View Full Version : Shots fired at the Capitol

10-03-2013, 01:49 PM
The media must have it wrong. Guns aren't allowed in D.C.

10-03-2013, 01:58 PM
evidently who ever shot MISSED.

10-03-2013, 02:22 PM
It is kind of a happy thought though don't ya think.

I'm amazed there haven't been a multitude of attempts not that I would endorse any such activity you understand.

I mean they took a poke at Reagan and he was a good guy.

10-03-2013, 02:48 PM
The media is retarded. Act like SHE was trying crash through whitehouse barricades. GOTTA MAKE IT A BIG DEAL!!! WOOOO LOOK AT US! OMG GUNS AAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!

10-03-2013, 02:53 PM
It is kind of a happy thought though don't ya think.

I'm amazed there haven't been a multitude of attempts not that I would endorse any such activity you understand.

I mean they took a poke at Reagan and he was a good guy.

Gave me that warm fuzzy feeling. I wonder if Obummer is two shades lighter today. :)

10-03-2013, 03:14 PM
Isn't it sad that our POS President is so bad that when you hear of shots fired in Washington you say, Maybe just maybe they got in a lucky one....:rolleyes:

10-03-2013, 03:39 PM
If you wanna get lucky I'd recommend the golf course, not much chance at the White House, he's seldom there.

10-03-2013, 04:02 PM
Ba-zing ^

10-03-2013, 04:06 PM
they keep picturing that one scene with about 6 offiers with drawn guns pointing at the car, I wonder why no one thought to shoot the damn tires out. With a child in the car they had tob e ubber careful about bulets flying to,but shooting the tires seemed like a reasonable thing to do--Just sayin

this is a first to my knowledge a damn woman. Sure hope it wasn't Monica. just sayin

Longitude Zero
10-03-2013, 04:15 PM
Female that went nuts. Not really surprising.

10-03-2013, 04:22 PM
I was thinking Melissa, she's a patriot but she would have done a better job by far.

10-03-2013, 04:26 PM
I was hoping it was Pelosi......No such luck...

10-03-2013, 04:49 PM
I was thinking of the good guy, not the bad.

10-03-2013, 05:41 PM
So some DC woman with PMS panicked when she couldn'r find her way to Walmart, ran away from cops, then got herself blown away?

MSNBC, ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN - "This is all Ted Cruz's and the evil Tea Party's fault".

10-03-2013, 06:06 PM
It will be interesting to find out what actually went down. Women don't usually go crazy with their children in the car. It's being reported that she was unarmed when she was gunned down by the Police. Our congressmen gave the police a standing ovation for their actions.

10-03-2013, 06:13 PM
The War on Women continues. Hey! Let's surround the car so when she hits one of us we can satisfy our legalized blood lust. .

Sent from my GT-P6210 using Tapatalk 4

10-03-2013, 06:45 PM
It is kind of a happy thought though don't ya think.

I'm amazed there haven't been a multitude of attempts not that I would endorse any such activity you understand.

I mean they took a poke at Reagan and he was a good guy.

Don't think it will happen. Remember every political shooting has been done by a left winger. Sorry. Some folks don't like to have that brought up.

10-03-2013, 06:47 PM
have they actually confirmed that this woman shot a gun evenor just that she tried to ram her way in.

10-03-2013, 06:55 PM
The news is reporting she had no gun jocko.

10-03-2013, 06:58 PM
damn, they shot a woman with a kid i the car. wow. not saying she should not have been stopped but this won't go well, IMO

10-03-2013, 07:00 PM
they keep picturing that one scene with about 6 offiers with drawn guns pointing at the car, I wonder why no one thought to shoot the damn tires out. With a child in the car they had tob e ubber careful about bulets flying to,but shooting the tires seemed like a reasonable thing to do--Just sayin

this is a first to my knowledge a damn woman. Sure hope it wasn't Monica. just sayin

Squeaky Fromme and Sarah Moore, brother Jocko. Tried to take out Gerald Ford in 75.

10-03-2013, 07:07 PM
oops forgot that one, yup ur right

10-03-2013, 07:09 PM
She was a dental asst from Stamford CT with known "Mental Issues" she had no gun, she's dead and the 1 yo child was taken to a hospital for a check-up. She's unharmed.

10-03-2013, 07:14 PM
was she a dental ass or what.I kinda can'tread ur dribble sometimes downtown.

10-03-2013, 07:39 PM
was she a dental ass or what.I kinda can'tread ur dribble sometimes downtown.

downtown was pretty clear - it was all George Bush's fault.

10-03-2013, 08:27 PM
No questions will be asked, those were Holders personal storm trooper who answer only to ovomit so they should be fine.

10-03-2013, 10:19 PM
Okay, I'm going on my rant and the fellow LEO's on here will understand where I am coming from

1) The stupid women was trying to ram the White House (not surprising there, saw that coming a mile away and not surprising in light of the recent events)

2) She was trying to RUN OVER the cops...The car is a deadly weapon, of course they are going to shoot at her

3)she shouldn't have had her 1 year old in there and trying to pull off this crap. That is just plain DUMB. And LEO's may not have known the baby was in there.

4) She could have stopped at ANY time when all this went down.

5) NO SYMPATHY for her

6) Last but not least, I won't REPEAT what I told my MIL and FIL about the current state of the country and what I wish..

10-04-2013, 04:39 AM
I don't fault the cops one bit. Some nutburger tries to ram the Barrycades and run the cops over, that is a weapon plain and simple. I am amazed at the restraint the cops did show during the first encounter at the White House.
All bets were off during the second. It's unfortunate there was a baby in the car. I am thinking the cops didn't know that at the time.
Proves the adage: Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.

10-04-2013, 04:58 AM
IMHO this was a "Sure to make the news, spectacular, suicide by cop."

10-04-2013, 01:42 PM
Just a crazy woman.

Looks like her family failed her.

Local cops here in Round Rock were forced to kill a nutcase woman recently. After she walked out of a bar the LEOs were called in because she was reported to be carrying a gun (a no-no in Texas - no guns in 51% bars).

She sat on a bench on the main street - when the cops showed up she refused to surrender her handgun, so they tased her. As in many confrontations with the mentally ill, that didn't stop her from pointing her pistol at the LEOs, so they blew her away.

Pretty sad for all involved as suicides are, but what else are they gonna do?

10-04-2013, 01:55 PM
My take. The woman was mentally ill and not responsible for her actions. The police could have stopped her twice without firing a shot by pinning her car with a squad car. In my opinion the Capital Police looked more like the Keystone Cops when trying to stop this woman. A piss poor police action.

10-04-2013, 02:26 PM
,IMO when she left the car and startedto run, no shots shouldhave been fired. MOrethan likely there was a halfdozen different agencies after this gal and no one was really in charge and once that first BANG thing washeard, then it wasopen season.

Shedid wrong thatis for sure but IMO with a child in the car, so very poor judgement wasused by those in charge also. Course again I wasnot there nor know the whole story either.I did hear that one officer that was hurt and his car damn near destryed was the result of those pop up barreiers and he just ranrightinto one of them. I just can't believe fat ass all and hiar lip Jesse Jackson was not marchingon this shootingeither, course it bein Washington D.C. more than likely most of the officers could have been black to, and there lies the two faced part of fat ass and hair lip..

Longitude Zero
10-04-2013, 03:04 PM
Okay, I'm going on my rant and the fellow LEO's on here will understand where I am coming from

1) The stupid women was trying to ram the White House (not surprising there, saw that coming a mile away and not surprising in light of the recent events)

2) She was trying to RUN OVER the cops...The car is a deadly weapon, of course they are going to shoot at her

3)she shouldn't have had her 1 year old in there and trying to pull off this crap. That is just plain DUMB. And LEO's may not have known the baby was in there.

4) She could have stopped at ANY time when all this went down.

5) NO SYMPATHY for her

6) Last but not least, I won't REPEAT what I told my MIL and FIL about the current state of the country and what I wish..


10-04-2013, 03:36 PM
all good points Jdlott, can't argue to any of them

10-04-2013, 03:48 PM
I agree also except the fellow law enforcement officers line, you are fellow law enforcement officers wife. Big difference and you want to be careful with that.

Just like I am a fellow law enforcement officer office puke and I need to be very careful of that also.

We're both probably on their side of the thin blue line but on a much lower plane, you probably much higher than I.

10-04-2013, 04:35 PM
I agree also except the fellow law enforcement officers line, you are fellow law enforcement officers wife. Big difference and you want to be careful with that.

Just like I am a fellow law enforcement officer office puke and I need to be very careful of that also.

We're both probably on their side of the thin blue line but on a much lower plane, you probably much higher than I.

You are correct. I see things MUCH differently now that I am a Law Enforcement officers wife. And we may not know all what happened, just what the media is reporting and as I argued last night with somebody online, the public really doesn't need to know what happened. People today have gotten to where they think they need to know everything and they don't. 3/4 of the crap the media puts out doesn't need to be reported and the stuff they do report is wrong more than half of the time. They are so eager to get a story in that they don't get the facts first. They are so eager to release the name of officers who protect the cities, towns, state and counties they work that when they one of them is a LODD, they release the name of the officer BEFORE the family can be notified or accurate details can be released.

The majority of the time I will favor the thin blue line, but if an officer messes up, then I call it like it is. He/She should be punished. Officers should be held to a higher standard than your normal citizen. If these officers are found to be wrong, which they may or may not, depending on who is doing the investigation, then they should be punished.

10-04-2013, 04:56 PM
"The Connecticut woman who was shot to death outside the U.S. Capitol after trying to ram her car through a White House barrier had been under the delusion the president was communicating with her, a federal law enforcement official said Friday."

.....apparently she had an Obama phone.

10-04-2013, 05:05 PM
Personally I think, the public does have a right to know. In this particular case, I have heard of no officers name being release, course I could have missed that also. Was this a mental person, her momma says yes, most of her friends say she was an ok person, either way when anyone attacks our white house they proabably need to be taken out, but I say that also with total reservations to. I as everyone here knows only what we read and hear and then that even depends what news cast ur watching.

There is alot of frustration in the country towards our government officials and there are some people who will attempt to take it one step further than just nasty words. I just would have been good to know WHY she did what she did. We will now never know that either.

I hate scenario's, but what if that child would have been killed by the police bullets, as that was the only bullets spent. How do we think that would have went down??? Just sayin IMO thgere has to be an investigation if anything so that if it ever happens again that all the LE agencies around the caspital are on the same train goin the same direction. We learn by our mistakes and IMO there were some mistakes made here..

Oh well she is dead so we now move on to tomorrow..Just sayin

10-04-2013, 05:13 PM
You are correct. I see things MUCH differently now that I am a Law Enforcement officers wife. And we may not know all what happened, just what the media is reporting and as I argued last night with somebody online, the public really doesn't need to know what happened. People today have gotten to where they think they need to know everything and they don't. 3/4 of the crap the media puts out doesn't need to be reported and the stuff they do report is wrong more than half of the time. They are so eager to get a story in that they don't get the facts first. They are so eager to release the name of officers who protect the cities, towns, state and counties they work that when they one of them is a LODD, they release the name of the officer BEFORE the family can be notified or accurate details can be released.

The majority of the time I will favor the thin blue line, but if an officer messes up, then I call it like it is. He/She should be punished. Officers should be held to a higher standard than your normal citizen. If these officers are found to be wrong, which they may or may not, depending on who is doing the investigation, then they should be punished.

years back JDlott, a drunk Indianapolis cop was rushing to no one really knows where and he hit 3 motorcyclists stopped at a stop light, he rammed them, Killed two. the utter is paralyzed. His cohorts men in blue investiaged and did theiur damdest to cover for this drunken cop but to many citizens was there, and when they took him to the medical clinic his blood was drawn by what the policmans's attorneyt said was an unauthorized person in that clinic and they wanted the 3.4 BA report thrown out of court. It has taken this long over 2 years to get aa court to finally rule on that and they ruled in the medical clinics favor, but in the mean time this drunken cop who was on leave since the accident, was stopped by a fellow patroleman for swerving all over the place,and this time he was given aq BA test right there and then taken to the correct place to have it done legally and he was again drunk. Please don't tell me that the public has no right to know #1 how the fellow officers tried to cover for him and how slow this case is proceedings. He is definitely gonna do some hard time and in the mean time a half dozen good sumaritan officers who tried tocover for him (cause he is one of us)) were demoted and two of them were high ranking long term officers whose careers are basically over...

mr surveyor
10-04-2013, 05:24 PM
If some woman tried to run over one of my buddies and I chased her to a stopping point .... and she jumped out of her car (the only "weapon" she had displayed up to that point) .... would I be justified in shooting her in "self defense"?

I'm trying really hard to NOT form, or express an opinion on this one until I have more information.

10-04-2013, 05:40 PM
agree, I am not defending her either,she made a decision and it cost her, her life, Whenshe pulled away andthey openedfire ather at damn near point blank range and hit nuttin at that time, with a childin the casr whether they knewit or not. some officers or officers would have had to live with that factfor the rest of his life.

Course I fully understand an attack on the whitehouse is not a good thing either, but I would sure haveloved to know why. Was she pissed atour government and the way it was behaving. was her ovomit phone battery dead was she pissed cause she couldn't get signedon totheovomit medical program. we will never know now..

10-04-2013, 05:40 PM
To anyone who hasn't been a party to/in a fast breaking situation like this....quit picking on the cops. To anyone who has...you get a vote.

10-04-2013, 05:52 PM
that would even eliminate 98% of LEO who never had to draw their gun in defense.let alone this type of situation. It would be avery small vote indeed.

10-04-2013, 06:04 PM
The public absolutely deserves to know all the facts, but not what the media tells us which the majority of the time are two completely different things.

10-04-2013, 06:20 PM
If some woman tried to run over one of my buddies and I chased her to a stopping point .... and she jumped out of her car (the only "weapon" she had displayed up to that point) .... would I be justified in shooting her in "self defense"?

I'm trying really hard to NOT form, or express an opinion on this one until I have more information.

Actually in TX the car is considered a Deadly weapon if you are trying to run them over. Yes, I totally agree an investigation needs to be done to see what or if anything went wrong. I'm definitely sure there could be lessons learned from this, as with EVERY stop LEO's make. They have to make SPLIT second decisions.

10-04-2013, 06:26 PM
years back JDlott, a drunk Indianapolis cop was rushing to no one really knows where and he hit 3 motorcyclists stopped at a stop light, he rammed them, Killed two. the utter is paralyzed. His cohorts men in blue investiaged and did theiur damdest to cover for this drunken cop but to many citizens was there, and when they took him to the medical clinic his blood was drawn by what the policmans's attorneyt said was an unauthorized person in that clinic and they wanted the 3.4 BA report thrown out of court. It has taken this long over 2 years to get aa court to finally rule on that and they ruled in the medical clinics favor, but in the mean time this drunken cop who was on leave since the accident, was stopped by a fellow patroleman for swerving all over the place,and this time he was given aq BA test right there and then taken to the correct place to have it done legally and he was again drunk. Please don't tell me that the public has no right to know #1 how the fellow officers tried to cover for him and how slow this case is proceedings. He is definitely gonna do some hard time and in the mean time a half dozen good sumaritan officers who tried tocover for him (cause he is one of us)) were demoted and two of them were high ranking long term officers whose careers are basically over...

And depending on where you live, YES this does happen. It happens here in TX, BUT the officers here KNOW from two major cities here in the DFW area (and those of you who live in this area knows the departments), know that both chiefs of these towns have been told about officers who got in trouble for DUI, made the news and gotten fired because of it. 99% of the time if you make the news, your butt will be fired for it if it is something you KNEW better to do. The officers here know they can call any of their blue line brothers and sisters or family to drive them home. Some just aren't smart enough to actually put that in practice and stop and call or risk possibly injuring or hurting somebody. We have seen where officers have been found guilty of covering up something and gotten in trouble too. Officers should be held to a higher standard than the average citizen.

10-04-2013, 06:35 PM
that would even eliminate 98% of LEO who never had to draw their gun in defense.let alone this type of situation. It would be avery small vote indeed.

But also remember the Majority of LEO's are former military who more than likely have been deployed. Same situation just different career and cops are stateside vs overseas...At some point those LEO's who were military probably had to shoot their weapon in a split second decision.

Until you have been in the LEO's shoes (and no I have not but jlottmc has in the military), you don't know what is going through their heads. I can assure you just know some of the LEO's I do, that if something had happened and they had shot and possibly killed that child, they would be devastated because the majority of them have kids of their own. Coming from a different prospective than most people, I'd MUCH rather see hubby shoot that women and protect him self from her possibly running them over again and come home to US than him not shooting her and him getting hurt or killed by the car or her. and even though she supposedly didn't have a gun in the car, we don't know what commands she was being given by the police. She had already ran over one officer and injured him, injured a second, which BTW, are working and NOT being pd.

10-04-2013, 06:49 PM
military over seas operation and a police officer are not the same thing IMO. Even their weaponary are different. If a BGhas aweapon over seas we can snipe him at 500 yards and call it a day, Ucan't do that here. I am not arguinagainst any officers either.I am merely saying this certainly needs to be investiagted,not with the intentto charge anyone with mis conduct but to mayb emake sure it never hapens like that again

all officers and those on furlough are gonna get paid they have already said that. no one is gona loos a a dime from this shutdown.. don'tu wantto know the truth behind this incident, like how many shots were fired,did they know akid was in the car, .Lots of civilians were there on the grounds where this wentdown and I amsure they will have comments , if asked. In every shooting there is a lesson learned,if they seek the truth... Not to sure of ur MAJORITY OF POLICE OFFICEERS ARE FORMER MILITARY. Can u provide some facts behind that. We have 7 police officers in my home town and NONE are prior military. Just sayin. Our county sheriff's dept has a dozen officers and to my knowledge none are prior military..

10-04-2013, 06:52 PM
The public absolutely deserves to know all the facts, but not what the media tells us which the majority of the time are two completely different things.

new tuff guy avitar, I surrender, come get my skinning equipment and some hides hanging in the back barn. I give up.:Amflag2:

10-04-2013, 06:53 PM
Actually in TX the car is considered a Deadly weapon if you are trying to run them over. Yes, I totally agree an investigation needs to be done to see what or if anything went wrong. I'm definitely sure there could be lessons learned from this, as with EVERY stop LEO's make. They have to make SPLIT second decisions.

think u answered his question..

10-04-2013, 10:01 PM
Not to sure of ur MAJORITY OF POLICE OFFICEERS ARE FORMER MILITARY. Can u provide some facts behind that. We have 7 police officers in my home town and NONE are prior military. Just sayin. Our county sheriff's dept has a dozen officers and to my knowledge none are prior military..

I think it depends on the area and part of the country you live in. When jlottmc was in the academy, they had about 10-12 people in there and at least 3-4 of them were prior military. As far as his dept now, I know there are quite a few, but not sure how many.

10-04-2013, 11:29 PM
We have many officers with military back gound.

10-05-2013, 11:49 AM
Of the three LEOs in my extended family, one (Nebraska Highway Patrol) is ex-Army, one (K-9 officer in Dallas area) is a former Marine, the third (former deputy sheriff, now police officer in Kerrville, Texas) is non-military.

10-05-2013, 07:28 PM
that would even eliminate 98% of LEO who never had to draw their gun in defense.let alone this type of situation. It would be avery small vote indeed.

prolly quite right but add in mil combat vets and there be a few more folk who's experienced opinion be due respect.