View Full Version : Updated Coffee Warmer Search for replacement in Dazey Catastrophy!

05-02-2010, 11:01 AM
Dang! I went out and got the newspaper. I took it to my dining/work bench/office table and spread the paper out into categories: The newspaper, USA Magazine(or whatever), and the comics. Wifey takes these to work with her, so I have to read/look at those first. Then there are the junk flyers that we don't look at, the coupons, my flyers and hers. There are "ours" as well. Anyhow I spread the different piles about to sort them then grabbed a cup of coffee and went out on the back porch to sit with my wife for a while... maybe 15 minutes. I come back in and get a refill and then go to the table... something's burning! I had parts of the paper on my Dazey Coffee Warmer... ya know, one of the 25-watt ones from way back before the PC and "safety" bunch decided that was too hot and we see only 15 to 18-watt "warmers" now... luke-warmers.
Anyhow, I got back before ignition, but evidently the paper helped the heat build up and melted the plastic and now that Dazey is a mess! It still seems to warm, though, but I worry now about the coffee cup falling over.
I like my coffee hot, like it comes out of the carafe. This Dazey is one of two surviving ones that I had lovingly rebuilt from parts and epoxied back together and then painted over the epoxy so that it was kinda all white... and brown with coffee stains... and heat stress cracks. It worked though.
I've looked and looked but there's nothing that "hot" online. I saw an old one on eBay for about $18... it looked almost as bad as mine.
If the "safety" bunch figures out a way to change coffeepots so that the coffee doesn't get much above body temperature, I guess that's what we'll be limited to... if the "health" bunch doesn't ban coffee.
The way things are going now, everyone will be working for the government or be "wards" of the government which will decide what's best for us.
This could have been worse, though. I could have been a bit longer returning to the table and that stuff could have ignited and really made a mess. That Dazey is hazardous... I've burned or come close to burning my hand, reaching for the mouse which is next to the "warmer".
I did a test on warmers... hours long with a thermometer. The "new" ones didn't get to 140° while the Dazey's temperature approached 180°. That was with a plastic can lid on top for a "dust cover" and heat/coffee conserver... from evaporation. This was over 3 hours, so the new ones were maxed out at about 137°(about what my water heater is set on), while the Dazey got over 170°... closer to that just-made temperature.
This was on top of seeing Michelle Obama's picture on the front of the USA Magazine... America's Mom-in-Chief! GAG!:puke:

05-02-2010, 11:52 AM
Dang! I went out and got the newspaper. I took it to my dining/work bench/office table and spread the paper out into categories: The newspaper, USA Magazine(or whatever), and the comics. Wifey takes these to work with her, so I have to read/look at those first. Then there are the junk flyers that we don't look at, the coupons, my flyers and hers. There are "ours" as well. Anyhow I spread the different piles about to sort them then grabbed a cup of coffee and went out on the back porch to sit with my wife for a while... maybe 15 minutes. I come back in and get a refill and then go to the table... something's burning! I had parts of the paper on my Dazey Coffee Warmer... ya know, one of the 25-watt ones from way back before the PC and "safety" bunch decided that was too hot and we see only 15 to 18-watt "warmers" now... luke-warmers.
Anyhow, I got back before ignition, but evidently the paper helped the heat build up and melted the plastic and now that Dazey is a mess! It still seems to warm, though, but I worry now about the coffee cup falling over.
I like my coffee hot, like it comes out of the carafe. This Dazey is one of two surviving ones that I had lovingly rebuilt from parts and epoxied back together and then painted over the epoxy so that it was kinda all white... and brown with coffee stains... and heat stress cracks. It worked though.
I've looked and looked but there's nothing that "hot" online. I saw an old one on eBay for about $18... it looked almost as bad as mine.
If the "safety" bunch figures out a way to change coffeepots so that the coffee doesn't get much above body temperature, I guess that's what we'll be limited to... if the "health" bunch doesn't ban coffee.
The way things are going now, everyone will be working for the government or be "wards" of the government which will decide what's best for us.
This could have been worse, though. I could have been a bit longer returning to the table and that stuff could have ignited and really made a mess. That Dazey is hazardous... I've burned or come close to burning my hand, reaching for the mouse which is next to the "warmer".
I did a test on warmers... hours long with a thermometer. The "new" ones didn't get to 140° while the Dazey's temperature approached 180°. That was with a plastic can lid on top for a "dust cover" and heat/coffee conserver... from evaporation. This was over 3 hours, so the new ones were maxed out at about 137°(about what my water heater is set on), while the Dazey got over 170°... closer to that just-made temperature.
This was on top of seeing Michelle Obama's picture on the front of the USA Magazine... America's Mom-in-Chief! GAG!:puke:

I'm so sorry Wyn, seeing a picture of the Mom-in-Chief anytime of the day can be a horrible truamatic experience. In the morning seems to be even worse. I guess it's a small payback that the male half wakes up each morning staring into the face of the missing link. I avoid papers these days or have someone stronger than I check for nauseating pics. Did accidently encounter a Pelosi shot awhile back. We got fake hardwood floors so the puke cleaned up pretty easy.

The cup warmers a bummer too. Doesn't sound safe though, I'd toss it and drink faster.

05-02-2010, 01:23 PM
Styrofoam cups work well too.

05-02-2010, 01:24 PM
About the same time you posted this I had walked outside with the dog. My neighbor had just shut off his lawn mower, it was between his truck and his garage. I noticed what looked like smoke. Looked a little closer sure enough I could see orange flames around the carb. I yelled to him... Hey , your lawn mower is on fire :eek: He was on the other side of his fence washing his hands with the hose so he sprayed it to put the fire out.

05-02-2010, 02:04 PM
Styrofoam cups work well too.

Not really... the coffee loses heat rapidly. if I take a cup on the back porch, I'll drink it faster because I'm holding it... that and conversation is all I have going on. With the warmer, every sip is as hot as first poured, which is how I like mine. It lasts a long time. The second cup can last for an hour or more while I "surf the 'Net" or read the paper... or a lot of other stuff. I don't need to guzzle the ever-cooling coffee because it's getting warm... that's less hot... to me.
When coffee gets below 140°, it's luke warm and loses its taste... as far as I'm concerned. The "warmers" they sell these days let the coffee cool off until it's barely above 130°, if that. If that's good for you, that's great, but I like HOT coffee... not warm. I also like STRONG coffee... not "tea" you can see through. I don't want to look into the cup and see the bottom before I add Coffee-Mate and sugar/substitute. I'm not talking French or Expresso, but Columbian Supremo or middle strong or better. We use FOUR 1/4 cup measures... slightly rounded, for a 12-cup (5oz cups... like that's a cup) cone-filter drip ground... the finer the ground the better to extract the most flavor and strength. My wife even complains that's too weak sometimes. I hate to let her fix it... more than a CUP of coffee is just too much!:D She likes the Starbucks Bold or Extra-Bold stuff, too.
It's personal preference. Some people like theirs black... my wife can drink her cup for half an hour, unheated, or pick it up off the counter an hour later and drink it cold!:p
She's liable to throw away this Dazey and I'll only have one and have to move it around until it dies or breaks from being dropped or heat cracks.:eek:
If you look online, you'll find a lot of people are lamenting the lack of these 25-watt warmers... I'm not alone, but no one seems to be making these "unsafe' devices anymore... imagine, wanting your hot coffee to be HOT!

05-02-2010, 04:14 PM
Wynn, I quit drinking coffee years ago, I'd tell you why but would hate to ruin your preferences.

05-02-2010, 08:26 PM
Wynn, I quit drinking coffee years ago, I'd tell you why but would hate to ruin your preferences.

Aw, come on... you can't say something like that and leave me hanging... or our fans!

05-03-2010, 06:45 AM
Sorry for your loss. It's amazing was a few minutes of distraction will do. I'm fortunate in that I drink my coffee too fast to worry about keeping it warm.

05-03-2010, 07:59 AM
Aw, come on... you can't say something like that and leave me hanging... or our fans!

Very well, don't say I didn't warn you... Ok when I was a young Devil Dog, and being an Engineer and Armorer, I had to pull a lot of dark stupid shifts/watches. One of the salty Marines that took me under his wing showed us that we could take the single serve instant coffee out of an MRE, and tuck it in the lip. Just like the tobacco that we all had and did as well. To say that it was nasty and wrong would be an understatement. Part two came when I made NCO and had people complain when I made coffee that you couldn't stand a spoon upright in. Part three came when our Substance Abuse Control Officer (SACO) came in with a gallon sized mug and said the doctors had limited him to one cup per day, and that was his cup. Keep in mind that I never was big on coffee, and after that it was like I'll pass.

05-03-2010, 09:25 AM
Dang Wyn, You remind me of some of the guys I worked with when I was younger....We worked in a Frito-Lay factory and they were real strict about our coffee breaks...We got 10 minutes twice a day....Well it took about 5 minutes to get to the break room and there was a coffee vending machine that would give you a paper cup of molten lava boiling hot super strong coffee and those guys would gulp down a couple cups of that stuff like is was nothing....I couldn't drink the stuff cause it would burn the hair off your tongue but they didn't seem to notice anything at all....Sorry about your loss but it sounds like you need to move up to one of those propane burners and just let your coffee cup sit on that while you read the paper...When it starts to bubble up its ready!!!!!:eek:...:001_tt2:

05-03-2010, 11:55 AM
Wynn+fire+indoors=bad things. Call me clairvoyant or some crap, but I can see pretty red trucks arriving at his house shortly thereafter, and lots of water...

05-03-2010, 12:46 PM
Dang! I'm pretty safe, but got a little negligent with the 25-watt coffee warmer, I mean isn't it supposed to take 451°F for paper to ignite?
Dang warmer! The plastic that "flowed" gets tacky now and sometimes my cup sticks a tiny bit, but at least it's warm, er hot.:D
I know there's a bunch of stuff that I need to do, but I'm waiting on FedEx right now. I don't want to multitask too much.
I have a real scary project in the living room. I was gonna fool with it on the back porch, but it's over 90° back there already.
I'm putting together a soil aerator/spreader to pull behind my lawn tractor... LOTS of sharp teeth... like horror show saw blades!:eek: I already got one nick. And that was just uncrating the parts and bringing them inside. I guess I'll have plenty of chances to avail myself of glucose tests without the lance thingie. When you have lemons... you make lemonade... same with blood-sugar tests, I guess. Waste not, want not.

05-03-2010, 12:53 PM
OMG, first fire and now razor sharp objects.......Hello 911, we need a bambalance...:2eek:.......google up bambalance...old stuff but still very funny!!!

05-03-2010, 01:06 PM
OMG, first fire and now razor sharp objects.......Hello 911, we need a bambalance...:2eek:

Fire resistant kevlar cut proof gloves come to mind. Maybe a chain maul long sleeve vest. I'm sure mon silouhette is lurking behind a door someplace waiting to jump out and trip him while he's carrying the master shredder.
Wyn remember, one little grease spot on the carpet and wifey's gonna get very ugly with you. Sharp hot things will be the least of your worries. You'll then have to spend your gun allowance on a carpet cleaner that will no doubt come in a massive cardboard box with lots of sharp staples and history will repeat itself.
As a side note, I have a large coffee mug made by thermos, not sure they even make them anymore with a screw lid that you don't have to twist of anything to drink but I can fill it hot at 3 in the afternoon and sometimes it's still comfortably hot at 7 or 8 at night to drink. I've had it over 20 years, I go nowhere without it. My van won't even start without the coffee cup in the holder. I'll keep my eyes peeled and see if I can find one any place. Figure it'll be a public service to your local fire department.

Also, please don't play with matches dude.

05-03-2010, 01:17 PM
No guarantees it will replace Ole Faithful, but they claim 24 watts:

Deluxe Cozy Cup Warmer (http://www.preparedpantry.com/deluxe-cozy-cup-warmer.aspx)

05-03-2010, 01:37 PM
Thanks, Dademoss. I had checked those out and the Brookstone is rated very poorly. The Deluxe Cozy Cup Warmer only shows good reviews and some of the guys say really good things, but Editor's notes:
We sell tons of these cup warmers. This warmer is one of our best-selling products. We have tested it thoroughly and are confident in its performance. The only complaints that we have ever received are from those who would like a much hotter unit, which is impossible to provide because of liability issues.
These are cup warmers, not heaters. They are designed to maintain a cup of coffee for an extended period at 110 to 120 degrees. Most people feel that it keeps their coffee hot enough for about four hours. The heating capacity is limited to avoid an accidental scalding from a cup that has been sitting on the warmer for an extended period.
Let's see... our bodies' temperature is 98.6... the crappy warmers I've tried went over 130° and the GOOD one over 170° -- that's measured coffee temperature over a three to four hour period -- so what the heck?
The reviews they show are good, but I dismissed it due to the Editor's notes, when I was looking months ago.
If I knew it really worked as well as the reviews say, I would consider buying 5 for free shipping.:D
I can do that next time, if my tests show it heats sufficiently for my purposes. I'll order a "test sample" of one. They take PayPal, too.
Thanks, again. I'll try this, 'cause I'm down to one Dazey and my meltdown one.

Maybe I can change whatever they are using for a temperature regulator. I checked my spare parts bin and I don't have a top half or heating element, but I could probably cobble together a better looking "no-top" one than the ugly white, melted mess with the pop-up cup base.
I have probably half a dozen or so of the 130° warmers for our next garage sale. We just got two more as xmas gifts.

05-03-2010, 01:59 PM
Thanks, Dademoss. I had checked those out and the Brookstone is rated very poorly. The Deluxe Cozy Cup Warmer only shows good reviews and some of the guys say really good things, but Editor's notes:
We sell tons of these cup warmers. This warmer is one of our best-selling products. We have tested it thoroughly and are confident in its performance. The only complaints that we have ever received are from those who would like a much hotter unit, which is impossible to provide because of liability issues.
These are cup warmers, not heaters. They are designed to maintain a cup of coffee for an extended period at 110 to 120 degrees. Most people feel that it keeps their coffee hot enough for about four hours. The heating capacity is limited to avoid an accidental scalding from a cup that has been sitting on the warmer for an extended period.
Let's see... our bodies' temperature is 98.6... the crappy warmers I've tried went over 130° and the GOOD one over 170° -- that's measured coffee temperature over a three to four hour period -- so what the heck?
The reviews they show are good, but I dismissed it due to the Editor's notes, when I was looking months ago.
If I knew it really worked as well as the reviews say, I would consider buying 5 for free shipping.:D
I can do that next time, if my tests show it heats sufficiently for my purposes. I'll order a "test sample" of one. They take PayPal, too.
Thanks, again. I'll try this, 'cause I'm down to one Dazey and my meltdown one.

Maybe I can change whatever they are using for a temperature regulator. I checked my spare parts bin and I don't have a top half or heating element, but I could probably cobble together a better looking "no-top" one than the ugly white, melted mess with the pop-up cup base.
I have probably half a dozen or so of the 130° warmers for our next garage sale. We just got two more as xmas gifts.

Given your recent history and propensity for getting major wounds opening a cardboard box I think this sort of experimentation might be best avoided. Maybe just keep a microwave handy and renuke the caffiene as needed, although I cringe at what you might think up to play with in the micro wave. An gunshop employee who wanted to know what happened to a paint ball in a microwave comes to mind. (They had to throw it away and buy new, wasn't pretty) He also insisted that I shoot him in the back with a paintball gun at about 6 ft. I'll save that story for another time. Not a happy ending.

05-03-2010, 02:06 PM
You can see videos of idiots doing unbelievable stuff on YouTube. One of my favorite is the guy who let someone stick a bottle rocket in his butt and light it. It was a NOT a "clean" launch,,, no pun intended... er, okay, pun intended. Anyhow, it sounded like he was experiencing a little remorse as the tender unprotected parts of his lower anatomy got toasted a bit by the lingering bottle rocket... I surmised this from his screams.:eek: He did celebrate afterward!

Dang! forgot the "NOT" a clean launch... changes the whole meaning!:D

05-03-2010, 02:31 PM
You can see videos of idiots doing unbelievable stuff on YouTube. One of my favorite is the guy who let someone stick a bottle rocket in his butt and light it. It was a NOT a "clean" launch,,, no pun intended... er, okay, pun intended. Anyhow, it sounded like he was experiencing a little remorse as the tender unprotected parts of his lower anatomy got toasted a bit by the lingering bottle rocket... I surmised this from his screams.:eek: He did celebrate afterward!

Dang! forgot the "NOT" a clean launch... changes the whole meaning!:D

Well I just took a trip accross campus. Snow on the ground! Had a big hail storm an hour ago. Looks like 60 will be optomistic today. Actually it's not cold but snow! Wonder if we'll cancel our little league baseball game or play in bunny boots.

05-03-2010, 02:49 PM
It's over 92° IN THE SHADE... so far. Dang, I hate the heat, but I don't want the snow, either... over 5 years in Northern Maine... had imported-by-me Audi Quattro with extra set of tires for winter, so I was ready... I remember going over 150 KPH up in Canada on the way to Québec for a week of skiing with Wifey. Saw whiteout coming... fun, if some idiots slams on the brakes just AFTER entering the blowing snow!:eek: Hey, I could go fast... just couldn't stop!
Canadian dollar was 68 to 70 cents US. Decent prices for condo, skiing, and dining. Where the French have nice fresh French bread and butter, the Canadians had the stale baguettes chopped up and over toasted... yuck... recycling stale bread!
I remember the good and the bad.

Ah, the the temperature must have peaked... the temp's 91.4° now.

05-03-2010, 03:40 PM
Dang! I need to get to working on that ground torture device! Pictures follow. Wish me a painless assembly. I may get a blood sugar test out of this! Let me see... do I have anything handy for a tourniquet?
See the second picture of the "back scratcher":eek:
Anybody got a bandaid??

05-03-2010, 04:03 PM
HOLY AMPUTATION BATMAN!!!!...:eek: You sure thats not some kind of kung fu throwing star assassin weapon or something? Does it require a license? All I can say is don't trip and watch out for Nemo and the boys!!!:D

05-03-2010, 04:24 PM
Dang! Now you have me worried about tripping!:eek:

I just sent my PM45 back to the mothership for another visit. looking at my FedEx receipt, I filled it out wrong, but I guess Kahr will still pay. I haven't ordered pickup before and I wound up opening an account with Kahr's acct#, which seemed to work as long as they are sending or receiving. I thought I had to do it the way I did to order a pickup with their number... oops. I noticed over in the "options" side there was a place to check for billing the recipient and entering their account number. I hope it all works out correctly and I don't get in trouble.
Hey, I'm old and can't remember stuff -- C.R.S. I think there's a different word for stuff, though... something like excrement. <Sigh>.

I got sidetracked and started trying to catch up on my pile of newspapers that goes back to April 21st! I spend too much time here! Bye!

05-03-2010, 04:43 PM
You'd best complete that machine of torture and get it outside someplace out of the normal walking path. If wifey comes home and trips over that monster she ain't gonna be happy. Maybe store it under a handy burglar window, when they go to make their escape in a hail of 380 bullets they'll fall on that thing and it's game over.

Just got email from Bud's they got no love for civilian office pukes but still the best price I can find around for shiney and new. I'm not even gonna say the model, we've heard it too many times. I'm actually chilling again to the idea, and looking at other options. Do you think I'm a woman in a mans body? Or perhaps half mans body. I can't make decisions any longer other than I want everything NOW!

05-03-2010, 04:53 PM
Aw, go ahead and take the plunge... then you can brag or b!tch about it like the rest of us. Some of us do both and misery or joy is best shared!

You do have a point about the location of that scary thingie... it's right in front of her chair. I have to at least get that squared away... that and the box it came out of on the back porch where she relaxes with her wine and cigarettes after a trying day working with the drug-rehab patients and her Jeckyll and Hyde boss lady.

05-03-2010, 05:07 PM
Aw, go ahead and take the plunge... then you can brag or b!tch about it like the rest of us. Some of us do both and misery or joy is best shared!

You do have a point about the location of that scary thingie... it's right in front of her chair. I have to at least get that squared away... that and the box it came out of on the back porch where she relaxes with her wine and cigarettes after a trying day working with the drug-rehab patients and her Jeckyll and Hyde boss lady.

Oh my, I can relate to the Jeckyll and Hyde boss lady. In my little area of the dept it's 10 ladies and me. I'm # 2 in longevity which of course means nothing when your outnumbered. And they wonder why I frequently have an urge to curl up in a ball on the floor and suck my thumb? Staff meetings include the lastest nail polish and bargain fragrances.:32: Perhaps 2 of the 10 I can look at without immediate nausea taking over. Another downfall to being a full time professional derelict. I hate this computer, I want to be a motorcycle cop!
Some probably think I already brag and ***** maybe simultaneously (nother big word for jocko) maybe I don't need a new gun to make that happen?

05-03-2010, 06:32 PM
Hey, that soil torture machine I was gonna put together is missing a few parts... like the main one in the first part for assembly -- the wheel support assembly! I need some other nuts and washers that I might could get locally if I don't already have. I can't get started at all. Bummer! I ordered the missing parts, or sent their service dept. a list of missing stuff, but I don't have any feedback, yet.
Now I have to put all that crap back into the box... good thing I didn't break that down for recycling! I have the box on a furniture dolly so I can move it around on the porch as needed.
I bought that thing about FOUR years ago... could be longer. I finally get a "round tuit" and I can't even start. <sigh> Why do I even try?
Well. I still have the displaced furniture and all of that TV box heavy duty cardboard to cut up for target backs... or back to the newspapers... nap?

Another day with little done... it's not my fault... I was gonna be productive... circumstances beyond my control thwarted my good intentions.... Back to being lazy. <sigh>

Choices... nap... supper... newspaper... TV news... today's Glenn Beck(recorded)... hmmm. Newspapers for now, then supper with Glenn -- that's Southern for dinner -- the evening meal... maybe a nuked TV dinner... one of those Pasta al Dente thingies you mix after microwaving and "steaming" it. Some of those aren't bad... wine helps.:)

06-20-2011, 06:20 PM
Update on my COFFEE WARMER search:

I tried searching for a coffee WARMER again and found a carafe warmer by Bunn... industrial strength. People were buying those and using them for coffee warmers!

Now we're talking! I searched until I found a decent price and ordered TWO. They arrived today by UPS. Ordered on the 15th, received today(Monday) the 20th.
Order Information
Order Confirmation Number: I549224
Order Date: Jun 15 2011

WX1 Coffee Warmer, 1 Element, 120V (http://www.katom.com/021-064500004.html)
Product Code: 021-064500004

Quantity 2 @ $31.68 each Total: 63.36 Plus Shipping $13.62 for a grand total of $76.98.

Order Total: $76.98

Order Total: $76.98

At KaTom Restaurant Supply, we believe “It’s About You”. Our dedicated team thrives to ensure that your shopping experience at KaTom.com should be awesome!

Please let us know (sales@katom.com) if we can make your shopping experience any better!
Contact The KaTom Customer Appreciation Team:


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1-800-541-8683 Monday - Friday, 8:00 am - 8:00 pm
http://www.katom.com (http://www.katom.com/)

I tried mine out today. It takes up a bit of real estate... for a carafe, ya know, and doesn't clash with my décor. :)

When I brew a cup with my Keurig Elite, the coffee is about 150° or more after adding sugar and CoffeeMate and stirring it. I do microwave the cup for 25 seconds to warm it up before brewing into the cup.

The surface of the warmer exceeds 235° and with 100 watts of heating element, is supposed to keep a carafe at the proper temperature.

I warmed up a cup and let my hot water run until maxed out and filled the cup about 3/4 full. I used two thermometers suspended in the water about 1/2 inch off the bottom of the cup and monitored the temperature for over an hour. The temperature rose from about 135° to 150° or better and stayed there. As your beverage level nears the bottom, the temperature rises, so finish the last swallow and remove the mug and turn the unit off. It's industrial strength and a bit larger than I would want, but

IT WORKS!! No luke warm or tepid coffee! :D

My last Dazey doesn't do much any more... dropped too many times. I put sticky-back felt strips on the table top as a guard to keep the feet of this warmer from sliding off the table, so I could put it near the rear edge of my side table.


The unit is a little over 7" front to back, 6 1/2" Wide and 2 1/4 to 2 1/2 inches high. The whole thing gets hot to the touch, but doesn't heat up the table. It certainly looks like it means business! :D

Flickr: http://www.flickr.com/photos/organize/?start_tab=one_set72157627009281218

06-20-2011, 06:57 PM
Wow, I thought I was having flashbacks to the 60's and Disco Fever here.

Isn't that like a deal they have in restaurants to put a whole pot on to keep hot. Oughta not break a sweat keeping a cup hot.

Kind of industrial strength and it does look marvelous on your desk.

06-20-2011, 07:27 PM
Oh,yeah... definitely for a carafe, but it certainly works for me!

That's my side table... got a "small" computer desk and use the space to the left of my keyboard for something else.

This is a much neater solution than my freaking HOT plate that's made for COOKING and is 4-6 times larger!

I just have to pay attention when reaching for the coffee... almost had some bad experiences with my old Dazey... reaching for the mouse and getting the warmer. This one's hot, but that's the point!

From my testing, it appears that it will keep my coffee hot as fresh-brewed... after I nuke my mug to warm it up before brewing coffee into it. I can't stand "warm" coffee... tepid, that is.

I don't really have the room for another one on my side table by my TV chair, or I would have ordered another!

I'm thinking about replacing the hex sheet metal screws with some nice SS pan head screws... maybe. Those look a little too industrial. ( Tried that but the SS chassis is tough! No headway at all... panheads are coarse-threaded but aren't self-tapping and drill bits don't want to open the holes up, either! :()


06-21-2013, 10:16 AM
Update... News Flash! Wifey got "terminated" at work last Tuesday and has been shopping and having lunch on her trips... her kind of fun. She was wanting to put in notice before our vacation, but found that she would not be able to take the planned vacation and would have to sell back Paid Time Off hours at $45 per 8 hours... Bummer. At least she can apply for unemployment again now.

Anyhow... she's been doing a lot of shopping and hitting all of the consignment shops and thrift stores. Yesterday she said she got me something. I was sceptical, but she thought she had scored a good one! She did... a "brand new" in the box Dazey Cup Warmer... the really old model with NO "On" light. They had to remove the plastic or cellophane to test it! For $2 she got this unused one in the box. These things were selling for $25 and up... USED... the last time I saw one online.

I have this one plugged in and am going to see how hot the water gets. It was over 130° a little while ago. This will be nice for my TV chair table since the Bunn CARAFE Warmers are a little large!

This is a great present from her for my upcoming 67th BD.

BTW... this morning my weight was down to 149.6 pounds... from a high of 187 or SO!

The temperature is up to 144° and my Bunn Warmer :D can get to 190° or so, I think, so I have to take the mug off it once in a while. I like 150 to 160°.


06-21-2013, 10:46 AM
It looks like the warmer is going to hold at around 135° or so uncovered. It will go higher with a cover to cut down on evaporation and hold heat better. I use a Planter's Mixed Nut lid as a dustcover and evaporation preventer.


06-21-2013, 10:58 AM
Congrat's on the wife's cup warmer score Wynn and very well done on the weight!

06-21-2013, 11:08 AM
Thanks, Greg. I'm about ready to buy the next smaller size of Looper Kydex-reinforced Gunbelt. The extra on the end is getting in the way of my cell phone case which is forward of my extra mag holder. I have a 38" and am using a 36" now, so I'm ready for the 34", which is what my waist size has been for a while. I've been stepping down in shorts and pants sizes, too. Of course I'm holding onto the larger-sized stuff for possible increases in the future!:D

Just last week I gave up on combing my hair... the frizzy 40 or so hairs on top of my head. I clipped those off and cut everything else down to about 1/2". I was loading up for a shopping trip and when I picked up my comb to put in its usual place... I said what the heck for?? I haven't really used it in a long time! This getting old stuff sucks... especially the short term memory... C.R.S!:eek:


06-21-2013, 12:49 PM
A new hi-power Daisy is good. I hadn't seen this thread till now but would have suggested getting a new one and change out the [late since you old plate still worked. But this is better.

06-21-2013, 01:44 PM
Wyn- Here's a 24 watt cup warmer.


06-21-2013, 02:40 PM
Coffee warmer? The next thing you know Wyn will be using shooting gloves. What's this world coming to? I warm my coffee with a little burbon.

06-21-2013, 02:48 PM
Wyn- Here's a 24 watt cup warmer.


After someone recommended that here, I DID buy one of those... pathetic... luke warmer... tried modifying it and making it better... still sucked... lucky to get above 120°!

I like HOT coffee... and drinking it over a long period of time... sometimes!

THIS Dazey reaches about 136° uncovered and about 150° covered, which is minimal for me, but still makes the coffee... or hot tea... English Breakfast Tea... stay hot longer and not become tepid or cool!

The "industrial strength" Bunn Carafe warmers reach over 170° uncovered... MORE than adequate.:D
