View Full Version : Thank a Police Officer Day

09-21-2013, 04:04 PM
For those that don't know, Today is Thank a Police Officer Day. For those that we have on here that are LEO's, past, present or future, Thank you. I was slack and didn't do anything or have jlottmc take anything with him to work today. Maybe next year. Some of the wives I know were sending goodies with their husbands/SO.

09-21-2013, 05:13 PM
I thank um every time they stop me and let me go with a warning, which is getting to be quite often it seemslately. Must be an age thing.

09-22-2013, 06:42 AM
They're just taking pity on an old man with one foot in the grave. They take one look at you and say, "There, but for the grace of God, go I. I get the same treatment. My thanks to those officers who give a couple of old farts a break now and then. :)

09-22-2013, 08:21 AM
To all the officers on Kahrtalk, thanks!

09-22-2013, 08:32 AM
Yes, thank you officers for doing the job.

Has the question been asked for the number of LEO's, retired and active, on the Forum? It would be interesting as I know there are several.


09-22-2013, 09:26 AM
I thank um every time they stop me and let me go with a warning, which is getting to be quite often it seemslately. Must be an age thing.

Jeez Jocko what the heck do you do to keep getting stopped??? ;-)

09-22-2013, 10:46 AM
Yes, thank you officers for doing the job.

Has the question been asked for the number of LEO's, retired and active, on the Forum? It would be interesting as I know there are several.


That's usually not something most of them like to advertise if at all possible for security reasons. jlottmc doesn't wear anything outside of the house that is visible to show that he is LE and I nor DD wear anything outside of the house that indicate that we are LE dependants. I have a Paracord Survival bracelet but I've not gotten any comments when wearing it asking what it is or the colors stand for. I know there are a few LEO's on here.

09-22-2013, 02:19 PM
Jeez Jocko what the heck do you do to keep getting stopped??? ;-)

they just wanna look at my Harley. Just sayin or it could be that they just liketo see an olman on a Harley. More than likely goi 30 in a 65 MPH zone.

09-22-2013, 05:17 PM
thank you for the acknowledgment. three of our guys shot a guy last night. good guys 1 bad guys 0.

09-22-2013, 06:04 PM
That's usually not something most of them like to advertise if at all possible for security reasons. jlottmc doesn't wear anything outside of the house that is visible to show that he is LE and I nor DD wear anything outside of the house that indicate that we are LE dependants. I have a Paracord Survival bracelet but I've not gotten any comments when wearing it asking what it is or the colors stand for. I know there are a few LEO's on here.

I also have one of the survival bracelets. I agree with you on the advertising thing. I'm no longer "on the job" due to major back surgery. I worked in my hometown, born and raised there, so pretty much everyone there knows what I did for a living.

09-22-2013, 08:43 PM
I also have one of the survival bracelets. I agree with you on the advertising thing. I'm no longer "on the job" due to major back surgery. I worked in my hometown, born and raised there, so pretty much everyone there knows what I did for a living.

That is like my hometown and the town beside the one I lived in. Everybody knew who was a LEO because most of them had take home cars. Here because TX is so big and where we live, it's a little easier to not have anybody know, unless you live and work in the same town. We live an hour away from where jlottmc works, so it's a little easier.

09-22-2013, 09:46 PM
I saw something about today being "thank your wife" day, but then saw this was posted yesterday. I will just have to thank LEO every opportunity I get, like now. Thanks!

09-22-2013, 10:16 PM
I have mixed feelings about LEOs Be Cool Day. I really like most all but second ex-wife be a significant exception.

09-23-2013, 08:54 AM
That is like my hometown and the town beside the one I lived in. Everybody knew who was a LEO because most of them had take home cars. Here because TX is so big and where we live, it's a little easier to not have anybody know, unless you live and work in the same town. We live an hour away from where jlottmc works, so it's a little easier.

I know what you're saying here. I now live about 40 minutes from my hometown in a nice quiet area. I was still working when I moved here so a handful of people know I was LEO. But 40 minutes away isn't far enough lol. I live near 2 of our areas large shopping malls, and on numerous occasions I have run into people I have arrested. Thank goodness each outcome was positive, usually a quick hello from them or they just turned and walked the other way. I think I can attribute that to working in my hometown. The people knew I did my job when I had too, and most were ok with that!!