View Full Version : P40 Won't Latch Open

09-25-2013, 06:38 PM
I've shot a few hundred rounds thru the P40. Nearly flawless. However, next to last time out I started having all kinds of FTEX, FTEJ problems. Brought it home and Cleaned and buffed it thoroughly. Took it back out today and it resumed it's flawlessness, except for one thing. The slide refuses to latch open after the last round. I shot 4 mags thru it, and it didn't latch back once.

Any clues what might cause this?


09-25-2013, 06:50 PM
check ur magazines, u might have a busted follower.. u might waNT TO REREAD THE Propper prepping thread , as there are some dandy tips there to check out.

09-25-2013, 09:56 PM
My P40 has done things like that. It was the slide lock spring. The screw gets loose or the spring got bent... had those both. Be VERY CAREFUL tightening that torx screw... steel screw into plastic... can strip the plastic threads and then you really have a problem.:eek:

The left side of the spring holds the slide lock pin in place in the detent around the pin. Your pin may be working its way out and the slide lock can't engage the slide lock notch. Push it back in, but the screw holding the washer over the spring is probably loose.

Watch the video about disassembly and re-assembly. The slide lock spring can be easily damaged on either side... and you can even stick the actuator over the right side/free end of the spring instead of under it.

About 4:30 into the video is the reassembly:



09-25-2013, 10:21 PM
My P40 has done things like that. It was the slide lock spring. The screw gets loose or the spring got bent... had those both. Be VERY CAREFUL tightening that torx screw... steel screw into plastic... can strip the plastic threads and then you really have a problem.:eek:

The left side of the spring holds the slide lock pin in place in the detent around the pin. Your pin may be working its way out and the slide lock can't engage the slide lock notch. Push it back in, but the screw holding the washer over the spring is probably loose.

Watch the video about disassembly and re-assembly. The slide lock spring can be easily damaged on either side... and you can even stick the actuator over the right side/free end of the spring instead of under it.

About 4:30 into the video is the reassembly:



Great post Wynn

09-25-2013, 10:39 PM
Thanks. I've had a lot of the problems others find.:rolleyes: Sometimes I even manage to actually fix them!


09-25-2013, 11:29 PM
Thanks for the great tips Jocko and Wyntrout. I checked my 3 mags and they were correct. I'll have a look at the video. Thankfully, this problem doesn't prevent me from using it as my DCW.

Thanks again!

It's definitely the slide lock spring sitting UNDER the lock lever. I can't say I'm thrilled with the design, but it is what it is. Probably equates to a loose screw. Now, where did I put my torx set when I used it last, some 10 years ago.... THANKS AGAIN!