09-23-2013, 03:29 AM
Obama’s Gun Control Philosophy: Arm Al-Qaida And Disarm Americans
September 23, 2013 by Bob Livingston
Citing his authority under the Arms Export Control Act, President Barack Obama last week waived the prohibition against supplying terrorist groups with arms.
This indicates that Obama knows the so-called Syrian “rebels” are mostly al-Nusra and al-Qaida terrorists, despite the Administration’s repeated lies that it could identify the “moderate” elements of the opposition army.
The façade that the Syrian civil war is simply an extension of the Arab Spring uprising that began almost three years ago has fully fallen away. This is manifested by the opposition to U.S. interference in the Syrian conflict that is expressed by the majority of the American people.
The Syrian civil war is a war manufactured by the United States — as was the Libyan civil war — on behalf of the petrodollar and Saudi Arabia and Israel. Those countries are driving U.S. policy in the region.
That Obama would seek to overtly arm the very terrorist organization that the United States is supposedly at war with in at least four other countries — and that a number of members of the U.S. Congress support such a thing — demonstrates inconclusively America is being governed by psychopaths and controlled by foreigners, banksters and the military-industrial complex.
Only a couple of weeks ago, the United States appeared headed full-throttle toward a military attack on Syria. But the American people in large numbers looked up from their entertainment devices and awakened from their stupor long enough to recognize that the so-called “rebels” were actually terrorists who had battled U.S. troops and were raping, beheading and dismembering Christians; burning churches; beheading men and gunning down women whom they captured and believed supported the Syrian president; and slaughtering captured government soldiers and eating their hearts. They put unprecedented pressure on Congress to stop Obama and his warmongering, neocon toadies in their tracks.
A study by defense consultancy IHS Jane’s revealed that as many as 70 percent of the fighters aligned against Bashar Assad’s regime are terrorists or radical Islamists. Speaking at a discussion hosted by the globalist Council on Foreign Relations, Senator John McCain made the outrageous claim that only 30 percent were actually terrorists. He continues to rely on information provided by disgraced “researcher” Elizabeth O’Bagby.
If the makeup of the Free Syrian Army “rebels” wasn’t troubling enough, The Wall Street Journal reported Friday that an al-Qaida spinoff group called the ISIS is now fighting the so-called “moderate” rebels that Obama, McCain, etc., want to arm.
There is now a three-front war going on in Syria. The Journal reports that ISIS is attracting foreign jihadists who view the Syria war not as a means to overthrow the Assad regime but rather as a battleground for a Sunni holy war. They want to establish an Islamic state in Syria as step toward achieving a global Islamic state. Fully 7,000 to 10,000 members of the FSA are part of ISIS, and their numbers are growing. Also, al-Qaida militants from central command in Pakistan and Pakistani Taliban fighters have set up basis in Syria.
And even while Obama was signing papers authorizing the arming of al-Qaida terrorists, he was “issuing more executive actions” in an attempt to disarm Americans, though exactly what those actions entailed was not specified by Presidential mouthpiece Jay Carney. In other words, Obama is perfectly content with arming the enemies of America with military grade weapons, but he believes that Americans should not be trusted or able to defend themselves with weapons that only resemble military weapons. In fact, the Obama regime — through the moronic imbecile Vice President Joe Biden — has stated that Americans should only have a shotgun for defense. The regime believes that Americans should only have weapons capable of firing six or fewer rounds.
This is clear and convincing evidence that the Obama regime believes that America’s enemies have a greater right to self-defense than do Americans.
In April, the Obama regime signed on to the U.N. Arms Trade Treaty, which is supposed to ban the sale of arms to countries that export terror. For some reason, the mainstream media continue to ignore the hypocrisy of the regime’s support of the treaty even while it runs guns into Syria.
And the Obama regime is well-schooled in running guns to terrorists; as is the CIA, which ran guns to Afghanistan and Iraq back in the 1980s. The Syrian gunrunning operation began as soon as Moammar Gadhafi was overthrown. In fact, the whole cover-up of the Benghazi, Libya, 9/11 attack is predicated on concealing the gunrunning operation headed by CIA asset Ambassador Christopher Stevens, who along with three others was murdered during the attack.
Operation Fast and Furious, you may recall, was a gunrunning operation to Mexican narcoterrorists. The regime’s goal in encouraging border-State gun dealers to sell weapons to Mexican drug dealers was simply a pretext for restricting the 2nd Amendment rights of Americans by fomenting gun violence in Mexico with guns that could be traced back to the United States.
Terror has become the No. 1 export of the United States. This began before the inauguration of the Obama regime but has been growing exponentially under his watch. During the 2010 GOP Presidential debates, Ron Paul spoke of blowback (a concept even recognized by the CIA) created by U.S. policies in the Mideast. The pro-war, neocon-leaning Republican audience booed, hooted and guffawed at the concept that the United States had no business bombing foreign countries.
Now many of those same people are beginning to understand that Paul’s ideas that the United States should avoid inserting itself into internecine wars, guarding other countries’ borders better than our own and sending U.S. dollars to prop up dictators in other countries are good ones. Self-styled Republican talking heads, journalists and pundits are now adopting Paul’s philosophies without realizing it, or at least without admitting it.
But Americans must understand that war with Syria — and with it a likely war with Russia — is not yet off the table. It has only taken a hiatus as Obama and Kerry lick their wounds and attempt to regroup from the public humiliation Russian President Vladimir Putin inflicted on them. Even now, Kerry is establishing more “red lines” for Syria.
And warmongering chicken hawk Senator Lindsey Graham is increasingly agitating for war with Iran and promising to introduce a use of force authorization against that country, continuing to promulgate the lie that Iran — which is a signatory to the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty — is developing nuclear weapons.
The psychopaths in Washington, D.C., have always used lies, obfuscation and doublethink to agitate Americans into war under the pretext of American patriotism. Wars benefit the global elites, the banksters and the military-industrial complex to the detriment of the people and their wealth and are made possible by fiat money printed willy-nilly. Without a central bank, wars would be far less frequent and would all end quickly. Central banks allow countries to make war on credit and run up debts that are never intended to be paid.
The people are growing to realize the regime in Washington, D.C., is lawless and criminal and operating in violation of the U.S. Constitution. The regime and its globalist masters recognize the American people are stirring, and they want them dependent and disarmed before the fiat house of cards collapses.
September 23, 2013 by Bob Livingston
Citing his authority under the Arms Export Control Act, President Barack Obama last week waived the prohibition against supplying terrorist groups with arms.
This indicates that Obama knows the so-called Syrian “rebels” are mostly al-Nusra and al-Qaida terrorists, despite the Administration’s repeated lies that it could identify the “moderate” elements of the opposition army.
The façade that the Syrian civil war is simply an extension of the Arab Spring uprising that began almost three years ago has fully fallen away. This is manifested by the opposition to U.S. interference in the Syrian conflict that is expressed by the majority of the American people.
The Syrian civil war is a war manufactured by the United States — as was the Libyan civil war — on behalf of the petrodollar and Saudi Arabia and Israel. Those countries are driving U.S. policy in the region.
That Obama would seek to overtly arm the very terrorist organization that the United States is supposedly at war with in at least four other countries — and that a number of members of the U.S. Congress support such a thing — demonstrates inconclusively America is being governed by psychopaths and controlled by foreigners, banksters and the military-industrial complex.
Only a couple of weeks ago, the United States appeared headed full-throttle toward a military attack on Syria. But the American people in large numbers looked up from their entertainment devices and awakened from their stupor long enough to recognize that the so-called “rebels” were actually terrorists who had battled U.S. troops and were raping, beheading and dismembering Christians; burning churches; beheading men and gunning down women whom they captured and believed supported the Syrian president; and slaughtering captured government soldiers and eating their hearts. They put unprecedented pressure on Congress to stop Obama and his warmongering, neocon toadies in their tracks.
A study by defense consultancy IHS Jane’s revealed that as many as 70 percent of the fighters aligned against Bashar Assad’s regime are terrorists or radical Islamists. Speaking at a discussion hosted by the globalist Council on Foreign Relations, Senator John McCain made the outrageous claim that only 30 percent were actually terrorists. He continues to rely on information provided by disgraced “researcher” Elizabeth O’Bagby.
If the makeup of the Free Syrian Army “rebels” wasn’t troubling enough, The Wall Street Journal reported Friday that an al-Qaida spinoff group called the ISIS is now fighting the so-called “moderate” rebels that Obama, McCain, etc., want to arm.
There is now a three-front war going on in Syria. The Journal reports that ISIS is attracting foreign jihadists who view the Syria war not as a means to overthrow the Assad regime but rather as a battleground for a Sunni holy war. They want to establish an Islamic state in Syria as step toward achieving a global Islamic state. Fully 7,000 to 10,000 members of the FSA are part of ISIS, and their numbers are growing. Also, al-Qaida militants from central command in Pakistan and Pakistani Taliban fighters have set up basis in Syria.
And even while Obama was signing papers authorizing the arming of al-Qaida terrorists, he was “issuing more executive actions” in an attempt to disarm Americans, though exactly what those actions entailed was not specified by Presidential mouthpiece Jay Carney. In other words, Obama is perfectly content with arming the enemies of America with military grade weapons, but he believes that Americans should not be trusted or able to defend themselves with weapons that only resemble military weapons. In fact, the Obama regime — through the moronic imbecile Vice President Joe Biden — has stated that Americans should only have a shotgun for defense. The regime believes that Americans should only have weapons capable of firing six or fewer rounds.
This is clear and convincing evidence that the Obama regime believes that America’s enemies have a greater right to self-defense than do Americans.
In April, the Obama regime signed on to the U.N. Arms Trade Treaty, which is supposed to ban the sale of arms to countries that export terror. For some reason, the mainstream media continue to ignore the hypocrisy of the regime’s support of the treaty even while it runs guns into Syria.
And the Obama regime is well-schooled in running guns to terrorists; as is the CIA, which ran guns to Afghanistan and Iraq back in the 1980s. The Syrian gunrunning operation began as soon as Moammar Gadhafi was overthrown. In fact, the whole cover-up of the Benghazi, Libya, 9/11 attack is predicated on concealing the gunrunning operation headed by CIA asset Ambassador Christopher Stevens, who along with three others was murdered during the attack.
Operation Fast and Furious, you may recall, was a gunrunning operation to Mexican narcoterrorists. The regime’s goal in encouraging border-State gun dealers to sell weapons to Mexican drug dealers was simply a pretext for restricting the 2nd Amendment rights of Americans by fomenting gun violence in Mexico with guns that could be traced back to the United States.
Terror has become the No. 1 export of the United States. This began before the inauguration of the Obama regime but has been growing exponentially under his watch. During the 2010 GOP Presidential debates, Ron Paul spoke of blowback (a concept even recognized by the CIA) created by U.S. policies in the Mideast. The pro-war, neocon-leaning Republican audience booed, hooted and guffawed at the concept that the United States had no business bombing foreign countries.
Now many of those same people are beginning to understand that Paul’s ideas that the United States should avoid inserting itself into internecine wars, guarding other countries’ borders better than our own and sending U.S. dollars to prop up dictators in other countries are good ones. Self-styled Republican talking heads, journalists and pundits are now adopting Paul’s philosophies without realizing it, or at least without admitting it.
But Americans must understand that war with Syria — and with it a likely war with Russia — is not yet off the table. It has only taken a hiatus as Obama and Kerry lick their wounds and attempt to regroup from the public humiliation Russian President Vladimir Putin inflicted on them. Even now, Kerry is establishing more “red lines” for Syria.
And warmongering chicken hawk Senator Lindsey Graham is increasingly agitating for war with Iran and promising to introduce a use of force authorization against that country, continuing to promulgate the lie that Iran — which is a signatory to the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty — is developing nuclear weapons.
The psychopaths in Washington, D.C., have always used lies, obfuscation and doublethink to agitate Americans into war under the pretext of American patriotism. Wars benefit the global elites, the banksters and the military-industrial complex to the detriment of the people and their wealth and are made possible by fiat money printed willy-nilly. Without a central bank, wars would be far less frequent and would all end quickly. Central banks allow countries to make war on credit and run up debts that are never intended to be paid.
The people are growing to realize the regime in Washington, D.C., is lawless and criminal and operating in violation of the U.S. Constitution. The regime and its globalist masters recognize the American people are stirring, and they want them dependent and disarmed before the fiat house of cards collapses.