View Full Version : CW45 Range Report (x2) (x4 now)

10-04-2013, 05:23 PM
When I got it the mag spring was broke and the follower pin stuck out far enough that it got caught on the mag housing. Kahr kwickly replaced both parts and I was able to take it out Sunday and yesterday. It started out pretty good on Sunday with 50 rnds of Federal ammunition, having the few expected hiccups even after following the prep info here. The next 50 rnds of PMC didn't fair as well but the weapon was just a bit dirty. Cleaned it well and took it back out yesterday with Remington UMC, 100 rnds. Seemed much more accurate and had fewer hiccups which increased during the second 50 rnds.

Had a few failure to feed in which the bullet did not get stripped from the mag. Haven't read about that happening, any thoughts?

Toward the end, had a few instances of the slide not locking back. Will keep an eye on it and adjust the slide-stop spring if needed.

It shoots soft and just a little low. Can't wait to get it out again and see it continue to improve.

10-04-2013, 06:59 PM
When I got it the mag spring was broke and the follower pin stuck out far enough that it got caught on the mag housing. Kahr kwickly replaced both parts and I was able to take it out Sunday and yesterday. It started out pretty good on Sunday with 50 rnds of Federal ammunition, having the few expected hiccups even after following the prep info here. The next 50 rnds of PMC didn't fair as well but the weapon was just a bit dirty. Cleaned it well and took it back out yesterday with Remington UMC, 100 rnds. Seemed much more accurate and had fewer hiccups which increased during the second 50 rnds.

Had a few failure to feed in which the bullet did not get stripped from the mag. Haven't read about that happening, any thoughts?

Toward the end, had a few instances of the slide not locking back. Will keep an eye on it and adjust the slide-stop spring if needed.

It shoots soft and just a little low. Can't wait to get it out again and see it continue to improve.

I have a Springfield officers 1911 mag, getting ready to modify it and see how that does.

On the round not stripping from the mag you might check the feed lips on the mag and make sure that they are smooth and not sharp. That made mine feed better. Mine originally scored the rim of the bullet casing before I smoothed it.

On the slide not locking back I think you're on top of that one.

Everything should smooth out. If you're impatient like me polish what you can on the feed ramp and the chamber if possible. That should also help any feed or extraction issues.

Keep on shooting it. Like you said it's a smooth shooter.

10-05-2013, 12:57 AM
In addition to sanding the magazine's feed lips, I had to lightly sand and polish the part of the slide stop that is slanted to allow the round to feed reliably. The bullet would catch on the slide stop with some bullet shapes more problematic than others, but now all feed reliably. Suggest running very greased and oiled also. I use a very light dry silicone aerosol lube inside the magazine. But sanding the slide stop was the real key in my case. No failure to feeds for five hundred rounds since doing that.

10-05-2013, 01:02 AM
Was this new?

Might check the stripper, the angled part mentioned earlier. Some of them lack the bevel and are cut square sometimes causing the round to ride under instead of in front, leaving the round in the mag.

10-05-2013, 04:51 AM
Had a few failure to feed in which the bullet did not get stripped from the mag. Haven't read about that happening, any thoughts?
Was this a random occurrence or at a particular round count from the magazine?

10-05-2013, 11:43 AM
Bawanna, it is a new CW45 and the stripper on the bottom of the slide does not look like it is beveled. I had read about that but wasn't sure if it was supposed to be beveled or if that was a fix that worked for some.

Greg, it was mostly on the second round but did happen on the first round a couple of times towards the end of the session when it was dirty.

I'll put another 50-100 thru it and if it continues will call Kahr.

Thanks guys.

10-05-2013, 01:13 PM
u might wantto check bein u stated the second round if that follower is grabbing on that mag release button as it moves up. that will occur at round 2. Propper prepping thread address this and shows how to check for it. Being the gun can't count, sumpin is causing it nearly every second round in the magazine.. easy to check out .

10-06-2013, 09:35 AM
70 more thru it yesterday. Only issue was failure to strip (twice) and the bullet getting jammed between the stripper and the feed ramp (5-6 times). The leading edge of the stripper was caught in the crimp just above the rim of the cartridge so it looks like it is riding over the top of the rim rather than pushing it from behind. Thinking this needs to go to Kahr to have the stripper beveled.

I checked the feed libs of the magazine and they are smooth and I'll check on the mag release button gabbing the follower today. I'll call Kahr tomorrow if I can't clear this up. Thanks all for the support.

11:39 update; checked out the follower as described by Greg and Jocko and sure enough it was catching big time on the mag release catch. Filed the follower as instructed and it now runs thru the magazine and past the mag catch freely. Will run some more thru her and go from there. Thanks Jocko and Greg!

10-07-2013, 07:58 PM
That may fix you up right there. You get the gold star for sticking with it.


10-13-2013, 11:42 AM
Have been out twice more. Over 300 rounds of Federal, PMC, and Remington. Today the first 6 rounds were flawless but thereafter either the 2nd or 3rd round would nose dive and jam.
The only issue left are the nose-dives and failure of the mag to drop out when the slide is locked back. That's a weird one to me because the empty mag will drop out easily if the slide is in battery. I've done as much as I'm comfortable doing so will contact Kahr support to see if they will give me a RMA.
Thanks to all here for the help. I'm sure Kahr will correct it and it will be as good as my PM9, which is to say flawless.

10-13-2013, 05:21 PM
I had many issues with mine as well, think I'm getting a Glock 30s, i just love how the kahr feels, but I'm not comfortable with it

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10-13-2013, 07:54 PM
City, hang in there. I did with my PM9 and it is my favorite 9mm and my EDC. Very comfortable with its performance and size. I'm confident Kahr will make my CW45 right just as they did my PM9.

10-14-2013, 07:48 AM
Have been out twice more. Over 300 rounds of Federal, PMC, and Remington. Today the first 6 rounds were flawless but thereafter either the 2nd or 3rd round would nose dive and jam.
The only issue left are the nose-dives and failure of the mag to drop out when the slide is locked back. That's a weird one to me because the empty mag will drop out easily if the slide is in battery. I've done as much as I'm comfortable doing so will contact Kahr support to see if they will give me a RMA.
Thanks to all here for the help. I'm sure Kahr will correct it and it will be as good as my PM9, which is to say flawless.
Have you checked how the magazine spring is oriented (http://www.kahrtalk.com/showpost.php?p=105359&postcount=6) at the follower?

10-14-2013, 01:02 PM
Yes sir,
the mag spring it came with was broke and Kahr replaced it. The mag spring is inserted correctly. Thanks