have seen their rigs, and they do nice work. Another great holster company from Tejas is El Paso Saddlery, who's Tortilla pancake holsters I've used now for... close to 30 years on the same rigs and still goin' strong.

Hopefully.... they'll get it to me befor Biketoberfest. Be nice to carry a Judge under the vest and a PM45 in the pocket of my jeans.

08-31-2013, 07:43 PM
Looking at the Recluse web site I see several versions, which would be the best for a PM9 in right front jeans pocket?


I am using the one sided OS pocked holster. Looks just like a wallet in jeans pocked. Easy to draw. Only drawback, if it is one, is you have to take it out of your pocket to re-holster. Doesn't bother me. Tried a lot of others but stuck with this one especially for riding.

08-31-2013, 10:55 PM
I am using the one sided OS pocked holster. Looks just like a wallet in jeans pocked. Easy to draw. Only drawback, if it is one, is you have to take it out of your pocket to re-holster. Doesn't bother me. Tried a lot of others but stuck with this one especially for riding.
Thanks, I'll check it out.

09-01-2013, 09:03 AM
Same as any other time.

IWB I guess 4 oclock behind the hip. However you describe it.

09-01-2013, 04:09 PM
Being as I just wrecked on my bike, I've changed my opinion on pocket carry. I usually carry a J frame in my pocket, but for some reason put it in my backpack this time. I had a Benchmade Rift clipped to my pocket when I went down, landed right on that knife. Didn't break my leg, but left one heck of a bruise. If I had a gun in that pocket, I think it might have broken my leg. Since the gun was in my pack this trip, it was fine. I'm thinking backpack or tank bag carry now,,,

I did buy a CM9 to replace the J frame,,, :D

09-01-2013, 06:50 PM
last good bikle wreck I had was over 2 years ago. had to be ambulanced to hopstial. anyway when I was laying in the street half awake. my mind siad "fokker" ur PMJ9 is in ur pocket and ur goin to the hosptial. Cops were all around at this time, and I recognized the chief and fingered him over to me and whisprtered in his ear I had a 9mmin my pocket and would he give it to mwife when she came. He took my 9mm without anyone even seein it and did exactly what I had asked him. He haned it to her privately with mag, out, and slide locked open.

I bought the dept months later 500 rounds of range fodder..

09-01-2013, 07:38 PM
I can't help but to think, if I somehow went down, I'd probably have the inclination to shoot someone, if they was involved and the cause of such an event

09-01-2013, 09:37 PM
Motorcycle jacket and vest both in "gunslinger" style built specifically for ccw
with dual zip up or snap angled pockets both sides (ambi)on the inside....CM9 fits perfectly...


09-01-2013, 10:50 PM
I carry my pm9 in my front pocket in a nemises holster.

09-03-2013, 09:44 AM
Summer time it's usually one of my single stack 9mm's or P3at on my hip, covered with a Tshirt or vest with a g26 with extra mags in the saddlebag. In cooler /cold weather it's a 9mm in a jacket/vest pocket, with a RIA 1911 in the saddle bag. What I carry when depends on the weather and where I'm going, and for how long.
Always nice to have choices.:D

09-06-2013, 06:24 AM
desantis front pocket 24/7. never would be ableto get it outon a motorcycle but again not a bigt deal either...

I carry the same way but once I stop and put both feet on the ground I"d have no problem drawing and I don't anticipate drawing while I"m riding especially since I"d have to take my hand off the throttle.;)

09-15-2013, 01:22 AM
Depends but the first two or goto:

Front pocket nemesis holster (CM9)
Tank bag - when I have it on (CM9 or G26)
Vest - inner breast (single snap) pocket w/ built-in elastic strap (CM9)
Holster - Leather Pancake on belt loops - RT Hip (G26)