View Full Version : Took my CW9 to the range...

10-15-2013, 06:36 PM
... and donated over 130 rounds to the target gods, who were not very forgiving.

Ok, I just don't get it. My wife and I were out shooting on Sunday with our 2, 380 ACP's; a Ruger LCP and S&W BG380. We typically practice at about 7 yards and we both had very nice groupings regardless of which of the 2 we were shooting. Fast forward to today and at 7 yards I was all over the place... Make that all over the place LOW, too. I can't even spout a # for groupings but let's just say that this morning I was having trouble staying on an 8 1/2 x 11 target. Things got substantially better at 5 yards but still...

Also, when I finally got frustrated and begin shooting point-n-shoot rapid fire, my hit rate went up along with slightly better groupings.

I dunno.... Just venting. Maybe I'm being over critical of myself now that my wife and I received our carry permits last week and I feel pressure to be CAPABLE OF HITTING THE BROAD SIDE OF THE PROVERBIAL BARN! :32:

10-15-2013, 06:41 PM
join the club!!

10-15-2013, 08:52 PM
I practice point and shoot often and do OK at it. Some days I group really good, other days.... well I don't.

10-15-2013, 09:18 PM
Sounds like you were anticipating recoil and breaking your wrist down to counter it. Buy some snap caps and have your wife load the magazine with a mix of live ammo and snap caps. When the gun doesn't go bang the snap caps will reveal your error.

10-16-2013, 07:14 AM
Sounds like you were anticipating recoil and breaking your wrist down to counter it...

That's what I was thinking but thinking didn't help. NOT thinking is probably why I did better under rapid fire. I'll pick up snap caps.