View Full Version : The Third Row! MUST WATCH!

09-26-2013, 11:03 AM
Just can't even begin to tell you how to feel!:Amflag2:


Dirty Harry
09-26-2013, 12:16 PM
That's just sad.

09-26-2013, 12:28 PM
To bad a Brave and Honorable Soldier had to stand there while a total fake like Barry awarded him the Medal of Honor all while his family and fellow Military members had to watch from the cheap seats.....Disgusting!

09-26-2013, 12:32 PM
Those bastard don't give a f. I'd trade every politician for any one soldier.

09-27-2013, 04:07 AM
Mee to a soldier knows loyalty to his country. A politician doesn't!

09-27-2013, 06:14 AM
Totally unacceptable behavior, I am ashame of our so called leadership, they are all useless.

09-27-2013, 06:33 AM
I understand what the reporter is saying. I understand that the seating arrangement was disrespectful to the family. I am not a fan of Ovomit. My intention is not to be disrespectful in any way, but I don't hardly think the attendees noticed, nor wanted in any way to take away from the purpose of the event... intended to honor this brave soldier. I also don't believe Ovomit had much to do with coordinating the event, nor the seating arrangement. Someone coordinating the event missed the boat, thinking the Congress should be in the front somehow representing as co-presenters of this Congressional Medal of Honor. That said....Seating arrangements could have been handled better...to give more honor to the soldier's family. Ovomit should have greeted the family FIRST, prior to shaking hands with Congress. He is a putz. In no way should the overall focus of this proud event be on anything other than this proud, brave solder... The soldier and his family do not deserve a witch hunt to taint his proud moment and the presentation, seating, and greeting, should have reflected just that. I am in no way disagreeing with y'all... just giving my perspective.

09-27-2013, 09:59 AM
I understand what the reporter is saying. I understand that the seating arrangement was disrespectful to the family. I am not a fan of Ovomit. My intention is not to be disrespectful in any way, but I don't hardly think the attendees noticed, nor wanted in any way to take away from the purpose of the event... intended to honor this brave soldier. I also don't believe Ovomit had much to do with coordinating the event, nor the seating arrangement. Someone coordinating the event missed the boat, thinking the Congress should be in the front somehow representing as co-presenters of this Congressional Medal of Honor. That said....Seating arrangements could have been handled better...to give more honor to the soldier's family. Ovomit should have greeted the family FIRST, prior to shaking hands with Congress. He is a putz. In no way should the overall focus of this proud event be on anything other than this proud, brave solder... The soldier and his family do not deserve a witch hunt to taint his proud moment and the presentation, seating, and greeting, should have reflected just that. I am in no way disagreeing with y'all... just giving my perspective.
You're perspective is understandable, but the politicos surely didn't deserve to be in that sort of limelight. They should have insisted that they stand behind the family. They simply are that self serving.:(

09-27-2013, 10:30 AM
Agreed. They are VERY self serving. Our country needs to put them back in their place. Stop the lifetime benefits and wages; Make them pay for their own health insurance like the rest of us; etc.... They are arrogant and a waste of our tax dollars.

09-28-2013, 06:30 AM
Excuse me, while I go puke!

09-29-2013, 02:22 PM
Just can't even begin to tell you how to feel!:Amflag2:


Whooo Downtownv, thats a mighty big steaming pile of crap. This was debunked years ago.



Just a tip, before posting try google.com or Bing.com or don't you really care if it's true or not?