View Full Version : Which gun for class?

10-05-2013, 09:25 AM
I'm taking my second class of four for Defensive Pistol II this month. I've always thought the best gun to use is the one you carry the most, CM9.....but one disadvantage is most students use high capacity guns and here I am with a couple mags of 6 and 7rds. Big hindrance for the class waiting for me. I have a large capacity that I intend to carry only in cooler weather and thinking of using it this time since cooler weather is here and therefore a good learning experience. I can then later,when warm weather approaches, re-introduce myself back to the CM.
Any comments?

10-05-2013, 09:46 AM
If you are ever planning to carry it or deploy it as a home defense gun, definitely a good idea to practice w/ it more than just standing square and poking holes in paper and plinking steel.

I plan on taking my CZ P-01, which will almost never be a CCW, to IDPA matches. I frequently, when no one else is at my range but me, move and shoot and do drills that I can't do w/ people nearby. I run those with both my carry (Kahr TP9 and P9) and my CZ (home defense, vacation defense).

Those types of things should be done with anything in your arsenal that isn't a safe queen or range gun, IMO.

So, I guess I'm saying, yea, take it this time since it's cooler. Maybe finish the class w/ it. Take another class sometime, or find somewhere to repeat the course on your own, with the Kahr.

10-05-2013, 11:34 AM
I'm taking my second class of four for Defensive Pistol II this month. I've always thought the best gun to use is the one you carry the most, CM9.....but one disadvantage is most students use high capacity guns and here I am with a couple mags of 6 and 7rds. Big hindrance for the class waiting for me. I have a large capacity that I intend to carry only in cooler weather and thinking of using it this time since cooler weather is here and therefore a good learning experience. I can then later,when warm weather approaches, re-introduce myself back to the CM.
Any comments?

I agree with "bring what you carry".
My answer to the puzzle is mags, mags mags.
And then add some more mags - LOL.
Get an uplula loader and as many 7 rd mags as you can afford.

Good Luck!

10-05-2013, 01:56 PM
Train with what you carry. The capacity of the Kahr is a disadvantage you have to learn to adapt to. This one reason I carry a G26, 17 round reloads.

10-05-2013, 02:22 PM
Barth, I do have 7rd and 8rd mags. Is there a reason you didn't suggest the 8rd? Since so many have mag problems I wondered.

10-05-2013, 02:27 PM
Train with what you carry and as you will fight. If you carry more than one weapon, train again with each.

To heck with the rest of the class waiting. They should be reloading also during each downtime. In real life you should never willingly have less than a full magazine loaded, regardless of capacity.

10-05-2013, 03:34 PM
Not really an issue either way. I train with a S&W M&P40PRO for IDPA, to build my skills and improve accuracy. I simply shoot it better than my PM40. The PRO helps my shooting improve, so I am better with the PM40 because of my practice with the M&PPRO. For a long time, I had plateaued with the PM and was not making much improvement. It is a short gun and I was not figuring out my errors when they showed up. When I started shooting the PRO, I jump started my shooting and could figure out what I was doing wrong instantly. By being able to figure out my flaws, this translated into me seeing a big improvement with the PM. Don't misunderstand me, it is equally important that I also take my PM40 out to keep myself running with it. Nothing wrong with using more than one handgun and building your skills with one to carry over to the other. You will be better for it. I agree with what bob98366 said "...train again with each." It is all about training. Don't get too wrapped up with training "solely" with what you carry. Just train. Glad to hear you are taking more classes.

10-05-2013, 04:17 PM
Barth, I do have 7rd and 8rd mags. Is there a reason you didn't suggest the 8rd? Since so many have mag problems I wondered.

I didn't know 8rd were available.
Go with the most capacity that's reliable.
Unaware of reliability issues with Kahr extended mags.

My all stainless MK40 Elite has one 5 and two 6 rd stainless mags.
The extended mags have performed flawlessly for me.

10-05-2013, 05:46 PM
I have a Kahr P40 that I take to combat pistol class. You are right. The other guys had higher cap mags. I ran 4 mags of 6 rnds and got very good at mag drops and reloading. Still, I was well behind the class when guys had 3 mags of 15+ rnds with them. Also, The kahr mags are not very good for dropping on the ground. Once or twice they are OK. But all day in the heat and the base plates will get loose and fall off and the spring will be somewhere you wont find it. I finally had to mod my base plates to stand up to the constant mag drops. I agree with many here to run what you carry but it will be frustrating. Doable but frustrating. Obviously the Kahr is not a combat gun and never claims to be one.

10-05-2013, 07:43 PM
Just what I wanted, some good experienced common sense comments. Since I intend to use both the M&P and Kahr dependent on seasons and need, either one would give good experience. With 300 to 400 rds for the class and 7rd mags dropping to the concrete 50 times I think it's the M&P9 for this class.

10-05-2013, 07:47 PM
Train/qualify with what you carry. Unless it's competition who cares what other folk shoot/do. Duh.

10-05-2013, 10:07 PM
I would take the high cap gun to a class like that. If you use it for home defense, even better.

10-05-2013, 11:29 PM
If the instructor and class will allow the smaller Kahr in the class then def train with it. Just have 4,5 mags with you and understand you will be holding up the class from time to time when getting to the firing line. The 9mm would be first choice but the training with the smaller gun will make you very familiar with the weapon system under some stress trying to keep up with the drills.

10-06-2013, 08:10 AM
Unless instructor is specific on what you can and no not bring. Bring what you will use all the time. Over the last 3 month I have done 2 tactical rifle/handgun classes and had to bring my Beretta because instructor was clear he does not want conceal carry holsters.

So, if you can train usign your conceal by all means GO AHEAD

10-06-2013, 03:42 PM
I found myself in the same dilemma once and couldn't decide which gun to bring. I solved that problem by bringing them all and didn't need to reload even once! My system did have one minor drawback as I had to have surgery for a double hernia right after the shoot, but the instructor gave me an A for effort, so it was worth it in the end. Good luck in your endeavor and may you keep them all in the X ring.

10-06-2013, 04:05 PM
"surgery for a double hernia right after the shoot"

I don't doubt it after carrying all of the guns necessary to shoot 400 rds and not reload.

Yeah I thought I'd bring two at least. Never hurts, I thought, to bring a back up.

Longitude Zero
10-06-2013, 04:20 PM
Train/qualify with what you carry. Unless it's competition who cares what other folk shoot/do. Duh.


10-06-2013, 04:45 PM
You are preparing for a "worst case Scenario" with this class. train with the gun you will ALWAYS have with you. I carry a PF9 when off duty and just ran a 200 round class with it and three mags. Wasn't fun, but it made me a LOT better with it. Sure I could have run a 1911 or my duty Glock 23 easier, but they're not always with me.

10-06-2013, 06:43 PM
I'm taking my second class of four for Defensive Pistol II this month. I've always thought the best gun to use is the one you carry the most, CM9.....but one disadvantage is most students use high capacity guns and here I am with a couple mags of 6 and 7rds. Big hindrance for the class waiting for me. I have a large capacity that I intend to carry only in cooler weather and thinking of using it this time since cooler weather is here and therefore a good learning experience. I can then later,when warm weather approaches, re-introduce myself back to the CM.
Any comments?

I Re-read your initial thread. Sounds like you carry both guns depending on the weather and that you will not always have only one of your guns with you as your primary. It sounds like you are changing your primary. Many folk do the same thing and switch back and forth between carry pieces. I hear this all the time. Some carry more than one. Both scenarios are not uncommon. I also carry a different gun and even a different cal depending on what I am doing, weather, clothes I wear, etc... So it's simple, train with what your are carrying most at the time and what you are comfortable. No problem with that. Just train.

10-06-2013, 08:45 PM
I carry one at a time. I got my CCL three months ago and have carried since the CM9. I like it for numerous reasons. I also have a M&P9 and intend to replace the CM when I can conceal it easier (cooler weather) or when I think a higher round count might be wise. It's also used for home defense. IMO either one I could use the experience and think, for ease of class instruction, I thought the larger round capacity M&P would be better while keeping in mind quick mag changes in the CM is important also as other posts have mentioned.

10-07-2013, 06:48 AM
Xsailer, You won't go wrong either way, if you are carrying one or the other, train with them both. It is really a non issue. If you have only carried 3 months, you may find the larger round capacity M&P easier to deal with at the time of training, so you can concentrate more on what the TRAINNG is all about. You can take that training home with you and practice mag changes with the CM any time, over and over again. I found that I had reached a plateau with my PM40 and by switching over to a longer barreled gun M&PPro40, my ability to shoot improved...and in turn this helped me with my little PM later. I concentrated on the training with the M&P and that translated to becoming better with the little PM when I practiced with it later. I could distinguish my flaws easier with the little PM, because I figured them out on the M&P. Just because you take formal training once or twice, it still requires practice, practice and more practice. I know you realize this. If you are planning to carry the M&P AND the CM, you can train with either one. However, I personally feel you will concentrate more on the training and less on the gun if you use the M&P. Everyone is saying to train with what you carry. Absolutely true. Everyone is actually agreeing here on the forum, but we say it in a different way. Everyone is saying "Know Your Sword". However, A lot of these same guys carry different guns at different times....so training with one gun only is out the window. It is necessary to practice with them all. You stated that you plan to carry one gun part of the time and one gun another part of the year. So you need to PRACTICE with both. However, Get the most out of your training without thinking about the gun issues. Just TRAIN for now. You will have plenty of time to PRACTICE with both guns later. Have fun with it and concentrate on the training (not the gun), so you can absorb all the information and take it home with you to practice with both guns later. That's my opinion. But it is really a non issue. Use what you feel most comfortable using and what your instructor feels is best for you.

10-08-2013, 07:25 AM
As others have stated.
Personally, I would bring my double stack gun and a lot of mags. I can shoot anything I have reasonably well, I am there to learn tactics. To me, the gun I use is secondary to the reason I am taking the class. Use your Kahr as a backup if needed.

10-08-2013, 07:38 AM
I have decided to do just as you stated.
