View Full Version : Lobo Gun Leather

09-26-2013, 10:35 AM
Hello everyone,

I am waiting for two new holsters I ordered from Lobo Gun Leather. The Enhanced Pancake holster for my Kahr CW9 and Glock 19. When they arrive in about 4 weeks I will post photos. As a lefty I like to carry at the 9:00 or 9:30 position. I hope they are as good as I imagine them to be.

-- Richard

09-26-2013, 10:36 AM
sweet! interested on your feedback for the CM9...

09-26-2013, 10:48 AM
Will do, I bought the holster to fil the CW9 because in a pinch it should carry my CM9. However if you buy a holster for the CM9 it would be even more compact than my holster for the CW9.

-- Richard

09-26-2013, 12:48 PM
I love Lobo holsters. I must have at least three of the enhanced pancake models; the hardest part of the break-in period is threading your belt the first time.

09-26-2013, 01:47 PM
I carry my CW40 in an enhanced pancake. I really like it. Had it for probably 2+ years, still looks new.

09-26-2013, 06:46 PM
I just received an enhanced pancake for my S&W Shield & LOVE it. I will order other holsters from him soon.

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09-26-2013, 07:24 PM
Thank you for you replays. I have followed several web sites posts about Lobo holsters and have seen only one negative comment about Mr. Corey products. During that time I was empressed by his customers obvious pride in owning his holsters and their quality. I was deciding which model I wanted to buy. Avenger or pancake. I choose the Enchanced Pancake for greater concellement.

-- Richard

mr surveyor
09-26-2013, 07:47 PM
I've been carrying my SP101 in a LoboLeather High ride for three years, almost daily through every kind of conditions imaginable.

Very good quality, affordable, without being "cheaply made".


09-30-2013, 01:51 PM
I bought a holster from him a couple of years ago. While the leather work was good, the steel piece he used to reinforce the thumb break strap was very rough. It literally looked as if he used big sheet metal shears and then just riveted it to the holster without smoothing or sanding. I mean this looked terrible! When I called, he said the holster was fine and that I was too critical. He would not take it back. I quickly sold it and bought elsewhere. No more of my $ will go his way.

10-10-2013, 09:21 PM
My new holsters showed up this afternoon, I am wearing one as I type carrying my CW9. The holster for my Glock 19 is a little tight so I am doing the plastic bag thing overnight. I can draw and re-holster the CW9 one handed. The holster has nice retention and fits me very comfortably. I wear the holster on or just in front of my left hip. So Mr. Cory designed the holster with zero cant for a one and one half inch belt. I have not had time to try my CM9 yet, but will report on carrying that pistol tomorrow. I fell certain the CM9 will fit, but the same holster fashioned for the shorter CM9 will carry concealed much better.

Both holsters show excellent fit and finish and I am a very happy customer.

-- Richard

10-13-2013, 04:54 PM
I left the Glock 19 in the plastic bag Friday night and all day Saturday and Saturday Night. Sunday morning the Glock fit the holster very well and I carried the pistol all day the holster is very comfortable. Both Enhanced Pancake holsters carry well are comfortable and I am a very happy customer.

-- Richard