View Full Version : Talking to the Police

05-02-2010, 10:26 AM
I am not a lawyer.

Here is a good article, and two good videos on talking to the police:

Tactical-Life.com After A Shooting, What To Reveal (http://www.tactical-life.com/online/combat-handguns/after-a-shooting-what-to-reveal/)

Video 1: Professor James Duane explains why innocent people should never talk to the police.
"Don't Talk to the Police" by Professor James Duane (http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-4097602514885833865#)

Video 2: Officer George Bruch from the Virginia Beach police department responds to Professor James Duane's presentation on why innocent people should never talk to the police.
"Don't Talk to the Police" by Officer George Bruch (http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=6014022229458915912&hl=en&emb=1#)

Lifted off another forum. Good info.

05-02-2010, 12:48 PM
Good post, Dozer. I hear what they said, but it's hard to "clam up" like that. I'll probably be a babbling brook. I did pick up a legal defense card at a gun show that I recently attended, but I'm cheap and might not do the "right thing".
At least I live in Florida where we can defend ourselves in our homes or outside them... if I fear for my life. I dang sure ain't going to act guilty and leave the scene or not call the police! That's crazy. I would holster my weapon, if circumstances permitted, then I would call 911(or have someone else call, if I had no phone) and say I was attacked and had to defend myself because I feared for my life... or someone else's life. Then I would describe myself so the cops would have an idea of just who was the victim. I would try to get any weapons out of reach of the bad guy and protect myself and the scene until the police arrive. This includes noting witnesses and paying attention to the possibility of the BG having accomplices or "sympathetic" friends. If I could help it, I wouldn't touch the BG's weapon and taint the evidence with my fingerprints or smudge his. Unlike the TV or movies, the first thing I do, would NOT be to pick up the BG's weapon.
I'm sure that I'll get lots of "advice" now.:)

05-02-2010, 01:49 PM
Good stuff that, makes you wonder what you will say. I had a CHL instructor tell us to call for a pair of ambulances, one for the BG and one for us, then when the cops get to the hospital they are met with your attorney's prepared statement. I'm still unclear on the wisdom of that but it does buy time.

05-02-2010, 06:45 PM
Very good information and advice from all three sources.Especially the part about letting the police know that you are the victim before you lawyer up.It is so easy to get yourself into trouble and so difficult to get out of it.Posts like this one at least help regular people keep from injuring themselves too badly before professional help arrives.