View Full Version : CM40 and Ammo

09-13-2013, 10:38 AM
Hi guys,
Recently picked up a CM40 Used so it's past the break in period. I'm finding that it prefers certain ammo. Fiocchi JHP 180 would not chamber while Champion fmj 180 did just fine. Anybody have similar experiences?

09-13-2013, 12:57 PM
Mine has been good for everything except Fiocchi BEWB or some such. It was a FMJ flat point.
WW 180 Bonded JHP works great.

09-13-2013, 07:00 PM
Today I went to the range and shot some Fiocchi 165 JHP. Worked perfectly.
It does give a huge flash and boom, people thought I was shooting a .44 mag!

So I figured I just found my new carry ammo- don't have to hit anyone, just scare them to death.

Then I shot some of the WW 180 GR bonded JHP.

It shot much more accurately. Or more correctly, I shot more accurately with that ammo, probably due to less flinching.

With that one exception I mentioned above, the CM40 has worked perfectly with all ammo I have tried.

I do suggest you get a polishing wheel and some rouge - a wheel on an electric drill mounted to the bench is fine. Polish the feed ramp, the edges of the feed ramp, and all the surfaces of the barrel that contact metal on metal - you can see the wear rings and marks on the barrel.

Then try again. I polished my barrel before I ever shot the gun.