View Full Version : Witness

09-23-2013, 05:55 PM
I was the witness to a traffic accident the other day............so, I hung around until 2 LE got there. He asked me for some ID, and I gave him my drivers license...............all the while having my MK9 in my front pocket, which does print sometimes, although no one has ever said anything. Didn't give him my CCL at the same time. Got to thinking on the way home...could have been a big mistake. I AM surprised that they didn't notice.........not very observant?

09-23-2013, 05:59 PM
I have said that a hundred time, they ain't lookin.......

09-23-2013, 08:06 PM
You did not mention where this occurred, so I'll guess it was Wisconsin.

According to handgunlaw.us it seems that while in Wisconsin, you do not need to inform unless law enforcement specifically requests that of you. So no worries.

It is basically the same here in Colorado, too.

Must Inform Officer Immediately on Contact By Law?
Unless the licensee or out-of-state licensee is carrying
a concealed weapon in a manner described under
s.941.23 (2) (e), a licensee who is carrying a concealed
weapon shall display his or her license document and
photographic identification card and an out-of-state licensee
who is carrying a concealed weapon shall display his or her
out-of-state license and photographic identification card to
a law enforcement officer upon the request of the law
enforcement officer while the law enforcement officer is
acting in an official capacity and with lawful authority.

09-23-2013, 08:22 PM
I give the officer my CC permit along with my DL when I get stopped when driving, just as a courtesy. I've also noticed that it tends to make the officer treat you a little better, like they know you have been through the background check and are one of the good guys. They just ask where it is, and don't go messing around in the area it is, usually in my console. I just keep my hands on the wheel or hang one out the window if the weather is nice and keep the other on the wheel. Hasn't got me out of any tickets yet, but you never know.

09-24-2013, 06:12 AM
I believe in NY (and I am NOT talking about NYC...different issues there), if stopped while driving you must advise the LE of your carry. It seems wise to do as the Tman says, by simply handing over your driver's license with your carry permit (I keep both together)...then keep your hands visible...and be courteous and respectful. I don't see where that would land anyone in a problem. However, you never know with some people. It is about people more than positions.

There was an incident, forget where and when now....but a guy was stopped coming out of a shopping store because another customer saw his piece. The LE had their guns drawn on him. He made the mistake of not keeping his hands on his head and went for his carry permit...got shot and killed. He was totally innocent and legal but died because he was not thinking right about the situation. Being aware of your hands is a good point that TheTman made. Very good point Tman! I believe that being aware of the situation and your hands when dealing with LE involving your carry is just as important as your permit issues.

09-24-2013, 06:52 AM
This a good argument for handing over you card to the LEO.
Our LEO CC instructor said he would not recommend doing this but our choice. He also said to never say "gun" aloud when stopped. Leads to all kinds of problems especially with over zealous types or trainees.

09-24-2013, 07:21 AM
This a good argument for handing over you card to the LEO.
Our LEO CC instructor said he would not recommend doing this but our choice. He also said to never say "gun" aloud when stopped. Leads to all kinds of problems especially with over zealous types or trainees.

If you watch some of Massad Ayoop's youtube videos he mentions the same thing. If you say "I have a gun" it comes across as a threat to the officer. Or if one officer is at your car and you say I'm licensed to carry a GUN and the other officer at the squad car only hears "gun" through the sound of traffic, things can end badly. Just say, "Officer, I'm a licensed CCW holder and I am carrying". This avoids any thouchy words.

Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk 2

09-24-2013, 07:37 AM
accident? hope everyone's ok.

09-24-2013, 11:41 AM
You did not mention where this occurred, so I'll guess it was Wisconsin.

According to handgunlaw.us it seems that while in Wisconsin, you do not need to inform unless law enforcement specifically requests that of you. So no worries.

It is basically the same here in Colorado, too.

Must Inform Officer Immediately on Contact By Law?
Unless the licensee or out-of-state licensee is carrying
a concealed weapon in a manner described under
s.941.23 (2) (e), a licensee who is carrying a concealed
weapon shall display his or her license document and
photographic identification card and an out-of-state licensee
who is carrying a concealed weapon shall display his or her
out-of-state license and photographic identification card to
a law enforcement officer upon the request of the law
enforcement officer while the law enforcement officer is
acting in an official capacity and with lawful authority.
That wasn't my worry................I know a couple of people who ended up face down, that was my concern.............

09-24-2013, 11:43 AM
accident? hope everyone's ok.
It was quite interesting actually.................after seeing that they were both ok, I found out that one of them didn't have a license or insurance, and the other said she had insurance, but the vehicle wasn't in her name because she was still paying someone for it............I should have stuck around, it probably got more interesting.............

09-24-2013, 03:04 PM
This a good argument for handing over you card to the LEO.
Our LEO CC instructor said he would not recommend doing this but our choice. He also said to never say "gun" aloud when stopped. Leads to all kinds of problems especially with over zealous types or trainees.

Roger that. I would simply give my card and keep my hands visible, allowing the LE to take it from there. Certainly would not say "GUN :eek:", nor bring alarm of any kind. Just quietly hand him my carry permit when he asked for my driver's license....giving him the driver's license and carry permit together. I'd let him do the asking or instructing from there and just answer and do as requested. Keep it simple and safe .

09-24-2013, 03:10 PM
been stopped many times and I have never handed over my ccw card. I don't intend to.If by chance an officer would ask, then I would answer. I really think they don't wantto know about that stuff either. InIndiana it is not a lawto hav eto do that either and no BMV check shows u have a ccw permit either......

09-24-2013, 03:14 PM
Things are insane in NY. Gotta jump through all the hoops to stay cool here. The city folk have it a mess.

09-26-2013, 09:26 PM
I stopped a few people that had a CHL and pistol on them. My response when the card comes out or I'm told about it: "Don't show me yours, and I won't show you mine." I really don't worry about most people that tell me what they have, the shitheads that don't and are doing other stuff I tend to pay more attention to.

Thought I was going to catch the naughty word filter for sure there. Thanks folks;).