View Full Version : PM9 - new owner / range report

05-06-2010, 08:49 AM
justified this after my DB380 has proved unreliable - actually went to the gun store at lunch to buy the P380, but liked the 9mm platform and ergonomics of this PM9 better - got the black ss model - really like this gun - quick range trip results below:

Kahr PM9 - new out of the box, spray lube At 15'
Remington UMC 115gr MC ($14.50)
First 5 - perfect, very accurate
Second 5 - perfect
Third 5 - perfect
Fourth 5 - perfect
Fifth 5 - perfect
Sixth 5 - perfect
Seventh 5 -perfect
Eighth 5 - perfect
Ninth 5 - perfect
Tenth 5 - perfect

Speer Gold Dot +p 124gr gdhp
First 3 - perfect
Second 3 - perfect

I get the feeling I could run anything through this gun and it'll take it - without incident...


05-06-2010, 10:13 AM
I have had no problems with mine and I`m at the 1500 round mark.I replaced the recoil spring at 1200 but even then it was only because that`s the recommended interval,not because of any problems.

05-06-2010, 10:25 AM
what was going on with your diamondback? jams?

05-06-2010, 10:29 AM
good to see you over here....you will have a lot more good things to say about this weapon. You did pick a winner!!! enjoy.


05-06-2010, 12:05 PM
what was going on with your diamondback? jams?

much of the DB380 issues out in the field are highlighted here:

ConcealThis.com – Your Concealed Carry Resource Diamondback DB380 .380 Pistol – A.K.A. Mini Glock (http://www.concealthis.com/?p=726)

and here

DiamondbackTalk.com View forum - DB380 (http://www.diamondbacktalk.com/forum/viewforum.php?f=4&start=0)

05-06-2010, 12:58 PM
Thanks. Interesting. On the first link, I went right down to the unbiased reports. I saw one diamondback recently. It looked kinda cool but I guess the bugs will have to be worked out over time. I have a #371 LCP which I intend to keep. :) The first #370 numbers had issues. The PM9 had issues too when it came out--peening barrels.

One thing is for sure, 9mm ammo is in greater supply at this time and cheaper. I have the crimson trace laser on mine and love it. I have ordered some small grip extensions for the short flush 6 rd magazine, and I should get them soon. I have a little over 1,600 rds through mine with only 3 fail to feed issues with ball ammo. Two happened less than 300 rds and the last happened recently but I think the gun was dirty. Welcome.

05-06-2010, 02:23 PM
no kidding on 9mm ammo - Wal-Mart $9.47 for Federal - needless to say the 380 ammo shelf space is empty !!!

05-06-2010, 03:15 PM
Same here, I just put 1200 rounds thru my PM9 with no problems. I just changed the recoil spring also because it is recommended. All and all I'm super happy with mine and it is my everyday carry.

05-06-2010, 03:19 PM
I just ordered 2 new magazine springs (1 for 6 rd mag and 1 for 7 rd mag) from wolf to have in my tackle box.

has anyone had to change out their magazine springs? I keep mine compressed 24/7 so at some point the springs may weaken.

05-06-2010, 05:06 PM
I just ordered 2 new magazine springs (1 for 6 rd mag and 1 for 7 rd mag) from wolf to have in my tackle box.

has anyone had to change out their magazine springs? I keep mine compressed 24/7 so at some point the springs may weaken.

idea just to have them around, in case. I like the 5% more power wolffs mag springs over the kahr factory springs, for it is the strength of the magazine spirngs that actually makes that follower engage that slide stop lever correctly. I wish they even made them in 10% more strength.

those new springs won't eat one thing deadhead, so good idea, just change at will. I see no round count on mag springs. they normaly will last longer than the shooter will. But it is just cheap to do and can cause no harm..

05-06-2010, 05:14 PM
Spares are okay but springs are built with the set in mind and last just about forever... loaded and under full compression as designed. I would only replace those to "fix" a problem, not for the heck of it. Recoil springs do have recommended replacement intervals of ammo fired. I bought spares for my K9 and PM9. It was recommended at 2000 rounds for the K9 when I got it. The PM9, I'm not sure.
Kahr just gave me a new slide, trigger bar and recoil assembly for my PM45. I sent it in Monday late and got it back early this morning... fastest yet... of 3 returns (two for the PM45 and one for P380, so far)

05-06-2010, 05:24 PM
Please don't let it be a lemon, please don't let it be a lemon!


05-06-2010, 05:27 PM
Spares are okay but springs are built with the set in mind and last just about forever... loaded and under full compression as designed. I would only replace those to "fix" a problem, not for the heck of it. Recoil springs do have recommended replacement intervals of ammo fired. I bought spares for my K9 and PM9. It was recommended at 2000 rounds for the K9 when I got it. The PM9, I'm not sure.
Kahr just gave me a new slide, trigger bar and recoil assembly for my PM45. I sent it in Monday late and got it back early this morning... fastest yet... of 3 returns (two for the PM45 and one for P380, so far)

It is evident they couldnot fix the issue with jsut a trigger bar mod. It cold very well be a out of spec slide that we would never be able to see either, mayb enot even them, but they know the combination of a new trigger bar and slide should elimiante the light strikes. their service is super, just a shame they did not get it right the first time. Will be waiting for your report now to. I would suggest a pre prep to the gun though..

05-06-2010, 05:28 PM
Please don't let it be a lemon, please don't let it be a lemon!


on ur incoming 45:behindsofa:


05-06-2010, 05:35 PM
on ur incoming 45:behindsofa:


Pink tassles on your handlebar grips!:33:

05-06-2010, 05:44 PM
ur a nasty man bawanna. to deface the holy grail like that is "war"..

05-06-2010, 05:52 PM
ur a nasty man bawanna. to deface the holy grail like that is "war"..

Find thine enemies soft spot and strike there first. Honor before defeat. To curse a half man's new toy prior even to it's arrival, and I am the nasty man? 3ft long pink tassles on your handlebar grips and a pink mohawk on your helmet along with rose colored goggles. Folks will think your Elton John on a steroided VESPA! (ooooh, cheap shot and he's down.) I can fight nasty..................I won't be taken prisoner and water boarded or forced to hold a Kel Tec while tied up in the back of a "F" word vehicle without a sack over my head.

05-06-2010, 05:53 PM
Yes, I went over it with my DLT... polished the bevel and the stripper bar AND I made a lightly better defined gap. The PM9's is massive and the PM45 is like an afterthought! I polished the slide parts/striker and so forth a bit, too. Then I lubed it again.
I'll try to leave early for the range... before 10AM, when they open. I'll have to check. That's pretty early for me. I guess I'll get up with wifey so I can have my coffee first.
I hope the tractor will start now... charger on it. SOMEBODY left the dang ignition on last week... dead battery. I really needed to stress it after it was so strong with first use after about 4 months or so!:D

05-06-2010, 06:36 PM
Yes, I went over it with my DLT... polished the bevel and the stripper bar AND I made a lightly better defined gap. The PM9's is massive and the PM45 is like an afterthought! I polished the slide parts/striker and so forth a bit, too. Then I lubed it again.
I'll try to leave early for the range... before 10AM, when they open. I'll have to check. That's pretty early for me. I guess I'll get up with wifey so I can have my coffee first.
I hope the tractor will start now... charger on it. SOMEBODY left the dang ignition on last week... dead battery. I really needed to stress it after it was so strong with first use after about 4 months or so!:D

just step out the back door and shoot it up in the air about 50 times. they do that all the time in Iraq:19:

save that shippng box, u might need to send it to Bawanna..

05-06-2010, 06:49 PM
just step out the back door and shoot it up in the air about 50 times. they do that all the time in Iraq:19:

save that shippng box, u might need to send it to Bawanna..

ooooh, I'm down on the mat awaiting the flying drop kick. Cheap shot for sure. Good reminder, I'm saving my box when / if / ever MY cursed with the pox package ever arrives. Maybe I better open my Fed Ex account and get some forms filled out ahead of time. Put em in my range bag, one glitch into the box, have the range wait for pickup. Why do I even try anymore.

05-06-2010, 06:58 PM
ooooh, I'm down on the mat awaiting the flying drop kick. Cheap shot for sure. Good reminder, I'm saving my box when / if / ever MY cursed with the pox package ever arrives. Maybe I better open my Fed Ex account and get some forms filled out ahead of time. Put em in my range bag, one glitch into the box, have the range wait for pickup. Why do I even try anymore.

move to rochester:der:

05-06-2010, 07:38 PM
I wouldn't wish that on my worst enemy, that hurts even me. (sorry the cable was out today, and with it the internet)

05-07-2010, 02:03 AM
I would suggest a pre prep to the gun though..

You took the words right out of my mouth, jocko. You mean something like an "Enema" of course. My Kahrs enjoy a good "Enema" on a yearly basis. ;)

05-07-2010, 04:38 PM
Glock 26 with clipdraw, first time to shoot with this clip
Remington UMC 9mm 115gr MC
First 5 - perfect
Second 5 - perfect
Third 5 - perfect
Fourth 5 - perfect
Fifth 5 -perfect
R2B 9mm 115gr fmj
First 5 - perfect
Second 5 - perfect
Third 5 - perfect
Fourth 5 - perfect
Fifth 5 -perfect

Diamondback DB380
R2B 380 95gr fmj
First 5 - perfect
Second 5 - perfect
Third 5 - 3rd rd fte, cleared then perfect
Fourth 5 - perfect
Fifth 5 -perfect

Taurus TCP
R2B 380 95gr fmj
First 5 - perfect
Second 5 - 1st fte, cleared then perfect
Third 5 - 2nd rd, fte, cleared then fte, cleared then perfect
Fourth 5 - perfect
Fifth 5 -4th rd fte, cleared then fine

Kahr PM9
Remington UMC 9mm 115gr MC
First 5 - perfect
Second 5 - perfect
Third 5 - perfect
Fourth 5 - perfect
Fifth 5 -perfect
R2B 9mm 115gr fmj
First 5 - perfect
Second 5 - perfect
Third 5 - perfect
Fourth 5 - perfect
Fifth 5 -perfect

I'm SO happy with my new PM9 !!!

05-07-2010, 04:51 PM
And you should be, seems like it's running smooth. A little dissapointing on the Taurus, how many rounds have been thru that? I got a couple officers with those, very few rounds fired as yet but no issues I'm aware of.
No surprise on the Glock, those puppies just run and run.
Glad your happy!

05-07-2010, 08:16 PM
I am so envious!!! My first time to the range with my sparkling clean, new PM9 was a disaster! 1 in 5 shells FTF the first time! S&B FMJ ... not a bad round. After reloading the FTF's back in the magazine, all fired the second time. Independence 9mm's did better, but they also had a few FTF issues.

After three days of "failure-to-clearly-communicate" with Kahr service personnel, I managed to got the gun back to Kahr today. I also own a CW40 and have never had a FTF issue ... failure-to-load-easily-in-the-beginning, yeah, but never a FTF! Here's hoping it gets repaired soon; when it did fire it was the most accurate out-of-the-box gun I own ... DAMN!

05-07-2010, 09:18 PM
Hey Guys, (rpecunia and recoilguy) it's erxpm9edc (aka erxdb380bug) from Diamondbacktalk.com. I just joined this forum and I just wanted to say hi.
By the way, I got my CTC yesterday and installed it last night. It took me a little while to zero it in, but I think it's not only one of the best gun accessories but one of the coolest I have ever seen. I really like it...can you tell?

I have been pocket carrying my PM9 since Thursday and I can't believe that I have a 9mm in there. It just dissappears and it's only minimally heavier than that peace of $h1t DB380. Sorry to offend any DB owners here, but it's just makes me angry when I think of all the time and money I spend on that damn thing when I could have just had the PM9 from the begining. All I can say is that I know that I (we) finally made the right choice.

Peace Y'all

05-07-2010, 10:15 PM
Hey Guys, (rpecunia and recoilguy) it's erxpm9edc (aka erxdb380bug) from Diamondbacktalk.com. I just joined this forum and I just wanted to say hi.
By the way, I got my CTC yesterday and installed it last night. It took me a little while to zero it in, but I think it's not only one of the best gun accessories but one of the coolest I have ever seen. I really like it...can you tell?

I have been pocket carrying my PM9 since Thursday and I can't believe that I have a 9mm in there. It just dissappears and it's only minimally heavier than that peace of $h1t DB380. Sorry to offend any DB owners here, but it's just makes me angry when I think of all the time and money I spend on that damn thing when I could have just had the PM9 from the begining. All I can say is that I know that I (we) finally made the right choice.

Peace Y'all

kinda equated the DB380 and their 9mm in the same basic category as the kel tecs, as they are so close in design and certainly in what I would consider piss poor quality.

Yes once you step up to a kahr, u realize why you paid double for it over a DB or KT. NORMALLY.

I pocket carry my PM9 24/7, best defense gun I ever owned.....

by the way,,,,, welcome to the forum. nice people here..

05-08-2010, 07:36 AM
justified this after my DB380 has proved unreliable - actually went to the gun store at lunch to buy the P380, but liked the 9mm platform and ergonomics of this PM9 better - got the black ss model - really like this gun - quick range trip results below:

Kahr PM9 - new out of the box, spray lube At 15'
Remington UMC 115gr MC ($14.50)
First 5 - perfect, very accurate
Second 5 - perfect
Third 5 - perfect
Fourth 5 - perfect
Fifth 5 - perfect
Sixth 5 - perfect
Seventh 5 -perfect
Eighth 5 - perfect
Ninth 5 - perfect
Tenth 5 - perfect

Speer Gold Dot +p 124gr gdhp
First 3 - perfect
Second 3 - perfect

I get the feeling I could run anything through this gun and it'll take it - without incident...


Welcome to the motherland. Great report! I too had a similar experience with my PM9. Only problem with these guns is this....You'll start to like em so much that you have to have more than one. But that's a good problem. Good luck and enjoy for many years.:music:

05-08-2010, 09:05 AM
absolutely and it's really funny that i was on with budsgunshop just yesterday looking to trade a couple of my first pistol purchases for a Kahr P380 !!!

05-14-2010, 04:40 PM
DB380 - cleaned, lubed
PMC Bronze 90gr fmj
First 5 - perfect
Second 5 - perfect, accurate gun
Third 5 - perfect
Fourth 5 - 4th rd, fte then fine
Fifth 5 - perfect,
Winchester 92 gr fmj
First 5 - 3rd rd, ftfire NO dented primer, then reran Second 5 - perfect Third 5 - perfect Fourth 5 - perfect Fifth 5 - 2nd rd, ftfire dented primer, then reran

Summary 94% - 2 more ftfire, 1 fte

Kahr P380 - cleaned, lubed
PMC Bronze 90gr fmj,
First 5 - perfect
Second 5 - perfect, on target
Third 5 - perfect
Fourth 5 - perfect,
Fifth 5 - perfect
Winchester 92 gr fmj
First 5 - perfect
Second 5 - perfect
Third 5 - perfect
Fourth 5 - perfect
Fifth 5 - perfect

Summary 100%

*same 380 ammo mix both guns

Kahr PM9 - cleaned, lubed
Federal 115gr fmj rn
First 5 - perfect
Second 5 - perfect, mostly on target
Third 5 - perfect
Fourth 5 - perfect,
Fifth 5 - perfect
Sixth 5 - perfect
Seventh 5 - perfect
Eighth 5 - perfect
Ninth 5 - perfect
Tenth 5 - perfect

Summary 100%

05-17-2010, 08:23 PM
I did the Kahr prep with a little extra here and there to my new PM9. Wow, now for the best part my first range report 150 rounds not one and I mean not one failure, this puppy was flawless:D. I limp wristed it and still no problem. I don't think you could make it fail. I believe it will eat any ammo you give it. I shot WWB and S&B this trip. The great part about 9mm you can find it, not like .380 only the King has some. I got rid of a Diamondback DB380 (POJ) and ordered my PM9. I also own Glocks, 1911s, Rugers and more, the PM9 is stand out IMO. This gun will be my DCW. This site help me make up my mind on a Kahr, good stuff. stay tuned more to come.