View Full Version : So Is being a cop a bad thing?
10-06-2013, 08:41 PM
Where is all this B.S. going, we have kids getting suspended for pointing there finger playing cops and robbers, now we have a LEO picking up his kid from school and that is a problem! It seems to me that the school has to much power to dictate on the people that pay for the school in the first place. Things need to change where and excuse me for saying the yuppies have to realize we are not the problem. We are the people that what to be armed and ready and we are not the threat
10-06-2013, 08:48 PM
I wonder if the school principal will change her mind about the officer entering in a uniform with a gun when a mentally deranged active shooter enters their school. Some of the dumbest people I know are educators
Dirty Harry
10-06-2013, 08:52 PM
Unreal!! Just when you thought people couldn't get any dumber.
10-06-2013, 08:52 PM
The schools around here have resource officers on campus part time. There is no issue with LEO in full uniform at school. Of course, I am not in the city!
10-06-2013, 09:27 PM
Time for a reality test when it comes to employing teachers and administrators for our kids?
10-06-2013, 09:38 PM
can't bring their guns to NFL games anymore and the beat goes on
10-06-2013, 09:40 PM
We have armed police officers on our school grounds all the times. The kids really like them and get to know them. The teachers feel great about it. But then I don't live in a communist area.
That whole thing is beyond ridiculous.
10-06-2013, 10:02 PM
"So Is being a cop a bad thing?"
No -- nor is being a teacher. But stories like this one make me ill.
Everything's all bass ackwards. A close friend was the Director of Special Needs for a large school system. He spent his entire time in court being sued by parents whose kids weren't being treated special enough even though those same parents insist on their kids being mainstreamed... He should have been spending his time making the program better and training his teachers better... And what's wrong with having separate programs for special children anyways where they can get the attention they need??
Another teacher friend was punched by a first grader who then declared he wanted to kill himself and tried to throw himself down the stairwell. She grabbed him and restrained him and is now fearing for her job because she "touched" a student.
Now I'm really ill. Thanks for letting me vent.
10-06-2013, 10:10 PM
This often happening among us makes me embarrassed for these misguided.....for lack of a more definitive word...Twits!! My worry is, as we are outnumbered by "low information" voters so it seems we are also outnumbered by...Twits!! Do you suppose they might be one of the same?
I believe it's going to get worse sorry to say. Heaven help us.
10-06-2013, 10:17 PM
This often happening among us makes me embarrassed for these misguided.....for lack of a more definitive word...Twits!! My worry is, as we are outnumbered by "low information" voters so it seems we are also outnumbered by...Twits!! Do you suppose they might be one of the same?
I believe it's going to get worse sorry to say. Heaven help us.
They definitely are the same without question. I've started to categorize them all under the heading democrats. Many other words would work as well. Morons, Idiots, Stupid People, I could go on and on.
The really sad thing is it isn't just guns anymore although that is the saddest part. They just want to screw with everything good this country has ever achieved. They dream up new stupid crap everyday like they are earning their keep.
We'd be far better off if they just stayed home but they can't even do that, too much crap to fix that they have already screwed up.
10-07-2013, 05:37 AM
I heard the school recanted, and asked this officer to come in and teach their students about what police officers do. Maybe there`s hope for at least one of these "libocrap" schools?
10-07-2013, 06:38 AM
I heard the school recanted, and asked this officer to come in and teach their students about what police officers do. Maybe there`s hope for at least one of these "libocrap" schools?
I think it's probably just CYA but maybe it will be a wake up call.
10-07-2013, 06:52 AM
You're right they did recant but did you get the impression that the Principal (Management) because of complaints from some parents made this ruling? Then to make matters worse, the police leaders (Management), suggested the father walk away. Don't rock the boat.
Do you wonder how many times decisions like these are made by and to satisfy: general Twits, ACLU, Lawyers, Twit Management, Foreigners, Memo's, etc?
Maybe the lesson here is for the more common sense heads to speak up. You suppose?
10-07-2013, 07:13 AM
This situation is beyond ridiculous.
Florida has resource officers in many schools.
10-07-2013, 07:27 AM
Schools are way out of control. The wife was reading to me off her "I"phone that some, maybe all Michigan schools have outlawed playing the game of tag as it's much to aggressive of a game for children to be playing, as it seems the children are running in packs, getting bumped and falling down.:ohmy: I mean what could possibly be me harmful to you child's mental and physical wellbeing than knowing that he has to sit in school after a morning game of tag with a minor boo,boo on his body knowing full well that it is he who is in fact it. :o
Remember that game dodge ball you played as a kid an loved, well that is as gone as yesterdays news, as it has been called much to aggressive for kids to be playing. I believe that has been replaced with the juggling and sharing of Marshmallows. No toasting them though as a study has not been completed on weather marshmallows feel pain or not from heat.
10-07-2013, 07:34 AM
The biggest problem I see now a days is the people with any common sense DON'T VOTE. If you want to get rid of the idiots you need to get off your butt and vote in the Primaries as well as the General Elections. The city I live in employees about 1200+ in the school district and they ALL VOTE in the Primary. The employees voting out number the locals voting in the Primary. This blows out all votes against anyone with common sense. We get the governmant that we accept! Sooooo get off the couch and get involved or be quiet and don't complain!
10-07-2013, 08:39 AM
My 4 yr old grandson received time-out in pre-school for talking about deer hunting in school. My daughter was threatened that if he ever did it again, he would be expelled. My daughter tried to explain that he was not threatening anyone, but any discussion of this nature is not tolerated...Period....end of discussion. Now he can not talk about his passion for hunting.
This gun issue has gone WAY over board in schools. If they secured schools, malls, churches, etc...soft places, like they do airports, court houses, politicians, etc... and like other countries secure soft places; there would be far fewer casualties. We will hear more and more acts of terrorism in soft places of the US. The government will wait until it is too late and too many lives are lost, before they take action....the same actions they have taken in airports, etc... The top political leaders are protected and so are their children. But the children in main stream society are not protected. Schools are not secured. So what do the politicians and media do....they blame the kids, their parents and gun owners. The problem is mentally ill on the streets because the government shuts down institutions for these sick people; terrorism; lack of effective security in soft places of America. The world has changed and we must give attention to real solutions. Israel has top security in soft places, including good screening and trained guards with long arms. They protect their children.
Being a cop is an honorable thing. Keep up the good work! Being a legal gun owner is a good thing too.
10-07-2013, 09:18 AM
First, let me say that most teachers and school administrators are good people and good at what they do.
On the other hand , the percentage of these people that are leftwing goofball nutjobs is far higher than the general population.
I agree get out and vote. Do not let school boards get loaded with lefties and for God's sake do not vote for ex teachers to serve on them.
10-07-2013, 10:41 AM
Just goes to show you...................paranoia and Prozac just don't mix well.........look at Pelosi.................
Longitude Zero
10-07-2013, 01:00 PM
In my home state cops have been assigned to schools for decades. It is nothing new in the Sooner Nation. After the recent past and the desire of many communities to get cops into their schools this is really more than an anomaly. It is ingrained ignorance/stupidity/political correctness.
10-07-2013, 02:40 PM
I’ve been LE for more than 25 years now. When I first started I was told this: “a community gets the policing it deserves.” I thought this was sarcastic at the time but as time rolls along I understand it better.
We get what we ask for. Be careful what you ask for.
10-07-2013, 02:50 PM
I'm not sure when this happened but it saddens me greatly that a Uniformed Police Officer would not be welcome in a school but a T-Shirt with the Socialist phrase "Forward" and Obama's face plastered on it would be perfectly fine and welcomed....
10-07-2013, 02:59 PM
Crap, here we go with the little throw up in the mouth again.
10-07-2013, 03:29 PM
kinda gives one some real insight into the mentality of some of our teaching profession..It is so so hard for one to keep his cool with sh!t like this goin on. Just sayin
10-07-2013, 04:23 PM
school boards make the rules. school boards are elected by the people. blame the people, not the schools.
10-07-2013, 04:25 PM
technically yes but u don't know the real background of some of these people until they show their colors..
10-08-2013, 05:50 PM
The schools around here have resource officers on campus part time. There is no issue with LEO in full uniform at school. Of course, I am not in the city!
Well, here in Round Rock, Texas we have two resource officers (RRPD) in every high school and one in each middle school.
Dunno why the elementary kids don't have one yet.
Down in the Blue City of Austin (California in Central Texas) the school district has an armed police force with cruisers in addition to the on campus resource officers (APD).
It's been that way for decades.
Some school districts in Texas are allowing faculty & staff members with CHLs to carry in the school buildings.
Years ago when I was on a faculty in Austin, I kept my 12 gauge sawed-off 19" H&R Topper (loaded with 00 buck) in a hidden rack behind my pickup truck seat - right outside my portable classroom.
Started doing that in the late '70s when a kid at an Austin junior high took a .22 rifle to school and shot his teacher dead in front of his class. One of my nephews was in the next door classroom.
The little murdering punk was miffed that another teacher had sent a discipline report home. Said punk was the son of Lyndon Johnson's former White House advisor. Said punk was supposedly sent to a mental facility up in Dallas, when in reality he went to live with a wealthy family friend, graduated high school & college, and presently is practicing law here in the State Capital.
His family bought off the dead teacher's widow & little boy with a $600,000 settlement. :mad:
10-08-2013, 06:13 PM
so goes the saying. when money talks, people walk...
10-12-2013, 05:44 AM
You're right they did recant but did you get the impression that the Principal (Management) because of complaints from some parents made this ruling? Then to make matters worse, the police leaders (Management), suggested the father walk away. Don't rock the boat.
Do you wonder how many times decisions like these are made by and to satisfy: general Twits, ACLU, Lawyers, Twit Management, Foreigners, Memo's, etc?
Maybe the lesson here is for the more common sense heads to speak up. You suppose?
yep, on all counts. being a bit sarcastic, knowing full well they were just trying to cover their back sides.
10-12-2013, 05:59 AM
I'm not sure when this happened but it saddens me greatly that a Uniformed Police Officer would not be welcome in a school but a T-Shirt with the Socialist phrase "Forward" and Obama's face plastered on it would be perfectly fine and welcomed....
In the late 60`s police, firemen, and medics were welcomed to talk to the kids about their profession, by the early 70`s, not so much. (at least around these parts)
10-12-2013, 06:08 AM
There are a lot of things that we took for granted that are no longer welcomed in this area. (Bucks Co.) The School Boards are tilting heavy liberal and run scared of anything at all that might cause a lawsuit. 10 years ago, nearly every Cub Scout Pack was sponsored by schools, or PTA's or Home & School groups. Now you can count them on one hand. Most are now sponsored by churches. School Boards made it impossible to meet because of their fear of expending dollars to defend discrimination suits.
10-12-2013, 07:33 AM
My 4 yr old grandson received time-out in pre-school for talking about deer hunting in school. My daughter was threatened that if he ever did it again, he would be expelled. My daughter tried to explain that he was not threatening anyone, but any discussion of this nature is not tolerated...Period....end of discussion. Now he can not talk about his passion for hunting.
This gun issue has gone WAY over board in schools. If they secured schools, malls, churches, etc...soft places, like they do airports, court houses, politicians, etc... and like other countries secure soft places; there would be far fewer casualties. We will hear more and more acts of terrorism in soft places of the US. The government will wait until it is too late and too many lives are lost, before they take action....the same actions they have taken in airports, etc... The top political leaders are protected and so are their children. But the children in main stream society are not protected. Schools are not secured. So what do the politicians and media do....they blame the kids, their parents and gun owners. The problem is mentally ill on the streets because the government shuts down institutions for these sick people; terrorism; lack of effective security in soft places of America. The world has changed and we must give attention to real solutions. Israel has top security in soft places, including good screening and trained guards with long arms. They protect their children.
Being a cop is an honorable thing. Keep up the good work! Being a legal gun owner is a good thing too.
There is nothing stopping him from talking about his passion for hunting outside of school.
10-12-2013, 07:40 AM
[QUOTE=MC1911;267219]First, let me say that most teachers and school administrators are good people and good at what they do.
MC1911 (with respect), Yes, they said thing the same thing about Obama. "He's such a nice man and he can really talk well to". Lets vote for him. Well, a lot of people are "nice", I even know several but it doesn't mean they're smart.
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