View Full Version : CM9 Another Range Report

08-31-2013, 11:08 AM
Myself and 3 other friends got together for a range day on Thursday. It's nice going to shoot with someone instead of going solo all the time.

Anyhow. I brought my CM9 w/crimson trace and even though I have already put about 300 rounds thru it already I still cant believe how great this gun is. Its almost match like in its accuracy. IMO There is hardly any recoil either for a gun that is as small and light as it is.
I am still working out the kinks so I can power stroke a round in the chamber instead of using the slide stop. Its just about flawless when it comes to power stroking a round in the chamber and usually hangs up only once out of 20 or 30 times of power stroking a round.

Another thing I don't see talked about is the looks of this gun. IMO there's only 2 only 9mm's that look better IMO. Thats the Kimber Solo and the Kahr T9. This gun with its two tone color looks classy as hell on the hip or in the hand. It looks even nicer with the crimson trace attached.

Breaking down and cleaning the gun is WAY easier than when I first tried it. The pin that holds the slide on now pops out without me having to use anything but my thumb. Before I needed a flat tool like a screwdriver to get it out it was so tightly held.

Lastly it fits in the pocket of my sweats or cargo shorts with ease. Which is exactly the role I needed it to play when looking foe a "pocket 9". And in saying that I feel so much better carrying a 9mm instead of a .380 acp in a gun only slightly larger.

I let all 3 friends shoot it but none of them really cared for it but one. One friend stated it was too small and he couldn't get a true combat grip on it. The others didn't like the long trigger pull and no trigger reset. I love the trigger and I can shoot the hell out of it. Out of all my handguns I am the best with the CM9.

I don't see how anyone can past up this pistol if they are looking for a quality pocket 9mm at a decent price. I paid 449.99 plus tax back in March 2013. I see Gander Mountain is selling them for 549.99. I feel lucky.

Thanks for reading.

08-31-2013, 11:18 AM
you must post pix or it didn't happen. :D

im considering trading my PM45 for a CM9... id rather have the PM9 but they only have new guns in my area as far as Kahr goes......

08-31-2013, 11:28 AM
I agree with you on all counts. I've bought several IWB & OWB holsters and a few pocket holsters. Pretty comfortable carrying both but this week I've tried Rh rear pocket carrying. Frankly I'm surprised. I forget the pistol is there. Kind of like a wallet and used to that already. The only problem I see is I'm going to have to change the jeans I buy from Wrangler to Levi. As I remember, Levi has a bigger pocket. The Wrangler pocket isn't as wide and I have to push the handle just past the top edge making a fast draw impossible. I just got a K9 and looking at finding a good carry package for it but I know one thing right now. It isn't likely to be a pocket holster.

08-31-2013, 11:30 AM


08-31-2013, 12:22 PM
Levi 505 has deep pockets but check first, as I have two pair of 505 and damn if one pocket is very shallow on compared to the utter. In the good ones the 505 pockets could probalby haid a fokking G19 even and in the utter one it would be working har d to hide a Rohrbaugh R9. TRUST BUT VERIFY.

08-31-2013, 12:24 PM
You have to wonder why mess around with a proven product?

08-31-2013, 12:26 PM
I have a pair of levi 559 that are pretty good for theh PMJ9 but the 505 trumps them all. I always when buying jeans today stick my hand sin the pockets tyo test out the depth..

08-31-2013, 12:43 PM
do those holsters fit the gun with the laser sight attached? if so what brands are they?

08-31-2013, 01:48 PM
You have to wonder why mess around with a proven product?

been told thaty shoretened the pockets for to many perverts were buying them and have a "ball" figuratively speaking:Amflag2: Now itht he short pockets they cannot reach that far. I might be off on that a tad, u know bow storeis go???:banplease:

08-31-2013, 02:14 PM
jocko, jocko, jocko.......<grin>

08-31-2013, 03:12 PM
Grate report! Not sure what you friend needed i.e. -"combat grip" ????

But that's cool. You are right about the groups, only things that keeps my pm9 from shooting the same hole is me? Got the love that!

08-31-2013, 03:27 PM
do those holsters fit the gun with the laser sight attached? if so what brands are they?

They both fit pefectly

One is a crimson trace hoslter, its comes with the laser I used that as my pocket holster.

The other is a High Noon holster. IWB. I forget the model but High Noon makes one for the CM9 with laser it was around 50.00 I think. Best IWB holster I have. Leather, comfortable fits alittle tight but rather too tight than too loose.