View Full Version : Kahr warranty.

10-06-2013, 08:16 AM
I'm considering buying a used PM9.
My concern is that should I need any repairs, I'm going to have to eat the bill because Kahr won't warranty used guns.
Not the best customer service in my humble opinion, especially when you consider that even Keltek will warranty used guns.

I have the opportunity to pick up a mint 150 round PM9 for $500 which is a nice price, but, I'm concerned that I will have no warranty.


10-06-2013, 08:47 AM
I'm considering buying a used PM9.
My concern is that should I need any repairs, I'm going to have to eat the bill because Kahr won't warranty used guns.
Not the best customer service in my humble opinion, especially when you consider that even Keltek will warranty used guns.


The exact warranty terms and conditions can be found in the back of the instruction manual that came with your Kel-Tec product. It usually covers defects in material and workmanship for the lifetime of the product and for the ORIGINAL OWNER only. Only Kel-Tec manufactured products are covered by this warranty, for exact details please consult your manual....


I have the opportunity to pick up a mint 150 round PM9 for $500 which is a nice price, but, I'm concerned that I will have no warranty.

If you're worried buy a new CM9, it'll cost less and it's basically the same gun.

10-06-2013, 09:07 AM


If you're worried buy a new CM9, it'll cost less and it's basically the same gun.

I bought my son a used PF9.
The extractor broke, KT sent him a new one, no questions asked.
He called them and requested a "new" metal mag release button.
KT sent him one, no charge, no questions asked.
My neighbor bought a used PF9. The front site wouldn't stay tight.
KT sent him a new one, no questions asked.
So regardless of what is written on their warranty, I have yet to hear of a person being refused a warranty fix on a KT product.

Are Keltecs built as well as a Kahr? No, not even close.
Would I prefer a PF9 over a PM9 or CM9?
Is KT's warranty better if you happen to be the second owner? Absolutely.

10-06-2013, 09:14 AM
I thought we were talking about warranties here, not sending parts?
For true warranty(sending the gun in)work, KT will not refuse, they just charge 2nd owners.


Longitude Zero
10-06-2013, 09:17 AM
Kahrs will need warranty repairs FAR LESS that crappy Kel-Tec. It is an issue of quality design and manufacture over warranty issues. I would trust a used Kahr after I put 250+ trouble free rounds thru it. I would NEVER trust ANYTHING from Kel-Tec even brand new.

10-06-2013, 09:18 AM
I thought we were talking about warranties here, not sending parts?
For true warranty(sending the gun in)work, KT will not refuse, they just charge 2nd owners.


I think we may have gotten a little off-topic.
My concern is buying a second hand PM9 after reading some of the issues here.
I would buy the CM9... but I prefer the looks of a PM9 over a CM9 :)

10-06-2013, 09:25 AM
Can you give it a trial run before you are committed to the purchase...or can you return it in a certain number of days for a full refund if it has problems? If so, test it out first. If not, how badly do you want it? I'd suggest that you figure the delta between the price you pay for this one ($500) and what the warranty is worth to you for a new one. Then make your own call. The warranty obviously has some monetary value and new purchases include that warranty cost.

10-06-2013, 09:40 AM
Can you give it a trial run before you are committed to the purchase...or can you return it in a certain number of days for a full refund if it has problems? If so, test it out first. If not, how badly do you want it? I'd suggest that you figure the delta between the price you pay for this one ($500) and what the warranty is worth to you for a new one. Then make your own call. The warranty obviously has some monetary value and new purchases include that warranty cost.

He's about 300 miles away so that would be an issue.

10-06-2013, 10:10 AM
If you want the "new" warranty, buy a new gun. My $.02.

10-06-2013, 10:28 AM
If I understand the deal you are being offered . . . your cost, not including transfer fees, is $500. There is at least one new PM9 on Gunbroker for about $110 more.


For my money, the $110 would be worth spending to ensure my peace of mind. But, that's a decision only you can make.

I bought both of my PM40's new, 'cause they are carry guns and that's my level of comfort. One went back to Kahr for a new frame when the plastic frame cracked in the take down pin area. Kahr handled everything perfectly at no cost to me.

Is that kind of support worth $110? It is to me.

Whatever you decide will be "right" for you, so follow your own heart.

Best of luck on your decision, sir.

10-06-2013, 10:42 AM
Excellent advice.
I'll pass on the used gun.


10-06-2013, 11:33 AM
tuacson MTB has a great priethere. I would spend the $100 more and buy new BUT that being said, Kahr will fix almost any gun out of the original owners warranty period, bkut more than likely ur gonna have to sendit in. Don't expect them to pick it up on their dime. I sent 3 kel teks back a total of 16 times and I can
't remeber ever KT picking up my gun on their dimme.tey fixed every gun no charge asnd sent it bac, I was not unhappy withg that scenario. Kahr will do the same. they are not a horse **** company but they are gonna CYA in their legal warranty write up for hell we would have people sending in their gun after 4 years of use and expecting kahr to poick up every cost. If some companyties want todo that, that is fine on their part, buy their gun then. For $609 I wold biuy new aor like someone stated buy the cm9, u baqsically got the same gun same internal workings, a super great gun for far less. I can only tellyou what I would do, everyone here has a different approach and they are all good to. I would sure want to shoot any used gun if possable to be sure it is OK, The serial number on that used kahr will tell you more about where it has been to..

10-07-2013, 01:06 PM
I think we may have gotten a little off-topic.
My concern is buying a second hand PM9 after reading some of the issues here.
I would buy the CM9... but I prefer the looks of a PM9 over a CM9 :)

Look at what Dirty Harry did to his CM at a very reasonable price. I went with the PM because they did not have the CM at the time and I would not have had the know how to modify it like DirtyHarry did. He turned an inexpensive CM into something special IMO. Otherwise, get the PM if you like the looks of it straight from the factory...with that warranty. Both good guns.

10-07-2013, 02:02 PM
Kahr Arms offers a five year limited warranty on all of their firearms. Kahr Arms stands behind their products. Contact the service department and ask them their policy on repairing used guns under warranty. You don't have a thing to lose by asking.

VN Vet
10-08-2013, 03:39 PM
I have bought many used firearms and it's warranty nevery entered my mine. If I think the firearm will likely have problems that I can not fix, I don't buy the firearm. As long as the frame, slide and barrel are in good condition, I am willing to replace the small parts if needed.

If the price is good on a clean firearm, then buy it and go home happy and give it a through cleaning and inspection. Have fun doing it too.

10-08-2013, 03:58 PM
good attitude to have to, in all purchases..

10-08-2013, 04:29 PM
Caveat emptor. Let the buyer beware.

10-08-2013, 04:31 PM
Caveat emptor. Let the buyer beware.

I thought caveat emptor was a salad dressing, sumpin like Ceasars dressing. ur a very wise person muggs:Amflag2: ur spellingsucks though.

10-08-2013, 04:32 PM

10-08-2013, 04:39 PM
ur ok tinman. Just sayin

10-10-2013, 10:35 AM
TRY AND REGISTER IT? The previous owner may not have registered it. Turns out my barely used CM9 was not registered.

I lucked out. I bought a used CM9 from a guns store/gun range. I did not think of warranty, even though it looked almost new it was used. I later found out, based on serial number, the manufacture date was about 9 months old, so fairly new.

I called and they said sorry, no warranty for me, only original owner.

Well it turns out the previous owner apparently did not register it. The card was still in the box, however you can register on line, which is what I did. I registered it and it went through with success. The gun shop/range that I bought it from also was on their list of Kahrs dealers, so that may have helped. That is one question on the registration, where did you buy it.

If you buy it go ahead and just register it. Can’t hurt.

10-10-2013, 10:51 AM
I bet most all owners never ergister their guns with the maker. can't prove it though. best thing to do is to keep any receipt u got on the gun..