View Full Version : FNG from Indianapolis

10-12-2013, 09:41 AM
Howdy folks! Recently purchased my first Kahr and I chose the CW9.
Revolvers are my first love but realize the benefits of more capacity and quicker reloads. I know others can reload a revolver as fast as they can an auto, but not me.
I chose Kahr mainly for the trigger, secondly for the weight and how slim it is.
I grew up with guns and they continue to be big part of my life. I'm set up to reload for pistol and shotgun.
I hope to be able to contribute to this forum. Thanks for having me.

10-12-2013, 10:02 AM
Welcome to the forum. You got a good pistol there.

10-12-2013, 03:03 PM
We welcome all newcomers here ... whether it's someone who's simply new to Kahrs, or someone like me, who's a newcomer to everything gun related. Stick around long enough and the real honchos will chime in soon I'm sure.

10-12-2013, 03:25 PM
Welcome from the Jersey Shore.

10-12-2013, 06:13 PM
Welcome aboard FNG. We generally ask for a $100 donation from liberals, but we'll allow you to contribute for free, if you're a right wing extremest. I consider myself two giant steps to the right of Attila the Hun. Between Jocko and I, we know everything there is to know about Kahr Pistols that's worth knowing. Go ahead, ask any question. :)

VN Vet
10-12-2013, 06:18 PM
I too am from Indianapolis. On the Eastside near Fort Ben. I travel to Plainfield to get my Kahr fix. Good prices good people. The place in Beech Grove is good too, but supply is not as good.

I am currently breaking in my PT45. I love the trigger and the accuracy of this handgun. Once broken in, it will replace my G23 as my CCW handgun.

Welcome to Kahrtalk.

10-14-2013, 07:51 PM
I too am from Indianapolis. On the Eastside near Fort Ben. I travel to Plainfield to get my Kahr fix. Good prices good people. The place in Beech Grove is good too, but supply is not as good.

I am currently breaking in my PT45. I love the trigger and the accuracy of this handgun. Once broken in, it will replace my G23 as my CCW handgun.

Welcome to Kahrtalk.

Also from Indiana, Bloomington. Use to live in Indy, older I get the further south I go.

Welcome to a great place.

10-14-2013, 09:47 PM
Welcome to the forum from the Heart of Dixie!

10-14-2013, 09:56 PM
Welcome Voodoo 304.....you'll love it here and we all can help at one level or another.
Kahr's are great guns and this is a great forum. You'll love this home.

10-15-2013, 10:31 AM
Thanks for the warm welcome. A little more defensive ammo testing and I'll be putting the G19 in the safe for the CW9. So far so good, no issues at all.