View Full Version : School Administrators Attempt To Ruin Boys’ Futures Over Toy Guns

09-25-2013, 02:46 AM
Virginia is under attack from liberal invasion from D.C. and Charlottesville (like Austin TX)
This once Conservative state is also attacked for coal in western end and Phony Green Projects that never produced anything By a Guy running for Gov with zero experience!

School Administrators Attempt To Ruin Boys’ Futures Over Toy Guns

September 25, 2013 by Sam Rolley
Boys will be boys. That is, unless bureaucrats and jumpy, nosy neighbors have a say.
Two seventh-graders in Virginia were given long-term suspensions from school (similar to expulsion) for playing with toy airsoft guns on private property as they waited for the bus in the front yard of the 13-year-old Khalid Caraballo’s Virginia Beach home. A neighbor, ironically the mother of one of the boys playing in the “airsoft gun war,” called the cops to complain when she saw the youths wielding the orange-tipped mock weapons.

“This is not a real [gun], but it makes people uncomfortable,” the unidentified woman later told WAVY. “I know that it makes me (uncomfortable), as a mom, to see a boy pointing a gun.”
The 911 call resulted in Khalid and his friend Aidan Clark being suspended from Larkspur Middle School along with two other boys when administrators caught wind of the incident. Khalid and Aidan have also been threatened with expulsion for the remainder of the school year for “possession, handling and use of a firearm.”
While the incident did occur as the boys waited for the bus, Khalid told local media that he was nowhere near the school bus stop located 70 yards away from his home as he played with the nonlethal pellet gun.
“[I]t’s unfair because we were in our yard,” he said. “This had nothing to do with school. I didn’t have anything at school at any time.”
His mother agreed with her son, saying: “My son is my private property. He does not become the school’s property until he goes to the bus stop, gets on the bus and goes to school.”
But the principal of Larkspur Middle School, Matthew Delaney, disagreed.
Via WAVY: “WAVY.com reached out to the principal of Larkspur Middle School, Matthew Delaney. In a letter obtained by WAVY.com he said his investigation found the ‘children were firing pellet guns at each other, and at people near the bus stop.’ The letter from Delaney says one child ‘was only 10 feet from the bus stop, and ran from the shots being fired, but was still hit.’”
But the youngsters remain steadfast in insisting that none of the shooting occurred at the bus stop.
Virginia Beach Police Sergeant Adam Bernstein released a statement regarding the incident that takes a more levelheaded view of the incident than the panicky school administrators’:
We understand that a number of juveniles possess air soft guns and have “airsoft gun” wars with each other, but as it relates to the city code … they are in violation of the code if the juveniles are not exercising “reasonable care”. Also keep in mind that this is not something that we proactively seek out to enforce. If we receive a complaint … we will investigate the call for service and enforce it appropriately, i.e. warning or prosecution. We want to stress to the parents of the juveniles and the operators of these type of “pneumatic guns” that they need to be handled responsibly and with reasonable care to ensure that the projectile is properly contained.
Police are not charging anyone in this case and noted that Khalid has a target and a net to catch the airsoft pellets on his property.
Though he faces no criminal charges, young Khalid is a bit worried about his future.
“It’s terrible,” he said. “I won’t get the chance to go to a good college. It’s on your school record. The school said I had possession of a firearm. They aren’t going to ask me any questions. They are going to think it was a real gun, and I was trying to hurt someone. They will say ‘oh, we can’t accept you.’”

09-25-2013, 02:47 AM

09-25-2013, 04:44 AM
"God made the idiot for practice, then he made the school board." Mark Twain

09-25-2013, 06:00 AM
Kids should never be allowed the use of anything that fires a projectile without adult supervision.

Longitude Zero
09-25-2013, 06:46 AM
There is no evidence that the admins intent is to ruin anything. They are merely following/extending the "No Tolerance" nonsense to a limit that is idiotic.

09-25-2013, 09:07 AM
Does that mean I can't play with this in my front yard anymore?...:eek:...http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=si5Rch0s7Vc

09-25-2013, 09:25 AM
Kids should never be allowed the use of anything that fires a projectile without adult supervision.

You never went squirrel huntin' by yourself or with a friend when you were a kid? :eek:

09-25-2013, 09:26 AM
Kids should never be allowed the use of anything that fires a projectile without adult supervision.

They should also not be allowed to go swimming or ride a bike until they learn how.

09-25-2013, 11:43 AM
I had a bb gun when I was 8, didn't need adult supervision. I knew there would be an ass whuppin waiting if my parents found a bb hole in a car window or anything else that shouldn't have one. At 12, I had complete access to the single shot .22, with no adult supervision, I'd been taught not to shoot towards the neighbors, and all the safety rules. Of course back then kids had common sense.

mr surveyor
09-25-2013, 11:52 AM
I had a bb gun when I was 8, didn't need adult supervision. I knew there would be an ass whuppin waiting if my parents found a bb hole in a car window or anything else that shouldn't have one. At 12, I had complete access to the single shot .22, with no adult supervision, I'd been taught not to shoot towards the neighbors, and all the safety rules. Of course back then kids had common sense.


09-25-2013, 01:17 PM
Originally Posted by TheTman http://kahrtalk.com/images/tigra/buttons/viewpost.gif (http://www.kahrtalk.com/showthread.php?p=265029#post265029)
I had a bb gun when I was 8, didn't need adult supervision. I knew there would be an ass whuppin waiting if my parents found a bb hole in a car window or anything else that shouldn't have one. At 12, I had complete access to the single shot .22, with no adult supervision, I'd been taught not to shoot towards the neighbors, and all the safety rules. Of course back then kids had common sense.


Mega-dittos. In junior high, Dad passed down a .22 single shot rifle his grandfather bought circa 1920. Could hit a match book at 100 yds with its custom front sight made from a dime on edge. Also had a BB gun and never shot my eyes out either (with respects to the best Christmas film ever). And we always had cap guns to play with.

09-25-2013, 02:54 PM
The lady complainer in the OP would've fainted dead away if she had seen me playing in the 1950s with the Belgian FN BAR my dad brought back from Europe after VE Day. I & my buddies dragged it all over the neighborhood shootin' at Japanese & Nazis all the time. Looked similar to this one.


09-25-2013, 03:14 PM
Probably took 2 or 3 of ya to pack it around huh?

09-25-2013, 03:14 PM
That looks almost like my old Johnny 7 O.M.A but it had more bombs and stuff...When I was a kid I killed every commie with it in a 6 block area in my old neighborhood but on a recent trip back to the old stompin grounds I noticed they came back but now they're called liberal yuppies....

09-25-2013, 06:14 PM
This story is another example of the wussification of America.

09-25-2013, 08:00 PM
Probably took 2 or 3 of ya to pack it around huh?

Yeah, that thing wasn't quite made for concealed carry.

Family donated it to the Texas Military Forces Museum at Camp Mabry in Austin. They've got a nice WWII equipment exhibit:


09-25-2013, 08:11 PM
Does that mean I can't play with this in my front yard anymore?...:eek:...http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=si5Rch0s7Vc

I had one of those when I was a kid. Thanks getsome, I have not thought about that in years!

09-25-2013, 09:41 PM
Kids should never be allowed the use of anything that fires a projectile without adult supervision.
I guess that not only should my parents have been locked up but my brothers and myself should have been, too, according to your statement.

We made our own bows and arrows along with those pesky sling shots! The horror!

However, we were out in the fresh air and sunshine and not one of us lost our lives, nor a limb or eye.

Thankfully today, kids can stay indoors and play on electronic devices in the safety of the warm confines of their homes. No danger in that, right?

Sadly, I lost my oldest brother in a car accident in '86 and my youngest brother to cancer in '08. I thank God every day that neither was the victim of a projectile from a children's toy!:rolleyes:

09-26-2013, 05:11 AM
I see stupid people.
Walking around like regular people.
They don't see each other.
They only see what they want to see.
They don't know they're stupid.
They're everywhere.

09-26-2013, 06:14 AM
You never went squirrel huntin' by yourself or with a friend when you were a kid? :eek:

No, I always went with my father. He was my best friend. I didn't hunts with my peers until I was an adult. Gun safety is no accident.

09-26-2013, 06:22 AM
I guess that not only should my parents have been locked up but my brothers and myself should have been, too, according to your statement.

We made our own bows and arrows along with those pesky sling shots! The horror!

However, we were out in the fresh air and sunshine and not one of us lost our lives, nor a limb or eye.

Thankfully today, kids can stay indoors and play on electronic devices in the safety of the warm confines of their homes. No danger in that, right?

Sadly, I lost my oldest brother in a car accident in '86 and my youngest brother to cancer in '08. I thank God every day that neither was the victim of a projectile from a children's toy!:rolleyes:

You were lucky, AJ. I know of a beautiful little 5 year old girl who lost and eye to a 78 rpm record that her brothers were sailing like a Frisbee. She and they had to live with that moment of carelessness for the rest of there lives. You can roll your eye if you wish, but my father taught me that you never point a gun at anyone that you don't intend to kill. I practice gun safety.

09-26-2013, 06:52 AM
I took my grandson deer hunting with me when he was 4 yrs old. Like his PopPop, he is a born hunter.....loves everything to do with hunting. To make a long story short, a small 1 1/2 yr old spike with 2-3" spikes showed himself at 9am. My grandson told me to shoot it. I thought, What the heck, and pulled the trigger. The buck went down and my grandson jumped up in my lap and hollered, "You got him POPPOP, You got him" and gave me the biggest most sincere hug I've ever felt. The next week he was in pre-school and his teacher was reading the class a book about deer. My grandson jumped up and said "Shoot the deer". When my daughter picked him up, she asked the usual question, "How was your day?" My grandson replied, "I was in time out today because the teacher was reading a book and I said to shoot the deer". My daughter inquired and was told by the teacher and principle that this kind of talk was not tolerated in the school system and if my grandson did it again, he would be kicked out of the program. My daughter explained that she was raised and her children were being raised around hunting and it was perfectly acceptable. She was told...NOT IN SCHOOL. Either they comply or be booted.
This kind of crap is the way of our world today.

Why not have security in schools like we do in court houses and airports? Put everyone through double doors and metal detectors. Have armed guards in schools. There would be people volunteering to protect the schools. The politicians and judges are protected. Why not protect our children and grandchildren? Israel is a perfect example of security. It will not before all malls, schools, churches, etc... have metal detectors and much better security. WE are hearing about school shootings and mall attacks. Why is our society so blind and waiting?

My point is...that it is not the 4 yr old child that is the problem. It is our system.

09-26-2013, 07:50 AM
Glad I live in rural Missouri. Many schools in our state are adding hunting, fishing, and shooting related teams. I hope to see that in our town eventually. As far as my kids and guns, I will just leave this right here:

09-26-2013, 10:11 AM
I see stupid people.

Walking around like regular people.

They don't see each other.

They only see what they want to see.

They don't know they're stupid.

They're everywhere.

Don't recall the "rules" for one, but this strikes me as very haiku-like.

09-29-2013, 08:28 PM
One more attempt to demonize guns pure and simple.

Deo Vindice!
We warned you in 1862!