View Full Version : nicks on rails

10-18-2013, 08:17 AM
I clean my guns after every use and do a visual inspection during the process. The past two times I've noticed dings or nicks, with some slightly raised metal, at different locations on the rails or rail tracks of my CM9. These aren't huge but I could see and feel them. The first time I saw any there was just one and it was on the slide (rail track) near the front. I stoned it and polished it down - completed the clean and lube and reassembeled. After the next range trip I noticed two, smaller, nicks at different points - one on the opposite side of the slide on the edge of the rail track and the other on the front rail attached to the frame. I stoned both of them down, cleaned, lubed and reassembled.

Has anyone else had seen this or am I doing something wrong...again?:o

My other two handguns haven't exhibited this condition so I am curious as to what may be causing this and wondering if this can develop into something else down the road. The gun shoots perfectly and shows no sign of anything being wrong.

Thanks gang.

10-18-2013, 10:08 AM
areu referringf to thetwo steelrails inbeddedinthe front of thedust cover or thepolymer rails ,which serve no real purpors utter than helpingonme to guidetheslide on properl;y.

Photos might be of some help here to.

10-18-2013, 10:14 AM
Did one of them look like this?


10-18-2013, 11:47 AM
Yes and yes.

Jocko one of the nicks was on the rail that you described. I didn't take pictures at the time but I will if there are more at my next cleaning - went to the range again today so this should be soon.

skiflydive, yes one of them looked like that.

10-18-2013, 12:13 PM
The notch in the picture Skyflydive put up is supposed to be there, it's part of the positioning and molding process in making the polymer frame so don't worry about that and you're not the first nor will you be the last to ask about "The Notch"...

The Poly rails sometimes will get chewed up on a new pistol and isn't a problem as they don't really do anything other than help guide the slide back on the frame...You can take a razor blade or Xacto knife and trim the buggered up parts and use some fine sandpaper to smooth them back out if you want to...After several hundred rounds it will stop doing it when the slide and the Poly frame get to know each other better....

10-18-2013, 12:18 PM
nuttin wrongwith ur gun, just shoot it like u stole it..Thats not a knick in that rail it is a vendor thing..