View Full Version : PM40 problem!!!

10-01-2013, 03:46 PM
My PM40 will not shoot! I'm getting soft primer strikes. Or that's what I'm guessing. Most of the primers have a dent but then some don't. Kahr is sending me a new firing pin spring but just wondering if I should look for something else? I have tried WWB, Blazer Brass, Hornady CD and Speer Gold Dot ammo. It will not fire a single one at all. I have cleaned the firing pin channel along with the rest of the gun. Any input would be greatly appreciated.


10-01-2013, 03:55 PM
Did the striker look ok. Nose rounded and not broken. Cleaning the striker channel was my first idea but you already did that.

The trigger feel right when you try to shoot? You feel the takeup and then the striker releasing?

Strange. This doesn't shoot at all out of the box? or a new thing?

10-01-2013, 04:06 PM
Striker looks fine. Gun has 300-350 rounds through it. Had a few issues during break in but shot fine. Trigger pull feels perfect and striker relese feels normal. Now won't shoot at all. Its very odd to me!! Lol.

10-01-2013, 04:20 PM
My PM40 will not shoot! I'm getting soft primer strikes. Or that's what I'm guessing. Most of the primers have a dent but then some don't. Kahr is sending me a new firing pin spring but just wondering if I should look for something else? I have tried WWB, Blazer Brass, Hornady CD and Speer Gold Dot ammo. It will not fire a single one at all. I have cleaned the firing pin channel along with the rest of the gun. Any input would be greatly appreciated.


I seriously doubt if it is the striker spring but give kahr that benefit of the doubt and testit out, then when it fails. write kahr, attn Jay and state ur case. U did what most here would hav etold you to do and to no avail. I would have thought maybe a new striker itself along with a striker spring would be the way to go. that way u have elimianted everything in that striker channel as the culprit. Its not the ammo, kahrs ar enot ammo sensitive. Make sure the slide is going into full battery and not minutely not locking up, as that can cause a light looking striker. Look at your bullet when it feeds into the barrel chamber and see if that is marks on the bullet itself, . If it is hitting thge rifling ur gonna get light strikes and it might even look like the slide is in full battery but it could not be to. Just eliminate thepossablilityes before u decide to call or email kahr, and good luck and certainly keep the gang informed. I would hope I am dead wrong on thaty striker spring thing, but IMO I doubt it...:Amflag2:

stick a pencil eraser down and point upwards and pull the trigger, it outta fly out the end of the gun.

10-01-2013, 04:25 PM
Thanks for the info. Ill check a few more things and see what happens.

10-01-2013, 04:48 PM
Something has changed. You shot 300-350 near perfect rounds and now this. What happened. Reassembled incorrectly. Something happened and we need to figure out what that might be.

Generally stuff such as this don't come on sudden like unless of course something broke. Striker you say is good. I too don't buy the striker spring but we can hope on that one. The channel is clean. All feels normal and you had good rounds thru it so trigger bar and spring sound ok.

Call me perplexed on this one.

10-01-2013, 05:23 PM
That's what's bugging me, its like something has broken. Is almost like the firing pin block is not allowing the pin to fully pass by. With the slide off and pressure on the pin you can feel just the tip of it sticking out, just a bump. Press the block down and the pin pops out the rest of the way. Is that all how its suppost to be? Should their be a little play in the pin while still in the blocked position?

10-01-2013, 05:40 PM
Yeah, that sound right if I'm reading you right. Should be spring pressure on the striker block, when you push it the striker can slide past.

I'll try to look at mine and ponder this some tonight.

Where's all the smart guys at this afternoon. A little help here pleezzzzz.

10-01-2013, 05:49 PM
Ok I have no spring pressure on the pin with it resting on the block. I push the block down and the pin stays put, I have to push the fin forward by hand to get it to stick out.

10-01-2013, 06:04 PM
there is very little spring pressure at that stage. The striker block is release by the cocking cam upon pu8lling thge trigger etc, and this pullsthe striker back and at the same time the cam is rolling forward to engage the striker block. U really can't produce this by pushing in on the striker block. Pushing in on the striker black should show u only that it is releaseing the striker. Not saying u didn't check it out good either but how about checking out that striker itself, to see if possble a tad of the striker tip had mybe broken off neatly. U said you cleaned the striker channel to. does this mean u took all the parts out of the striker channel and then proceeded to really clean that channel??? If so u did well. That striker block has a tiney spring on the bottom of it, U should be able to push it down and it pop back up automatically. Can u do that OK,
I rechecked my Pmj9 AND WHEN i PUSH IN THE STRIKER BLOCK THE STRIKER ACTUALLY DOESN'T MOVE, BUT i CAN THEN PUSH IT WHERE THE PIN WILL PROTRUDE. that is because there realy is no premature spring pressure on that striker when u push in manually on the striker block. So IMO ur OK there to

with the slide off the gun, flip the cocking cam back and forth and see if it returns by its own spring action. It should.

with slide on gun and no live rounds does the gun when trigger is pulled give u a definite click sound, or does it sound like a weak click even though the striker is being released. A trigger bar that is out of spec just a tad can still give you the "click" sound but the striker action is being decreased due tonow the gun being a tad out of time:Amflag2:

10-01-2013, 06:08 PM
I agree, if anything there is spring pressure holding the striker to the rear. The striker overrides the spring when fired and then the spring returns the striker mostly and keeps it from bouncing back forward again.

Now I'm wondering if the cocking cam isn't releasing the striker block?

10-01-2013, 06:14 PM
Yeah, that sound right if I'm reading you right. Should be spring pressure on the striker block, when you push it the striker can slide past.

I'll try to look at mine and ponder this some tonight.

Where's all the smart guys at this afternoon. A little help here pleezzzzz.

here colonel. Just sayin

10-01-2013, 06:16 PM
So it sounds like all is in working order then. Yes I fully disassembled the slide for cleaning. I will take a closer look at the striker when I get home. How would I check the cocking cam?
Hey guys I appreciate all the help!!!

10-01-2013, 06:27 PM
if u flip the cocing cam and it returns, then that is allu can realy check out and allis well to. It is all about perfect timing with these kahrs to, everything has to be exactly in perfect place or ur not gona get the bang thing. U are absolutley sure that that little and I mean little striker black spring is in place to???? Again that test is pull the striker back a tad and the striker block should pop up automatically and keep the striker from going forward. If so then IMO the striker block is workig OK to.

Last resort IMO is that ur trigger bar has for somereaqson gotten out of whack/time and it not allowing all these things to happen perfectly and ur getting a half ass striker release. Nuttin u did wrong either, just sumpin that happened. Normally though one feels what we call a sloppy trigger that just never release the striker with a snap like it should. Do recheck some of the things I have mentione,d eliminate all the possables, listen to soe of the utter suggestions to. keep us posted..

10-01-2013, 06:34 PM
I know the little spring is in and working. Ill check things out again and give it a go.
Thanks again.

10-01-2013, 06:39 PM
Another question I just thought of. If you dry fire the pistol.......pull trigger....gun goes click........still holding trigger back and still pulling it it makes another little click. Is that normal?

Not sure how else to explain it. Lol. Sorry

10-01-2013, 06:44 PM
He ask US? what normal is. Define normal.

Are you talking a click to reset or a click like your pulling the trigger further back and getting a second click on the same pull?

I suspect reset. Which would be normal although many will say I'm no authority on normal.

10-01-2013, 06:46 PM
Another question I just thought of. If you dry fire the pistol.......pull trigger....gun goes click........still holding trigger back and still pulling it it makes another little click. Is that normal?

Not sure how else to explain it. Lol. Sorry

should be no second click. when u hear that first click, the trigger after that should stop goin anywhere making u now let up on it to reset and then u will hear that slight click. and that reset click will only happen when the slide is retraced at leat a 1/4". If u con't manually move the slide then thereis no trigger reset. It shouldbe just smooth all the way forward. the slide has to move backwards a tad to reset the striker block and that is the click u will hear when releaseing up on the trigger...

shouldn't be dlin what ur explaining

10-01-2013, 07:55 PM
Ok striker tip is nice and round. Did the pencil trick and it just jumps a little bit. If you put really any pressure on the pencil at all you can even feel the striker hit it........so???

10-01-2013, 07:59 PM
Tried the same thing with my Glock 19 and it jumped the pencil out of the barrel and holding the pencil you can definitely feel it hit.

10-01-2013, 08:01 PM
I just read all the post and want to say thanks to all the help around here. I haven't had to use it since my gun chewed a thousand rounds without a single problem. Everyone is so ready to help eve the new people. Great group of folks.

10-01-2013, 08:02 PM
most say the pencil will shoot out the barrel . Maybe just wait til u get the new striker spring and see what happes.
right now I must say I am at a loss, doesn't seem like anything is out of whack that can be seen that is for sure.

sumpin tellsme though the letting up on the trgger andu hearing a click is not right. It will click if the slide is retracted a tad and the trigger islet up as it is then hearing hre striker block snap into place, but this can't happen unless the slide retracts at least a 1/4".

10-01-2013, 08:08 PM
I just read all the post and want to say thanks to all the help around here. I haven't had to use it since my gun chewed a thousand rounds without a single problem. Everyone is so ready to help eve the new people. Great group of folks.

Yes this has been great!!!!

10-01-2013, 08:10 PM
Yeah I'm thinking the new spring will correct my problem.

10-03-2013, 05:18 PM
Ok......part came today. Opened it up to find a recoil spring/guide rod assembly. After reviewing the emails its my fault I said they were sending a striker spring when they stated that they were sending a recoil spring.
So I put it in the gun and its a longer spring then the original so maybe it will make a difference. BUT the guide rod is shorter and will not seat on the slide at all.

Can I pull the spring off the new guide rod and put it on mine? Will that help my soft primer strikes?

10-03-2013, 06:14 PM
they sent u arecoilassembly for the oldstyle PM40 blunt nose version,sothe rod assembnlywill nt work but the outter springs are the same. It shouldbe 13 coil count, It will belonger as it has not taken it designed set yet and only rounds down range will do that. I would save that guide rod in case the end cap ever flys off .

I would also email kahr att: Jay and tell him they sent u the old style recoil rod assembly which is to short. They will more than likely sent u a new replacement and u will have a complete spare.

Kee up posted on ur results..

10-03-2013, 07:44 PM
Well I swapped the spring around and tried it out and still nothing. Thinking I'm not going to be keeping this gun. Have to say I've wanted a PM40 for a couple years now and boy its putting a bad taste in my mouth.

10-03-2013, 08:12 PM
Long distance troubleshooting is not necessarily my strong suit, but I have a couple of questions, if you will humor me.

1. With the barrel and recoil assembly out of the slide and the slide sitting upside down, pushing back on the part of the striker that sticks up with a thumb nail allows me to see the striker retract and reappear just short of the hole in the breach. It moves smoothly, but with some assertiveness when returning. Does yours?

That should give you some indication of the health of your striker spring and indicate if you have any blockage in the channel.

2. Next to the part of the striker that sticks up is a rectangular button with a rounded rear edge. It is held up (toward the bottom actually, but the slide is upside down) by a tiny internal spring. Pushing it in should allow the striker to move forward and protrude from the hole in the breach when you push the striker forward. Does your striker protrude when you do this?

It will only protrude about a sixteenth of an inch, but that's how it hits the primer, so check. If it does not protrude, either something is preventing the movement of the striker or the tip has broken off.

I'm sure once you report the results of your testing, lots of people will jump in with advice. Not the least of which might be, ask for a shipping tag from the mother ship.

But, if this looks good, and your slide is going into battery better with the new recoil spring, you should be good to go. By the way, test with the NON-eraser end of a pencil or maybe a stick pen ball point. The eraser usually absorbs the energy of the strike when I put the eraser end in while testing my PM40.

Please let us know how it goes, sir! ;)

10-03-2013, 08:52 PM
1 - the striker moves freely. Their is no pressure at all going front or back for say 1/16" until you pull it towards the back of the slide. The distance the striker moves from being locked by the block to being sticking out in the striking position......moves in and out with no pressure from the spring at all.
2 - yes it sticks out the face with the block pushed down. Pull the striker back and you hear the block click up and catch the striker.
3 - slide is locking up tight. I've looked it over, I've hit it with my hand and all is tight.

I emailed Jay again and sent him pics of striker tip, recoil spring and 3 rounds that had light hits. See what he says.

Thanks for all the help guys

10-04-2013, 10:31 AM
Well Jay from Kahr said send it in. Repairs should be covered under warranty but I have to pay the shipping.