View Full Version : DC Navy Yard Shooting
09-16-2013, 09:19 AM
Well, the media is helping the bad guy(s) again with real-time video and "reporting" on Police activities. let's hope that the BG isn't watching a TV or listening to a radio.
Using a Park Police helicopter, the Police are dropping armored officers onto the rooftop... with second-by-second reporting and video. I'm watching FOX and the audio is on my local radio station, too.
09-16-2013, 09:27 AM
I'm a Fox guy but I wonder sometimes the intelligence of news people broadcasting all they know as it happens. Although I would watch and am interested I wouldn't want to know within the split second what is going on if it might endanger anyone.
09-16-2013, 09:37 AM
I don't think this shooter(or shooters, now!) is/are benefitting from this "intelligence, but live reporting like this doesn't help the authorities and the Public doesn't NEED real-time reporting like this!
09-16-2013, 09:48 AM
Now lets see if he/they prove to be of a certain religious persuasion, will the media tell the truth or try to sell it as "right wing gun nuts". :(
09-16-2013, 10:00 AM
Since he was "dark-skinned/black", I would hazard a "guess" that he's Muslim or a Muslim "convert". Maybe he's another disgruntled employee and this is just another incidence of "workplace violence"... as was the Ft. Hood massacre... where the coincidentally Muslim Army officer yelled "Allah Akbar" repeatedly as he gunned down innocent and unarmed fellow soldiers!
09-16-2013, 10:27 AM
I was listening to the radio on the way to work and almost had to turn it off because of all the stupid questions and comments the female news anchor was saying to the reporter on the ground for example, Anchor to reporter "Russ we see lots of Police and Emergency Fire/Rescue response to the area where you are currently located, what does that indicate to you???....
WTF do you think it means you bimbo, there's something really bad happening here what the he!! else could it possibly mean you idiot!!!!....He really didn't say that but something like "Well Jane I suppose they are trying to locate the shooters location and get to the injured as quickly as possiple in order to evacuate them to safety"....
Give me a break....
09-16-2013, 10:35 AM
It's amazing the BLATHER deemed necessary to fill air time... totally mindless blathering just to hear something come out of their mouths... Is this mike working??
Dang! I'm doing wash and have to get after cleaning up all of my "projects"... the mess and piles of stuff everywhere, especially the foyer/dining room "work table" area.:rolleyes:
Wifey is on her way back from SLC... left here the 7th... and there's LOTS to do!:eek: I have to get productive... my "vacation" is over!:D
First amendment rights are as important second amendment rights
You might argue that just because you can doesn't mean you should. It's somewhat the same as the open carry argument.
09-16-2013, 10:39 AM
C'mon you people. Don't you know that the "news" people have to make the "reporting" titillating and sensational so they can get more bloodthirsty people to watch so their ratings go up so they can sell more advertising?
How the heck are they supposed to finance a new "news" helicopter and more satellite transmission vans and hire more sexy blondes?
After's your right to have the "news" as it happens. Never want to let facts ruin a good story.
09-16-2013, 02:17 PM
It will be interesting just exactly how the gun grabbers will use this incident to their advantage!!!!!!!!!!!
09-16-2013, 02:18 PM
Fox News is reporting 12 killed in the Navy Yard shooting. Shooter was a black man with an AR-15. Two other suspects are still being sought.
09-16-2013, 02:44 PM
I guess they jumped to a conclusion and said he was "African-American" and one of the ditzos called the other two suspects "Gentlemen". GRRR! That locks my teeth up! To call bad guys gentlemen is so stupid... when they are anything BUT gentlemen by their actions... men, yes, but NOT gentle-men!
09-16-2013, 03:12 PM
If you are darker than an Asian, you are African-American. Some people might try to describe me as African-American where nothing could be farther than the truth. I have NEVER been to Africa, never plan to go, and don't identify with them at all. I am American, through and through. This PC bullshit that makes people say the PC thing when referring to someone of color is aggravating at best.
09-16-2013, 03:16 PM
I didn't think you were African American when you visited the man cave. Not even close. People call you African American?
09-16-2013, 04:07 PM
I'm surprised the Navy Yard wasn't better protected. Makes me wonder how Homeland Security spent the enormous sums of money these last 12 years. My wife works a few blocks from the White House. I fear for her safety every day.
09-16-2013, 04:15 PM
I am always reminded of the supposed incident between an outraged Black woman and John Kerry's wife, the Heinz Heiress Teresa Heinz (, who was born in South Africa and became a naturalized U.S. citizen. The Black woman was angry that a White woman would call herself an African-American... it just seemed outrageous to the never-been-to-Africa woman calling herself African-American. Mrs Kerry supposedly put the woman in her place emphasizing that SHE, Mrs. Kerry, was born in AFRICA.
That certainly gave her some stature in MY book, though I really have to question her choice of husbands... the wannabe Frenchman who was a "HERO"... in his own eyes... in the Vietnam War... not to mention a traitor... as he traveled to Paris to support our enemies in a time of war while still not discharged fully from the U.S. Navy... something that was hidden... sealed war records... much as the mainstream media doesn't seek Obama's educational... or immigration records/travel records... Pakistan... or the stolen Social Security number he still uses.
But... I digress.... :rolleyes:
Yes! We are Americans... un-hyphenated ones... patriotic ones!
09-16-2013, 04:21 PM
Civilian contractors have been a common source of saboteurs in all the wars. I just finished a book about German submariners and their biggest issues were civilian yard workers putting in bad seals or shoddy welds the broke when they went to depth.
No different now days.
09-16-2013, 04:26 PM
In some cases they were using "slave" labor... and the "slaves" liked to make little errors that helped the enemy... US! A lot of the Allies owe those "guest workers" their lives because a lot of bullets, bombs, and mortar rounds, etc., didn't go bang or boom when they should!
09-16-2013, 04:27 PM
The shooter has been Identified as a 34 year old black man named AAron Alexis. In a news conference president Obama is reported to have said, "If I had a son he would look just like Arron." :)
09-16-2013, 04:33 PM
I'll bet he was a Muslim convert... prison... US-hating mosque-goer... or even has been to Pakistan.:rolleyes:
Well, Wifey is about one hour out and I need to get ready to go pick her up at the airport! MY vacation is coming to an end... and I spent too much time here... didn't get as much LAST-MINUTE cleaning done as I should have! Sigh... i've really missed her, but enjoyed being really lazy... er... than normal!
Later, Guys & Gals!
09-16-2013, 04:36 PM
He was a CCW permit holder. FWIW
09-16-2013, 04:37 PM
why is it though that it seems we casn'tstop anythingin this cuntry until it is over by thge shooters choice. How does a guy getin a Navy shipyard so clean andwith guns that should have been seen. Sure looks like bengazi allover again.
when u see a100 poicecarswith lights blooming coming down the streets in unison, to me it is to little to late.:Amflag2:
09-16-2013, 04:44 PM
I'll bet he was a Muslim convert... prison... US-hating mosque-goer... or even has been to Pakistan.:rolleyes:
Well, Wifey is about one hour out and I need to get ready to go pick her up at the airport! MY vacation is coming to an end... and I spent too much time here... didn't get as much LAST-MINUTE cleaning done as I should have! Sigh... i've really missed her, but enjoyed being really lazy... er... than normal!
Later, Guys & Gals!
Actually, Wyn, he was an ex Navy third class Aviation Electricians Mate. Of course, we all know how crazy those Airedales are. Just sayin.
09-16-2013, 04:46 PM
why is it though that it seems we casn'tstop anythingin this cuntry until it is over by thge shooters choice. How does a guy getin a Navy shipyard so clean andwith guns that should have been seen. Sure looks like bengazi allover again.
when u see a100 poicecarswith lights blooming coming down the streets in unison, to me it is to little to late.:Amflag2:
He gets into a Navy shipyard with a Stolen Navy ID card. You got an ID card and you pass right through with a wink and a nod.
09-16-2013, 04:58 PM
He was a CCW permit holder. FWIW
Oh Crap! Ammo for the Dems.
09-16-2013, 04:58 PM
I thought somebody said he worked there as a civilian contractor. Probably drove in every day in his truck with tool box full of scary bang sticks.
09-16-2013, 05:05 PM
First off I want to say my thoughts and prayers go out to the 12 families who lost a loved one to the shooter today in this sad story...I don't want to comment too much before all the facts about the shooter, Aaron Alexis come out and what his motives may have been for doing it but this being in the White House backyard doesn't bode well for us 2nd amendment folks....Barry and Uncle Joe said they weren't finished with gun legislation and this shooting might be the one that sets Executive Action in motion to ban Assault Weapons and also to get the publics mind off how bad they screwed up with the Syria thing....You know what they say, never let a good tragedy go to waste.....
09-16-2013, 05:21 PM
Sandy Hook didn't do well for them. Hopefully they have their script better thought out on this one.
09-16-2013, 05:59 PM
Fienstien seeking stricter gun Laws!
What an A$$ hole!:31:
A political ambulance Chaser!
What we need is more people to be able to defend themselves, moron!
mr surveyor
09-16-2013, 06:27 PM
like schools, military bases are for all practical purposes GFZ's
and where do all the "mass shootings" take place?
09-16-2013, 09:16 PM
The Navy yard was a "gun free" zone. Only security was armed. Easy pickings.
mr surveyor
09-16-2013, 09:20 PM
The Navy yard was a "gun free" zone. Only security was armed. Easy pickings.
yep.... just like Waco
not in anyway trying to take away from the loss of the families that suffered in this tragedy but does anyone notice how anytime the libs get in trouble or some scandal a shooting comes about. also right in the midst of new gun legislation being proposed a shooting happens just to show us why we need more common sense gun laws. But wait it happened in a district with some of the strictest gun laws in the nation.
09-16-2013, 10:45 PM
not in anyway trying to take away from the loss of the families that suffered in this tragedy but does anyone notice how anytime the libs get in trouble or some scandal a shooting comes about. also right in the midst of new gun legislation being proposed a shooting happens just to show us why we need more common sense gun laws. But wait it happened in a district with some of the strictest gun laws in the nation.
yes but if everyone(state) had strict laws against guns then it would work.
09-17-2013, 05:54 AM
yep.... just like Waco
?????? :confused:
09-17-2013, 07:52 AM
not in anyway trying to take away from the loss of the families that suffered in this tragedy but does anyone notice how anytime the libs get in trouble or some scandal a shooting comes about. also right in the midst of new gun legislation being proposed a shooting happens just to show us why we need more common sense gun laws. But wait it happened in a district with some of the strictest gun laws in the nation.
"For what else is the life of man but a kind of play in which men in various costumes perform until the director motions them offstage?"
- Erasmus
"All the world's a stage, and all the men and women merely players: they have their exits and their entrances; and one man in his time plays many parts..."
- Shakespeare
09-17-2013, 07:59 AM
Just reported by Fox News:
Gunman had mental health visits to VA Shrinks
Just got his clearance within a few weeks ago
Had prior gun infractions
NOTHING but RED Flags all missed by the Feds
Hmm..... like Snowden and Amed in Ft Hood.
09-17-2013, 08:00 AM
I wonder if they asked him if he owned any guns.
mr surveyor
09-17-2013, 08:59 AM
?????? :confused:
I meant Ft. Hood.
Janet Reno was the kook at Waco
09-17-2013, 11:08 AM
did anyone notice that at first the fela was described on the news as "dark skinned". WTF,now we have a new color again for the blacks. Ij ust wish the fokk they would make up their damn minds. Geez Just sayin
Now we are gonna have to start callin a nice lookinj black gal(if they make any like that) with big hooters. a nice looking "dark skinned" gal with nice features. to be PC anymore.
09-17-2013, 01:17 PM
How in the world did they not see this guy coming?....Whoever heads up the Gov Security Section and Hiring Dept. better have his/her a$$ removed for missing all the red flags this guy was flying...Probably vetted by Eric Holder...
I wonder if the Human Resources dept for Gov jobs looks like that scene from "Blazing Saddles" where Taggart is accepting job applications for bad guys and in the line are Mexican Hoods, Cattle Rustlers/Rapists, Bikers, (sorry Jocko), Nazi's, Muggers and KKK....I'm sorry but you would think SOMEBODY would have known about or seen this guy bringing an AR-15 into a super high security building in his lunch pail!!!!
mr surveyor
09-17-2013, 01:37 PM
he did NOT bring an AR!
09-17-2013, 01:52 PM
I retract the part of my statement that he used an AR-15 and correct it to say he brought in a Pump Shotgun BUT this guy had a history of mental problems and shouldn't have been given access to such a high security building with his backround....I suppose hindsight is always 20/20 but this one makes me wonder if Homeland Security is watching the wrong people....
mr surveyor
09-17-2013, 01:52 PM
Thats what I'm hearing now that he took it off a military employee inside the building so I retract that part of my statement BUT this guy had a history of mental problems and shouldn't have been given access to such a high security building with his backround....I suppose hindsight is always 20/20 but this one makes me wonder if Homeland Security is watching the wrong people....
I agree
09-17-2013, 02:02 PM
heard trhe FBI today say, he had NO ARperiod, He had a shotgun and a few handguns but no AR. ... Never believe the press today, they seemto rush to be FIRST qwith the B-sh!t news beit correct or not..
09-17-2013, 02:08 PM
I suspect it's like all of the other laws, regulations, guidelines, memo's, rules, that have been created to prevent problems. There are so many out there folks are over powered and dizzy with them and they get lazy or careless, forgetful. whatever. I'm not necessarily talking of the Gate Guard. You have a gun you don't get in. I'm talking of the processes & coordination of making ALL of these "go do's" work. It's easy to pass a rule or pass the buck, not so easy to enforce it.
09-17-2013, 02:19 PM
Well, somebody outta tell diane frakenstien she' wants those AR's Banned, because another mass shooting with an AR occurred! :crazy:
I double check My AR is in the safe & nope, it went another day and didn't shoot anybody!:D
09-17-2013, 02:22 PM
Thats a good point xsailer....In this day in time if some crazy person (there's more than enough to go around) decides to do something, hurt or kill somebody or many people they will find a way to do it either with a gun, bomb, knife, fire, club, automobile or whatever they can find to do it with....You just can't stop all the crazies all the time unless you lock everything down 100% and even then there's always a way....
09-17-2013, 03:18 PM
yes but if everyone(state) had strict laws against guns then it would work.
In that way we would all be living in a military and police state. I prefer living in a free state, but that's just me.
09-17-2013, 03:22 PM
He took the VPs advice and bought a shotgun! He took the handguns from the security people who he shot with the shotgun. I think that Joe Biden has some splainin' to do. Buy a shot gun! Buy a shotgun!
09-17-2013, 03:29 PM
Indeed ol Joe should be eatin some real sh!t over tht comment he made awhile back Course he is so fokking ignorant, that he thinks he has a shot at bein our next POTUS.
I wannasmoke what heis smokin. Just sayin
09-17-2013, 04:03 PM
Help me understand something here...If I go to the Dermatologist for a pimple he's going to ask me if I have any guns in my house and if I have recently had any feelings of wanting to hurt myself or someone else and this guy is a VA mental health patient and telling the Doc's he's hearing voices in his head and has anger problems and that little tid bit didn't make it back to the people in charge of getting a Gov secure I.D.
Sorry this is looking more like a set up/lay up for the gun control crowd....They're going to say here is a Vet with mental health problems able to legally buy a shotgun (weapon of mass destruction) without any backround check stopping him and then he was able to just walk into a secure Government building without even saying trick or treat and kill 12 people....
Obviously we need more gun control and backround checks since it happened in the City with the strictest laws on the books and it still wasn't enough....
I can hear it now....HOW MANY MORE!!!....MORE LAWS NOW!!!
09-17-2013, 04:08 PM
yep, looking into 80% build parties now just because.
09-17-2013, 04:18 PM
NRA will just come back with their reply that "we told you so, get the mental people off the list and on a list of do not sell and things will get better. the guy was a ut case, many many people knew it. The Navy shoud hve never let him enlist, they knew he had a record but they wanted to get their quotoas filled..
09-17-2013, 04:30 PM
I am hearing the security was cut due to sequester.... meanwhile BHO had a million dollar private concert at the white house last night!
Douche bag.
09-18-2013, 06:59 AM
My toaster talk to me this morning. It said, put a waffle in me I'm hungry. It might have been my stomach throwing its voice again. I can never be sure. :)
09-18-2013, 07:44 AM
What if he really was hearing voices? The voices of Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton ("Brother, they owe you because you're black.") The voice of Rev. Wright ("God Damn America!") The voice of Bill Ayres ("'I don't regret setting bombs. I feel we didn't do enough.'')
In August, Newport, R.I., police were called to a Marriott Hotel room where Alexis said he was being followed by three people and heard voices coming from his closet. He couldn't sleep because he thought they were using a microwave machine to send vibrations through the ceiling, the police report says.
His small circle of friends in Fort Worth say they saw no evidence of mental illness or aggression and struggled to reconcile the accusations against their friend with the man they knew.
His small circle of friends likely isn't qualified to diagnose mental illness, as I'm sure many of the mentally ill appear quite normal most of the time. Especially if they're taking their meds.
09-18-2013, 09:35 AM
so far the grabbers have been quiet. Maybe Colorado scared the sheet out of em.
09-18-2013, 11:38 AM
Someone needs to kick the sheet outta that efing wind bag Frankenstien!
09-18-2013, 12:05 PM
I think John R is right. Hewasleadto do this by fat ass Al and hair lip Jesse. Just sayin.
09-18-2013, 05:52 PM
During one early newscast, someone "official" was just getting into his LONG explanation about the assault rifle being used by the suspect was so much more powerful and deadly to law enforcement officers protected by normal vests. Fortunately he was preempted by some other report and he didn't get to complete his long and INACCURATE BS about the wrong weapon. The suspect was using a Remington 870 shotgun! The pistol(s) were taken from the officers he shot at first.
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