10-08-2013, 10:30 PM
I was able to get to the range today and fire my new P380 with so-so results. I had prepped the gun with the posts on this forum and did a complete cleaning and lube prior to shooting.
I fired 100 rounds of American Eagle 95gr FMJ and 100 rounds of Magtec 95gr FMC. Overall the 6 round mag gave better performance than the 7 round extended mag.
Now some of the problems may be due to lack of concentration, 200 rounds and limp wristing. I was shooting left handed
I shot 50 rounds of the AE and then cleaned the P380. Then I fired 50 rounds of the Magtec and another 50 of the AE. I then cleaned the gun again and fired the last 50 of the Magtec. I ended with 5 rounds of Rem Golden Saber.
Each box of 50 had three full mags and one mag of one round less than full for both the 6 and 7 round mags.
The 100 rounds of AE gave me good operation except for 5 stovepipes for the 6 round mag and the following for the 7 round mag: 5 stovepipes, 2 fail to lock slide open on empty mag, 1 slide lock open on round 1 in the mag (held open by just a hair), 3 fail to feed (nosedive) on round #1 and 2 fail to feed (nosedive) on round #2. I also had one round that needed three tries to fire (hard primer?).
The 100 rounds of Magtec with the 6 round mag had 5 fails to lock slide open on an empty mag, 1 fail to feed (nosedive) on round #1 and 1 fail to feed (no round picked up from mag) with the slide closed. the 7 round mag had 4 slide fail to lock open on empty mag, 1 slide lock open mid-mag (by just a hair), 2 fail to pick up round from mag slide closed, 4 fail to feed (nosedive) on round #1, 3 fail to feed (nosedive) on round #2, 2 fail to feed (nosedive) on round #3, and one fail to feed with the slide pickup caught in the groove of the rim of the round (interesting).
When I fired the 5 Rem Golden Sabers they worked fine but the slide did not lock open when empty.
The P380 is good to shoot and I'm leaning to just using 6 round mags. I need to figure how to stop the failure to lock open.
When I got home I checked the mags and found that both followers had some binding when moving to the top of the mag at he edges. I found some flashing at the right angle corner just to the rear of the metal slide stop contact. When I removed this flashing and lightly sanded the sides of the followers they both now move freely in the mag housings. This may help. It's something that owners should check.
I only had stovepipes with the AE ammo. This may be due to the ammo. Magtec gave me no stove pipes.
I'm not sure when I'll get out again so it may be a little while. Please review my info and give me any advice you can to help. There's a lot of knowledge here.
I fired 100 rounds of American Eagle 95gr FMJ and 100 rounds of Magtec 95gr FMC. Overall the 6 round mag gave better performance than the 7 round extended mag.
Now some of the problems may be due to lack of concentration, 200 rounds and limp wristing. I was shooting left handed
I shot 50 rounds of the AE and then cleaned the P380. Then I fired 50 rounds of the Magtec and another 50 of the AE. I then cleaned the gun again and fired the last 50 of the Magtec. I ended with 5 rounds of Rem Golden Saber.
Each box of 50 had three full mags and one mag of one round less than full for both the 6 and 7 round mags.
The 100 rounds of AE gave me good operation except for 5 stovepipes for the 6 round mag and the following for the 7 round mag: 5 stovepipes, 2 fail to lock slide open on empty mag, 1 slide lock open on round 1 in the mag (held open by just a hair), 3 fail to feed (nosedive) on round #1 and 2 fail to feed (nosedive) on round #2. I also had one round that needed three tries to fire (hard primer?).
The 100 rounds of Magtec with the 6 round mag had 5 fails to lock slide open on an empty mag, 1 fail to feed (nosedive) on round #1 and 1 fail to feed (no round picked up from mag) with the slide closed. the 7 round mag had 4 slide fail to lock open on empty mag, 1 slide lock open mid-mag (by just a hair), 2 fail to pick up round from mag slide closed, 4 fail to feed (nosedive) on round #1, 3 fail to feed (nosedive) on round #2, 2 fail to feed (nosedive) on round #3, and one fail to feed with the slide pickup caught in the groove of the rim of the round (interesting).
When I fired the 5 Rem Golden Sabers they worked fine but the slide did not lock open when empty.
The P380 is good to shoot and I'm leaning to just using 6 round mags. I need to figure how to stop the failure to lock open.
When I got home I checked the mags and found that both followers had some binding when moving to the top of the mag at he edges. I found some flashing at the right angle corner just to the rear of the metal slide stop contact. When I removed this flashing and lightly sanded the sides of the followers they both now move freely in the mag housings. This may help. It's something that owners should check.
I only had stovepipes with the AE ammo. This may be due to the ammo. Magtec gave me no stove pipes.
I'm not sure when I'll get out again so it may be a little while. Please review my info and give me any advice you can to help. There's a lot of knowledge here.