View Full Version : Was the Navy Yard part of a bigger agenda?

09-20-2013, 03:34 AM
MKULTRA? Patsy? Aaron Alexis’ Portrait: Painted For Gun Control

September 20, 2013 by Jon Rappoport

Aaron Alexis did not have an AR-15, as was initially reported.
Mentally unstable man in the military gains legal access to gun, goes on rampage. That’s the portrait.
Heavily promoted details: “Should never have been allowed to buy a gun, but prior red-flag arrests weren’t prosecuted. Slipped through the cracks. Heard voices, claimed he was being assaulted with microwaves that prevented him from sleeping. Obvious nut job. But still, he was able to buy a gun.”
Bottom line: Do whatever is necessary to grab guns from private citizens. Tighten laws. Step up psychiatric interventions across the land, to prevent shootings before they occur.
Perfect. You couldn’t have scripted a better sales campaign for gun control.
Therefore, one can legitimately ask: Did somebody script the word-picture of Alexis for that very purpose?
Until official sources retracted the claim that Aaron Alexis had an AR-15 at the Navy Yard, it was: James Holmes (Aurora), Adam Lanza (Sandy Hook) and Alexis all supposedly firing the semi-auto weapon. Bottom line: “Stop selling the AR-15 and any other semi-auto.”
When it comes to characterizing Alexis as mentally unstable, you need to ask yourself this: If someone were, in fact, deploying available technology to produce the sounds of voices talking to you and hitting you with microwaves to keep you awake night after night, what could you do to make people believe that story?
I’ll tell you what: nothing. You’d be sunk.
Let’s assume Alexis was already somewhat unstable. That would make him a better candidate for harassment.
At that point, there would be two ways to go, if you wanted to engineer a mass shooting. Make Alexis an innocent patsy. Or actually turn him into a Manchurian candidate, an MKULTRA subject who would kill.
If your objective is gun control, you’d achieve your aim either way.
And here is the bonus: In the wake of the Navy Yard shooting, you could institute more psychiatric control of the citizenry, which means (when you strip away the baloney) more fake mental-disorder diagnoses and more drugs that cause violent behavior, including suicide and homicide.
Afterwards, you can make an even better case for universal gun banning, because people on those drugs would be committing murders from coast to coast in greater numbers.
Of course, when television viewers pray at the altar of the major news networks, they would never entertain, for a moment, what I’m suggesting here. Why not? Because, as consumers, they’ve allowed themselves to be conditioned, for many years, by the kinds of tales these media outlets tell. If well-known “journalists” don’t speak of “patsy” or “mind control,” there’s nothing to know about.
Patsy at the scene? How would that work? Several possibilities. Alexis is there, but another shooter is doing the killing. He kills Alexis, who becomes the focus of the story, the “shooter.” A shotgun and AR-15 are placed near his body.
The problem to overcome: witness statements.
So far, I find two witnesses, Terry Durham and Todd Brundige, executive assistants in Building 197, who claim they saw “the shooter” down a long hallway fire a gun at them.
In their television interview, which you can find at YouTube (BBC, other outlets), they claim they couldn’t see the shooter’s face. However, The Washington Times reports Durham saying, “I could see his face.” That’s quite odd, when we have her on camera saying the reverse.
Other news outlets use headlines to suggest these two witnesses did see (“confronted,” “came face-to-face with”) the killer’s face, but the body of text finally confesses this is not the case, despite some slippery language (“came around a corner and saw the killer”).
Obviously, media outlets are trying to make more out of less.
It seems somewhat curious that we don’t have many witnesses who are specifically making positive IDs of Alexis killing people in the building. For example, in the Aurora, Colo., theater shooting, a number of witnesses say they saw the shooter. Of course, he was masked.
Well, what about police statements? We’re told cops killed Alexis in a shootout. How many cops? Unknown. Five, 10, one? I find one report of a canine cop (unnamed) who traded shots with “a gunman” and was seriously wounded in both legs. He was in surgery at the time of the report, and was expected to undergo a number of operations, in an attempt to save his legs.
Perhaps there are other witness statements out there which positively ID Alexis as the shooter. I have not found them.
Turning Alexis into an MKULTRA Manchurian candidate, who would, as a result of mind control, go into the building and kill people is an entirely different matter.
In that case, the microwave harassment and the broadcast voices would serve as a softening-up process. But much more would have to be done.
(I should note here that when Alexis reported the voices and the microwave harassment to the Rhode Island police, he refused to say what the voices were telling him. If his basic story is true, perhaps he was receiving commands and instructions, although, in my opinion, such commands — “kill,” “attack,” etc. — would be insufficient to program him specifically.)
Although there are patents one could search to try to learn about modern mind-control technology and statements from people who were past victims of mind control, many blank areas remain. This is because the experiments are secret.
Here is a bit of background on MKULTRA secrecy.
Back in the early 1990s, I interviewed John Marks, author of The Search for the Manchurian Candidate (1979). This was the book that exposed the existence of the CIA MKULTRA program.
Marks related the following to me. He had filed many Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests to the CIA for documents relating to its mind-control program. He got nothing back.
Finally, as if to play a joke on him, someone at the CIA sent him 10 boxes of financial and accounting records. The attitude was, “Here, see what you can do with this.”
I’ve seen some of those records. They’re very boring reading.
But Marks went through them; and, lo and behold, he found he could piece together MKULTRA projects, based on the funding data.
Eventually, he assembled enough information to begin naming names. He conducted interviews. The shape of MKULTRA swam into view. And so he wrote his book, The Search for the Manchurian Candidate.
He told me that three important books had been written about MKULTRA and that they all, in a sense, stemmed from those 10 boxes of CIA financial records. There was his own book, Operation Mind Control by Walter Bowart and The Mind Manipulators by Alan Scheflin and Edward Opton.
Marks continued to press the CIA for more MKULTRA information. He explained to me what then happened. A CIA official told him the following: In 1962, after 10 years of mind-control experiments, the whole MKULTRA program had been shifted over to another internal CIA department, the Office of Research and Development (ORD).
The ORD had 100 boxes of information on the MKULTRA work; and there was no way under the sun, Marks was told, that he was ever going to get his hands on any of it. It was over. It didn’t matter how many FOIA requests Marks filed. He was done. The door was shut. Goodbye.
The CIA had gone darker than it ever had before. No leaks of any kind would be permitted.
In case there is any doubt about it, the idea of relying on the CIA to admit what it has done in the mind-control area, what it is doing and what it will do should be put to bed by Marks’ statements. The CIA always has been, and will continue to be, a rogue agency beyond the reach of the law.
To give you just a hint about how far the CIA, the U.S. military and its allied academics will go in MKULTRA “research,” here are two brief excerpts from a piece I wrote in 1995 about human experiments. My information was based on the three key books I mentioned above, as well as Martin Lee’s classic, Acid Dreams:
Because “more psychiatric treatment” is a prime agenda, pushed after every one of these mass shootings, people need to understand how the history of mind control and psychiatry are interwoven, and how the madmen and murderers within these “professions” are content to use torture in the name of science.
From a NaturalNews article by Dr. Peter Breggin (“Never again! The real history of psychiatry”), we get insight into one aspect of that history:
[Before World War II in America], organized psychiatry had been sterilizing tens of thousands of Americans. For a time in California, you couldn’t be discharged from a state [mental] hospital unless you were sterilized. In Virginia the retarded were targeted. American advocates of sterilization went to Berlin to help the Nazis plan their sterilization program. These Americans reassured the Germans that they would meet no opposition from America in sterilizing their mentally and physically “unfit” citizens.
I obviously can’t prove or conclude that Alexis was MKULTRA-programmed. But I can say the CIA and other allied agencies have an extensive track record of carrying out horrendous mind-control experiments, concealing them, concealing the technology and making bland statements to the public and the press denying their contemporary use of mind-control.
If Alexis was, in fact, the man who killed people in the Navy Yard and he wasn’t overtly programmed to do it, then recent accounts strongly suggest he was taking psychiatric drugs. Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), in particular, have a long track record of pushing patients over the edge into suicidal and murderous violence.
Psychiatry is a form of MKULTRA. It operates according to a different plan, what I call the Johnny Appleseed approach. Drop enough drugs into enough bodies, and then stand back and watch the killings sprout here and there and here and there, across the land.

09-20-2013, 03:38 AM
Have you noticed how many drugs warn or SUICIDE OR THOUGHTS OF SUICIDE?
IT's like most of them!
If you back hurts; you a-hole itches;r your feet stink; there's a drug for that, but caution may cause suicidal thoughts!
"Sorry, you can own a gun"

09-20-2013, 06:30 AM
Good points downtown. Along the same lines, in NY you have Cuomo, who is closing down State Mental Hospitals - eliminating jobs, pushing businesses out, allowing more mentally ill individuals on the street, including the mentally ill youth who will become prey to hoods. More mentally ill on the street will certainly cause more gun crimes. Justifying what Cuomo preaches that mental history should be part of the background check, along with prior criminal background check. Criminal background check is easy. The problem is where does one draw the line for mental illness and worse yet, what drugs will be involved? This gives the pro-gun lobby serious concern about the snow ball effect of any piece of gun legislation. Soon, background checks could fall to the decision of a mental evaluation, history of drugs being used by that person, etc.... Unfortunately, this is becoming a very slippery slope for "legal" gun ownership.

09-20-2013, 06:33 AM
NJ closed their mental institutions tears ago gave them a one way ticket to Asbury Park and Seaside Heights in the quiet winter months when nobody would notice them.... They are out there somewhere.

09-20-2013, 08:04 AM
Let's send our armed crazies over to the Middle East to fight the Muslim crazies we gave guns to.

09-20-2013, 08:26 AM
Was the Navy Yard part of a bigger agenda?

No, just another sick left leaning loser lunatic that couldn't handle life.

09-20-2013, 10:12 AM
There are some very intriguing videos on You Tube about MK Ultra mind control and their victims. One way to begin the process is to take a child, that has had traumatic things to it, and has compartmented their brain, and hide the ugly memories in a compartment that they keep hidden in their subconscious. Or take a normal child and traumatize it until it forms the desired compartment.
Once they get a child with the compartment in their brain, they can tap into that compartment, and train them to do all sorts of things, and have no memory of what they have done. They use these people for couriers, and to carry out black ops and other secret activities, and have no recollection of it. A few have escaped the program, and had their memories brought back, and tell the things they have done for the government. It's a pretty sick program. Probably brought to us by our Nazi friends we took in after WWII. Of course this is just a conspiracy theory, and all these people talking about it are just fruitcakes that enjoy making up stories. Because our government would never ever do anything like that, or dose people with LSD and other drugs and observe what happens.

09-20-2013, 10:40 AM
...Because our government would never ever do anything like that, or dose people with LSD and other drugs and observe what happens.
Or give them venereal diseases as an experiment, or intern them because of ethnic origin, or forcibly march them hundreds of miles to live on a reservation. Yes, all that stopped long ago and will never be repeated. :rolleyes:

09-20-2013, 12:56 PM
Let's send our armed crazies over to the Middle East to fight the Muslim crazies we gave guns to.

We MAY loose 1/2 of our forum members!:biggrin1:

09-20-2013, 12:59 PM
Greetings from Afganistan, this is bawanna checking in. I'm stuck in the sand and there's no freaking AAA over here. Might have to winch out.

09-20-2013, 01:09 PM
Hang tight Brother Man, I stole a 4-wheel drive Camel that has a Ma Deuce mounted on her back, just a few clicks east of you so be just a few...The rest of the boys are coming in on my helo with the Beer and BBQ....Hold down the fort, we're on the way....Peace out!!!.....:amflag:

09-20-2013, 01:37 PM
Hang tight Brother Man, I stole a 4-wheel drive Camel that has a Ma Duce mounted on her back, just a few clicks east of you so be just a few...The rest of the boys are coming in on my helo with the Beer and BBQ....Hold down the fort, we're on the way....Peace out!!!.....:amflag:

Thank you sir, I'm so relieved to not get a message like what difference does it make?

I'm the 32nd sand pile from the left. Standing by, well actually sitting but I can't do a thing about that.
No sign of Corporal Jocko so your Camel has nothing to worry about and no tall stumps nearby either.

09-20-2013, 01:56 PM
Thank you sir, I'm so relieved to not get a message like what difference does it make?

I'm the 32nd sand pile from the left. Standing by, well actually sitting but I can't do a thing about that.
No sign of Corporal Jocko so your Camel has nothing to worry about and no tall stumps nearby either.
Coordinates for an airstrike on your perimeter?
Fast flyers from your 3 o'clock position:typing::typing::typing::typing:

09-20-2013, 02:20 PM
Sweet, foster grants in place, let the glass making begin.

09-20-2013, 02:31 PM

09-20-2013, 03:38 PM
Sweet, foster grants in place, let the glass making begin.
I've been advocating that for 12 years.

09-20-2013, 03:45 PM
Here Ya go Colonel!


09-20-2013, 04:00 PM
Correct your coordinates. The vermin around me don't have funnels on their heads they have bedding, looks like sheets, and scraggly beards and smell like goats.

We'll call that collateral damage, (gave me a chubby) and fire for effect.

09-20-2013, 04:20 PM


09-20-2013, 04:44 PM
NOW we're talking, right on the money. WAIT! I can't feel my legs, can't feel nothing in my legs. Oh disregard, couldn't feel nothing in my legs before, we're good!

Did you seem me in the opening pictures. I should have been a movie store. I could have been Alvin York in a Ironside sort of way.

What's for supper? BBQ'd Al Quida. HMmmmmm

09-20-2013, 06:47 PM
No, just another sick left leaning loser lunatic that couldn't handle life.
Leave out "left leaning" and I agree.

09-20-2013, 07:56 PM
You keep this up, Downtownv, and I'll be forced to buy stock in Alcoa. I thought that an MKULTRA was a highly customized Kahr pistol. ;)

09-20-2013, 07:59 PM


I want to see them do a script OHIO. :)

09-22-2013, 11:48 AM
I read on some web site, that the shooter had called police to his house extremely upset about "people" watching him, people that weren't there. They got him calmed down and just wrote it off as another crazy person. Maybe they should have sent him to the hospital instead.
Also the KU professor shooting his mouth off about children of NRA members should be murdered, beyond being an ignorant jerk, how does he know some of the victims weren't NRA members? Glad to see he got some kind of disciplinary action for his idiotic remark.

09-22-2013, 11:54 AM
I read on some web site, that the shooter had called police to his house extremely upset about "people" watching him, people that weren't there. They got him calmed down and just wrote it off as another crazy person. Maybe they should have sent him to the hospital instead.
Also the KU professor shooting his mouth off about children of NRA members should be murdered, beyond being an ignorant jerk, how does he know some of the victims weren't NRA members? Glad to see he got some kind of disciplinary action for his idiotic remark.

Isn't KU subsidized by the KS taxpayer?
Time all Kansas Folk call the Admin about this NUT is there a Kansa Firearms group? They should start the pressure to boot this Mental case out of the school System!:mad:

09-22-2013, 12:29 PM
He has been suspended pending further review. I imagine the asswad is still collecting his salary though. The state 2nd amendment groups have all raised hell with KU over this fool and his stupid remarks.

Longitude Zero
09-22-2013, 01:25 PM
TFH/CL strikes again.

09-22-2013, 06:49 PM
He has been suspended pending further review. I imagine the asswad is still collecting his salary though. The state 2nd amendment groups have all raised hell with KU over this fool and his stupid remarks.

Did he suggest the children of all licensed pilots be killed after 9/11? Nope, logic and consistency aren't liberal character traits.

09-22-2013, 07:08 PM
Leave out "left leaning" and I agree.

He liked Obama, that's left leaning in my book.

09-22-2013, 10:10 PM
Don't matter whether he liked Obama, McCain, or my dead mother-in-law's favorite lesbian. Loser freak is as loser freak does.....

09-23-2013, 06:09 AM
Don't matter whether he liked Obama, McCain, or my dead mother-in-law's favorite lesbian. Loser freak is as loser freak does.....

I suppose I should have said "another left leaning loser...", because it seems all of these deranged lunatic mass killers are liberals. If we want to stop mass shootings all that needs to change is to stop democrats from buying guns.

09-23-2013, 09:28 AM
No, the attack on the personnel at the Navy Yard wasn't a part of a bigger agenda, but the A-hole in the White House made it a part of his agenda.

09-23-2013, 09:34 AM
There are some very intriguing videos on You Tube about MK Ultra mind control and their victims. One way to begin the process is to take a child, that has had traumatic things to it, and has compartmented their brain, and hide the ugly memories in a compartment that they keep hidden in their subconscious. Or take a normal child and traumatize it until it forms the desired compartment.
Once they get a child with the compartment in their brain, they can tap into that compartment, and train them to do all sorts of things, and have no memory of what they have done. They use these people for couriers, and to carry out black ops and other secret activities, and have no recollection of it. A few have escaped the program, and had their memories brought back, and tell the things they have done for the government. It's a pretty sick program. Probably brought to us by our Nazi friends we took in after WWII. Of course this is just a conspiracy theory, and all these people talking about it are just fruitcakes that enjoy making up stories. Because our government would never ever do anything like that, or dose people with LSD and other drugs and observe what happens.

T-Man, I hate to say this, but I think the the lunatic fringe has taken control of your mind. I told you to wear that tin foil hat. With this government it isn't black ops it's black oops. The biggest black oops resides in the White House. Now settle down and go back on your meds. :)

09-23-2013, 09:36 AM
I've been advocating that for 12 years.

Great minds think alike, John.