View Full Version : In Remembrance of the worst Day in America's Modern History

09-11-2013, 10:56 AM
Where were You?

I was in the towers at 6 pm 9/10
on 9/11 I sent 2 truckloads of medical supplies and equipment
on 9/12 my entire company donated blood at 7am
and on 9/13 I was at the pile looking for survivors.... I often wondered how this happened but the biggest mystery is tower 7 which was not hit by planes or crumbling buildings simply imploding!
Yes, I believe someone knows something, that I will never hear about.
My town lost 6 people that day and a near-by town lost the most, Middletown, NJ (Lost 37)
So what did we get out of this?
The Patriot Act, DHS and The TSA. Billions of dollars and growing lost freedoms in the name of security. (of which you got none of these)
But WE are stronger than the cowardly Muzzies that want to kill us!
God Bless America!:amflag:

09-11-2013, 11:02 AM
Only Aired one Time!


09-11-2013, 01:56 PM
Here's a time lapse of the new Freedom Tower!:Amflag2:


09-11-2013, 02:54 PM
I was at work when a coworker came in and said he heard on the radio that a small plane had ran into the WTC....I remember thinking wow how does a pilot not see those things on a clear day...Later after the second plane hit it became clear that it was something other than a bad acident....

Many years ago I was a Volunteer Firefighter for 10 years or so and still have a spot in my heart for Firefighters so right after 9/11 I put a red stripe Firefighter tag on the front of my pickup with 343 in the middle of the stripe and I can't tell you how many people ask me what the number 343 is for...Makes me sad how fast people have forgotten....

Now about what really went on that day...I'm not a conspiracy theory nut or anything and I don't think Bush knew about it or had it done but I just dont believe in coincidences and there are way too many coincidences with the whole 9/11 deal that smells strongly of old fish....

1. Those buildings shouldn't have fallen, perhaps one but not both of them in that short amount of time....The original design took into account that a plane the size of a 707 might hit them and the building withstand the blow and not collapse...

2. Building 7 shouldn't have imploded like it did...Nothing hit it and even though there was a fire inside the structure the thing shouldn't have collapsed like a house of cards in a hurricane....

3. This is the most telling coincidence to me that a bunch of unskilled terrorists that couldn't even pass the most rudimentary of flight instruction (Atta's Piper Cub instructor said the man shouldn't be driving a car much less trying to fly a plane and refused to go up with him ever again) now you're telling me this bunch of boobs could take over the controls of a 767 and fly them like a seasoned experienced pilot and center punch two buildings at 400 mph at low level....MAYBE once but not twice and forget about three perfect times....

Now plane number 3 that hit the Pentagon did a 180 degree turn and almost went inverted in order to do a high speed dive then fly at full speed 10 feet off the ground for 1/2 mile and slam into the Pentagon with a perfect hit....I call BS on that one, experienced fighter pilots that looked at what that 767 did said on their best day in their F-16 they might have been able to do it....There's just too many maybe's might if's and lucky's to go around for these stunt flights to have been pulled off by newbe inexperienced pilots....

4. Lastly the plane that was supposedly taken over by the passengers and crashed at Shanksville Pa....This may have happend like they said or it could have been shot down and the whole feel good story made up as a cover up for the shoot down....The accident site is like no other in many ways....The plane shaped hole they showed on TV was proven to already have been there by a previous Google map...The Government said the plane hit with so much force that there was no debris or bodies left..Sorry that don't work...there is always debris and bodies after a crash perhaps very little but there is always something left to pick up, a 767 doesn't just disappear into dust...

Perhaps I am a fool to think there was something more behind 9/11 than what we were told but there are things that just don't add up to me...I didn't trust our Government then and I sure don't trust them now after all the recent scandals that have come to light...

None of this takes away from the thousands that were killed and injured that awful day and we should never ever forget them....

09-11-2013, 02:57 PM
Downtownv, thank you and bless you for your service that day and forward.

09-11-2013, 03:05 PM
I was at work when a coworker came in and said he heard on the radio that a small plane had ran into the WTC....I remember thinking wow how does a pilot not see those things on a clear day...Later after the second plane hit it became clear that it was something other than a bad acident....

Many years ago I was a Volunteer Firefighter for 10 years or so and still have a spot in my heart for Firefighters so right after 9/11 I put a red stripe Firefighter tag on the front of my pickup with 343 in the middle of the stripe and I can't tell you how many people ask me what the number 343 is for...Makes me sad how fast people have forgotten....

Now about what really went on that day...I'm not a conspiracy theory nut or anything and I don't think Bush knew about it or had it done but I just dont believe in coincidences and there are way too many coincidences with the whole 9/11 deal that smells strongly of old fish....

1. Those buildings shouldn't have fallen, perhaps one but not both of them in that short amount of time....The original design took into account that a plane the size of a 707 might hit them and the building withstand the blow and not collapse...

2. Building 7 shouldn't have imploded like it did...Nothing hit it and even though there was a fire inside the structure the thing shouldn't have collapsed like a house of cards in a hurricane....

3. This is the most telling coincidence to me that a bunch of unskilled terrorists that couldn't even pass the most rudimentary of flight instruction (Atta's Piper Cub instructor said the man shouldn't be driving a car much less trying to fly a plane and refused to go up with him ever again) now you're telling me this bunch of boobs could take over the controls of a 767 and fly them like a seasoned experienced pilot and center punch two buildings at 400 mph at low level....MAYBE once but not twice and forget about three perfect times....

Now plane number 3 that hit the Pentagon did a 180 degree turn and almost went inverted in order to do a high speed dive then fly at full speed 10 feet off the ground for 1/2 mile and slam into the Pentagon with a perfect hit....I call BS on that one, experienced fighter pilots that looked at what that 767 did said on their best day in their F-16 they might have been able to do it....There's just too many maybe's might if's and lucky's to go around for these stunt flights to have been pulled off by newbe inexperienced pilots....

4. Lastly the plane that was supposedly taken over by the passengers and crashed at Shanksville Pa....This may have happend like they said or it could have been shot down and the whole feel good story made up as a cover up for the shoot down....The accident site is like no other in many ways....The plane shaped hole they showed on TV was proven to already have been there by a previous Google map...The Government said the plane hit with so much force that there was no debris or bodies left..Sorry that don't work...there is always debris and bodies after a crash perhaps very little but there is always something left to pick up, a 767 doesn't just disappear into dust...

Perhaps I am a fool to think there was something more behind 9/11 than what we were told but there are things that just don't add up to me...I didn't trust our Government then and I sure don't trust them now after all the recent scandals that have come to light...

None of this takes away from the thousands that were killed and injured that awful day and we should never ever forget them....

Re #2 That tower wasn't hit by anything but supoosedly contained some hidden operation... Who knows
Re #3 Where is the debris field I seen a jet crash over Detroit and there was stuff spread out like a garage sale! Every video camera was confiscated if it had a view of the pentagon.
#4 I had a conversation with an FDNY guy who hangs flags at all three sites and request donations for the "Certified flown over site a/b/c" American legions, VFW post etc)and he told me of a mildly retarded man that talked of an engine landing on his daddies property (8 miles away) and a group showed up and evacuated the land in a matter of hours.
Shot down by us? That plane turned over on air and nose dived picture indicated missing 1 engine. hmmmmmm

We Will never know....

09-11-2013, 03:20 PM
Downtownv, thank you and bless you for your service that day and forward.

I'm no hero. I did whatever I could possibly do. But the smell in the air is something i'll never forget. Acrid like battery acid....
The site was a surreal nightmare.

09-11-2013, 03:32 PM
While visiting Las Vegas in December 2011, I took this photo of a T-shirt put up (along with hundreds of others) on the fence in front of the replica Statue of Liberty at the NYNY Hotel/Casino.

It was put there by a fellow Vegas.com message board member a few weeks earlier in memory of Dennis Gomes, one of the favorite posters. Dennis, or Trane, was a commodities broker who worked in one of the Towers. He left behind a 6 months pregnant wife.

I signed it with my old Internet nom de plume:


09-11-2013, 03:46 PM
While visiting Las Vegas in December 2011, I took this photo of a T-shirt put up (along with hundreds of others) on the fence in front of the replica Statue of Liberty at the NYNY Hotel/Casino.

It was put there by a fellow Vegas.com message board member a few weeks earlier in memory of Dennis Gomes, one of the favorite posters. Dennis, or Trane, was a commodities broker who worked in one of the Towers. He left behind a 6 months pregnant wife.

I signed it with my old Internet nom de plume:


I've got pics of walls and streets with posters~ missing~ please cal~ with photos and where they worked~ on what floors~ Mother~ father~ sister~ brother~ Finances.... blocks and blocks of posters nailed, glued, taped, everywhere that would make the photos of pol pots killing fields look like a playground! It a flashback.

09-11-2013, 03:54 PM
Dennis actually called his wife via cell phone after the first plane hit the other Tower.

Said they were ready to evacuate, then got instructions to stay put.

She never heard from him after that.

She was posting on the Vegas.com message board all that evening hoping that he would come home. So sad to follow her posts.

They did recover his remains several months later.

He was a good guy and a lot of fun to meet with in Las Vegas.

09-11-2013, 04:03 PM
The acrid smell mentioned jogged my memory. If you were around the towers after the attack and if you have not already done so, you may want to check the "James Zadroga 9/11 Health and Compensation Act of 2010’" in case you have or may develop in the future certain identified cancers to get treatment for it and related prescriptions covered.

As I understand it the program's emphasis was for first responders, but was also for anyone in the area. You can read about it here


and web search for any other questions. I understand the sign up period expires in like the first week of October.

09-11-2013, 05:26 PM
Very cool story of 911


09-11-2013, 05:48 PM
I was in our main briefing room within a DOD building. People were mad and many in tears. The next day, a counselor came to the office. He went around the table asking questions i.e. how are you, etc.. to check our state-of-mind and asked "what would you do if you saw a suspicious person sitting in front of you on an airplane?" I replied "take off my belt and wrap it around his neck..." 9/11 wiped any innocence I had in a single day.

09-11-2013, 07:53 PM
Very cool story of 911


That is a cool story!:)

09-11-2013, 08:44 PM
I was a gov't senior in DC on a one day business trip that ended up lasting a week with a cross country drive in a rental car to get home. So I do have some personal grasp of the day.

However: "In Remembrance of the worst Day in America's Modern History."
I disagree. That, to my mind, would be Pearl Harbor.

09-11-2013, 08:55 PM
I had that thought also but wasn't sure what the definition of modern history was. If that was too far back.

09-11-2013, 09:02 PM
As long as the media plays up commemorations and at least one percent of the folk that were alive at the time are alive today it qualifies as modern history.

09-11-2013, 09:24 PM
I was working at a real estate office in Morehead City, NC. jlottmc was at work on the military base he was stationed at. My boss came in and turned on the TV. Needless to say I didn't get crap done that day. We were watching the news and I kept trying to get in touch with jlottmc on the phone. They phones kept being busy. I finally got in touch with him and he said they were on lockdown. I knew that that point they were probably going to be deployed at some time soon after that. They were on lock down and it was a PITA to get on or off base for a while.