View Full Version : Chicago now murder capital of U.S., FBI says

09-19-2013, 12:02 PM
Cities with the most homicides in 2012

1. Chicago | 500
2. New York | 419
3. Detroit | 386
4. Philadelphia | 331
5. Los Angeles | 299
6. Baltimore | 219
7. Houston | 217
8. New Orleans | 193
9. Dallas | 154
10. Memphis | 133
11. Oakland | 126
12. Phoenix | 124
13. St. Louis | 113
14. Kansas City | 105
15. Indianapolis | 101

09-19-2013, 12:09 PM
that outta make EMUAL, and our POTUS and Fat Ass al and Hair li8p Jesse really pround, Cuomo should be pissed as they came in second. They will do better in time though. Wonder of the 500 how many were blacks? My guess about 510, probably some pregnant black gals killed to you know. Just sayin

and I would further bet that of the 15 citries listed,,, each city amount of killings were black to. And the blacks say we have a problem!!!!!

09-19-2013, 12:18 PM
IF they really get CCW going up there, maybe there will be a huge drop in the murder rate... as it becomes riskier to accost possibly armed citizens. We can hope for a new example... a positive one and an argument for CCP's.


09-19-2013, 12:20 PM
What are they actually counting? Homicides total, or murders?

Jacksonville, Florida 93 murders, 108 homicides.


09-19-2013, 12:47 PM
What are they actually counting? Homicides total, or murders?

Jacksonville, Florida 93 murders, 108 homicides.


never broke it down to my knowledge:amflag:

09-19-2013, 12:51 PM
IF they really get CCW going up there, maybe there will be a huge drop in the murder rate... as it becomes riskier to accost possibly armed citizens. We can hope for a new example... a positive one and an argument for CCP's.


wyn, I would like to to think so but in Chicago, those ccw permits are gonna do no good as it is blacks gangs on black gangs. They don'thave ccw permits but all have guns. U don't read to much of actual "good" people getting shot and killed, just gang on gang sh!t and all black. I suspect the cops in that rea drive around with blinders on, why get involved in gangs shootings. Let um kill each utter then we can sort it out better.

People that fear their life in those "hot" areas of chicago, just move out of chicago,. Indy has it definite NO GO TO places for a white person, Those that know just stay away, a visitor doesnt know that though..

09-19-2013, 01:19 PM
And the Navy wants us to leave our weapons at home if we happen to visiting one of the bases while out moving about!


09-19-2013, 01:23 PM
And the Navy wants us to leave our weapons at home if we happen to visiting one of the bases while out moving about!


we are a very laxed cuntryt wyn. we seem to be unableto stop a terrrists act until after it happens This Naval yard refusl of traind swat leo's sucks to high Monica. How stupid can we possable be. I wish I had ot read that article even, just pisses me off to no end:7:

I had a not so gooddebatewith oneof my coffee liberalgals who feltthe starbucksthing was fine and that peoplse sould not have guns around.I ask her, Barb, if two black guys are in your home getting ready to pour the coals to you would u grab for your gun or grabfor your cellphone. DRUMROLL PLEASE.

My cell phone: end of story, she is now 8 months pregnant and about to give birth to 5 black kids:amflag:

09-19-2013, 09:12 PM
Well, this is good for my son's father-in-law's business. He's a mortician in Waco, Texas.

Chicago is apparently running short of undertakers, what with their active weekends on the South Side, so he been called up there on a one week contract to process the local stiffs. Contractor even provides him with an armed bodyguard.

I'll let y'all know if he makes it back ok.

09-19-2013, 10:10 PM
It wasn't that long ago that Cleveland had 365 homicides in one year and it's not nearly the size of Chicago. Our motto is, "Cleveland, you've got to be tough." :)

09-20-2013, 12:00 AM
I think per capita Detroit is still #1

09-20-2013, 04:35 AM
Cities with the most homicides in 2012

1. Chicago | 500
2. New York | 419
3. Detroit | 386
4. Philadelphia | 331
5. Los Angeles | 299
6. Baltimore | 219
7. Houston | 217
8. New Orleans | 193
9. Dallas | 154
10. Memphis | 133
11. Oakland | 126
12. Phoenix | 124
13. St. Louis | 113
14. Kansas City | 105
15. Indianapolis | 101

not so fast!
NY wants it's title back! :typing:


09-20-2013, 06:07 AM
It wasn't that long ago that Cleveland had 365 homicides in one year and it's not nearly the size of Chicago. Our motto is, "Cleveland, you've got to be tough." :)

Too many have fled the Mistake on the Lake to keep those numbers that high.

09-20-2013, 06:19 AM
No surprise to anyone that Chicago and NY are ranked at the top. Both are anti legal gun ownership cities, leaving the guns in the hands of hoods. That's why NYC is running the stop and frisk now. I'm sure Ovomit is proud of his city being on top.

09-20-2013, 06:35 AM
Puke, used that as the reason they wouldn't allow guns in Chicago!

09-20-2013, 06:36 AM
13 more shot in Chicago park last night. Chicago won't play second fiddle. Shooting after 10 pm included a 3 yr old. 3yr olds out after 10pm in a park? Hmmmm
Thought to be gang related. What a surprise.

09-20-2013, 06:49 AM
13 more shot in Chicago park last night. Chicago won't play second fiddle. Shooting after 10 pm included a 3 yr old. 3yr olds out after 10pm in a park? Hmmmm
Thought to be gang related. What a surprise.

u notice how the media wrote it up. The shooters were two DREADLOCKED guys. WTF, Never seen a white boy in dreadlocks..:Amflag2::Amflag2:

indeed Gary B. a 3 year old out at 10PM. WTF. :Amflag2: and playin B-ball at 10.PM makes good sense to

09-20-2013, 06:54 AM
They don't use the word Negro anymore, Jocko.

09-20-2013, 10:36 AM
u notice how the media wrote it up. The shooters were two DREADLOCKED guys. WTF, Never seen a white boy in dreadlocks..:Amflag2::Amflag2:

Hey, one of my sons had dreadlocks for a couple years about 20 years ago. Looked like sh*t.

Now he's just a plain ol' longhair hippie, but hard working, no doping.....raising two little boys after his wife lost her fight with cancer in April.

He likes guns and owns a Browning Safari .30-06, A Marlin 336 .30-30, a Ruger 10/22, a Ruger Service Six .357, and a Colt New Frontier .22. His late wife refused to have guns in her home, so I kept them in my safe. Now he's going to buy a safe to keep them in his house.

When he does, I'm gonna give him my 30 year old, unfired Ruger Mini-14 with its 8 extra magazines and 700 rounds of ammo.

He's always been a straight shootin' guy and is a good dad. Brews his own beer and likes good whiskey, but drinks in moderation.

I took this picture two years ago - one year after he barely survived a construction accident where he had cut clean thru his femoral artery & bled out 3 liters (according to the ER doctor). Apparently a greater power spared his life so he could raise his boys.


09-22-2013, 06:56 AM
Looks like yer boy has two fine boys of his own, grandpa. He'll probably become more conservative as he ages. Most do. Mine did.

09-22-2013, 10:20 AM
I kinda wonder why Rom doesn't make the Chicago gangs replace their more "deadly" weapons with those less "deadly" from Indianapolis. According to him and his a**hole buddies in Commieland it's the guns' fault so it would surely solve the problem. "Never let a good emergency go to waste."