View Full Version : At least my kid will know the TRUTH

Chief Joseph
09-18-2013, 11:22 AM

The rest of the ignorant masses will not though. The only bright side to the bankrupting of our country at the hands of these scumbag socialists in charge now is at least when they have finally given all our money away to foreign invaders and public employee unions, there will be no more resources to indoctrinate the public and at least my kid will know how to use a gun correctly to defend himself.

09-18-2013, 11:36 AM
What? In TEXAS????
This is a clean cut Dallas Suburbs! This school board needs a good ole fashion butt kickin'

09-18-2013, 03:11 PM
I blame this whole mess on our founding fathers who confused the issue. They didn't have to justify the right they only had to enumerate it. "The right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed" would have been quite sufficient. Screw all of this militia talk. I'm too old and crippled to be in the militia, but I can still shoot with the best of them.

09-18-2013, 05:08 PM
I saw an interesting TV show about how they went about drawing up the Bill of Rights back in the day and they said there were many different variations and wording between the different rough drafts before they came up with the final version but all said pretty much the same thing....

What was interesting is one draft uncovered had the 2nd amendment with 4 extra words reading like this: In order to establish a well regulated Militia then the rest was he same as we see it today....

If you think about it this wording begining with "In order to Establish" makes more sense in that the founding fathers realized if they needed to raise a militia in a hurry then everybody better have a gun to bring to the party so they wanted to be sure there were no laws preventing the owning of firearms....

Kinda does away with the grabbers idea that only the military should have guns...

09-18-2013, 05:09 PM
I don't think it was written as justification. Just a non-caveat observation of the obvious in language of the times. Would have be better if the parenthetical phrase had been left off. But who would have guessed back then morons of the far future would work so hard at perverting the language.

09-18-2013, 05:30 PM
I really wonder just how much thought the founding fathers gave to the 2nd amendment....I have to think in their day and time the 1st, 3rd and 4th were more important to them because they had to be of the mindset that there's no way the Government would ever try and take the peoples firearms away, that was unthinkable in their way of life....

09-18-2013, 05:49 PM
It's unthinkable in my modern day life too but some say I was born long after my time. I agree sometimes.

09-18-2013, 08:07 PM
I really wonder just how much thought the founding fathers gave to the 2nd amendment....I have to think in their day and time the 1st, 3rd and 4th were more important to them because they had to be of the mindset that there's no way the Government would ever try and take the peoples firearms away, that was unthinkable in their way of life....

Disagree. They'd just come off that gig. So it be very important to codify.