View Full Version : Well I finally blew some sheckels at the range with the P45

04-30-2010, 09:15 PM
Like the title says I took the P45 and the 1911 out to the range Thursday. the guns were flawless, the shooter...well he needs to go back there and fix his problems. I would post pics, but I need a better camera, and method for loading them. I also cleaned them. I will also say that the Flitz tube I bought is top shelf stuff, though the P45 won't take a polish on the slide, and the nickeled barrel won't take much either. My GP100 will though, and WOW... Back to the P45 and 1911, I re-contoured the slide stop on the P45, and the safety on the 1911, and they both felt like new guns.

04-30-2010, 10:28 PM
Try some JB bore cleaning compound, very easily with a Dremel tool on the barrel. Then finish it out with JB polishing compound. Try it a little at first and wipe it off to check the results. If not enough, try a little more at medium speed with the Dremel. I did the flats on my CW9 barrel and it looks very good. You don't want to do too much because you will eventually go through the plating. I left my slide the way it is.

05-01-2010, 10:07 AM
I hadn't tried that, at this point I'm ok with it like it is. The weapon stays clean, and has zero issues. I like that kind of report card. I will see if I can find some the next time I go to look though.