View Full Version : I must be doing something wrong with revolvers

10-04-2013, 10:56 PM
Here I was thinking about what I would take out to shoot this weekend. Although I really enjoy shooting my 686 (more so than the LCR), I hate to clean it.

I can clean any semi-auto faster. I think I can do a complete detail strip and clean on most of them faster than I can clean the revolver. Even the Ruger Marks are a breeze compared to the revolver. So, it doesn't go in the range bag often.

The issue seems to be getting the barrel, and then all those chambers, clean. Maybe I'm not using good stuff. I usually use a solvent and patches with a jag. A few to six of those seems to clean any semi barrel. But, I spend nearly forever getting the 686 to come out clean.

So, what do the revolver aficionados do to make cleaning them less of a pain?

10-04-2013, 11:17 PM
I don't enjoy cleaning revolvers either. Don't think your doing anything wrong.

On a related subject, I thought of you and your 686 today. Wife gave me some funds to buy something. I looked all over and looked at Armslist. Darned if I don't find what I thought was a 4" 686. 525 bucks. In Yakima, I'm ready to contact seller and head east.

Looked several times really jazzed. Then I calm and look again and its a 66 not a 686. Still very nice but not a 686. Crap!

If you tire of cleaning that 686 lets talk.

10-04-2013, 11:20 PM
One thing to add, if your shooting lead and thats a cause of the tough cleaning I try to shoot a few jacketed bullets at the end of the session.

Seems to shoot a lot if not all of the lead out.

10-05-2013, 07:28 AM
I'm telling you guys you're missing out on a good bet. I just throw all of my guns in the dish washer and tumble them dry in the clothes dryer. Yeah, they suffer a few minor dings and bruises, but that just gives them more character. I then dunk them in a barrel of Ballistol and they're good to go. I know that you think that I'm a little off balance, a few pickles short of a barrel, but its just that I can't stand my wife's maudlin whining when I tell her to clean them. And yes, Jocko, I know I'm a dick.

10-05-2013, 07:40 AM
Why can't someone invent a speed cleaner for revolvers, similar to a speed loader? You could clean all six chambers in one fell swoop. I'd be willing to settle for half of the profits for coming up with the idea. Let's get on this one, Bawanna, and beat ole Jocko to fame and fortune. I would have let him in on the ground floor, but he keeps calling me a dick. :)

10-05-2013, 07:41 AM
Never mind.


10-05-2013, 09:01 AM
I don't think it's that bad..................just shoot jacketed ammo.

10-05-2013, 09:29 AM
I don't mind cleaning any of my guns. first I use a brush dry down the barrel, then wet the brush with cleaner and run up and down the barrel several times. I know I am pulling debris back into the barrel but at this point I am just trying to loosen up the fouling. Then I put the patch over a brush rather than a jag which puts more pressure on the patch and it seems to help clean better. For me anyway.As jocko would say......just sayin'
Then I go for a ride on my hog !!!!.....just sayin'

10-05-2013, 09:45 AM
Never mind.


Someone's talking to themselves again.

10-05-2013, 10:11 AM
Yeah and word has it he's a dick.

mr surveyor
10-05-2013, 10:18 AM
I put almost nothing but lead through my revolvers and have no problem with cleaning. The only time I ever have leading issues is when using an undersized bullet, a bullet that's too soft, or over pressured load. I never shoot "specials" in a magnum revolver .... no .38 spl in a .357 mag, and no .44 spl in a .44 magnum..... so no crud rings to deal with. I have .38 spl revolvers to shoot the dainty loads, or load down if I want light loads in the .357's. Most of the time a single dry patch through the barrel and chambers to get the loose powder residue out, followed by a wet patch or two takes care of it. Then a couple of dry patches has it in good working order.

Like B said, if you do shoot a lot of lead, a couple of jacketed rounds will strip some of the lead out, but in some cases it may harden it tighter into the deep corners of the grooves.

10-05-2013, 10:31 AM
I generally only buy jacketed ammo, with a couple of exceptions when it was difficult to find. Even in .22 I get at least plated bullets.

The "speed cleaner" is pretty funny actually. I would probably waste half a bottle of solvent just trying to use that thing.

Cleaning three guns is pretty much my limit for a day. Some days, I take only two. The "two" days sound like potential revolver days.

Bawanna, if you do see one around here, Wenatchee, etc., I would be happy to take a look at it for you. Since I already have one, If I told you it was garbage you could even believe me. :)

10-05-2013, 12:23 PM
Most of my ammo is jacketed too.

But come to think of it, I haven't fired any of my revolvers in maybe 5 years! :eek:

Guess that's because the last five handguns I've bought were all semiautos.

Dayyuumm! Need to get out to the ranch for a wheelgun shoot.

BTW - just saw a new 686 4" at the new Gander Mountain in Round Rock - the tag said $749.95!
Of course it had the internal lock hole above the cylinder release latch.

10-05-2013, 03:03 PM
I wonder if you guys who hate cleaning revolvers are just too fastidious?

Most of the time, I wipe the worst off with a paper towel at the range, pushing and pulling a rolled up paper towel through the barrel to remove any black particles, and put the J-frame back in my pocket. Usually, I will clean it again later after 50 rounds at the range, but not always.

If it does get revisited, three or four passes with a dry bronze brush through the charge holes and barrel are good enough unless I am feeling energetic and want to break out some liquid cleaner.

If it's a "thorough cleaning day", spraying a little M-Pro 7 on the bronze brush first ensures a bright, shiny bore, Then, a wet patch sprayed with M-Pro 7, a patch lightly dampened with Weapon Shield, and finally a dry pass or two. By then I am bored and everything looks shiny and clean.

Once in a while, I start by using a nylon brush on the powder residue on the frame, sometimes with a little M-Pro 7 to get most of it off, but powder residue rings on the face of the cylinder always remain in place to help protect the metal. ;)


After years of trying most of the cleaning materials on the market, it seems like M-Pro 7 works the best with carbon, but generally, a revolver takes much less time than any of our semi-automatics.

Just my two cents . . .

10-05-2013, 04:18 PM
The copper brushes and a little elbow grease. No big deal.

10-05-2013, 04:29 PM
I often wonder where the phrase ELBOW GREASE came from. My elbows look like the face of Pelosie and no grease can penetrate that stone face look. Just sayin

Just a factoid: Pelosies' dermatologists works for ACE concrete finishers..:Amflag2:

10-05-2013, 07:10 PM
I often wonder where the phrase ELBOW GREASE came from. My elbows look like the face of Pelosie and no grease can penetrate that stone face look. Just sayin

Just a factoid: Pelosies' dermatologists works for ACE concrete finishers..:Amflag2:

Oh, I just thought she bought spackle by the barrel from Lowe's.

10-05-2013, 07:40 PM
Here I was thinking about what I would take out to shoot this weekend. Although I really enjoy shooting my 686 (more so than the LCR), I hate to clean it.

I can clean any semi-auto faster. I think I can do a complete detail strip and clean on most of them faster than I can clean the revolver. Even the Ruger Marks are a breeze compared to the revolver. So, it doesn't go in the range bag often.

The issue seems to be getting the barrel, and then all those chambers, clean. Maybe I'm not using good stuff. I usually use a solvent and patches with a jag. A few to six of those seems to clean any semi barrel. But, I spend nearly forever getting the 686 to come out clean.

So, what do the revolver aficionados do to make cleaning them less of a pain?

I don't consider them a pain at all. If you think semi-autos are easier to clean you either be a Glock person, not very particular, or both.

10-05-2013, 08:25 PM
I don't consider them a pain at all. If you think semi-autos are easier to clean you either be a Glock person, not very particular, or both.

Ain't it the truth. Semi-autos are about impossible to get the last bit of gunk out of the innards. For me anyway. Aside from my formerly owned Sig P250, never met a semi-auto I could get totally clean compared to a revolver. Maybe its me, but other than being able to get the barrel out, revolvers have always seemed easier to clean from my perspective.

10-05-2013, 08:44 PM
I hate cleaning revolvers therefore I only have one a LCR 357

However, one day I hope to own and old Colt or a Dan Wesson revolver, so I must not hate them with REAL passion!

10-05-2013, 10:04 PM
After spending a good part of the day cleaning and winterizing the boat, even cleaning revolvers would have been much better. Putting the motor down in a hole doesn't make it very easy. Winterizing outdrives is an intimate experience that is not very pleasant. I must have been smarter when I was younger and the boats had outboards on them.

I don't find it difficult getting the gunk out of my semis at all. Some brushes, q-tips, solvents, lubes and it is over. If it is really dirty, that brake cleaner does wonders. Taking a revolver down isn't any easier. Heck, I think I can completely disassemble a CZ, Beretta, Kahr or Ruger Mark and put it back together as quick as I can get a revolver really clean. I don't own any Glocks. It is probably a good thing I don't have a Gatling gun. That would probably really make me crazy.

10-06-2013, 11:21 AM
I don't get it, sorry. I use a brush , wet with cleaner to sburb the cylers and barrel, then start dry patching the barrel to a dry state, takes couple patchs. brush down the front of the cylinder around the barrel and top strap and 3 or 4 patch for the cyclinders. Wipe the out side and put away. 36 years of revolvers for hunting and cleaning and I takes me longer to do a ruger mark II's than any two revolvers . I do use a clp as a cleaner and lube for the last 35 years and it does cut down after some time on the need of one product. To each there own I guess. I don't find cleaning that time consuming process. I spend the same amount of time stripping and cleaning my carry pistols as my revolvers I hunt with.

Maybe that revolver of your has so smooth a bore and cylinder, not well seasoned yet. I have never had to deal with leading and don't shoot 38sp in a 357 but shoot thousands of heavy hard cast in the 357 . Maybe DW revolvers barrels and cylinders are that much better. he he . I load slow loads in 357 brass if plink'n so no crud line ethe

Kroil oil for getting under any crud and to aid with cleaning a new or used pistol. Kroil and JB's for polishing and maintain a slick bore. Clp for lube. After a while I find only a nylon brush is needed with cotton wrap around it with clp to clean or lube a bore or cyclinders.

10-06-2013, 05:04 PM
Okay, as a long-time wheelgunner, I found that on a stainless revolver, CLP foam is great stuff. Spray it down, let it sit for about 5 minutes, then use an old toothbrush on the outside and regular brushes on the bore and cylinder.

10-06-2013, 06:03 PM
I'm surprised no one has mentioned Lewis Lead Remover


10-06-2013, 06:43 PM
I've got CLP, so I will do that with the nylon brush in bore and cylinders. I don't think lead is the issue. It seems like the patches continue to come out black for a long time on this gun. Carbon I suppose.

I do have some great cleaning cloth from Midway that gets everything off the outside quickly. I've even cut some of that into patches.

10-06-2013, 07:00 PM
Yeah and word has it he's a dick.

Geez Greg that just doesn't sound like you. Oops never mind, the pic had me confused for a second.. ..carry on Bawanna :D

10-06-2013, 07:05 PM
Geez Greg that just doesn't sound like you. Oops never mind, the pic had me confused for a second.. ..carry on Bawanna :D

Wow, someone finally got it! I'll go back to my college now. I thought it was a damn good likeness although I think I am slightly better looking.

Greg all the smarts and I was cursed with the lady charmer good looks.

Hardest part for us was finding enough sun to create the shadow effect on the eyes. We're getting mightly low on sunshine in the NW, I hear they get it all the time in AZ. Although today was a right purty day. Very nice indeed.

10-06-2013, 07:30 PM
Wow, someone finally got it! I'll go back to my college now. I thought it was a damn good likeness although I think I am slightly better looking.

Greg all the smarts and I was cursed with the lady charmer good looks.

Hardest part for us was finding enough sun to create the shadow effect on the eyes. We're getting mightly low on sunshine in the NW, I hear they get it all the time in AZ. Although today was a right purty day. Very nice indeed.

Sunny, in your part of the state in October! I figured you were using work lights. Usually a groundhog won't be seeing its shadow until at least May on the moist side of WA.

10-06-2013, 07:57 PM
Sunny, in your part of the state in October! I figured you were using work lights. Usually a groundhog won't be seeing its shadow until at least May on the moist side of WA.

Ok, now you've deeply offended me. And you've obviously been on my side of the hump too.
I better come over for some sun and collect that difficult to clean 686 as a peace offering.

10-06-2013, 08:24 PM
I'm surprised no one has mentioned Lewis Lead Remover


Yeah...a back in the day staple. I got lazy some years back and stopped shooting lead in anything other than .22lr.

10-06-2013, 08:49 PM
Ok, now you've deeply offended me. And you've obviously been on my side of the hump too.
I better come over for some sun and collect that difficult to clean 686 as a peace offering.

I've been looking forward to a visit from you. You keep skipping on by when you do get over to this side. How about we go shoot it and you can coach me through my over zealous ways in cleaning it?

10-06-2013, 10:13 PM
Yeah I know. Curlew is one of my most favorite places and when I leave home I'm anxious as I can be to get there. I also forget that when I'm on the road on vacation other folks are working.
Been going to the same place for 26 years now, you'd think I'd be over the anxiousness but I'm not.
Now I discovered Big R. What a tremendous candy store that is. Kind of a farm store with awesome gun and fishing section, anything a guy could want.
Have a new one in Omak. On the way home last year we spent a couple hours in there. Killed my travel time.
We usually hit Wally World to get stuff on the way over, don't have one close here at home but there's plans for one right in town, should be a traffic nightmare.
So now between Big R, and Wally World I might have to lay over a night in Omak.
Might as well lay over a night in your town and clean our guns. I do feel a little like Cinderella, gawd I loved those slippers! We will link up one day.
A little gun cleaning and lunch at the Apple Cup?

10-07-2013, 07:17 AM
Alfonse I may not clean a revolver to look the way you would like to see one. Carbon staining or burning marks left behind is fine with me. I never worried about it. Handguns are clean of anything that can cause problems and well lubed. I see others remove any staining too , I don't. That may be the difference. Been working well for me since '76.

10-07-2013, 07:34 AM
My all stainless S&W 629 is a snap to clean.
Soak it in Ballistol.
Runs a brush and patch through the barrel and cylinder.
Wipe down with a silicon cloth.

Easy Peasy

BTW I was punching some paper with it two weeks ago.
Forgot how good the trigger is on that puppy.
The pre-lock, non MIM, big Smith N Frame has a trigger to die for.

10-26-2013, 03:18 PM
To all of you who hate cleaning revolvers, I believe that I may have a solution. Just send them to me and I'll clean them for you for free. Now I can't guarantee how quickly I can turn them around, but if you ever see them again they will really sparkle.