View Full Version : New P380 First Shots

10-08-2013, 10:30 PM
I was able to get to the range today and fire my new P380 with so-so results. I had prepped the gun with the posts on this forum and did a complete cleaning and lube prior to shooting.

I fired 100 rounds of American Eagle 95gr FMJ and 100 rounds of Magtec 95gr FMC. Overall the 6 round mag gave better performance than the 7 round extended mag.

Now some of the problems may be due to lack of concentration, 200 rounds and limp wristing. I was shooting left handed

I shot 50 rounds of the AE and then cleaned the P380. Then I fired 50 rounds of the Magtec and another 50 of the AE. I then cleaned the gun again and fired the last 50 of the Magtec. I ended with 5 rounds of Rem Golden Saber.

Each box of 50 had three full mags and one mag of one round less than full for both the 6 and 7 round mags.

The 100 rounds of AE gave me good operation except for 5 stovepipes for the 6 round mag and the following for the 7 round mag: 5 stovepipes, 2 fail to lock slide open on empty mag, 1 slide lock open on round 1 in the mag (held open by just a hair), 3 fail to feed (nosedive) on round #1 and 2 fail to feed (nosedive) on round #2. I also had one round that needed three tries to fire (hard primer?).

The 100 rounds of Magtec with the 6 round mag had 5 fails to lock slide open on an empty mag, 1 fail to feed (nosedive) on round #1 and 1 fail to feed (no round picked up from mag) with the slide closed. the 7 round mag had 4 slide fail to lock open on empty mag, 1 slide lock open mid-mag (by just a hair), 2 fail to pick up round from mag slide closed, 4 fail to feed (nosedive) on round #1, 3 fail to feed (nosedive) on round #2, 2 fail to feed (nosedive) on round #3, and one fail to feed with the slide pickup caught in the groove of the rim of the round (interesting).

When I fired the 5 Rem Golden Sabers they worked fine but the slide did not lock open when empty.

The P380 is good to shoot and I'm leaning to just using 6 round mags. I need to figure how to stop the failure to lock open.

When I got home I checked the mags and found that both followers had some binding when moving to the top of the mag at he edges. I found some flashing at the right angle corner just to the rear of the metal slide stop contact. When I removed this flashing and lightly sanded the sides of the followers they both now move freely in the mag housings. This may help. It's something that owners should check.

I only had stovepipes with the AE ammo. This may be due to the ammo. Magtec gave me no stove pipes.

I'm not sure when I'll get out again so it may be a little while. Please review my info and give me any advice you can to help. There's a lot of knowledge here.

10-09-2013, 10:34 AM
question. this is a newP380 whatcolor is ur side stop spring, yellow or black?

10-09-2013, 11:07 AM
It's black and it has an August, 2013 date.

You had tried the Wolff P3AT +10% mag spring in your mags (from an earlier post). How did that work out? Do you know of any other gun springs that might fit the P380?

Do you have any idea of what might cause the nosedives after the first and second rounds in a full 7 round mag? I'm thinking the mag springs. By the way, both mag springs are installed correctly.

Thanks, jocko. I value your opinions.

10-09-2013, 12:44 PM
I tried the P3AT springs and found no help. They seemed weaker. I put the Kahr springs back... not sure if I used the Wolff P380 springs.

Stripping, cleaning and de-burring the follower and magazine catch notch... DON"T round the sides of the retention notch... and then lightly oiling the spring and making sure that a free end of the spring is under the front of the follower to give most lift, should be standard preparation. The new mags come with some kind of grease inside the tube and I force wads of paper towels through until the tube is clean. I use fine grit 320-400 for going lightly over the follower edges, the feed lips and the retention notch. I put a little Tetra oil on my fingers and lightly lube the springs... sometimes a tad on the sides of the follower.

A firm grip is needed when chambering a round or firing these super-compact little pistols. They are tight-toleranced and don't have the mass of larger pistols, so they have strong springs for the short distance they must generate enough force and speed to push the cartridges out of the mag, up the ramp and into the chamber. If the pistol is not tightly held, some of the needed energy is lost in moving the pistol and the cartridge can dive and jam against the feed ramp.

Racking should be a clean release as the slide is pulled fully to the rear and "jerked free". Any "riding" or easing forward of the slide diminishes the needed full run and force needed. An overhand grip with the weak hand is best... not the awkward "pinch" grip many try.

As for the slide not locking back on empty magazine, some have sanded, stoned or ground a tiny bit to gain enough clearance that cartridge noses don't hit the slide lock actuator. A new slide lock may be needed or free replacement offered by Kahr.


10-09-2013, 01:03 PM
Thanks, Wynn. I've done all that but I didn't find the flashing until after shooting. Now that I've cleaned up the followers, they both just drop freely to the end of the mag with no restriction when I test them. This should help. I'm still going to try to find stronger springs.

Just a note - Kahr says that the extractor can be used as a loaded chamber indicator because it sticks out when a round is in the chamber EXCEPT for the P380. However, the reverse is true on my P380 - the extractor is flush with the slide when loaded and is slightly depressed when empty so it also works as a LCI.

10-09-2013, 01:12 PM
I edited and added to my last post. My P380 is always at or on my side at home. The extractor is as flush or even with the slide as possible with a round in the chamber. With my finger off the trigger I look down the barrel to see my Gold Dot sitting there. Many gasp and reach for the keyboard at that, but Kahrs won't fire unless someone or something pulls the trigger fully. My finger stay away from the trigger unless pointing at a target to shoot... as I've trained it!:D


10-09-2013, 02:24 PM
Thanks, Wynn. I've done all that but I didn't find the flashing until after shooting. Now that I've cleaned up the followers, they both just drop freely to the end of the mag with no restriction when I test them. This should help. I'm still going to try to find stronger springs.

Just a note - Kahr says that the extractor can be used as a loaded chamber indicator because it sticks out when a round is in the chamber EXCEPT for the P380. However, the reverse is true on my P380 - the extractor is flush with the slide when loaded and is slightly depressed when empty so it also works as a LCI.

did to the followers IMO is certainly the correct thing to do. This can cause the issue ur having. At least now in ur mind u know that cannot be the issue, so if it prevails u must try sumpin else to troubleshoot. If it works with the flush fit magazine anbd not the extendedmag, then u also know it is mag related. I was never a fan of extendedmags, so they coldn't give me an extendedmag for my P380. I just wouldnot want it period. i DO THINK THE WOLFFS 10% MORE STRENGTH MAG SPRINGS MADE FOR THE KEL TEKS WILL FIT PERFECTLY IN THE FLUSH FIT MAGS. They are stronger than kahrs facxtory fit mags. Its all about perfect timing in these little bastards, and for me anything that moves that can be polished is a good thing, I would redue the feed ramp, chamber, breech face, that stripper bar on the bottom of the slide just again to know u have done all u can there to. Ur not doin anything to hurt ur warranty either. What u can also try is this:

take the 6 rund mag srping and put it in the 7 round magazine and retest to see what happens, We do know that on soe of the kahgr 45 that some has found the factory mag springs to power and have shortened the spring and reported great results.These little gun require IMO perfect grip abilities, not much to hold on and the gun like all semi's needs that certain amount of resistance for again all thing sto work right. For me I would on centrate on making that flush magazine perfect , if u can get that far, then IMO retrun the 7 round mag and ask for anutter flush fit mag. This is realy a deep concealment guyn and that extended magazine just makes it a tadharder to hide.

I will say this as many have reported to. I shoot my P380 better than any of my two PMJ9. so go figure:amflag:

10-09-2013, 07:58 PM
Thanks, jocko. I'll redo the polishing. Can't hurt. Has anyone tried the 7 round mag spring in the 6 round mag? It fits and you can load 6 rounds. It increases the upward force on the rounds and slide stop lever.

booger switch
11-18-2013, 10:57 PM
How many rounds does Kahr usually run through a new pistol before they box it up for shipping?

I picked up my new P380 today and it looks like there has been at least 50-100 rounds through the gun, and it was never cleaned. It also was not in a plastic bag when I opened the box.

Basically I'm just wondering if I got a used gun.. The area on the front sight where the white dot is supposed to be has no paint, and the plastic frame rail guides already look chewed up.

This is my first Kahr so I don't know what to expect. Serial # is RD34xx.

11-18-2013, 11:36 PM
Mine was not like that. It was clean and in the bag in the case. I'd give Kahr a call and tell them what the condition of the gun was when you received it.

booger switch
11-18-2013, 11:45 PM
Thanks Mark. I was afraid of that.