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09-18-2013, 06:45 PM
drop the over priced coffee seller ur commentson their gun ban degree. Be nice,lets not show um what \DICKS we gun owners areportrayed as..
I did my share tonight and it was kind and gentle but to the point also.:amflag:
09-18-2013, 06:49 PM
I never drink their bitter 2ss crap anyway.................................
Dirty Harry
09-18-2013, 06:54 PM
09-18-2013, 07:05 PM
ur basiclly writhe with that blog to. but tonights conversationwith Cavuto the CEO was asked by Neil , whatabouyt the guy who carrys concealed. His answer was wehope that NO one iwll comein with a gun other thancops and military. He could have CYA easily by saying "what we dont know doesn't matter to us. Sure people will carry concealedin there but they know thatis ot allowed by company policy either.
It is the CEO's decision to announcewhgat they wanted. This sittingon the fence sh!t as the article even stated not wanting to hurt anyone's feeling never works in most any situation. theydon't want mein ther with a gun and I carry 24/7 so I will honor that and just go somewhere else and drinkcoffee cheaper. They folded to anti gun pressure and the anit's won, if u cancalllosing business "winning"..
Dirty Harry
09-18-2013, 07:11 PM
ur basiclly writhe with that blog to. but tonights conversationwith Cavuto the CEO was asked by Neil , whatabouyt the guy who carrys concealed. His answer was wehope that NO one iwll comein with a gun other thancops and military. He could have CYA easily by saying "what we dont know doesn't matter to us. Sure people will carry concealedin there but they know thatis ot allowed by company policy either.
It is the CEO's decision to announcewhgat they wanted. This sittingon the fence sh!t as the article even stated not wanting to hurt anyone's feeling never works in most any situation. theydon't want mein ther with a gun and I carry 24/7 so I will honor that and just go somewhere else and drinkcoffee cheaper. They folded to anti gun pressure and the anit's won, if u cancalllosing business "winning"..
I get a headache trying to decipher some of your posts.
09-18-2013, 07:16 PM
take two aspirins, helps most of the good members here,they seem to understand me.. or just pass over my threads. ur choice.
09-18-2013, 07:32 PM
Obviously he doesn't read Jocko.;) I took one sip of S/B's coffee a few years back and tossed the rest in the trash and went to WAWA. Haven't been near one of there places since. I could care less what they do, but it sure wouldn't stop me from CC in there place if I did drink that swill.
09-18-2013, 07:46 PM
Obviously he doesn't read Jocko.;) I took one sip of S/B's coffee a few years back and tossed the rest in the trash and went to WAWA. Haven't been near one of there places since. I could care less what they do, but it sure wouldn't stop me from CC in there place if I did drink that swill.
WAWA THE best Damn coffee!:amflag:
09-18-2013, 07:53 PM
Obviously he doesn't read Jocko.;) I took one sip of S/B's coffee a few years back and tossed the rest in the trash and went to WAWA. Haven't been near one of there places since. I could care less what they do, but it sure wouldn't stop me from CC in there place if I did drink that swill.
I wonder if it is a status thing with some people to be sitting in starbucks drinkin $4 cup of piss and aqcting like it is the best of the best. Dunkin Donuts beats them allto hell and also in price to. Truth be know Starbucks will not miss the gun toting drinkers, for more than likely most will tellyou thatthey wo't go in there butr THEY WILL. Starbucks knows that to.
I can go into anera Bread and for $1.92 drink coffee until they close if I want to. I normally drink 4 cups of their Hazelnut coffee every day there with friends, with my PMJ9 in my front pocket plus their pastries and bagels are not 4 days old like some of that stale sh!t starbucks has in the case..:amflag::amflag:
09-18-2013, 07:55 PM
What's a Starbucks?
09-18-2013, 08:01 PM
ur to old to understand muggs, go back to bed, its late
Starbucks has been put in a bad position. The nutcase open carry idiots have been invading their stores with press coverage they've dragged in behind them. I commend Starbucks' public position....guns not welcome but not banned. What that means in English is stop trying to drag us corporately into advocating your dumb ass crap. Be cool, act like normal, rational, CC folk and we really don't care.
09-18-2013, 08:03 PM
Email with send to the attention of the Mr. Schults CEO of Starbucks for what good it will do. The fact that I, My family and friends will no longer patronize their stores, or purchase any of their products no matter where they are sold will have more impact in the long run as that is the only recourse that we have.
I firmly refuse to spend one cent in any business that does not fully support my second amendment rights!
09-18-2013, 08:09 PM
Oh I think kthe gun nuts did bringit on and then public pressure put them in a bind. The CEO toight did say though that the no guns in the business meant ccw people to. He just hope they would honor that. Sure they won't know ur carrying, most all places don't now that if u ccw.He could have just staed it that way and he would have please both sides. I have always felt to carry open might be a right but also it is a business right to say not in my place. The open carry people broght this on,no doubt about it, but I think the CEO stated their position incorrectly to. U can't straddle the fence and win both sides either.Ones balls when doing that wllgo one wa or the utter..
Anutter reasonwhy I like to eat at Chic Felit, they told the gays to stick it in their ass (which actuly is not an uncommon thing,I am told) They made theire stance on gay marriages and the gay/lesbows went after them, and the Chic Felit corporation won the battle. Sometimes u gotta stand up for what u also believe in, .. I am not falting S/B totally,but IMO the CEO handled it badly on the cavuto show...
09-18-2013, 08:10 PM
I also sent them a respectful letter explaining why I too will not enter any "Gun Free" area or buy a product supported by this policy. Asked them to reconsider their policy and not give in to the "Control" freaks. Instead support the Constitution.
09-18-2013, 08:19 PM
u know the copntrol freaks also "threaten" to.I have foundthat mostof these things soon run their course and peoplemoveon. theopen carry people made their pay awhile back at some Starbucks and had Starbbucks just letit alone it would have run its course fast andtheopen carry guys would have wenthome and startedtoconcealcarry like they didbefore they tried to shove the 2ndamendmentup starbucks ass. Nodoubt the liberalmedia is making a hayday out of this but again a week from now wewllbediscussing the extreme fat ass of the POTUS wife.
09-18-2013, 08:36 PM
I choose aspirin. Just sayin'
I go to Fourbucks but always order a medium coffee instead of a grande whatever ya call it. Gives me a chuckle. Get a bigger kick watchin' the privileged folk order their half calf no whip latte cinnamon sprinkle...then fork over six clams. Not that there's anything wrong with that...nor with being privileged.
Great start to your day.
09-18-2013, 09:17 PM
Ditto b4uqzme I too love to order a "regular coffee" when I am forced to go to that place. Gives them fits. They dont know what to give me and I love the sneer from the libtard a- holes in the line behind me.
09-18-2013, 09:22 PM
But but I like their coffee... I'm no libtard or a yuppie! Mother f now I have to start drinking ****** coffee again, or ill be tagged as a hipster!
09-18-2013, 09:34 PM
I understand SB was in a bad position. Not sure their position will make that much difference in their bottom line....but here's my take. Where ever I go, I carry. If a store doesn't like it, they don't need to know what I'm doing. If there's a problem that corporation isn't going to protect me or my family. Remember Luby's cafeteria in Texas? I'd rather count on myself and let the chips fall where they may. And one more thing, the open carry folks can do what they like, but I don't want anyone to know I'm carrying.....until it's too late.
09-18-2013, 10:02 PM
I just look for the sign. If I see it, I figure that's their right. So I turn around and go somewhere else. That's my right.
09-19-2013, 04:51 AM
WAWA THE best Damn coffee!:amflag:
10-4 on that!!
09-19-2013, 08:48 AM
My espresso machine at home means I don't have to depend on foreign oil (Starbucks). ;)
If you don't want to learn how to be your own barista, get a Nespresso pod machine. The machines very good and the espresso is too. They are super fast and easy. It is much cheaper than Starbucks, but more expensive than using a regular espresso machine.
09-19-2013, 09:34 AM
I don't like Starbucks coffee, never go there, could care less what their policy on guns is as I'd carry into one anyway if I ever had a reason to go there. You can go to the popular chain of convenience stores here and get several varieties of coffee, with all the flavorings and stuff available. It's about a dollar for a 20oz cup, and tastes much better than any Starbucks crap I've had. And you don't have to put up with the "hipper than thou" customers Starbucks seems to attract.
09-19-2013, 09:52 AM
What the he!! is a that anything like a Woo Woo or a T Teaer?...:p.....Frappuccino, Cappuccino, Crapaccino, Al Pacino it don't matter, ain't no cup of coffee worth 5 bucks.....I make the best cup a joe in the world in my Mr. Coffee machine with fresh ground 8 O Clock Colombian beans and it sure don't cost a Lincoln and I get 10 cups....
09-19-2013, 10:12 AM
McDonalds suits me just fine at a lot lower cost. Then again I'm not a yuppie so...
09-19-2013, 10:23 AM
I'm a firm supporter of Juan Valdez and his poor burro. Poor dude must work 23 hour days picking enough beans for all of us.
Folgers, iiiittts the richest kind.
I upgraded from Mr. Coffee to a Bunn. I liked Mr. Coffee cause it had a timer but the Bunn is wicked fast.
09-19-2013, 11:36 AM
Wawa is a regional family owned & run convenience store chain here in Eastern PA, NJ Delaware and Maryland. Awesome coffee!
09-19-2013, 11:38 AM
McDonalds suits me just fine at a lot lower cost. Then again I'm not a yuppie so...
and 55 cents for guys like me. and reall6y damn good coffee, but no doubt the hottest fokking offee I ever drank to.:amflag:
09-19-2013, 01:23 PM
and 55 cents for guys like me. and reall6y damn good coffee, but no doubt the hottest fokking offee I ever drank to.:amflag:
I'm not a coffee snob but I think McDonald's coffee is terrible. I grind whole bean coffee daily at home and it is much much better. Starbucks isn't banning guns, just tired of all the gun guys and gals congregating at their stores to prove a point.
09-19-2013, 01:33 PM
I have no doubt if u go into a starbucks with open carry u are gonna be asked to leave. try it andlet us know. According to the CEO, they don't want people in their place with guns, now he says we won't enfore it if they do, now how "lame" is that statement. He also said when asked about ccw people that Starbucks wishs is that no guns willbe in the building, again how lame is that. They straddled the fence IMO, Of the thousands of Starbucks stores in the U.S. it would be inteesting to note just how few of them were actually in the open carry visit back then.I know the 3 in Terre Haute had no one comment about it. It was blown out of proportion IMO. One can't beat ground coffee fresh, have to agree on that but I will drink a McDonalds any day over Starbucks and that was way before the gun ban. I really thought Starbucks coffee sucked. their Frapps were great but way over priced.I used to grind my own cofee also but just got lazy, as for me coffee is like pizza to me. Never found either one that I could not eat or drink.
09-19-2013, 03:38 PM
and 55 cents for guys like me. and reall6y damn good coffee, but no doubt the hottest fokking offee I ever drank to.:amflag:
You're getting robbed. I only pay 41 cents including tax at McD's. A co-worker once brought me a cup of Starbuck's coffee, but it was so bad I couldn't drink it. That's saying something for me with a normal daily consumption of 10-12 cups. I got a $25 gift card from them last Christmas, but gave it away, because they have nothing that interest me.
09-19-2013, 04:03 PM
u pay 41 cents because ur older and they kow ur not gonna be around very long. That why u get that discunt. I think these locasl Mickey D's can set their own price for senior cofee, as in terre Haute, I pay 65 cents and here in my home town 55. I don't want a 41 cent cup of cofee for I have been told they know sumpin about me that I don't know. Just sayin.
09-19-2013, 04:32 PM
I am organizing a 50 horse group ride into our local Starbucks, Oct 1,st. nothing special like a gun revolt or anything. Just a nice 50 Horse ride tothe localcoffee shop but all horse riders are to give their STEEDS 5 exlax tablets about an hour before we get there. Gonna see if they ban horses next... Will keep u all posted..
09-19-2013, 04:58 PM
u pay 41 cents because ur older and they kow ur not gonna be around very long. That why u get that discunt. I think these locasl Mickey D's can set their own price for senior cofee, as in terre Haute, I pay 65 cents and here in my home town 55. I don't want a 41 cent cup of cofee for I have been told they know sumpin about me that I don't know. Just sayin.
From past comments, Jocko, we're the same age. I imagine I'll live longer because Harley riders have a notoriously short lifespan. :rolleyes:
09-19-2013, 05:00 PM
u pay 41 cents because ur older and they kow ur not gonna be around very long. That why u get that discunt. I think these locasl Mickey D's can set their own price for senior cofee, as in terre Haute, I pay 65 cents and here in my home town 55. I don't want a 41 cent cup of cofee for I have been told they know sumpin about me that I don't know. Just sayin.
True story - only the names have been changed to protect the innocent:
A buddy's dad kept returning to the same McDonalds every morning for months -- bringing the same cup as the day before, asking for a free refill, and reading the free newspaper. Took awhile but they finally kicked him out. He created a great big scene and told them he would take his business elsewhere...:rolleyes:
09-19-2013, 05:30 PM
now thats laughable, but "true story" this happened about a week ago in Panera Bread whereI loaf for about an hour + a day. I gheard the store manager gal (who is drop dead georgeous) tell a couple in their 60"s that this stuff has got to stop. The next day I seen her and ask what the issue was and she said those people bringin their own cup and drink our cofee and pop out of our machines and read our newspapers and buy a bagel at best.
09-19-2013, 05:37 PM
(who is drop dead georgeous)
No pictures of course.
09-19-2013, 05:44 PM
(who is drop dead georgeous)
No pictures of course.
that's your cue tinman...
09-19-2013, 07:09 PM
oh no, guys, she's all ol jocko's. sorry colonel, u have ur photos on ur man cave table..
09-19-2013, 08:59 PM
I don't drink coffee.
09-20-2013, 02:21 AM
I don't drink coffee.
You obviously haven't read the study printed in the "New England Journal of Medicine" describing all the health benefits of coffee. They called it the new wonder drug.
09-20-2013, 07:00 AM
yea read that article,,, I think it was wrote by Dr. Valdez whose son Juan Valdez who now works full time for Starbucks. I might be off on that name a tad. Just sayin
09-20-2013, 10:48 AM
I prefer V-8 juice & skim milk every day for breakfast, then a couple of Bloody Marys on Sunday morning.
The wife drinks two cups of decaf every day. She's got one of those 1 cup Keurig rigs.
Maybe once a month I'll use a half cup of her leftover coffee and stir it in a glass of skim milk with 3 teaspoons of sugar. Have been doing that for at least 60 years - before I ever heard of the frenchy word "latte".
09-20-2013, 04:05 PM
I still make coffee the way they taught me in the Navy. I strain it through a old sock and add just a touch of JP5 to smooth it out a bit. Mmmm Mmmm good.
09-20-2013, 05:10 PM
I prefer V-8 juice & skim milk every day for breakfast, then a couple of Bloody Marys on Sunday morning.
The wife drinks two cups of decaf every day. She's got one of those 1 cup Keurig rigs.
Maybe once a month I'll use a half cup of her leftover coffee and stir it in a glass of skim milk with 3 teaspoons of sugar. Have been doing that for at least 60 years - before I ever heard of the frenchy word "latte".
see you Sunday...
I'm not a coffee snob but I think McDonald's coffee is terrible. I grind whole bean coffee daily at home and it is much much better. Starbucks isn't banning guns, just tired of all the gun guys and gals congregating at their stores to prove a point.
Well...I am a coffee snob, if that means liking really good coffee. Grind beans at home as well. Buy from Ugly Mug out of Tennessee and Raven's Brew. I find this whole Starbucks as the holy grail of coffee bit rather amusing as I consider a lot of their blends pretty second rate. They are consistently decent though when looking for coffee on the road.
09-20-2013, 06:19 PM
I still make coffee the way they taught me in the Navy. I strain it through a old sock and add just a touch of JP5 to smooth it out a bit. Mmmm Mmmm good.
try good ol sheepherders coffee. :Amflag2:
09-20-2013, 06:54 PM
Douwe Egberts Filter Blend..........................smoother than a Kahr trigger....
09-20-2013, 07:01 PM
oh my a coffee SNOB deluxe. sheepherders coffee prevaisl U take 15 small goat turds (they look like coffee beans) and put in 15 arabic coffee beans, boil them over an open fire until the sheep turds dissolve, throw out the arabic beans and u have a legal high.. and those fokking sheep start to really look GOOD. Just sayin
09-20-2013, 07:38 PM
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