View Full Version : Magazine release

10-22-2013, 12:51 PM
Just picked up a P380 at LGS. Went by the range nd shot a quick 50 rounds.

I like this gun:D. Had one failure to feed but all else went just fine.

One issue I am having though is the magazine release. The magazine doesn't want to drop free. I have to pull it out. Is this normal on this gun? Also, even when pulling it out it is extremely hard to get it to release. Great little gun, but this is troubling.:confused:

Any ideas?


10-22-2013, 03:43 PM
Had the same issue with my PM9 and CW45. Kahr fixed the PM9 issue but I had to send it in. On the 45, it looked to me like the retaining spring for the trigger bar was leaving a mark on the mag and as soon as the mag was pulled out beyond that spring it would fall out easily. It is at Kahr now for that and other issues but that would be one thing to check. I'd recommend shooting it a little while and if it doesn't resolve then talk with Kahr. They've been great for me.
And welcome to the greatest forum! Read the prep threads in the Kahr Tech section if you haven't already.

10-22-2013, 04:26 PM
"And welcome to the greatest forum! Read the prep threads in the Kahr Tech section if you haven't already".

Thank you and will do.

10-22-2013, 04:33 PM
I agree with AFdoc, shoot it some more. There are a few tricks we can deploy to address that balky mag release.

I don't recall now if they involved the 380 but some benefited by just squeezing the top of the magazine just a tiny bit. Some improved from a good wax job or polish on the magazine body itself.

It could be a burr on the mag release itself.

Don't give up on it by any stretch, there's lots of smart guys that let me hang around with them here that can help diagnose your issues.

10-24-2013, 03:42 PM
I had the same problem early on with my CM9. To cure it I disassembled the mags and gently squeezed the the feed lip area of the magazine in a smooth jaw vice. You only need to squeeze the mag a few thousandths of an inch to get them to drop free. Kahr can cure the problem for you, but that requires returning the gun to them. If you're feeling brave, give it a try. Just be gentle. It doesn't take much. You should be able to find the how to in this web site.
