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09-24-2013, 03:43 AM
Obama’s Gun-Free Eulogy

September 24, 2013 by Ben Crystal

If it had been nearly anyone else, I might have been surprised. After all, the only people willing to blame Aaron Alexis’ murderous rampage at the Washington Navy Yard on inanimate hunks of polymer and metal — as opposed to, say, Alexis — are the same anti-Bill of Rights liberals who think the phrase “gun violence” makes sense. In his disastrous 5˝ year occupation of the Oval Office, the one thing President Barack Obama has been consistent about is his absolute dedication to partisan rancor, even in the face of tragedy. And that’s why Obama took to the rostrum during this past weekend’s memorial to Alexis’ victims and completely ignored Alexis — not to mention the victims — to focus on something he and his Democratic accomplices continue to refer to as “gun violence.” Another hyper-divisive Obama speech delivered from atop the graves of the innocent victims of a madman… try to contain your surprise.
According to Obama, Alexis’ killing spree was neither a result of the fact that Alexis was a gibbering psychopath nor the fact that other so-called “gun control” laws had rendered the people at the Washington Navy Yard as defenseless as were the victims of mass murders committed by mentally disturbed people, including those in Newtown, Mass., and Aurora, Colo. Instead, Alexis’ rampage should be attributed to the fact that “what’s different in America is it’s easy to get your hands on a gun.” I suspect the disarmed — and subsequently defenseless — victims of people like Alexis would probably beg to differ. For that matter, consider spending your next vacation in a maximum-security prison; the big house is a “gun-free zone,” too. Obama went on to decry “the gun violence that unleashes so much mayhem on a regular basis.” Congratulations, Alexis, James Holmes and Adam Lanza. You’ve just been exonerated by the President of the United States. Everyone else should subsequently remain on the lookout for a suspect named “gun violence.”
But Obama wasn’t the only Democrat who took a spin dancing on the as-yet-to-be-dug graves of Alexis’ victims. Vincent Gray, the mayor of the “gun-free” paradise of Washington, D.C., managed to evade the “gun violence” that plagues that paradise long enough to complain: “[O]ur country is drowning in a sea of guns.” If America is indeed “drowning,” then we can probably boost our odds of survival by avoiding the hazardous waters of “gun-free” cities.
A lunatic wielding a shotgun (known to the Democratic party as an “AR” or “military-style something-or-other”) murdered 12 people inside a “gun-free zone” located in a “gun-free” city, and Obama and his sidekick, Mayor Vinny, turned what should have been a solemn eulogy into another speech blaming an intellectually dishonest phrase the Democrats invented to keep the low-information set cowering under their beds. If Obama wanted to blame someone other than the guy who did it (and his disgracefully partisan “eulogy” indicates that he clearly does), shouldn’t he blame Vice President Joe Biden? After all, Biden is the guy who told everyone to buy shotguns.
–Ben Crystal

09-24-2013, 04:41 AM
Dr. Ignatius Piazza
Monday, September 23, 2013


The headline in the newspaper today quoted our Liar in Chief as saying, "We're going to have to change."

Obama made his "change" statement to Navy Yard mourners. He says the US cannot accept mass shootings.

Well here is a shocker for Obama: WE don't need to change anything!

It is Obama who needs to change!

It is Obama's murderous support of Gun Free Zones which he knows do nothing but create Helpless Victim Zones that needs to change.

It is Obama's murderous support of legislation to disarm responsible Americans when he knows every scholarly study demonstrates gun control does not reduce violent crime (it increases it) that needs to change.

It is Obama's blatant, self-serving use of mass shootings as a platform to further disarm Americans when he know that more gun control WILL NOT lead to a drop in these mass shootings, that needs to change.

Obama is a liar.

To get elected, Obama told Americans he would not go after their guns. The Republicans and Libertarians read right through Obama's socialist, anti-gun, anti-American agenda and tried to stop him from being elected, but enough gun owning Democrats were fooled by Obama's outright lies and false promises.

Now all responsible gun owners are being targeted for the actions of a few, psych drug induced murderers and our Liar in Chief is using yet another Gun Fee Zone failure as a reason to reactivate his socialist agenda to disarm Americans and further weaken our country.

It is now time for Republicans, Libertarians, and gun owning Democrats to UNITE under a common cause to CHANGE Obama.

If Obama really wants to stop mass shootings, here is the REAL "change" that needs to occur...

Outlaw Gun Free Zones. Stop creating Helpless Victim Zones by disarming people in public places. Such policies only encourage attack because the perpetrators know there will be no armed resistance.
Pass National Concealed Carry and encourage responsible citizens, law enforcement, and military personnel to carry a concealed weapon with them at all times and to train regularly to use their concealed weapon to defend themselves and others around them.
Immediately stop tax payer support of the psychiatric industry and their allies in the pharmaceutical industry who have falsely advertised their way into hooking 1 out of 5 Americans on psychiatric drugs, many of them children. Psychiatry and the drugs they push are the common denominator responsible for the epidemic rise in military suicides, teen suicides, depression and violence we are seeing in America today. EVERY toxicology report of every mass shooter, including the most recent Navy yard shooter reveal psych drugs as the culprit. Psychiatry does not work! Psych drugs pose much greater risk than benefit! Because psychiatry causes more harm than good, it NEEDS government funding in the form of Medicare and Medicaid to keeps it alive. Remove all tax payer supported, government funding of psychiatry with the drugs they push and you will see psychiatry quickly experience a well-deserved death.
With these three steps, taken aggressively and immediately, America will become stronger and healthier.

Of course, Obama knows all this.

Yet Obama continues to promote the creation of more Gun Free Zones, more legislation to disarm responsible Americans, and more tax payer support of the psychiatric industry.

This makes Obama worse than a liar. Much worse! All the families of those murdered deserve better. America deserves better.

It is time for Obama to change and start telling the truth about everything.

Here are people who are telling the truth...





What can you do to help yourself and help America?

Be part of the solution for a more sane America and forward this in its entirety to everyone you know and encourage them to do the same.

09-24-2013, 05:04 AM
I would definitely click on the "Like" button for these posts. Thanks for posting them... too true. Most people are killed in "Gun Free Zones"... popular hunting places for psychos who are usually off their drugs.


09-24-2013, 07:25 AM
Obama said we should be obsessed with gun confiscation. No, we should be obsessed with liberty and overthrowing tyranny.

09-24-2013, 09:28 AM
did you know?