View Full Version : failure to load

10-18-2013, 09:04 PM
I HAVE A KAHR CW40 I have put over 500 rounds maybe even over 1000 rounds through it without so much as a hiccup...then today shot first clip and had 2 failures to load 1 of which looked like didn't even begin to come out of clip, thought magazine dirty so disassembled and cleaned ...reshot made to round 2 of second clip and began again had at least 1 failure per clip ...looked like may have been hanging up under extractor ..if pulled slide back and released would load ....help this is my baby and my only carry ..and now not too comfortable carrying.

10-18-2013, 09:06 PM
Over 1000

10-18-2013, 09:46 PM
Maybe time for a new recoil spring.

10-18-2013, 11:25 PM
Is the follower in the magazine ok? It's not cracked or anything is it?

Welcome to the forum by the way.

10-18-2013, 11:50 PM
Is the extractor clean?

10-19-2013, 07:44 AM
In response to these answers thanks guys, As for follower when shot second time I used 3 different clips happened with all 3 so that is out, as for extractor I tried cleaning around this area last night but having to wait out rain this morning to see if helped, as for recoil spring that is my next item on my list ...but how do you know if it is good or bad or working properly? Thanks to all for your help and I look forward to talking alot more in the future.

10-19-2013, 09:23 AM
Did you try different ammo? I guess there are a lot of things to check....

10-19-2013, 09:38 AM

10-19-2013, 11:29 AM
. . . as for recoil spring that is my next item on my list ...but how do you know if it is good or bad or working properly?
Your experience to date is a classic set of symptoms for a tired recoil spring. Some of us anal types buy a new recoil spring when we buy a new semi-automatic pistol, knowing it is just a matter or time and rounds fired before we will need it.

When the symptoms start, the recoil spring gets replaced. If that cures the issue, it stays in and another new one is purchased. If not, it comes out to be used as a diagnostic replacement the next time we have a problem and the other items on the list, like the extractor, breach face, feed ramp, and magazines are serviced.

That's pretty standard procedure for any good quality semi-automatic pistol, regardless of brand.

Of course, a change in the type or brand of ammo not long before an issue comes up is also a red flag and easily tested by a return to something known to be reliable.

Best of luck! :)

10-19-2013, 09:17 PM
Sorry about the clip magazine confusion ..I call my ar magazine and my pistol clip ...just old habot ..trying to stop ...as for my problems I am rather convinced worn out recoil spring and monday will be talking to Kahr about replacement I have been through every other possible cause I can think of ...and ammo is what I have used 80% of time so not ammo issue ...pretty sure just recoil spring ..now for my next question ...is there any way to tell when they are getting worn out other than finding out by f.t.l.? Do not want to be needing it to defend my life and find out then bad spring ...thanks everybody for help too!

10-19-2013, 09:21 PM
Your recoil spring shouldn't need replacement after 1000 rounds!

10-20-2013, 12:44 PM
Your recoil spring shouldn't need replacement after 1000 rounds!

I don't have one but word is the .40 is a bit harder on the recoil spring. Maybe someone else that has a .40 with a lotta rounds can chime in.

I agree on the recoil spring for the 9mm and .45 though. I haven't replaced one yet. I'm just spreading rumors on the .40.

10-20-2013, 01:36 PM
You guys are a tough audience. http://home.mindspring.com/~justsomeguy/icon_lol.gif

One of my Kimbers with a similar recoil spring cartridge is "supposed" to be changed every 600 rounds, if you believe Kimber. Mine is well past that and still going strong. But, I have some spares for the day they are needed.

And, if I carried that gun, you can be d@mn sure that I would follow their recommendation.

Recoil springs are consumables. Just change out that sucka' and move on if that solves the problem.

Or, you can talk it to death. Me, I am going to the range. ;)

Edited to add: I did a little "Googleing" and noticed some threads from this and other forums over the last few years where people have asked Kahr tech support for their recommendation. The most frequent answer seems to be "every 1000 rounds". But, the responses I saw ranged from 750 round to 1500 rounds, all supposedly recommended by someone at Kahr in various phone conversations. At least one experienced shooter suggested watching to see how far your ejected brass travels, as an indication of wear, and replacing the spring when it seems to go farther than you like. YMMV. Best of luck . . .

10-20-2013, 07:24 PM
I HAVE A KAHR CW40 I have put over 500 rounds maybe even over 1000 rounds through it without so much as a hiccup...then today shot first clip and had 2 failures to load 1 of which looked like didn't even begin to come out of clip, thought magazine dirty so disassembled and cleaned ...reshot made to round 2 of second clip and began again had at least 1 failure per clip ...looked like may have been hanging up under extractor ..if pulled slide back and released would load ....help this is my baby and my only carry ..and now not too comfortable carrying.

I had the same problem with my P380. I detail stripped my slide and thoroughly cleaned the extractor. I also shortened the rear extractor spring pin by .010 to reduce the spring pressure a bit. Haven't had a problem since. A new recoil spring might temporarily cure the problem, but it will reoccur if the extractor is causing the problem.

10-20-2013, 11:22 PM
"I don't have one but word is the .40 is a bit harder on the recoil spring. Maybe someone else that has a .40 with a lotta rounds can chime in."

Not sure if 1,200 and 1,100 rounds each is a "lotta", but our two CW40s run better now than the period between 200 and 500 rounds. Both are on their original recoil spring. I run them with a good amount of gun grease vice oil wherever metal slides on metal. When cleaning the slide I spray the clean out hole as well as all moving parts/crevasses on the slide and then scrub it with a toothbrush. Then spray again.

12-04-2013, 01:28 AM
Why does anyone need to replace a recoil spring after only 1000 rounds? That's insane.
I'm at 950 with my P45. Nothing but problems from the first day.
I finally shot 100 rounds in a row without a failure to feed or eject. Why should I be happy about that?
That is a disastrous reliability record for ANY manufacturer.

To be fair, I have gotten REALLY good at clearing jams.
I'd recommend this gun to any gun safety instructor who needs to teach his students how to clear a jam.

12-04-2013, 07:16 AM
Why does anyone need to replace a recoil spring after only 1000 rounds? That's insane.
I'm at 950 with my P45. Nothing but problems from the first day.
I finally shot 100 rounds in a row without a failure to feed or eject. Why should I be happy about that?
That is a disastrous reliability record for ANY manufacturer.

To be fair, I have gotten REALLY good at clearing jams.
I'd recommend this gun to any gun safety instructor who needs to teach his students how to clear a jam.

IMHO what you describe is not a manufacturer's reliability record....it's just one gun's record. :)

As for when to replace a recoil spring: better to replace it when you encounter problems vs. worrying about round count. Round count can help you anticipate when it might wear out...but if it causes problems sooner, replace it. I also keep a replacement on hand.

12-19-2013, 02:09 AM
:oI think I might have fixed the problem(s) with my P45. Haven't had any failures of any kind since making these repairs.:eek::D:001_tt2::amflag:

12-19-2013, 08:30 AM
And I bet you thought that you'd never get any respect. Love your avatar. :)