View Full Version : Blind granted permits

09-08-2013, 05:03 PM
Should legally blind be granted pistol carry permits? What are your thoughts on this? :7: OOps...Sorry, didn't see you there!
Yahoo article below.

In what might seem to be an alarming development in the gun control debate, officials in Iowa say they have been granting weapons permits to blind people (http://www.desmoinesregister.com/article/20130908/NEWS/309080061/Iowa-grants-permits-for-blind-residents-to-carry-guns-in-public?News).

According to the Des Moines Register (http://www.desmoinesregister.com/article/20130908/NEWS/309080061/Iowa-grants-permits-for-blind-residents-to-carry-guns-in-public?News), the Polk County Sheriff's Office says it has issued permits to at least three people who "can’t legally drive and were unable to read the application forms or had difficulty doing so because of visual impairments." And officials in at least three other counties say they have granted permits to visually impaired residents because state law forbids sheriffs from denying the right to carry a weapon based on a physical disability.

“It seems a little strange, but the way the law reads, we can’t deny them (a permit),” Sgt. Jana Abens, a spokeswoman for the Polk County sheriff’s office, told the newspaper (http://www.desmoinesregister.com/article/20130908/NEWS/309080061/Iowa-grants-permits-for-blind-residents-to-carry-guns-in-public?News).

Just exactly how many blind Iowans have permits to carry guns is unclear. State officials say they do not collect that information when the permits are issued.

But the visually-impaired people who are given permits say they are perfectly capable of handling their weapons.

"When you shoot a gun, you take it out and point and shoot, and I don't necessarily think eyesight is necessary," Michael Barber, who is blind, told the paper.

Some lawmakers, though, do.

“I’m not an expert in vision,” Delaware Sheriff John LeClere said. “[But] at what point do vision problems have a detrimental effect to fire a firearm? If you see nothing but a blurry mass in front of you, then I would say you probably shouldn’t be shooting something.”

Federal laws do not prohibit blind people from owning guns, but some states have laws that restrict visually impaired from obtaining weapons permits. Not Iowa.

Several Iowa country sheriffs said they would not willingly issue a gun permit to someone who is visually impaired, but acknowledged that person would likely win an appeal.

“The fact that you can’t drive a car doesn’t mean you can’t go to a shooting range and see a target,” Jane Hudson, executive director of Disability Rights Iowa, said.

“There’s no reason solely on the (basis) of blindness that a blind person shouldn’t be allowed to carry a weapon,” Chris Danielsen, PR director of the National Federation of the Blind, told the Register. “Presumably they’re going to have enough sense not to use a weapon in a situation where they would endanger other people, just like we would expect other people to have that common sense.”

09-08-2013, 05:19 PM
Well, as long as able to pass a reasonable range qualification test, I don't see the problem.

Longitude Zero
09-08-2013, 05:20 PM

09-08-2013, 05:25 PM
Well, as long as able to pass a reasonable range qualification test, I don't see the problem.

Someone who is legally blind? How can that happen?

Longitude Zero
09-08-2013, 06:43 PM
I believe ltxi was being facetious.

09-08-2013, 07:22 PM
About 15 years ago while shooting at an Austin, Texas outdoor range, I saw a firearms instructor coaching a blind man to shoot by oral directions. Apparently he had been teaching the man's spouse, a sighted lady, how to shoot, and then included the husband.
He could hit a standard CHL target very well at 9 yards.

09-08-2013, 07:44 PM
I believe ltxi was being facetious.

No, I wasn't. Legally blind ain't the same thing as blind. Pass a proper range qual test and and be able to appropriately discern threat and I'm good with it.

09-08-2013, 08:46 PM
Even the totally sightless have the right of self defense and can stick a pistol in an attacker's ribs and shoot him or her. There needs be no range qualification for that. Think about this... if you were a woman and being raped in the dark, shouldn't you be able to stick a pistol to the rapist and blow his sorry ass away??

You don't need any qualification other than urgent need of self defense and the means to defend yourself. Range qualification... WTF!?


09-08-2013, 09:02 PM
Even the totally sightless have the right of self defense and can stick a pistol in an attacker's ribs and shoot him or her. There needs be no range qualification for that. Think about this... if you were a woman and being raped in the dark, shouldn't you be able to stick a pistol to the rapist and blow his sorry ass away??

You don't need any qualification other than urgent need of self defense and the means to defend yourself. Range qualification... WTF!?


Point taken.

09-08-2013, 09:08 PM
Hmmm. Let's see.

A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

Answer, yes, a blind person should be allowed to have a firearm and should be allowed to carry it however they please. No permit should be required. No test should be administered to allow it or prevent it. Period. It's pretty clear in the statement quoted above.

09-08-2013, 09:09 PM
Keep in mind, the term "legally blind" refers to sight without the help of glasses.

09-08-2013, 09:39 PM
My wife works for the tax office. Part of her job is selling yearly car tags. A few years ago she related that a bling guy ( dark glasses, white stick and harnessed yellow lab guide dog) came in to buy his car tags. "What did you do" I asked?
She told me "I sold him his tags... He had a valid ID (NOT a DL) insurance in his name on a car also in his name. No reason not to sell him the tags."
She admitted not seeing him come in with a sighted person so after completing their transaction she asked if he needed a place to wait for his ride home.

She said he flashed her a giant smile and said "No need to wait, the DOG is a heck of a driver". I always guessed that the dog was indeed a good one as I never heard of an accident involving a blind guy or a driving dog around here.

09-09-2013, 10:23 AM
I have a good friend we call grandpa, actually father to a friend but he's a friend too.
He's legally blind. Can't drive. Has to use a magnifier to read the paper.
Wears glasses. He has to be close to identify anything, like a sign etc.

He doesn't carry a gun but I'd have no problem with if he did so. He don't see clear but he can see enough.

Far more idiots with perfect vision that I'd be far more worried about.

Just get him a hi cap wonder nine and he'll fit right in with the spray and pray crowd.
Sorry Jocko I told myself I wouldn't let this get personal.

09-09-2013, 11:15 AM
I ain't legally blind but if they seenmy shot groupls they might think I am blnd. I am the current National president of the SPRAY AND PRAY association. U need not be legally blind, just need to be a piss poor shot. I have won that award since `1988.

My prize winning photo wasmy shooting 100 rouonds inside of a barn and nary a hole was ever found. To this day it has never been duplicated. Just sayin. Nuttin personalcolonel, must the facts "

09-09-2013, 11:25 AM
Jocko's Keyboard

https://encrypted-tbn2.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSDdsoA12rlf1odEfZYWpmFEoTYWiLjD bLvt9lGOpH4VVCPGYF8sA

09-09-2013, 12:05 PM
How good to you have to be to put the barrel of a gun into the belly of the person attacking you and hit them. I say give them their permits.

09-09-2013, 12:36 PM
I have a feeling that this may be a legal tactic to show the need for "background checks". It is absurd to give someone that is legally blind a gun license. This may give gun-control nuts the opportunity to justify medical background checks (oh...are those anti-depressants you're taking?).

09-09-2013, 12:47 PM
damn tinman, u figured oput my code stuff.. now everyone will want to be doin it.

Longitude Zero
09-09-2013, 12:50 PM
How good to you have to be to put the barrel of a gun into the belly of the person attacking you and hit them. I say give them their permits.

If the permit limited them to this okay. But if the perp is some distance away the blind shooter has virtually zero ability to hit the bad guy. I am not much for a lawsuit but if a stray bullet from a blind persons gun found me I would not rest until they were totally bankrupt and homeless on the street.

09-09-2013, 01:03 PM
If the permit limited them to this okay. But if the perp is some distance away the blind shooter has virtually zero ability to hit the bad guy. I am not much for a lawsuit but if a stray bullet from a blind persons gun found me I would not rest until they were totally bankrupt and homeless on the street.

I concur and feel that a man just has to know his limitations and it's not up to big brother government to create those limitations.

I have to allow for being near deaf as a stump. Visual clues and other senses are gonna have to be glaringly obvious before the gun clears leather.

Gun control nuts will use anything valid or otherwise so I no longer even consider them in the equation. Their thought process's are so far off in left field I don't think they can be rehabilitated. If we could just put them down our rights would be completely safe and our country would be safe as well. We would have to hold an election to replace 80 or 90 % of our elected officials but small price to pay.

09-09-2013, 03:26 PM
You've got it Bawanna. It's the old divide and conquer strategy. The right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed unless they can't see so good. It ain't in my copy of the constitution. I'd be the first one to slap a discrimination suit on them.

09-09-2013, 03:51 PM
damn: It just kills me, but the colonel siad it very well. I could have probably ave said it better hbut lets give the deaf man some credit. He hit the nail o the ol head. I don't want the government in my life but the fokkers are probalby listening to me as I type,

so for the government people listening please: GO FOKK URSELF!!! Just sayin

09-09-2013, 06:37 PM
damn: It just kills me, but the colonel siad it very well. I could have probably ave said it better hbut lets give the deaf man some credit. He hit the nail o the ol head. I don't want the government in my life but the fokkers are probalby listening to me as I type,

so for the government people listening please: GO FOKK URSELF!!! Just sayin

The NSA may be good but they're not THAT good. You're safe Jocko

09-09-2013, 06:41 PM
they would probaby think I am writingin code!! Just sayin

NSA National Sh!theads associastion..

09-10-2013, 02:46 PM
damn: It just kills me, but the colonel siad it very well. I could have probably ave said it better hbut lets give the deaf man some credit. He hit the nail o the ol head. I don't want the government in my life but the fokkers are probalby listening to me as I type,

so for the government people listening please: GO FOKK URSELF!!! Just sayin

They may be listening Jocko, but even the best cryptographers couldn't decipher
what you write. You got to be a 1K Kahr Talk member. Just sayin.

09-10-2013, 05:59 PM
How 'bout a 1K former cryptographer member?