View Full Version : Did E9's ever come with the elite trigger?

10-11-2013, 10:42 AM
Noticing some posts on the old E9. Did any of the later production two tone E9s come with the Elite trigger or do they all have the NYPD trigger, or is it a crap shoot and you might get either? Just wondered.

10-11-2013, 10:53 AM
good question to ask Jay at kahr. email him. get the right answer,

10-11-2013, 11:45 AM
I did email him and yes, despite being an economy gun the later versions did have the elite trigger. Go figure.

10-11-2013, 11:54 AM
Can you be more specific on what constitutes a later version? Did he give you any dates? I have a Duo Tone E9 made sometime after 2003.

10-11-2013, 12:01 PM
probablyh oneis gonna hav eto ask kahr with ur own serial
3 if u have the nyd trigger in it. I doubt if kahr or Jay knows when the serial # change was made for al E9 to have nypd triggers. I would certainly tihknk if u have an E9 u probably got the nypd triger and if u own a E9 and have been shooting it and u can't tell the difference, then IMO why inquire. My K9 has the nypd trigger and after shooting it alot, I really have zero issues with that trigger. I shoot it better than any of my PMJ9 with the elite trigger. Just sayin YMMV.

10-11-2013, 12:24 PM
I don't think E9s have been made for a number of years. I don't see how the E9 would have a trigger the K9 was made with only recently. Doesn't make any sense.

10-11-2013, 01:26 PM
It's only partially a question of Time for the K9.

Older K9's all had the NYPD. Some time later the standard was the Elite trigger, but the NYPD trigger was still made .... for the NYPD and for anyone else that requested it.

So technically it is possible that there is a late model K9 with an NYPD trigger, yes.

I have a 2004 K40 that has one.

10-11-2013, 01:54 PM
I don't think E9s have been made for a number of years. I don't see how the E9 would have a trigger the K9 was made with only recently. Doesn't make any sense.

a point there ripper: especially when we know that some ofthe E9 had a special trigger bar that is no longer made today even. Kinda odd thatit would be a nypd trigger bar, possable though.

I never knew or ever ead that the K40 had the nypd trigger in them. that is certainly a new one on me, as the nypd approved gun was the K9. I guess anything is possable..:amflag:

10-11-2013, 03:09 PM
It's only partially a question of Time for the K9.

Older K9's all had the NYPD. Some time later the standard was the Elite trigger, but the NYPD trigger was still made .... for the NYPD and for anyone else that requested it.

So technically it is possible that there is a late model K9 with an NYPD trigger, yes.

I have a 2004 K40 that has one.

but I got this from kahr today when I inquured about thge K40 with nyd trigger.

Good afternoon. Only the K9 had the NYPD trigger. No special orders for the
trigger in a K40.

10-11-2013, 03:29 PM
Interesting. And here I thought all this time I had an NYPD trigger. It is certainly a different pull length and break point from my other Kahr's (several). I was told , when I bought it, that the trigger system had been replaced .... It was my assumption, because of the feel that it was. Possibly it was done from parts as an NYPD trigger and not from Kahr.

I guess I may never know ... but I also don't really care! What a fantastic, reliable pistol it is!

10-11-2013, 03:53 PM
we hear this often from owners of kahrs. same model like the P9 for instance. some report it is alot smootherthan their PM9 or CW9, and basicallay it is the same trigger system. Some guns come oput of the factory just smoother and better fitting than utters. . Do u think maybe they cold have been reerring to maybe having a 5# striker installed. That in itself willgive a different trigger feel, althoght he same travel distance. U know were only talking about 1/8" less or more travel in th nypd vs elite trigger, so if u get a realy smooth system originally I have contended for a long time, that not to many can tell that 1/8" travel + or -. Just my 21 cents on this, .

My k9 has the nypd and I truly love it .. Gotta respect these guns for what they are designed for, with no safety utter than ur finger up ur nose these trigger travel things with kahrs are just right. If kahr never made the elite trigger we would not even be discussing the nypd trigger as good or bad..

I do honestly feel one could by the parts for a nypd triger and put them in a K40,. as to why one would ever wantto do that would blow my mind,but I certainly think that swap is doable, so for ur K40: who Knows???? Just sayin

10-11-2013, 04:00 PM
I agree with you , Jocko. If it ever mattered to me, I guess I could tear it apart and find the answers. But why?! It's a fantastic gun as it is, and no matter what trigger it has in it.

10-11-2013, 05:09 PM
to add to that comment, I could tearmy nypd K9 apart and would not know WTF I was even looking for either, unless once had an elite trigger package sitting on the tale to compare to. Yup, just shoot it like u stole it.

10-12-2013, 08:09 AM
My E9 was made in 2004. I didn't get any specific dates or serial ranges from Jay. My trigger is very "Elite" as in very little travel even compared to my other Elite trigger Kahrs. I had a NYPD trigger in my surplus K9 but changed it out to elite as I had to take it apart anyway to replace a cracked plastic spacer. I didn't hate the longer pull of the NYPD trigger, but did hate that it didn't have a positive stop going forward. You'd take your finger off the trigger and it would go forward and reset of course, but wouldn't always be sitting in the same exact spot and you could push it farther forward from behind. The Elite trigger has a little shelf or stop that bears on the frame cut out so that it always is in the same place at rest. My E9 also has soft rubber grips and normal cut rifling. Does your E9 have an Elite trigger Ray?

11-14-2013, 07:22 AM
we hear this often from owners of kahrs. same model like the P9 for instance. some report it is alot smootherthan their PM9 or CW9, and basicallay it is the same trigger system. Some guns come oput of the factory just smoother and better fitting than utters. . Do u think maybe they cold have been reerring to maybe having a 5# striker installed. That in itself willgive a different trigger feel, althoght he same travel distance. U know were only talking about 1/8" less or more travel in th nypd vs elite trigger, so if u get a realy smooth system originally I have contended for a long time, that not to many can tell that 1/8" travel + or -. Just my 21 cents on this, .

My k9 has the nypd and I truly love it .. Gotta respect these guns for what they are designed for, with no safety utter than ur finger up ur nose these trigger travel things with kahrs are just right. If kahr never made the elite trigger we would not even be discussing the nypd trigger as good or bad..

I do honestly feel one could by the parts for a nypd triger and put them in a K40,. as to why one would ever wantto do that would blow my mind,but I certainly think that swap is doable, so for ur K40: who Knows???? Just sayin

I remember way back when Kahrs first hit the scene Massad Ayoob did a test on a K9 and had a gunsmith modify the trigger by adding material to the face of it and apparently Kahr liked it and made the Elite trigger system. I have both in my Kahrs and like them both. My 2 cents worth for this morning.......

VN Vet
11-14-2013, 02:06 PM
All the E9s I've known have always come with the Power of God on their side. Even our Generals and Admirals new to stand tall and give them respect.

Oh, wrong E9s: my bad.

11-14-2013, 02:29 PM
All the E9s I've known have always come with the Power of God on their side. Even our Generals and Admirals new to stand tall and give them respect.

Oh, wrong E9s: my bad.

Good one!

11-14-2013, 03:11 PM
I remember way back when Kahrs first hit the scene Massad Ayoob did a test on a K9 and had a gunsmith modify the trigger by adding material to the face of it and apparently Kahr liked it and made the Elite trigger system. I have both in my Kahrs and like them both. My 2 cents worth for this morning.......

u are giving Massad to much credit for this, IMO>