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10-01-2013, 08:17 AM
7 Kids Who Were Punished By Schools For Using Imaginary Guns
John Hawkins | Oct 01, 2013

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There was a time in America when the first priority of our schools was educating our children. That's no longer the case. Today, schools are primarily job programs for the unions and indoctrination centers for the Left. The great teachers in our schools are now used as cover for the mediocrities, the overpaid administrators, and the blatant attempts to force feed liberalism to children before they become experienced enough to recognize all the problems associated with it.

Since the Left has been losing the public battle to curtail the 2nd Amendment, liberals started fighting it in a place where they feel like they can get away with anything, our schools. Towards that end, they've instituted "no tolerance" policies that harshly punish children for wielding imaginary weapons. Even though no crimes are committed, no one is in danger, and no one is being hurt, these schools are persecuting children for pretending to play with guns.

The real problem here isn't the kids; it's the teachers, principals, and schools boards that are allowing this to happen and it's time we put a stop to it. When a kid is kicked out of school for playing with an imaginary weapon, they should be deluged with complaints. Conservative groups should offer to sue the school on behalf of the parents. The people responsible should lose their jobs. We won't need to do that a hundred times. Take three or four schools, makes examples out of them, and then you'll be surprised at how quickly the rest of the schools outside of the most hopelessly blue parts of the country start to become reasonable.

1) Suspended For Playing With Airsoft Guns In Their Own Yard (Virginia Beach, Va): Aidan Clark, Khalid Caraballo and a third friend were given three month suspensions for shooting spring-driven airsoft guns at each other on Caraballo's property. No one was arrested, no one was hurt, no crimes were committed, but all three children were suspended from school for AT LEAST three months. If a school can suspend kids for doing something legal on their own property that has nothing to do with the school, what's next? Suspending children for owning toy guns? Suspending them because their parents are in the NRA?

2) Students Suspended For Performing A Scientific Experiment With Permission (Edmonds, Washington): A group of students got permission from their teacher to bring NERF guns to school as part of a probability experiment, which actually sounds like more fun than anything most of us ever did in math class. Afterwards, the school responded by suspending all the children who brought toy guns to school and all the children who were present, while the teacher was unpunished. Well, at least the school is preparing the children for real life where government employees get a free pass for breaking the rules while private citizens are punished for doing nothing wrong.

3) Suspended And Arrested For Wearing An NRA "Protect Your Rights" T-shirt: Fourteen year old Jared Marcum wore a NRA "Protect Your Rights" t-shirt to school with a hunting rifle on it. Despite the fact that the shirt didn't violate the school's dress code, a screaming teacher demanded that he turn the shirt inside out. Marcum was then removed from class, suspended, arrested, and faced a year in jail for "obstructing an officer" because he wouldn't stop protesting his innocence while he was being hauled away. In this case, 100 kids wore the same shirts to school as part of a protest without being challenged and the family lawyered up and got the charged dropped. If everybody fought so hard to "protect your rights," these out-of-control government employees wouldn't be getting away with treating our kids like this.

4) Sixth Grader Suspended From School For Saying The Word "Gun" In A Sentence (Ownings, Md): The 11 year old son of Bruce Henkelman was discussing the Sandy Hook massacre with friends on the school bus and he noted that he wished he had a gun to stop the bad guys. This earned him a ten day suspension from school while his father received a visit from police who wanted to search their house without a warrant. Who’s running this school? Piers Morgan? Michael Moore? Barack Obama?

5) Deaf Preschooler Asked To Change How He Signs His Name Because It Looks Too Much Like A Gun (Grand Island, Nebraska): Three and a half year old Hunter Spanjer is deaf and signs his name in a way that looks like a gun. This was unacceptable to the school, which told Hunter's parents he'd need to change his name because its "Weapons in Schools" policy forbade "any instrument...that looks like a weapon." This sounds like the start of a "Chuck Norris at three joke," but it really happened.

6) Five Year Old Accused Of Making Terror Threats Over A Hello Kitty Bubble Gun (Mount Carmel, Pennsylvania: A five year old who was talking with her friends offered to shoot herself and her friends with a Hello Kitty bubble gun that she had at home. The school's reaction to the little girl's love of soapy bubbles? The school accused her of making a "terrorist threat," suspended her from school for 10 days, told her the police might need to be involved, and demanded that she get a psychological evaluation. The psychological evaluation should have been saved for the people who run that school.

7) Student Suspended For Chewing His Pop-Tart Into The Shape Of A Gun (Brooklyn Park, Minnesota): Seven year old Joshua Welch was eating a strawberry Pop-Tart and started playing with his food. After making a mountain out of it, he turned it into a gun. For that dastardly crime, he was suspended from school for two days and believe it or not, a letter was sent home to the student body telling them, "A student used food to make an inappropriate gesture." Thank goodness he didn't do something more serious like draw a gun in his mashed potatoes or Welch might have never been allowed to come back to school.

When do we put our foot down and say that the sort of people who are victimizing children like this have no business being around kids? If you're so ideologically rigid that a Pop-Tart shaped like a gun or a child who signs his name in a way that looks like a gun is more than you can handle, you don't belong in a school. It's time to demand better for America's children than what they're getting from schools today and the principals, teachers, and school boards that won't get on board with that need to be replaced.

10-01-2013, 09:25 AM
We live in a thug-ocracy. They use mental as well as physical bullying to intimidate and keep us all in line.

10-01-2013, 09:41 AM
School boards that initiate stupid policies like those should be voted out of office, and the cowardly administrators who enforce such stupidity to the letter should be fired.

They have no business being in charge of our children.

10-01-2013, 10:02 AM
I don't remember anyone, at anytime, ever said, that Administrators or Teachers Unions had ANY COMMON SENSE.

10-01-2013, 12:12 PM
Public schools are nothing but Government indoctrination and Liberal reorientation camps for kids....We scrimped and made do with less to send all our kids to Private school and they were spared a left slanted education and can now think for themselves....

Neil Boortz tells the story in his book "Somebody's gotta say it" The story is of a 7 yead old first grader entering public school for the first time with all their new pencils, erasers, crayons and then being told by their teacher that everyone must bring all their new stuff and put it all together in a box so that everyone can share because it's "Not Fair" for some students to have more than others...Socialism 101 and it never stops....The only answer is private school or home school where there is still some sanity and common sense left along with a real education...

10-01-2013, 12:15 PM
Public schools are nothing but Government indoctrination and Liberal reorientation camps for kids....We scrimped and made do with less to send all our kids to Private school and they were spared a left slanted education and can now think for themselves....

Neil Boortz tells the story in his book "Somebody's gotta say it" The story is of a 7 yead old first grader entering public school for the first time with all their new pencils, erasers, crayons and then being told by their teacher that everyone must bring all their new stuff and put it all together in a box so that everyone can share because it's not fair for some students to have more than others...Socialism 101 and it never stops....The only answer is private school or home school where there is still some sanity and common sense left along with a real education...

That's the only salvation, and a relative few will get that lucky.:o

10-01-2013, 12:26 PM
I personally don't think much of private school and definitely home schooling in most but not all instances. I know a lot of parents and they ain't teacher material. I couldn't do it for sure so I hold nothing against them.

Our neighbors home schooled and then dumped their kids into the system as juniors in high school to get the school "experience".

Much too late in my book.

I believe they miss a whole lot in social skills and interaction. Basically recluses especially in this case since we're semi rural.

I'm not sure what the fix is if there even is one on public schools but we need to figure it out for sure.

A tiny bit of common sense would be a huge good start.

10-01-2013, 01:36 PM
They have a new thing going now where home schoolers are getting together for the social part. They have some sports and field trips etc. They would teach together but I think it's illegal.

My BIL's niece is an area rep for one home school organization and she makes sure they are complying with all the standards and curriculum. She started out as a teacher in the public system but refused to teach the stuff they forced on her.

I know some kids who were home schooled and they were very advanced grade level wise when they matched up with friends who were in public school. Also very well adjusted socially only without the nasty language and wearing their pants dragging the ground.

10-01-2013, 02:16 PM
My daughter and others I know did as "OldLincoln" described and it is as he said. If the home teacher has the time and correct attitude I think it's a good way to go.

10-01-2013, 02:19 PM
One very positive aspect of home schooling is that the student can progress at their own learning pace unlike public school where the entire class of 35 or more students can only move at the pace of the least intelligent or slowest learners....

We have a friend who is a 5th grade Public School Math teacher and the stories she tells will curl your hair...She says that she spends a great deal of class time trying to discipline the unruly kids that don't care and aren't interested in learning or trying to communicate with the Hispanic kids who can hardly speak any English rather than teaching mathmatics so the many smart English speaking kids who want to do well get so bored with the pace they zone out and don't learn anything....

10-24-2013, 09:08 AM
I agree with Bawanna that kids need the social experience. It's just a shame that socialist indoctrination has to go along with it. From my point of view, I believe that children can learn the social aspects from their brothers and sisters, neighbors and friends with a lot less risk of becoming Marxists.

10-24-2013, 06:07 PM
In 1968, as a member of a small town high school faculty in Texas, I wore this rig to school (sans cartridges) for Western Day. Some of the kids wore theirs too. In fact a few of them carried rifles & shotguns in their pickemup truck gun racks which were parked in the school parking lot.

The principal thought my Ruger Blackhawk was pretty cool, and later on borrowed my Marlin 336 to go Whitetail deer huntin'.

Those days apparently are long gone.


10-24-2013, 10:14 PM
In 1967 my Dad was a Staff Sargent working Titan II missiles with the 570th Strategic Missile Squadron (570 SMS).
Though him my second grade class took a field trip to the 390th strategic missile wing Titan launch training center on Davis-Monthan AFB, in Arizona . After seeing all the cool displays we herded into the launch trainer room and saw how the crew worked together to send a 9 megaton message of disapproval to the Soviet bad guys...
Coolest thing I ever got to see, made me the coolest 2nd grader in my school. Today, the only mushroom clouds would come from the ol-anti-everything-liberals ears...

My story must show me to be a lot younger than Armybrat.;):D