View Full Version : Polymer/Metal
10-10-2013, 11:43 AM
I have been shooting handguns off and on for 35+ years. By no means an expert though. Always learning. I have owned one partial polymer firearm, an SR40. Sold it. I currently own all metal firearms, and have no plans to purchase a polymer firearm. Besides the weight issue, I have not found a single reason to own a polymer firearm. Am I missing something? I just cannot think of another reason to own one. This may have been discussed before, haven't looked back to prior posts. Thoughts?
10-10-2013, 11:50 AM
damngood reason though the weight. damn good!!1 thats exactly why they made the polymer guns IMO. been discussed before but who cares. If u love steel stick with it. I won't stick an MK9 in my pocket as long as I can sticky my pMJ9 in my pocket. Just sayin
10-10-2013, 11:57 AM
Besides weight the only other reason I can think of is that the Gun Manufaturers can make a handgun frame out of injection molded polymer a lot cheaper than milling it out of metal so the finished product is more cost competitive....Still not sure why a PM pistol costs so much more than a CM model for the few extra perks you get with the PM...IMHO I can see maybe $150.00 bucks or so more for a PM but not twice the price of a CM
10-10-2013, 11:58 AM
Many folks are obsessed with weight. There is a place for light weight handguns. People that pocket carry benefit a lot for the lighter weight, folks that use ankle holsters benefit from the lighter weight.
I don't pocket carry and don't even like the concept myself. Wearing a belt and a proper holster a steel gun works just as well and much my preference.
Sitting all the time my ankle gun could easily be a steel gun, for many years it was a K40 and off and on an officer size 1911. But I'm not a good example of the ankle thing since I don't move my legs and really don't know they are there.
A walking guy with the leg swing and movement would benefit much from a light gun. My ankle gun now of course is a PM45 mostly cause they don't make a K or MK 45. If they do the PM45 may want to worry some but at the same time I like it enough that it might be viable long into the future.
Many of the same folks are obsessed with small guns too. I don't really subscribe to that either. Again if they want to pocket carry, size matters.
A proper holster on a proper belt allows a lot more lee way in size.
I like the feel and comfort of a commander on my hip.
I think it was Clint Smith who said a gun should be comforting not comfortable but I find it very much both and it usually will go unnoticed by both myself and others as well, emphasis on the others.
10-10-2013, 12:07 PM
wow, from u ,,spoken lilke a real poet. u sounnded alot like ovomit for a minute.. then I realized he is dark skinned ...
10-10-2013, 12:18 PM
Old Goat!
10-10-2013, 12:22 PM
Polymer is;
Doesn't rust
Absorbs some recoil shock
Is cheaper to manufacture. This equates to better guns for less money.
More easily fitted with modular pieces such as backstraps.
Is very strong, even in thin thicknesses.
Self lubricious, a real asset in magazines.
There are probably other good reasons. that's all I can think of off the top of my head.
10-10-2013, 12:25 PM
Plastic frames, supposedly, help absorb recoil. Of course, that is hard to really compare since in something like a CM9 vs MK9 comparison, not only is the material of the frame different, but the weight of the metal gun helps it with recoil too. So, I will call it an oft repeated rumor that plastic frames help tame recoil.
10-10-2013, 01:01 PM
Polymer is;
Doesn't rust
Absorbs some recoil shock
Is cheaper to manufacture. This equates to better guns for less money.
More easily fitted with modular pieces such as backstraps.
Is very strong, even in thin thicknesses.
Self lubricious, a real asset in magazines.
There are probably other good reasons. that's all I can think of off the top of my head.
This is one of the reasons I asked for thoughts...............none of my firearms have ever had a speck of rust...............the weight also tames recoil................better guns for the money, I would disagree that polymer is better than metal............don't care about backstraps or anything else...........If the firearm isn't to my liking right out of the box, I don't purchase it......firearms cost enough, without having to spend more to change something that should have been that way in the first place. Not as strong as metal. Never had a problem with any metal mags. Not trying to be argumentative. just trying to see other's reasoning in purchasing a polymer firearm. Self lubricious is a good one.
10-10-2013, 01:10 PM
METAL! :amflag:
My Bersa Thunder 9UC (alloy frame) weighs the same loaded as a G19.
My personal philosophy is to carry what you shoot best. I mostly carry an all-metal (alloy frame) Sig P238. I shoot my 1911s best, but there's where I don't follow my philosophy; they're too heavy to me. I'm just an irrational human being, I know it.
There's no reason I can pinpoint why I prefer metal. Maybe it's the balance, the tactile sensation in my hand, the resonance when fire, I don't know. I'm sure plastic resonates differently than metal.
10-10-2013, 01:15 PM
"Self lubricious" - are we allowed to say that on KahrTalk? :eek::o:p
I only have one polymer gun, a Ruger P345 with stainless slide. That's the pistol I'd bury in the ground, because the plastic and stainless won't rust. It'd be packed in a sealed container of course.
10-10-2013, 03:07 PM
With some handgun calibers, say the 44Mag, 450 or 50AE and such, I really would not want them in anything but a metal frame because I want them to be a little "weighty".
The metal vs poly handgun does feel a bit like a new slant on an old discussion which is still on-going, namely revolver vs pistol. The only constant in all this is change.
Dang it, where did I put my phaser.
10-10-2013, 03:19 PM
Odd in the last 5 years of so I've developed a deep seated hatred for the word change. I can't put my finger on it.
10-10-2013, 03:34 PM
other than the ruger wheel gun. the revolver has basically been spared the horrible mixture of polymer. Just sayin. Off that we do accept the polymerinsemi's kbut seem alittle relunctant with wheel guns..
10-10-2013, 03:49 PM
I like alloy framed pistols. In most cases they are as light or almost so as the polymer guns. Currently I have six aluminum framed guns, six polymer, and only two steel. Four of my five 1911's have alloy frames. My polymer pistols would be reduced to one if I didn't like Kahrs and HK's so much.
10-10-2013, 04:10 PM
Own both like both. As long as it goes bang when I want it to I'm good. If I had to choose one though steel/alloy hammer fired is the way I'd go.
10-10-2013, 04:17 PM
Many folks are obsessed with weight. There is a place for light weight handguns. People that pocket carry benefit a lot for the lighter weight, folks that use ankle holsters benefit from the lighter weight.
I don't pocket carry and don't even like the concept myself. Wearing a belt and a proper holster a steel gun works just as well and much my preference.
Sitting all the time my ankle gun could easily be a steel gun, for many years it was a K40 and off and on an officer size 1911. But I'm not a good example of the ankle thing since I don't move my legs and really don't know they are there.
A walking guy with the leg swing and movement would benefit much from a light gun. My ankle gun now of course is a PM45 mostly cause they don't make a K or MK 45. If they do the PM45 may want to worry some but at the same time I like it enough that it might be viable long into the future.
Many of the same folks are obsessed with small guns too. I don't really subscribe to that either. Again if they want to pocket carry, size matters.
A proper holster on a proper belt allows a lot more lee way in size.
I like the feel and comfort of a commander on my hip.
I think it was Clint Smith who said a gun should be comforting not comfortable but I find it very much both and it usually will go unnoticed by both myself and others as well, emphasis on the others.
I do pocket carry an all steel MK9............just sayin..........
10-10-2013, 05:31 PM
Both polymer and steel guns have their advantages and disadvantages. I have both polymer and steel guns and enjoy them equally. I can see no reason for all this debate. This is America. Shoot what you want to shoot.
Plastic no longer equates to bakelite and oil cloth. Just sayin'.
10-10-2013, 06:00 PM
I have been shooting handguns off and on for 35+ years. By no means an expert though. Always learning. I have owned one partial polymer firearm, an SR40. Sold it. I currently own all metal firearms, and have no plans to purchase a polymer firearm. Besides the weight issue, I have not found a single reason to own a polymer firearm. Am I missing something? I just cannot think of another reason to own one. This may have been discussed before, haven't looked back to prior posts. Thoughts?
This wasn't a was just a simple observation/question...........besides the --weight--, why would you want a polymer firearm? If you don't really know, or don't have an opinion, then let it go. :o
10-10-2013, 06:03 PM
Own both like both. As long as it goes bang when I want it to I'm good. If I had to choose one though steel/alloy hammer fired is the way I'd go.
+1. My thoughts exactly. If I carry it all day I want light weight polymer. Otherwise I like the weight of an all steel gun.
10-10-2013, 06:12 PM
So, what I am learning, is that BESIDES the weight, which was the original one so far, has a real reason, other than weight, for owning a polymer firearm. No one mentioned grip, which was a surprise. Cost was mentioned. No one mentioned life of firearm. This is why I asked the question, for opinions, not certain people getting their jockey's in a bundle......................
10-10-2013, 06:18 PM
never seen a polymer gun worn out, not like the barrel is made of plastic, so thegrip portion should have no more wear than a steel gun IMO. as far as grip hell they can make any polymer gun the same grip configuration as any steel gun, . cost, one wouldthink polymer would cost less and basically they do but not buy much. I doubt if the material in a steel gun is that much more expensive, alot of investment casting in steel guns today, so similar to polymer molds sh!t.
Weight has to be the real reasonwhy anyone would go with a poly gun. Was for me, asI never had anything against a steel gun. I still love um today but just wont carry one when I can carry my pMJ9.
I do not thik I would own a poly wheelgun but like O'dell stated, I have owned alot of allow J frames and loved them probably more than any gun I ever owned. Just sumpin about a J frame that grabs ones nuts. Just sayin
10-10-2013, 07:21 PM
but I just LIKE metal! Every time I think about a polymer gun I run across another steel one and buy that instead.
Agree with Jocko. You kinda hand-cuffed us leaving out the weight issue. Other than that, the only other valid reasons are "personal preference".
10-10-2013, 07:50 PM
I don't have anything steel and have never owned anything steel. Why? Point? My Kahrs are polymer, CZ is alum, .22 rifle is polymer, aluminum, graphite. I may end up with some steel in a bolt action gun soon, but guaranteed it'll be a polymer stock. I don't do 'black rifles', but if I did, it'd be a new Windham Carbon. Before Kahr, I owned S&W airweights, aluminum and/or alloy.
There are more and more aluminum or alloy frame guns out there too. Take the CZ P-01, 4 ounces lighter than it's Sig P229 equivalent. Closer to (or below) the weight of many of its polymer competitors (M&P, XD/XDm, etc). Still not a Glock at that weight, but a sub 30oz all metal gun? Not bad.
I don't have anything against any particular material, but never run across a steel gun ( that I _NEEDED_ ) that there wasn't a better or equivalent alternative in polymer or aluminum. I'm a weight nut, I want everything light, always have. It all carries back to my backpacking days and wanting something to keep my load down. But I don't see any real advantage to steel over polymer/aluminum. It's double the amount of care to deal with rust prevention, cleaning, etc. Polymer is easier to care for out of sheer volume of material. From a durability standpoint, either is going to outlast even the young shooter. I've seen pictures of metal frames cracked. A cracked frame is a fluke either way.
Dunno. I just don't care I guess. As long as I have something that's comfortable to carry (cuz a gun left at home is useless), I'm good. If that's means polymer, okey dokey, aluminum, sure...steel, probably not cuz its never gonna be lightweight.
For the sake of a snarky comment, we don't ride a horse-n-buggy or poop in an outhouse anymore either. Well, jocko, Bawanna, and ltxi might, but they are a different breed and you can't teach old dogs new tricks. :D
10-10-2013, 08:02 PM
Yeah but a horse and buggy gets better gas mileage than today's Prius or Insight. Dumb analogy ==> dumber answer. :p
No offense meant
10-10-2013, 08:05 PM
So whats so wrong about an outhouse anyhow, never have to use a plunger.
With my luck if I had a horse and buggy I'd have to put the horse down for something, I'm not really lucky when it comes to transportation.
10-10-2013, 08:13 PM
Yeah but a horse and buggy gets better gas mileage than today's Prius or Insight. Dumb analogy ==> dumber answer. :p
No offense meant
None taken, hehe. And when the horse dies, it doesn't leak battery acid into the ground or require thousands of dollars to dispose of it. Green ain't always as green as greenies think it is.
10-10-2013, 08:16 PM
This wasn't a reading test, but some got it and some didn' original question never said "steel" said "metal"............
10-10-2013, 08:18 PM
One thing for sure, if my gun ran out of bullets I'd rather hit the bad guy upside his head with my Ruger SP101 than my CW45.
10-10-2013, 08:30 PM
One thing for sure, if my gun ran out of bullets I'd rather hit the bad guy upside his head with my Ruger SP101 than my CW45.
The man has a point!
10-10-2013, 08:30 PM
None taken, hehe. And when the horse dies, it doesn't leak battery acid into the ground or require thousands of dollars to dispose of it. Green ain't always as green as greenies think it is.
They recycle 99% of all the materials used to make a car battery including the acid. Just sayin' Oh wait a minute -- I'm arguing against my own argument...nevermind :o
10-10-2013, 08:33 PM
So whats so wrong about an outhouse anyhow, never have to use a plunger.
But in the winter you need an old broomstick to knock the pile over...
10-10-2013, 08:36 PM
You still do piles? Impressive.
10-10-2013, 08:39 PM
They recycle 99% of all the materials used to make a car battery including the acid. Just sayin' Oh wait a minute -- I'm arguing against my own argument...nevermind :o
Well, 100% of paper, plastic, and glass are recyclable too...doesn't mean people at large do it in significant numbers. I'm quite sure if I go to a junkyard, I could find an EV/hybrid battery somewhere. And I know some of them are safe for disposal in a landfill, I was just carrying forward w/ your topic deviation. Carry on :biggrin1:
10-10-2013, 08:40 PM
they build up over time...duh :der:
Besides -- I gets plenty of fiber.
10-10-2013, 08:42 PM
who's calling me a deviant?????
10-10-2013, 08:44 PM
No one mentioned grip, which was a surprise. Cost was mentioned. No one mentioned life of firearm.
I mentioned the grip.;) No one knows the life of a modern polymer gun... nor the life of a modern steel gun for that matter. We'll know in a few hundred years I guess.
10-10-2013, 08:46 PM
It's all a matter of what YOU like and want. Nothing else counts.
10-11-2013, 01:15 AM
One thing for sure, if my gun ran out of bullets I'd rather hit the bad guy upside his head with my Ruger SP101 than my CW45.
You can carry more bullets with less total weight with a polymer pistol. You won't have to use your pistol as a club!
10-11-2013, 07:58 AM
METAL! :amflag:
My Bersa Thunder 9UC (alloy frame) weighs the same loaded as a G19.
And that 9UC has a sweet SA trigger too, at least my wife's does. :cool:
10-11-2013, 09:41 AM
I have been shooting handguns off and on for 35+ years. By no means an expert though. Always learning. I have owned one partial polymer firearm, an SR40. Sold it. I currently own all metal firearms, and have no plans to purchase a polymer firearm. Besides the weight issue, I have not found a single reason to own a polymer firearm. Am I missing something? I just cannot think of another reason to own one. This may have been discussed before, haven't looked back to prior posts. Thoughts?
All current production Heckler and Koch handguns are polymer.
That's good enough reason for me.
10-11-2013, 10:42 AM
All current production Heckler and Koch handguns are polymer.
That's good enough reason for me.
Amen. ;)
10-11-2013, 11:33 AM
All current production Heckler and Koch handguns are polymer.
That's good enough reason for me.
I do like em...............the wife wanted a P30L, but, pardon the pun, we didn't pull the trigger..................;)
I only own one Kahr, it's an MK40. Very nice pistol and I love it. I also own a S&W .40 Shield, it to is a nice pistol. The Sheild has less recoil with the same ammo than what the MK40 has. The Kahr shoots nice I'm not knocking it. It is a classy looking pistol with the wood grips. But it does not carry IWB as well as the Smith at all. But does shoot every bit as well, just a little bit more felt recoil. Which surprises me because it is way heftier than the Shield. I also have a S&W .40 compact that I carry, it's a little hot rodded up with a trigger job and some nice night sights, I could shoot the balls off a knat at 50' with that gun. I carry that in the colder months, very nice CCW. But I will never part with my Kahr, for it's size it is very accurate, and is so cool looking for a small pistol. I do not like the PM and CW series Kahr pistols though. Their are better poly guns for the money than those two series. The PM gun is way over priced for the added benefits over the CW.
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