View Full Version : Pissed off--AGAIN

10-16-2013, 03:40 PM

10-16-2013, 03:46 PM
just in case you want to find out where their stores are so you can stay the hell away:

10-16-2013, 03:54 PM
many years back I had aninsuranceadjuster come and do anaudit of my business and one of his questions was "whatkind of security do you have in ur business. I said I put a lab in here at nite. His comment was. "get thqat dog out of ur business" We don't want that liability if sumpin should happen. WTF, "at nite it is my fault that you broke in to my place and mydog attacked you???Fokkers are nuts sometimes. I told him OK the dog goes, I never stopped my security procedure either...Stupid bastards!!!

10-16-2013, 04:12 PM
I love the stupid a$$ opinions at the bottom of these internet news stories....One which had to be from a liberal female said: Violence + Violence = Disaster, The clerk should have just given the thief the money in the register and been done with it...It wasn't the clerks money in the first place and if he had of shot or killed the robber it might have cost the service stations owner millions in court....

What if the robber decided that no witnesses was the best plan and stuck his knife in the clerks neck, what was the poor clerk supposed to say: "Sorry dude, I got my blood all over your dreads man, have a nice day though"....

People that think like that have never been the victim of a robbery or have never been assulted and it's awful damn easy to say "just give them the money" when it's not you looking at the hollowed out crazy eyes of a crack head or meth addict thats holding a knife in your face and doesn't give a rat's rump whether he kills you or not to get his next fix....Sometimes it takes something like this happening to get a liberals attention and get them to start seeing the light....

10-16-2013, 04:34 PM
excellent point. How was the attendant to know if they guy was just gonna take the money or also decide to leave no trail behind him/witness. do they think when a guy pulls a knife that he is asking for the attendant to sharpen it for him or to cut him a peace of cake???

as Bob Knight once said when connie chung interviewed hiim and askhim about what he thought about rape and that pr!ck answered. "If rape is inevitable, then I would say just lay back and enjoy it".

10-16-2013, 05:19 PM
yep it seems to be OK with many if they should live or die based on another's whim.

10-16-2013, 05:20 PM
I don't know why you're upset. The man knew the rules when he took the job. He chose to ignore them. If he didn't wish to follow the employer's rules he shouldn't have taken the job.

Instead of getting pissed off you should contact the company and let them know that you too, believe in our 2A rights and find it unconscionable that they have left their patrons and employees to the tender mercies of armed criminals. Let them know that because of their policy that you won't be patronizing their business. Perhaps they will have a change of heart.

10-16-2013, 05:39 PM
There are rules and then there are stupid rules.

I ask myself everyday why I took this job. Guess it beats obummercare and the Marines wouldn't take me.

10-16-2013, 05:52 PM
I once heard it said " A liberal is a conservative who hasn't been mugged yet "

10-16-2013, 06:16 PM
I don't know why you're upset. The man knew the rules when he took the job. He chose to ignore them. If he didn't wish to follow the employer's rules he shouldn't have taken the job.

Instead of getting pissed off you should contact the company and let them know that you too, believe in our 2A rights and find it unconscionable that they have left their patrons and employees to the tender mercies of armed criminals. Let them know that because of their policy that you won't be patronizing their business. Perhaps they will have a change of heart.

Way ahead of you. Letter is in the rough draft stage. Need to calm down before I finalize it and send.

You illustrated why I am upset in your post. I am not sure why you asked me why I am. Perhaps it was rhetorical? To reiterate: I am upset because these policies make these type of stores an amusement park for criminal activity as long as BGs know that the policy is to give em what they want so they "hopefully" leave and not do any harm. This form of "damage control" by compliance puts all of us at risk when we pump gas or run into a store like this to get a quick gallon of milk or ??

10-16-2013, 06:21 PM
I would venture to say that most all business's have this policy. It's lawyer talk. Whether the fellagot fired or not, I think he did the right thing in at least feeling his life might be in real danger. He will find anutter job. Probablyalot of employees who know the policy are also carrying with the screw u attitude, I am looking out for #1 and not ur silly money in the cash register..

10-16-2013, 06:53 PM
Living to find another job is better than dying for the one you have. My employer has a no guns policy as well. I recently started to carry at work despite this policy as it is earlier to look for a new job if I'm alive.

10-16-2013, 06:55 PM
^^^^^ what they said :cheer2:

10-16-2013, 06:58 PM
the big difference is that normally the EMPLOYER is sitting home in his glass home with security out the ass, and has no clue what a robbery is like.Just sayin

10-16-2013, 07:41 PM
I would venture to say that most all business's have this policy. It's lawyer talk. Whether the fellagot fired or not, I think he did the right thing in at least feeling his life might be in real danger. He will find anutter job. Probablyalot of employees who know the policy are also carrying with the screw u attitude, I am looking out for #1 and not ur silly money in the cash register..

You could not be more right.

10-16-2013, 09:00 PM
This actually happened in my city. People are setting up a protest for this weekend. That store has been robbed alittle while ago too.

10-16-2013, 09:30 PM
the only protest that will have an impact is with your wallets. Don't go there.

10-16-2013, 09:42 PM
It's pretty convenient for the criminals, to know which stores supposedly have unarmed clerks. Just like the No Firearms Allowed signs means Criminals Welcome. If I worked at one of those stores I'd damn sure be carrying if I wasn't already. Screw the job, He'll probably get job offers from people reading about what happened.
Don't you just love how people who have bodyguards, and secret service protection, or are otherwise pretty isolated from crime, wish to disarm the rest of us? Along with those that have never been a victim of a violent crime.

10-17-2013, 07:58 AM
Anger is an expression of fear. I don't get angry. I get even. Sometimes, I even get ahead. On rare occasions I get knocked on my behind, but that's all a part of life. Some of my best lessons came from the school of hard knocks. I fired off an e-mail to the company as soon as I read your post, but I didn't get upset. Life's to short to waste it getting upset.

10-17-2013, 08:11 AM
I applaud both the defensive gun use and the employer's right to not have guns in their workplace. That's how freedom goes... now buy your stuff someplace else.

10-17-2013, 08:31 AM
many years back I had aninsuranceadjuster come and do anaudit of my business and one of his questions was "whatkind of security do you have in ur business. I said I put a lab in here at nite. His comment was. "get thqat dog out of ur business" We don't want that liability if sumpin should happen. WTF, "at nite it is my fault that you broke in to my place and mydog attacked you???Fokkers are nuts sometimes. I told him OK the dog goes, I never stopped my security procedure either...Stupid bastards!!!

Jocko, I did the same kinda thing back when I first built my house. Went over to my ins. agents office to get a policy written and during the sit down with him I foolishly (24yrs old) announced that I have a Rottweiler in my house for security, thought maybe I would get a discount LOL... Well he said, I am going to pretend I didn't hear that, and then explained it to me how it could be a liability... I still have a Rott in my house, and always will.

It is a crazy world with very screwed up social views on the right to self defense, and I am afraid it isn't getting any better either...

10-17-2013, 11:06 AM
i applaud both the defensive gun use and the employer's right to not have guns in their workplace. That's how freedom goes... Now buy your stuff someplace else.

+ 10000

10-17-2013, 11:21 AM
Jocko, I did the same kinda thing back when I first built my house. Went over to my ins. agents office to get a policy written and during the sit down with him I foolishly (24yrs old) announced that I have a Rottweiler in my house for security, thought maybe I would get a discount LOL... Well he said, I am going to pretend I didn't hear that, and then explained it to me how it could be a liability... I still have a Rott in my house, and always will.

It is a crazy world with very screwed up social views on the right to self defense, and I am afraid it isn't getting any better either...

I think there are a half dozen dogs that insurance companies will not write insurance if u own them. rottie's is one of them I know and of course Pit bulls:amflag:

10-17-2013, 04:28 PM
"We do respect the constitutional right to bear arms. However, we believe the best way to keep our employees and customers safe is to prohibit weapons in the workplace."

That's bs. They are just afraid of lawsuits.

If I were an employee and was injured by a robber, then I'd sue the company's butt off for not providing security to keep me safe.

10-17-2013, 06:00 PM
anyone can sue!! not everyone collects. I seriously doubt if u woud win the case, if knowing going into the job that no guns are allowed on the premises. Jut my21 cents on this but there is always a squid sh!t lawyer who if he thought he had a case would gladly take 33%of what ever he gets for u. Lots of scenarios in a robbery but what if thge sales clerk behind the counter pulled his gun andopened fire at the BGand killed some 8 year old in the store. Should the store be sued?? You can bet ur ass they store would be sued FIRST and then maybe the store clerk. It is allabout liability and in some cases maybe smart thinking to. I have been in many of these mini mart type stores where the clerk behind the counter couldnt even make change. There is a real responsiblity when u have a gun on u or when u pull that gun out..

I guess though is some old granny can spill MCDonalds coffee in her crotch and yell foul play that it was to hot and sue, then anything is possable:behindsofa:

10-17-2013, 07:39 PM
anyone can sue!! not everyone collects. I seriously doubt if u woud win the case, if knowing going into the job that no guns are allowed on the premises. Jut my21 cents on this but there is always a squid sh!t lawyer who if he thought he had a case would gladly take 33%of what ever he gets for u. Lots of scenarios in a robbery but what if thge sales clerk behind the counter pulled his gun andopened fire at the BGand killed some 8 year old in the store. Should the store be sued?? You can bet ur ass they store would be sued FIRST and then maybe the store clerk. It is allabout liability and in some cases maybe smart thinking to. I have been in many of these mini mart type stores where the clerk behind the counter couldnt even make change. There is a real responsiblity when u have a gun on u or when u pull that gun out..

I guess though is some old granny can spill MCDonalds coffee in her crotch and yell foul play that it was to hot and sue, then anything is possable:behindsofa:
The store would be sued because the store has the insurance policy and $ more than the employee. They go after the money.
And you are right. Do I/we want a mentally challenged individual with a gun spraying the place with lead in the name of SD while I am buying a qt of beer? So we do have to be careful what we wish for. We might get it. With that said, I think that the job is inherently dangerous and the no gun policy makes more dangerous for everyone. I agree not every employee who is armed would be an asset though.

While I agree that people seem sue happy. The Mc Donalds hot coffee case is always used as an example. However some facts regarding that case need to also be introduced. If you still feel the case was not justified then so be it. Mc Donalds had numerous complaints before the incident that the coffee was too hot. Many were saying that they could not drink the coffee for upward of over 20 minutes in order to cool down enough to just be able to sip. Mc Ds did nothing. The woman that was burned required 3(THREE) reconstructive surgeries to repair her damaged genitalia. That was how hot that coffee was. Just thought that all the facts should be brought into play that's all.