View Full Version : Zimmerman has to do better....

09-11-2013, 03:30 PM
He has to be better than this.
I don't care if his ex is jacking him around. He needs to realize that his life has changed and he needs to realize that he is and will be under a microscope. His behavior does not help him or any CCW permit holder.

check the play list on this link. I could not isolate it.

09-11-2013, 04:15 PM
Zimm better watch himself. A domestic violence charge will cost him his carry permit in a flash. You're right, since he is in the spotlight it reflects badly on everyone.

09-11-2013, 05:07 PM
What Zimmerman does or doesn't do has no bearing on the rest of us. He is only one person of almost 314 million Americans. He's not a poster child. Find something more serious to concern yourself with.

Longitude Zero
09-11-2013, 07:04 PM
As time goes on it is becoming a certainty that GZ is a resident of the super shallow end of the gene pool. I hope he never procreates.

09-11-2013, 07:29 PM
I agree with Muggsy, but we did all pay close attention to the trial almost as if our Constitutional right hung in the balance.

09-11-2013, 07:59 PM
It would have to be damn hard to live under the microscope that Z is. And I'm sure Mrs. Z knows that any accusations she makes about him becoming violent will get blown way out of proportion. We don't really know for sure if anyone even touched anyone else, there are just accusations. You'd think if he punched his father in law, or touched Mrs Z. charges would have been filed.
Divorce is tough enough without out having a spotlight on you. And you can bet Z is probably a tad emotional right now. Other than a couple speeding tickets, he's been doing pretty well I thought.

09-12-2013, 05:33 AM
Sadly, he may need to move out of state,
change his name and appearance,
and try to start a new life for himself.

The world will never be the same for Mr Zimmerman.

09-12-2013, 05:42 AM
As time goes on it is becoming a certainty that GZ is a resident of the super shallow end of the gene pool. I hope he never procreates.

Have to agree LZ. I've thought this from the very beginning. What GZ does wouldn't make a ripple in a cup of coffee as far as I'm concerned.

09-12-2013, 11:03 AM
I just don't understand how he's getting himself pulled over so often, let alone the domestic BS. If you were him, would you be speeding and being conspicuous enough to get a cops attention? No, you'd be smart.

09-12-2013, 11:06 AM
I just don't understand how he's getting himself pulled over so often, let alone the domestic BS. If you were him, would you be speeding and being conspicuous enough to get a cops attention? No, you'd be smart.

stupid is as stupid does

09-12-2013, 11:32 AM
Sadly, he may need to move out of state,
change his name and appearance,
and try to start a new life for himself.

The world will never be the same for Mr Zimmerman.

FOKKING IDENTICAL TWINS. unbelievable:Amflag2:

09-12-2013, 11:36 AM
I was on Z's side in the crayon's case, but now he is on his own. Whgat he does in his fokked up marriage for most of us who have went through that kind of sh!t knows is never a sweet ending. She is a cu#t, he is a pr!ck, not much else to say and whatever each sows, I hope they reap.

Bein 50% of Americans have or are goin thorug a divorce, so they knbow slot to. The utter 50% really cpould giver a rats ass about either one of them. Very smart of his attorneys to also say they wanted nuttin to do with his divorce case either. I am sure the furniture his x to be is taking is not Ethan Allen stuff either.... This is more important to the liberal media athan Bengazi or syria..

09-12-2013, 11:38 AM
What Zimmerman does or doesn't do has no bearing on the rest of us. He is only one person of almost 314 million Americans. He's not a poster child. Find something more serious to concern yourself with.

You might find this possible fact unsettling Muggs, but he probably IS the defacto poster child for ccw in the eyes of the antigunners no matter how much we dismiss or trivialize that. Otherwise this story or any other story regarding him since the trial would never have been on the news. This recent scenario would have been just another divorce gone ugly like thousands do every day that never gets any media attention.

09-12-2013, 02:02 PM
Do you guys think that a lot of us pro-carry guys are being judged by the Zimmerman case (and the outcome) not that I care about others judgement of me, and therefore his actions after the fact. I totally think he should take a timeout in the corner and be quiet for awhile. Even though I think his ex is a witch.

09-12-2013, 02:22 PM
You might find this possible fact unsettling Muggs, but he probably IS the defacto poster child for ccw in the eyes of the antigunners no matter how much we dismiss or trivialize that. Otherwise this story or any other story regarding him since the trial would never have been on the news. This recent scenario would have been just another divorce gone ugly like thousands do every day that never gets any media attention.

I don't see it that way. Most of America understands that taking the guns away from the law abiding only puts the law abiding at risk. It doesn't make them any safer. The liberal fools may buy into the BS, but they are a distinct minority. We just had two liberal democrat senators lose in a recall vote in Colorado. That more that anything tells you where the sympathies lie.

09-12-2013, 03:18 PM
10-4 mugs