View Full Version : No touch............

09-18-2013, 01:25 PM
With all of the trigger questions I have been seeing,.................. How many of you have purchased a firearm, with out physically touching, or seeing the firearm, or handling a different, but the same type, in person?

09-18-2013, 01:38 PM
When I ordered my PM40, I made a down payment and the dealer ordered it in for me with the contingency that if I was not pleased, I could return it for full refund in the first 90 days. Loved the gun and still have it. I also had an S&W M&PPRO40 and wanted their M&P22LR as a companion gun for cheap shooting. This was before 22 ammo became a rarity. They had one in the shop, but I could not feel the trigger or dry fire on the 22. I returned a few weeks later and it was sold, so I ordered one and made a down payment. Gunshop owner allows clients to check the gun out before finalizing the purchase and if not satisfied, he will refund money in first 90 days. Good shop to deal with. But it turned out that I love the gun anyway. Trigger is almost identical to my PRO model. It all worked out well. Otherwise, I want to check out the gun first....which at times does limit availability for purchase off the shelf. This gun dealer makes it much easier to check things out.

09-18-2013, 02:18 PM
Never. If I can't hold the Pistol/Rifle in my hands then I don't want it.

09-18-2013, 02:27 PM
With all of the trigger questions I have been seeing,.................. How many of you have purchased a firearm, with out physically touching, or seeing the firearm, or handling a different, but the same type, in person?

All three of mine have been bought online with no real opportunity to handle what I was buying first. But it did a lot of reading on here and took it on faith that if others liked them then I probably would too. No complaints so far.

09-18-2013, 02:38 PM
Bought a S&W 1911 from Bass Pro Shop one time and they refused to remove the trigger locks so you can dry fire it, said Store Policy....I had the exact same gun previously stolen and it's trigger was sweet so I figured this one would be too so I took it home....

When I removed the trigger lock the damn trigger was so loose in the frame it rattled like a penny in a tin can....Called Bass Pro to see if the would exchange it and they say no way/no refunds on guns so I was stuck with it...

Sent it back to S&W on their dime to fix it and they returned it saying no trouble found/trigger is within specs....Pi$$ed me off so I sent it to Novaks and they put a custom trigger in it with a trigger job and now $150.00 later it doesn't ratle and is as nice a trigger as you could ever want in a 1911 pistol....

Learned a lesson about big box stores and their policies....My policy now is they can keep their chit and I will deal with my LGS where even if I special order a gun and hate in when it comes in will refund my money and return the gun or sell it to someone else....Customer Service matters to me and my money....

09-18-2013, 02:58 PM
Most of the pistols I've bought over the last twenty years were bought unseen including my much loved MK40. I had never even seen an MK. I think I was only disappointed once, and surprisingly it was on a SIG. I bought a SIG P220 online with the DAK trigger. I had heard many good things about this setup, but when I got it, I hated the trigger. Fortunately my stolen P220 with the familiar DA/SA was recovered, and I quickly got rid of the offending gun.

09-18-2013, 03:03 PM
Yes, and no. I bought my P380 and my K9 Elite online. I was already familiar with Kahr's trigger, already owning a PM9 and a PM45 at the time. So I guess you could say I didn't *exactly* buy a "pig in a poke".

09-18-2013, 03:05 PM
I bought several pigs in pokes. If you bond with them long enough you come to love them one way or the other. Sometimes you gotta add a little lip stick or rouge but I love them all.

09-18-2013, 03:05 PM
4 of the last 6 that I can think of I hadn't held prior to buying. If I can't hold it I research the crap out of it.

09-18-2013, 03:07 PM
Bought a S&W 1911 from Bass Pro Shop one time and they refused to remove the trigger locks so you can dry fire it, said Store Policy....I had the exact same gun previously stolen and it's trigger was sweet so I figured this one would be too so I took it home....

When I removed the trigger lock the damn trigger was so loose in the frame it rattled like a penny in a tin can....Called Bass Pro to see if the would exchange it and they say no way/no refunds on guns so I was stuck with it...

Sent it back to S&W on their dime to fix it and they returned it saying no trouble found/trigger is within specs....Pi$$ed me off so I sent it to Novaks and they put a custom trigger in it with a trigger job and now $150.00 later it doesn't ratle and is as nice a trigger as you could ever want in a 1911 pistol....

Learned a lesson about big box stores and their policies....My policy now is they can keep their chit and I will deal with my LGS where even if I special order a gun and hate in when it comes in will refund my money and return the gun or sell it to someone else....Customer Service matters to me and my money....

I was also told that the BIG BOX stores aka Gander & Cabela's send all your info, [including gun serial number], direct to feds when you buy a gun so the feds have you and your gun on file directly as part of background form application. Not sure if it is true, but when you fill out background ap I do know stores in this area do the "on line" ap. Seems like a sneaky way of regestering guns to me? :eek:

09-18-2013, 03:12 PM
I was also told that the BIG BOX stores aka Gander & Cabela's send all your info, [including gun serial number], direct to feds when you buy a gun so the feds have you and your gun on file directly as part of background form application. Not sure if it is true, but when you fill out background ap I do know stores in this area do the "on line" ap. Seems like a sneaky way of regestering guns to me? :eek:

All shop transfers go to the feds paper or online in one form or another. There are rules about what they can do with that information and they aren't allowed to keep it on file over 20 days.

I do the background checks here on the local level and I'm not allowed to keep the paperwork more than 20 days either.

Weather they follow the rules is yet another question.

I also get an annual request from DOJ which is supposedly voluntary but if you don't send it in they bother you again and again until you do send it in.

It ask stuff like how many transfers, how many CPL's issued, how many declines and why. That sort of thing. No names and no types or SN's etc.

Who knows what goes on at the federal level. Probably best I don't know.

09-18-2013, 03:50 PM
My favorite local shop told me that when they do background check they keep it there in their files and if a problem arises down the road the feds will ask for info on a certain transaction. However when the big box stores do it they sendinfo directly to feds which includes all the info up front. Oh I am sure we can trust the feds to only look at it an destroy it.....they would never save all that info on a file. :001_huh: I trust them.....:crazy:

09-18-2013, 03:52 PM
Do it all the time. If it is a quality product, I don't sweat it. The last three pistols I bought, I planned trigger work anyway.

09-18-2013, 05:00 PM
I bought a Browning B2000 without ever touching it. It was love at first sight. Still have it. Wouldn't trade or sell it.

09-18-2013, 05:21 PM
Not yet but I'm not against it. Just prefer to buy live. I do agree with getsome about big box stores. Got some lousy aftersale treatment the only time I tried it and won't do that again. I like to patronize small, local shops. Keeps the world going around.

09-18-2013, 05:28 PM
Most of the pistols I've bought over the last twenty years were bought unseen including my much loved MK40. I had never even seen an MK. I think I was only disappointed once, and surprisingly it was on a SIG. I bought a SIG P220 online with the DAK trigger. I had heard many good things about this setup, but when I got it, I hated the trigger. Fortunately my stolen P220 with the familiar DA/SA was recovered, and I quickly got rid of the offending gun.
I purchased my MK9 online, but I was familiar with kahr triggers, I purchased a Ruger SR40 online, which was ok, but the trigger felt like you were breaking a piece of plastic.........I traded it for a Sig P220 SAS .45 da/sa and never looked back.......the rest face to face................

09-18-2013, 05:36 PM
I bought a Sig 938 un seen and untouched from a forum member. 2 trips back to sig and HATING THEM, now i love it.

09-18-2013, 05:52 PM
I buy most of my guns from my LGS. They treat me well & I like to give them my business. I have bought some from individuals in face to face deals. I do not deal with the big stores ie. Cabelas or Bass Pro. Their prices are usually higher than my LGS & the LGS will try to find whatever I want.

09-18-2013, 07:53 PM
I have bought a few sight unseen.

09-18-2013, 09:19 PM
As far as memory serves, I've only bought one firearm sight unseen. A brand spankin' new Winchester Model 70 Sporter in .25-06 last year. Truth be told, I haven't put a round through it yet but it is one of the purtiest rifles I've laid my hands on, let alone owned.

Still trying to pry the funds away from the wife for the scope (Vortex Viper HS) and will have the barrel lapped and a trigger job before the first round goes down range. I'm in no hurry and could not pass up the discount I received on the rifle.

I'll be ordering a Win Mod 70 Featherweight in .270 as soon as I can. Have to wait a year between ordering them with the discount, but that day is coming soon!

09-18-2013, 11:57 PM
I got this one without ever seeing anything made by the manufacturer.
