View Full Version : Strange scratches

10-02-2013, 05:48 AM
Bought a cm9 a couple of days ago today I was racking the slide on it and started to notice some scratches on the top of the barrel. Took the gun apart to look at it and I also noticed a big scrape on the inside of my slide where the barrel hood ( I think that's what it is called) rubs. Is this normal to have yes I have cleaned and oiled the pistol. thanks for the help

Barrel kinda hard to see scratches
Slide is my main concern

10-02-2013, 06:13 AM
Normal...tool marks. Shoot it!!!!

10-02-2013, 08:42 AM

My CM9 barrel does NOT have the crescent shaped impression or the longitudinal line shown in the first two pictures.

My CM9 has "rub marks" in the "barrel hood" area, but nothing even remotely like what is shown in the third picture.

My CM9 has something like what is shown in the fourth picture, but not nearly to the same extent. IN MY OPINION, this results from the barrel block rubbing against the large burr that should have been removed after machining the ejector port in the slide.

I recommend sending the pictures to Kahr CS to get an official response. If Kahr CS says everything is OK, keep that response for posterity.

10-02-2013, 09:54 AM
Looks fine to me, shoot it.

10-02-2013, 10:05 AM
Normal...tool marks. Shoot it!!!!

agree:amflag: Its not the HOPE diamond. just sayin

10-02-2013, 04:09 PM
Ok cool ill just take the advice given and shoot it see what happens was just making sure wasn't something big time out of the ordinary. Thanks for the responses.

10-02-2013, 06:25 PM
I use grease on the sliding areas. Lubriplate or tetra, but anything will be fine.

10-03-2013, 06:50 AM
I see what you mean. I am not used to looking at the CM's, but my PM did not have any of this. Kahr may spend more time on finishing the PM at the factory....don't really know for sure. It would be difficult to part with it just to send it back to Kahr to have these issues addressed. Perhaps it wasn't QC'd good or that's how CM's get put out. I'd be inclined to think it was poor QC.

10-03-2013, 11:57 AM
garyb. we have also seen in the pat some sh!tty PM kahrs to. I think the QC is the same for the cm as all kahrs, but somertimes sh!t slips through. gun might work perfect and maybe 95% would accept it as OK to. For me I can over see some machine marks on the inside of the slide or around the outside of the barrel etc, not saying it sholdbe there but again I can accept that if necessary. cosmetically the outside of the slides should look as good as any PM series slide, and again 995 indfeed do to.

10-03-2013, 07:53 PM
My P380 barrel got scratched from the barrel contacting the slide and a very sharp edge, a file took care of the slide and used some fine scotch brite to get rid of the scratches in the barrel. Other than that, the gun runs like a champ, no issues at all through 500 rounds of various fmj and jhp

10-04-2013, 08:37 AM
I don't have an in with Kahr to know if they perform different levels or specific indicators of QC on the less vs more expensive firearms. They may do the same level of QC on everything as you suggest Jocko. No argument here. But I do agree with you that this one slipped through. Some could live with it, others not. But the marks are obvious. I'd have a hard time parting with it too. I hate to send things back for minor cosmetic issues.